Exemplo n.º 1
    function onCorrectFolder() {
      function onPushed() {
        waitForAppMessage = false;

      // Remove previous cards because the card stack could get
      // weird if inserting a new card that would not normally be
      // at that stack level. Primary concern: going to settings,
      // then trying to add a reader or message list card at that
      // stack level. More importantly, the added card could have
      // a "back" operation that does not mean "back to previous
      // state", but "back in application flowchart". Message
      // list is a good known jump point, so do not needlessly
      // wipe that one out if it is the current one.
      if (!isCurrentCardMessageList()) {

      if (type === 'message_list') {
          onPushed: onPushed
      } else if (type === 'message_reader') {

        cards.pushCard(type, 'immediate', {
            messageSuid: data.messageSuid,
            onPushed: onPushed
      } else {
        console.error('unhandled notification type: ' + type);
Exemplo n.º 2
evt.on('addAccount', function() {

  // Show the first setup card again.
  pushStartCard('setup_account_info', {
    allowBack: true
Exemplo n.º 3
function resetApp() {
  // Clear any existing local state and reset UI/model state.
  waitForAppMessage = false;
  waitingForCreateAccountPrompt = false;
  activityCallback = null;

Exemplo n.º 4
 * When determination of real start state is known after
 * getting data, then make sure the correct card is
 * shown. If the card used from cache is not correct,
 * wipe out the cards and start fresh.
 * @param  {String} cardId the desired card ID.
function resetCards(cardId, args) {
  cachedNode = null;

  var startArgs = getStartCardArgs(cardId),
      query = startArgs[0];

  if (!cards.hasCard(query)) {
    pushStartCard(cardId, args);
Exemplo n.º 5
evt.on('showLatestAccount', function() {

  model.latestOnce('acctsSlice', function(acctsSlice) {
    var account = acctsSlice.items[acctsSlice.items.length - 1];

    model.changeAccount(account, function() {
      pushStartCard('message_list', {
        // If waiting to complete an activity, do so after pushing the
        // message list card.
        onPushed: activityContinued
Exemplo n.º 6
appMessages.on('activity', gateEntry(function(type, data, rawActivity) {
  function initComposer() {
    cards.pushCard('compose', 'immediate', {
      activity: rawActivity,
      composerData: {
        onComposer: function(composer, composeCard) {
          var attachmentBlobs = data.attachmentBlobs;
          /* to/cc/bcc/subject/body all have default values that shouldn't
          be clobbered if they are not specified in the URI*/
          if (data.to) {
            composer.to = data.to;
          if (data.subject) {
            composer.subject = data.subject;
          if (data.body) {
            composer.body = { text: data.body };
          if (data.cc) {
            composer.cc = data.cc;
          if (data.bcc) {
            composer.bcc = data.bcc;
          if (attachmentBlobs) {
            var attachmentsToAdd = [];
            for (var iBlob = 0; iBlob < attachmentBlobs.length; iBlob++) {
                name: data.attachmentNames[iBlob],
                blob: attachmentBlobs[iBlob]

  function promptEmptyAccount() {
    function(confirmed) {
      if (!confirmed) {

      waitingForCreateAccountPrompt = false;

      // No longer need to wait for the activity to complete, it needs
      // normal card flow
      waitForAppMessage = false;

      activityCallback = initComposer;

      // Always just reset to setup account in case the system does
      // not properly close out the email app on a cancelled activity.

  // Remove previous cards because the card stack could get
  // weird if inserting a new card that would not normally be
  // at that stack level. Primary concern: going to settings,
  // then trying to add a compose card at that stack level.
  // More importantly, the added card could have a "back"
  // operation that does not mean "back to previous state",
  // but "back in application flowchart". Message list is a
  // good known jump point, so do not needlessly wipe that one
  // out if it is the current one. Message list is a good
  // known jump point, so do not needlessly wipe that one out
  // if it is the current one.
  if (!isCurrentCardMessageList()) {

  if (model.inited) {
    if (model.hasAccount()) {
    } else {
      waitingForCreateAccountPrompt = true;
      console.log('email waitingForCreateAccountPrompt');
  } else {
    // Be optimistic and start rendering compose as soon as possible
    // In the edge case that email is not configured, then the empty
    // account prompt will be triggered quickly in the next section.

    waitingForCreateAccountPrompt = true;
    console.log('email waitingForCreateAccountPrompt');
    model.latestOnce('acctsSlice', function activityOnAccount() {
      if (!model.hasAccount()) {