コード例 #1
ファイル: index.js プロジェクト: advatar/node-telehash
// direct overrides the ipp of to
function sendOpen(self, to, direct)
  // only way to get it is to peer whoever told us about the hashname
    var peered = false;
    if(to.via) Object.keys(to.via).forEach(function(hn){
      var via = seen(self, hn);
      if(!via.lineIn) return;
      var js = {};
      // send an empty packet to the target to open any NAT
      if(self.nat) {
        var parts = to.via[hn].split(",");
        sendBuf(self, {port:parseInt(parts[2]), ip:parts[1]}, encode(self, to, {js:{}}));
        // if on the same NAT'd IP, also relay our local IPP
        if(parts[1] == self.pubip) js.local = {ip:self.ip, port:self.port};
      js.peer = [to.hashname];
      addStream(self, via, "peer").send(js);
      peered = true;
    // if we didn't have a working via, try again
    if(!peered) {
      delete to.via;
      if(to.retries) return hashDel(self, to, "abandoning after second attempt to seek");
      to.retries = 1; // prevent a loop of failed connections/seeking
      warn("re-seeking since via failed", to.hashname);
      openSeek(self, to);

  debug("sendOpen sending", to.hashname);
  to.sentOpen = true;
  if(!to.eccOut) to.eccOut = new ecc.ECKey(ecc.ECCurves.nistp256);
  if(!to.lineOut) to.lineOut = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString("hex"); // gen random outgoing line id
  self.lines[to.lineOut] = to;
  bucketize(self, to); // make sure they're in a bucket
  // send an open packet, containing our key
  var packet = {js:{}, body:self.pubkey};
  packet.js.to = to.hashname;
  packet.js.at = Date.now();
  packet.js.line = to.lineOut;

  // craft the special open packet wrapper
  var open = {js:{type:"open"}};
  // attach the session ecc public key, encrypted to the recipients public key
  open.js.open = ursa.coercePublicKey(der2pem(to.pubkey)).encrypt(to.eccOut.PublicKey, undefined, "base64", ursa.RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING);
  var iv = crypto.randomBytes(16);
  open.js.iv = iv.toString("hex");
  // now encrypt the original open packet
  var aes = crypto.createCipheriv("AES-256-CTR", crypto.createHash("sha256").update(to.eccOut.PublicKey).digest(), iv);
  open.body = Buffer.concat([aes.update(encode(self, to, packet)), aes.final()]);
  // now attach a signature so the recipient can verify the sender
  open.js.sig = ursa.coercePrivateKey(self.prikey).hashAndSign("sha256", open.body, undefined, "base64", ursa.RSA_PKCS1_PADDING);
  sendBuf(self, direct||to, encode(self, to, open));
  // also try to send via local network if known
  if(to.local) sendBuf(self, to.local, encode(self, to, open));
コード例 #2
ファイル: decrypt.js プロジェクト: joawan/ghmsg
  fs.readFile(keyPath, (err, data) => {
    if (err) return cb('Error reading key file');

    const key = ursa.coercePrivateKey(data);
    const message = key.decrypt(options.message, 'base64', 'utf8');
    return cb(null, message);
コード例 #3
ファイル: node.js プロジェクト: quartzjer/e3x-cs2a
  exports.loadkey = function(id, key, secret)
    // TODO, figure out why ursa is rejecting valid pub keys, workaround is using forge
    var pkf = forge.pki.publicKeyFromAsn1(forge.asn1.fromDer(key.toString("binary")));     var pem = forge.pki.publicKeyToPem(pkf);
    var pk = ursa.coercePublicKey(pem);
//    var pk = ursa.coercePublicKey(der2pem(key,"PUBLIC"));
    if(!pk) return true;
    if(pk.getModulus().length != 256) return true;
    id.encrypt = function(buf){
      return pk.encrypt(buf, undefined, undefined, ursa.RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING);
    id.verify = function(a,b){
      return pk.hashAndVerify("sha256", a, b);
      var sk = ursa.coercePrivateKey(der2pem(secret,"RSA PRIVATE"));
      id.sign = function(buf){
        return sk.hashAndSign("sha256", buf);
      id.decrypt = function(buf){
        return sk.decrypt(buf, undefined, undefined, ursa.RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING);
    return undefined;
コード例 #4
ファイル: crypt.js プロジェクト: dist/telehash-js
function pri2key(pem)
    var ret = ursa.coercePrivateKey(pem);
  return ret;
コード例 #5
  it('creates new private keys', function() {
    var passPhrase = 's00pers3krit'
    var pem = keyring.create(2048, passPhrase)
    var decipher = crypto.createDecipher('aes-256-cbc', passPhrase)
    var decrypted = decipher.update(pem, 'binary')
    decrypted += decipher.final('binary')

    var key = ursa.coercePrivateKey(decrypted)
    assert(ursa.isPrivateKey(key), 'Return a URSA private key')
コード例 #6
ファイル: node.js プロジェクト: dignifiedquire/peercrypt
var Node = module.exports = function(privateKey, config) {

  this._privateKey = Ursa.coercePrivateKey(privateKey);
  this._config = config;

  this._contacts = {};

  var connectionHandler = this._connectionHandler.bind(this);
  var dataHandler = this._dataHandler.bind(this);

  this._socket = net.connect(config.port, config.host, dataHandler);
  this._socket.on('data', dataHandler);
コード例 #7
ファイル: operations.js プロジェクト: FrankZZ/chef-api
        sign: function(uri, body, method, fn){
            var timestamp = new Date().toISOString().replace(/\....Z/, "Z");
            var hashedPath = this.sha(url.parse(uri).path);
            var hash = this.sha((body ? JSON.stringify(body) : ""));

            var request_headers = {
                "Method": method,
                "Hashed Path": hashedPath,
                "X-Ops-Content-Hash": hash,
                "X-Ops-Timestamp": timestamp,
                "X-Ops-UserId": config.name

            var request_headers = _.map(_.pairs(request_headers), function(header){
                return header.join(":");

            var signature = key(config.key_contents).privateEncrypt(request_headers, 'utf8', 'base64');

            var auth_headers = {
                "Accept": "application/json",
                "X-Ops-Timestamp": timestamp,
                "X-Ops-UserId": config.name,
                "X-Ops-Content-Hash": hash,
                "X-Chef-Version": "0.10.4",
                "X-Ops-Sign": "version=1.0"

            var auth_header_count = 0;
            _.each(signature.match(/.{1,60}/g), function(signature_section){
                var name = ["X-Ops-Authorization", ++auth_header_count].join("-");
                auth_headers[name] = signature_section;

            return fn(auth_headers);
コード例 #8
ファイル: index.js プロジェクト: advatar/node-telehash
// any signature must be validated and then the body decrypted+processed
function inOpen(self, packet)
  // decrypt the open
  if(!packet.js.open) return warn("missing open value", packet.sender);
  var open;
  var err;
  try{ open = ursa.coercePrivateKey(self.prikey).decrypt(packet.js.open, "base64", undefined, ursa.RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING); }catch(E){
    err = E;
  if(!open) return warn("couldn't decrypt open", packet.sender, err);
  var eccKey = new ecc.ECKey(ecc.ECCurves.nistp256, open, true); // ecc public key only
  if(!eccKey) return warn("invalid open", packet.sender);
  // decipher the body as a packet so we can examine it
  if(!packet.body) return warn("body missing on open", packet.sender);
  var aes = crypto.createDecipheriv("AES-256-CTR", crypto.createHash('sha256').update(open).digest(), new Buffer(packet.js.iv, "hex"));
  var deciphered = decode(Buffer.concat([aes.update(packet.body), aes.final()]));
  if(!deciphered) return warn("invalid body attached", packet.sender);

  // make sure any to is us (for multihosting)
  if(deciphered.js.to !== self.hashname) return warn("open for wrong hashname", deciphered.js.to, self.hashname);

  // make sure it has a valid line
  if(!dhash.isHEX(deciphered.js.line, 32)) return warn("invalid line id contained");

  // extract attached public key
  if(!deciphered.body) return warn("open missing attached key", packet.sender);
  var key = deciphered.body;
  var ukey = ursa.coercePublicKey(der2pem(key));
  if(!ukey) return warn("invalid attached key from", packet.sender);
  if(ukey.getModulus().length < 256) return warn("key to small from", packet.sender);

  // verify signature
  var valid;
  try{ valid = ukey.hashAndVerify("sha256", packet.body, packet.js.sig, "base64", ursa.RSA_PKCS1_PADDING); }catch(E){}
  if(!valid) return warn("invalid signature from:", packet.sender);

  // verify senders hashname

  // load the sender
  var from = seen(self, key2hash(key).toString());

  // make sure this open is newer (if any others)
  if(typeof deciphered.js.at != "number" || (from.openAt && deciphered.js.at < from.openAt)) return warn("invalid at", deciphered.js.at);

  // update values
  debug("inOpen verified", from.hashname);
  from.openAt = deciphered.js.at;
  from.pubkey = key;
  from.ip = packet.sender.ip;
  from.port = packet.sender.port;
  from.address = [from.hashname, from.ip, from.port].join(",");
  from.recvAt = Date.now();

  // was an existing line already, being replaced
  if(from.lineIn && from.lineIn !== deciphered.js.line) {
    debug("changing lines",from.hashname);
    from.sentOpen = false; // trigger resending them our open again

  // do we need to send them an open yet?
  if(!from.sentOpen) sendOpen(self, from);

  // line is open now!
  from.lineIn = deciphered.js.line;
  var ecdhe = from.eccOut.deriveSharedSecret(eccKey);
  debug("ECDHE",ecdhe.length, ecdhe.toString("hex"));
  from.encKey = crypto.createHash("sha256")
    .update(new Buffer(from.lineOut, "hex"))
    .update(new Buffer(from.lineIn, "hex"))
  from.decKey = crypto.createHash("sha256")
    .update(new Buffer(from.lineIn, "hex"))
    .update(new Buffer(from.lineOut, "hex"))

  // could have queued packets to be sent, flush them
  send(self, from);
コード例 #9
ファイル: chloe-server.js プロジェクト: ezbake/chloe
var EzSecurity = require("ezbakesecurityclient");
var EzConfiguration = require('ezConfiguration');
var ezConfig = new EzConfiguration.EzConfiguration();

// Since the "userInfo.dn" object isn't available anymore, we'll create
// a user specific string by performing MD5 on "userInfo.principal"
var crypto = require("crypto");

// encryption/decryption
var ursa = require('ursa');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var cons = require('ezbakesecurityclient').Constant;
var sslDir = ezConfig.getString(cons.SSL_DIR_KEY);
var publicKey = ursa.coercePublicKey(fs.readFileSync(path.join(sslDir, cons.PUBLIC_KEY_FILE), "utf8"));
var privateKey = ursa.coercePrivateKey(fs.readFileSync(path.join(sslDir, cons.PRIVATE_KEY_FILE), "utf8"));
var Cryptography = require('./lib/Cryptography');

var ezbakeSecurityClient = new EzSecurity.Client(ezConfig);

// redis stuff
const redis = require('redis');
var redisClient;
try {
    console.log((new Date()) + " Connecting to Redis...");
    redisClient = redis.createClient(ezConfig.properties["redis.port"], ezConfig.properties["redis.host"]);
catch (err) {
    console.error((new Date()) + " Error occurred creating Redis client: \n\t" + err +
            "\n" + (new Date()) + " Re-throwing error.");
    throw err;
コード例 #10
ファイル: authenticate.js プロジェクト: smith/chef-node
// Create signed key from key and canonical request
function sign(key, req) {
    return pkey(key).privateEncrypt(req, 'utf8', 'base64');
コード例 #11
var assert = require("assert");

process.env.EZCONFIGURATION_DIR = "chloe-configuration";
var EzConfiguration = require('ezConfiguration');
var directoryLoader = new EzConfiguration.loaders.DirectoryConfigurationLoader();
ezConfig = new EzConfiguration.EzConfiguration(directoryLoader);
var ursa = require('ursa');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var cons = require('ezbakesecurityclient').Constant;
var publicKey = ursa.coercePublicKey(fs.readFileSync(path.join(ezConfig.getString(cons.SSL_DIR_KEY), cons.PUBLIC_KEY_FILE), "utf8"));
var privateKey = ursa.coercePrivateKey(fs.readFileSync(path.join(ezConfig.getString(cons.SSL_DIR_KEY), cons.PRIVATE_KEY_FILE), "utf8"));
var Cryptography = require('../lib/Cryptography');

describe('Cryptography', function() {
    describe('#encrypt()', function() {
        it('should encrypt the value', function() {
            var plainText = "I'm sorry Smokey, you were over. That's a foul";

            assert.notEqual(Cryptography.encrypt(plainText, publicKey), plainText);

        it('should throw an error if the public key is not valid', function() {
            var plainText = "Smokey, this is not 'nam. This is bowling; there are rules."
            var message;

            try {
                Cryptography.encrypt(plainText, privateKey);
            } catch (err) {
                message = err.message;