コード例 #1
 function cssTemplate(list) {
   var stylePath = path.relative(opts.cssPath, opts.imgPath);
   var styles = [];
   _.forEach(list, function(item) {
     var classname = item.meta.name;
     var newClassName = item.meta.baseDir + opts.connector + item.meta.name;
     var name = duplicateClassname(classnames, classname, newClassName);
       'name':   name,
       'x':      item.x,
       'y':      item.y,
       'width':  item.width,
       'height': item.height
   return templater({
     sprites: styles,
     spritesheet: {
       width: opts.info.width,
       height: opts.info.height,
       image: path.join(stylePath, opts.spriteName + opts.connector + opts.baseName + "." + opts.format)
     }}, {
       format: 'sprite',
       formatOpts: {
         'cssClass': opts.prefix,
         'connector': opts.connector,
         'processor': opts.processor
コード例 #2
    function writeCSS(spritesmithResult, callback) {
        var templaterData = convertSpritesmithResultToSpritesheetTemplatesFormat(spritesmithResult);
        var code = spritesheetTemplater(templaterData, options.spritesheetTemplatesOptions);

コード例 #3
 opts.info.forEach(function(sprites, key) {
   var width = sprites.width, height = sprites.height;
   var stylePath, styleName, spritesData = [];
   _.forEach(sprites.items, function(item) {
     cssPath = path.join(opts.cssPath);
     imgPath = path.join(opts.imgPath);
     stylePath = path.relative(cssPath, imgPath);
     styleName = item.meta.baseDir;
     var classname = item.meta.name;
     var newClassName = item.meta.baseDir + opts.connector + item.meta.name;
     var name = duplicateClassname(classnames, classname, newClassName);
       'name':   name,
       'x':      item.x,
       'y':      item.y,
       'width':  item.width,
       'height': item.height,
   if (opts.useImport) {
     var _cssPath = opts.cssPath;
     stylePath = path.relative(_cssPath, imgPath);
   var template = templater({
     sprites: spritesData,
     spritesheet: {
       width: width,
       height: height,
       image: path.join(stylePath, opts.spriteName + opts.connector + styleName + "." + opts.format)
       format: 'sprite',
       formatOpts: {
         'cssClass': opts.prefix,
         'connector': opts.connector,
         'processor': opts.processor
     name: opts.spriteName + opts.connector + styleName,
     template: template,
     cssPath: cssPath
   spritesData = [];
コード例 #4
    spritesmith.createImages(paths, (err, images) => {
      if (err) {
        return done(err);

      var result = spritesmith.processImages(images, options.spritesmith);

      var coordinates_formatted = Object.keys(result.coordinates).map(
        (key) => ({
          name: path.basename( key, path.extname( key ) ),
          x: result.coordinates[key].x,
          y: result.coordinates[key].y,
          width: result.coordinates[key].width,
          height: result.coordinates[key].height

      var css_output = templater({
        sprites: coordinates_formatted,
        spritesheet: {
          width: result.properties.width, height: result.properties.height, image: path.posix.relative( path.dirname( options.css_dest ), options.image_dest )
      }, options.templater);

      files[options.css_dest] = {
        contents: new Buffer(css_output),
        mode: '0644'

      streamToBuffer(result.image, (err, buffer) => {
        files[options.image_dest] = {
          contents: buffer,
          mode: '0644'

        Object.keys(result.coordinates).forEach((file) => {delete files[file.slice(4)];});

コード例 #5
        function (results, callback) {
            addCoordinates(groupByNormalName, 'normalCoordinates', results[0].coordinates);
            addCoordinates(groupByRetinaName, 'retinaCoordinates', results[1].coordinates);

            var normalSprites = getSpritesForSpritesheetTemplates('', 'normalCoordinates');
            var retinaSprites = getSpritesForSpritesheetTemplates('retina_', 'retinaCoordinates');

            var spritesheetTemplatesData = {
                sprites: normalSprites,
                spritesheet: {
                    width: results[0].properties.width,
                    height: results[0].properties.height,
                    image: options.apiOptions.cssImageRef
                retina_sprites: retinaSprites,
                retina_spritesheet: {
                    width: results[1].properties.width,
                    height: results[1].properties.height,
                    image: options.retina.cssImageRef
                retina_groups: _.values(grouppedSources).map(function (sprite, i) {
                    return {
                        name: sprite.apiName,
                        index: i

            var apiCode = spritesheetTemplater(

                writeFileR.bind(null, options.target.css, apiCode),
                writeFileR.bind(null, options.target.image, results[0].image, 'binary'),
                writeFileR.bind(null, options.retina.targetImage, results[1].image, 'binary'),
            ], callback)
コード例 #6
    ], function handleImages(err, resultArr) {
      // If an error occurred, emit it
      if (err) {
        return cb(err);

      // Otherwise, validate our images line up
      var normalSprites = resultArr[0];
      var retinaSprites = resultArr[1];

      // If we have retina images, verify the widths line up
      if (retinaSprites) {
        // Perform our assertions
        var errorEncountered = false;
        normalSprites.forEach(function validateImageSizes(normalSprite, i) {
          var retinaSprite = retinaSprites[i];
          if (retinaSprite.width !== normalSprite.width * 2 || retinaSprite.height !== normalSprite.height * 2) {
            errorEncountered = true;
            var err = new Error('Normal sprite has inconsistent size with retina sprite. ' +
              '"' + images[i].path + '" is ' + normalSprite.width + 'x' + normalSprite.height + ' while ' +
              '"' + retinaImages[i].path + '" is ' + retinaSprite.width + 'x' + retinaSprite.height + '.');
            err.normalSprite = normalSprite;
            err.retinaSprite = retinaSprite;
            that.emit('error', err);

        // If there was an error, then bail out
        if (errorEncountered) {
          return cb();

      // Process our images now
      var result = spritesmith.processImages(normalSprites, spritesmithParams);
      var retinaResult;
      if (retinaSprites) {
        retinaResult = retinaSpritesmith.processImages(retinaSprites, retinaSpritesmithParams);

      // START OF DUPLICATE CODE FROM grunt-spritesmith
      // Generate a listing of CSS variables
      var coordinates = result.coordinates;
      var properties = result.properties;
      var spritePath = params.imgPath || url.relative(cssName, imgName);
      var spritesheetData = {
        width: properties.width,
        height: properties.height,
        image: spritePath
      var cssVarMap = params.cssVarMap || function noop() {};
      var cleanCoords = [];

      // Clean up the file name of the file
      Object.getOwnPropertyNames(coordinates).sort().forEach(function (file) {
        // Extract out our name
        var name = getCoordinateName(file);
        var coords = coordinates[file];

        // Specify the image for the sprite
        coords.name = name;
        coords.source_image = file;
        // DEV: `image`, `total_width`, `total_height` are deprecated as they are overwritten in `spritesheet-templates`
        coords.image = spritePath;
        coords.total_width = properties.width;
        coords.total_height = properties.height;

        // Map the coordinates through cssVarMap
        coords = cssVarMap(coords) || coords;

        // Save the cleaned name and coordinates

      // If we have retina sprites
      var retinaCleanCoords; // eslint-disable-line
      var retinaGroups; // eslint-disable-line
      var retinaSpritesheetInfo; // eslint-disable-line
      if (retinaResult) {
        // Generate a listing of CSS variables
        var retinaCoordinates = retinaResult.coordinates;
        var retinaProperties = retinaResult.properties;
        var retinaSpritePath = params.retinaImgPath || url.relative(cssName, retinaImgName);
        retinaSpritesheetInfo = {
          width: retinaProperties.width,
          height: retinaProperties.height,
          image: retinaSpritePath
        // DEV: We reuse cssVarMap
        retinaCleanCoords = [];

        // Clean up the file name of the file
        Object.getOwnPropertyNames(retinaCoordinates).sort().forEach(function prepareRetinaTemplateData(file) {
          var name = getCoordinateName(file);
          var coords = retinaCoordinates[file];
          coords.name = name;
          coords.source_image = file;
          coords.image = retinaSpritePath;
          coords.total_width = retinaProperties.width;
          coords.total_height = retinaProperties.height;
          coords = cssVarMap(coords) || coords;

        // Verify we have no conflicting file names (e.g. `1x/home.png` and `2x/home.png`)
        //   https://github.com/twolfson/gulp.spritesmith/issues/124
        var cleanCoordNames = _.pluck(cleanCoords, 'name');
        var retinaCleanCoordNames = _.pluck(retinaCleanCoords, 'name');
        var intersectingNames = _.intersection(cleanCoordNames, retinaCleanCoordNames);
        if (intersectingNames.length) {
          throw new Error('Normal and retina sprites have same names: ' + JSON.stringify(intersectingNames) + '. ' +
            'Please rename them to different names (e.g. `-1x`, `-2x`) or use `cssVarMap` to prevent collisions. ' +
            'See https://github.com/twolfson/gulp.spritesmith/issues/124 for more info');

        // Generate groups for our coordinates
        retinaGroups = cleanCoords.map(function getRetinaGroups(normalSprite, i) {
          // Generate our group
          // DEV: Name is inherited from `cssVarMap` on normal sprite
          return {
            name: normalSprite.name,
            index: i

      // If we have handlebars helpers, register them
      var handlebarsHelpers = params.cssHandlebarsHelpers;
      if (handlebarsHelpers) {
        Object.keys(handlebarsHelpers).forEach(function registerHelper(helperKey) {
          templater.registerHandlebarsHelper(helperKey, handlebarsHelpers[helperKey]);

      // If there is a custom template, use it
      var cssFormat = 'spritesmith-custom';
      var cssTemplate = params.cssTemplate;
      if (cssTemplate) {
        if (typeof cssTemplate === 'function') {
          templater.addTemplate(cssFormat, cssTemplate);
        } else {
          templater.addHandlebarsTemplate(cssFormat, fs.readFileSync(cssTemplate, 'utf8'));
      // Otherwise, override the cssFormat and fallback to 'json'
      } else {
        cssFormat = params.cssFormat;
        if (!cssFormat) {
          cssFormat = cssFormats.get(cssName) || 'json';

          // If we are dealing with retina items, move to retina flavor (e.g. `scss` -> `scss_retina`)
          if (retinaGroups) {
            cssFormat += '_retina';

      // Render the variables via `spritesheet-templates`
      var cssStr = templater({
        sprites: cleanCoords,
        spritesheet: spritesheetData,
        spritesheet_info: {
          name: params.cssSpritesheetName
        retina_groups: retinaGroups,
        retina_sprites: retinaCleanCoords,
        retina_spritesheet: retinaSpritesheetInfo,
        retina_spritesheet_info: {
          name: params.cssRetinaSpritesheetName
        retina_groups_info: {
          name: params.cssRetinaGroupsName
      }, {
        format: cssFormat,
        formatOpts: params.cssOpts || {}
      // END OF DUPLICATE CODE FROM grunt-spritesmith

      // Pipe out images as streams and forward their errors
      // TODO: Consider making joint stream default
      //   but allow for split stream which has more distinct errors
      //   e.g. spritesmith.split() = {css, img}
      result.image.on('error', function forwardImgError(err) {
        that.emit('error', err);
      var imgFile = new Vinyl({
        path: imgName,
        contents: result.image
      if (retinaResult) {
        var retinaImgFile = new Vinyl({
          path: retinaImgName,
          contents: retinaResult.image
        retinaResult.image.on('error', function forwardImgError(err) {
          that.emit('error', err);

      // Close our image stream

      // Output the CSS
      var cssFile = new Vinyl({
        path: cssName,
        contents: new Buffer(cssStr)