예제 #1
  * Convert a reflected decorator to metadata.
 function decoratorToMetadata(decorator) {
     // Decorators have a type.
     var properties = [
         ts.createPropertyAssignment('type', ts.updateIdentifier(decorator.identifier)),
     // Sometimes they have arguments.
     if (decorator.args !== null && decorator.args.length > 0) {
         var args = decorator.args.map(function (arg) { return ts.getMutableClone(arg); });
         properties.push(ts.createPropertyAssignment('args', ts.createArrayLiteral(args)));
     return ts.createObjectLiteral(properties, true);
예제 #2
  * Given a class declaration, generate a call to `setClassMetadata` with the Angular metadata
  * present on the class or its member fields.
  * If no such metadata is present, this function returns `null`. Otherwise, the call is returned
  * as a `Statement` for inclusion along with the class.
 function generateSetClassMetadataCall(clazz, reflection, defaultImportRecorder, isCore) {
     if (!reflection.isClass(clazz)) {
         return null;
     var id = ts.updateIdentifier(clazz.name);
     // Reflect over the class decorators. If none are present, or those that are aren't from
     // Angular, then return null. Otherwise, turn them into metadata.
     var classDecorators = reflection.getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(clazz);
     if (classDecorators === null) {
         return null;
     var ngClassDecorators = classDecorators.filter(function (dec) { return isAngularDecorator(dec, isCore); }).map(decoratorToMetadata);
     if (ngClassDecorators.length === 0) {
         return null;
     var metaDecorators = ts.createArrayLiteral(ngClassDecorators);
     // Convert the constructor parameters to metadata, passing null if none are present.
     var metaCtorParameters = new compiler_1.LiteralExpr(null);
     var classCtorParameters = reflection.getConstructorParameters(clazz);
     if (classCtorParameters !== null) {
         var ctorParameters = classCtorParameters.map(function (param) { return ctorParameterToMetadata(param, defaultImportRecorder, isCore); });
         metaCtorParameters = new compiler_1.FunctionExpr([], [
             new compiler_1.ReturnStatement(new compiler_1.LiteralArrayExpr(ctorParameters)),
     // Do the same for property decorators.
     var metaPropDecorators = ts.createNull();
     var decoratedMembers = reflection.getMembersOfClass(clazz)
         .filter(function (member) { return !member.isStatic && member.decorators !== null; })
         .map(function (member) { return classMemberToMetadata(member.name, member.decorators, isCore); });
     if (decoratedMembers.length > 0) {
         metaPropDecorators = ts.createObjectLiteral(decoratedMembers);
     // Generate a pure call to setClassMetadata with the class identifier and its metadata.
     var setClassMetadata = new compiler_1.ExternalExpr(compiler_1.Identifiers.setClassMetadata);
     var fnCall = new compiler_1.InvokeFunctionExpr(
     /* fn */ setClassMetadata, 
     /* args */
         new compiler_1.WrappedNodeExpr(id),
         new compiler_1.WrappedNodeExpr(metaDecorators),
         new compiler_1.WrappedNodeExpr(metaPropDecorators),
     /* type */ undefined, 
     /* sourceSpan */ undefined, 
     /* pure */ true);
     return fnCall.toStmt();