コード例 #1
function npmCache () {
  var env = process.env
  return env.npm_config_cache || (env.APPDATA ? path.join(env.APPDATA, 'npm-cache') : path.join(home(), '.npm'))
コード例 #2
var SavedConnectionManager = function() {
    this.configPath = path.join(osHomedir(), ".censql", "saved_connections");
コード例 #3
memo('home', function ()
    return osHomedir()
コード例 #4
ファイル: index.js プロジェクト: G-Ray/hyperchat
// All the keys of past and present participants
var keys = []

var argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2))

if (argv.help) {
  console.error('Usage: hyperchat [options]')
  console.error('  --feed=[feed-key]        Feed of one participant')
  console.error('  --user=[username]        Username')

var db = level(path.join(home(), '.hyperchat.db'))
var core = hypercore(db)

var myFeed = core.createFeed()
// Set username
var cmd = {type: 'username', username: '******'}
if (argv.user) {
  cmd.username = argv.user

console.log('my key is ' + myFeed.key.toString('hex'))
console.log('my discovery key is ' + myFeed.discoveryKey.toString('hex'))

// Share our feed
コード例 #5

function mkdirp ( dir ) {
	var parent = path.dirname( dir );
	if ( dir === parent ) return;
	mkdirp( parent );

	try {
		fs.mkdirSync( dir );
	} catch ( err ) {
		if ( err.code !== 'EEXIST' ) throw err;

var home = homedir();
if ( home ) {
	var cachedir = path.join( home, '.buble-cache', nodeVersion );
	mkdirp( cachedir );
	fs.writeFileSync( path.join( home, '.buble-cache/README.txt' ), 'These files enable a faster startup when using buble/register. You can safely delete this folder at any time. See https://buble.surge.sh/guide/ for more information.' );

var optionsStringified = JSON.stringify( options );

require.extensions[ '.js' ] = function ( m, filename ) {
	if ( nodeModulesPattern.test( filename ) ) return original( m, filename );

	var source = fs.readFileSync( filename, 'utf-8' );
	var hash = crypto.createHash( 'sha256' );
	hash.update( buble.VERSION );
	hash.update( optionsStringified );
コード例 #6
gulp.task('add-deploy-target', function(done) {
  log('Update ecosystem.json targets or create new ones!');

  var properties = fs.readFileSync('deploy/build.properties', encoding);

  var name = properties.match(/app-name=(.*)/)[1];
  var gitUrl = 'https://github.com/';
  var folderPath = '/space/projects/' + name;
  var osHomedir = require('os-homedir');
  var keyPath = osHomedir() + '/.ssh/id_rsa';

  var ecosystem = 'ecosystem.json';

  ecosystemMustExist(ecosystem, name);

    args: 'config --get remote.origin.url',
    quiet: true
  }, function(err, stdout) {
    if (!err) {
      gitUrl = stdout.split('\n')[0];

    var questions = [{
      type: 'input',
      name: 'targetName',
      message: 'What\'s the name of this deployment target? (If this target exists we\'ll replace it!!!!)',
      default: 'prod'
    }, {
      type: 'input',
      name: 'key',
      message: 'Where do you keep your ssh key that\'s used for both the target server and the git repository?',
      default: keyPath
    }, {
      type: 'input',
      name: 'username',
      message: 'Where\'s your username on the target server?',
      default: username.sync()
    }, {
      type: 'input',
      name: 'hostname',
      message: 'What\'s the hostname of the target server?',
      default: 'localhost'
    }, {
      type: 'input',
      name: 'branch',
      message: 'Which git branch are we deploying?',
      default: 'master'
    }, {
      type: 'input',
      name: 'gitUrl',
      message: 'What\'s the url of your git repository?',
      default: gitUrl
    }, {
      type: 'input',
      name: 'folder',
      message: 'Where do you want to store the project on your target server?',
      default: folderPath
    }, {
      type: 'list',
      name: 'local',
      message: 'Is there any sensitive information or credentials here that shouldn\'t go in source control?',
      choices: ['no', 'yes'],
      default: 0

      .pipe($.prompt.prompt(questions, function(answers) {

        if (answers.local === 'yes') {
          ecosystem = 'local.ecosystem.json';
          ecosystemMustExist(ecosystem, name);

          .pipe($.jsonEditor(function(json) {
            json.deploy[answers.targetName] = {
              'key': answers.key,
              'user': answers.username,
              'host': [answers.hostname],
              'ref': 'origin/' + answers.branch,
              'repo': answers.gitUrl,
              'path': answers.folder,
              'post-deploy': 'npm install && bower install && gulp build'
            return json; // must return JSON object.
コード例 #7
ファイル: util.js プロジェクト: evshiron/nwjs-download
const { dirname, basename, join, resolve } = require('path');
const { exists, stat, writeFile, readFile, unlink, readdir } = require('fs');
const { mkdirsSync } = require('fs-extra');

const homedir = require('os-homedir');

const temp = require('temp').track();

const request = require('request');
const wrapProgress = require('request-progress');

const ProgressBar = require('progress');

const Flow = require('node-async-flow');

const DIR_CACHES = join(homedir(), '.nwjs-download', 'caches');

const FILE_MANIFEST_CACHE = join(DIR_CACHES, 'manifest.json');
const EXPIRY_MANIFEST_CACHE = 3600000;

const GetManifest = (callback) => {

    const debug = require('debug')('NWD:GetManifest');

    Flow(function*(cb) {

        const cacheExists = yield exists(FILE_MANIFEST_CACHE, cb.single);

        var useCache = false;
コード例 #8
'use strict';
var osHomedir = require('os-homedir');
var home = osHomedir();

module.exports = function (str) {
	if (typeof str !== 'string') {
		throw new TypeError('Expected a string');

	return home ? str.replace(/^~($|\/|\\)/, home + '$1') : str;
コード例 #9
ファイル: rcfiles.js プロジェクト: strongloop-forks/node-tap
  timeout: 30,
  color: false,
  reporter: 'tap',
  files: [],
  bail: false,
  saveFile: null,
  pipeToService: false,
  coverageReport: null,
  browser: true,
  coverage: false,
  checkCoverage: false,
  branches: 0,
  functions: 0,
  lines: 0,
  statements: 0,
  rcFile: osHomedir() + '/.taprc'

function runTest (rcFile, expect) { return function (t) {
  var env = {
    HOME: process.env.HOME,

  if (rcFile) {
    env.TAP_RCFILE = rcFile
    expect.rcFile = rcFile

  var child = spawn(node, [ run, '--dump-config' ], { env: env })
コード例 #10
ファイル: index.js プロジェクト: LinusU/untildify
'use strict';
const osHomedir = require('os-homedir');
const home = osHomedir();

module.exports = str => {
	if (typeof str !== 'string') {
		throw new TypeError(`Expected a string, got ${typeof str}`);

	return home ? str.replace(/^~($|\/|\\)/, `${home}$1`) : str;
コード例 #11
ファイル: ScreenManager.js プロジェクト: Centiq/CenSQL
ScreenManager.prototype.setupInput = function() {

    if (!process.stdout.isTTY) {
        process.stdout.on('error', function(err) {
            if (err.code == "EPIPE") {


        input: process.stdin,
        output: process.stdout,
        path: path.join(osHomedir(), ".censql", "censql_hist"),
        maxLength: 2000,
        prompt: "NOT SET",
        next: function(rl) {
            this.rl = rl;

            this.rl.on('line', function(line) {

                if (global.censql.RUNNING_PROCESS) return;

                 * Check terminal width
                global.censql.graphWidth = process.stdout.columns;

                 * Stop taking user input until we complete this request

                 * Save that we already have a running process
                 * @type {Boolean}
                global.censql.RUNNING_PROCESS = true;

                 * hide prompt (fixes bug with resizing terminal whilst a command is running)

                 * Hide user input whilst a command is running (simply pausing stdin still allows scrolling through history)
                process.stdin._events._keypress_full = process.stdin._events.keypress;
                process.stdin._events.keypress = function(ch, key) {
                    if (key && key.ctrl && key.name == 'c') {
                        global.censql.SHOULD_EXIT = true;

                 * Send the user command to the command handler
                this.commandHandler.handleCommand(line, function(err, output) {

                    if (err) {

                    this.commandHandler.getActiveSchema(function(err, schema) {
                        if (!err) {
                             * Set the active schema
                             * @type {String}
                            this.current_schema = schema;

                         * Print the command to the screen however the command handler thinks is best
                        this.printCommandOutput(line, output, function() {

                             * Re-enable the command line

                             * Reset running app state
                             * @type {Boolean}
                            global.censql.RUNNING_PROCESS = false;

                             * Should the running process exit?
                             * @type {Boolean}
                            global.censql.SHOULD_EXIT = false;

                             * Reset the keypress function for stdin
                            process.stdin._events.keypress = process.stdin._events._keypress_full;





             * On close, give the user a pretty message and then stop the entire program
            this.rl.on('close', function() {

                this.print(colors.green('\n\nThanks for using CenSQL!\n'));


             * When the user ^Cs make sure they weren't just trying to clear the command
            this.rl.on('SIGINT', function() {

                if (global.censql.RUNNING_PROCESS) {
                    global.censql.SHOULD_EXIT = true;


                 * Exit command promt

                 * Exit program



コード例 #12
ファイル: launchd.js プロジェクト: chuyik/netease-alarm
var fs       = require('fs'),
    exec     = require('child_process').exec,
    join     = require('path').join,
    basename = require('path').basename,
    osHomedir = require('os-homedir');

// var daemons_path = '/Library/LaunchDaemons';
var daemons_path = osHomedir() + '/Library/LaunchAgents';

// helpers

var debug    = !!process.env.DEBUG,
    log      = debug ? console.log : function() { }; 

var get_path = function(name) {
  return name.indexOf(daemons_path) === -1 ? join(daemons_path, name + '.plist') : name;

// copies a file
var copy = function(source, target, cb) {
  var is  = fs.createReadStream(source),
      os  = fs.createWriteStream(target),
      out = 0;

  var done = function(err) {
    if (out++ > 0) return;

  is.on('end', done);
コード例 #13
ファイル: config.js プロジェクト: 6697/teleirc
    // search for old config options by looping over every key, value pair
    _.forEach(config, function(value, option) {
        var newOption = deprecatedOptions[option];

        if (newOption) {
            config[newOption] = value;
            warnDeprecated(option, newOption);

    return config;

var config;
var configPath = argv.c || path.join(osHomedir(), '.teleirc', 'config.js');
if (argv.g) {
    mkdirp(path.join(osHomedir(), '/.teleirc'));

    // read default config using readFile to include comments
    var config = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'config.defaults.js'));
    fs.writeFileSync(configPath, config);
    console.log('Wrote default configuration to ' + configPath +
                ', please edit it before re-running');
} else if (argv.j) {

try {
コード例 #14
function itunesFolders() {
    const linuxWinPath = osHomedir() + "/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Media";
    const macPath = osHomedir() + "/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Music"
    return [linuxWinPath, macPath];
コード例 #15
ファイル: engage.js プロジェクト: stpe/mixpanel-engage-query
var needle      = require('needle'),
    crypto      = require('crypto'),
    exit        = require('exit'),
    dotenv      = require("dotenv"),
    osHomedir   = require('os-homedir'); // consider replacing with os.homedir() later

// mixpanel
var base_url    = "http://mixpanel.com/api/2.0/";


// add environment variables from .env if present, check (in prio order)
//  - .env in script directory
//  - .engagerc in home directory
dotenv.load({ silent: true }) || dotenv.load({ silent: true, path: osHomedir() + '/.engagerc' });

// options
var yargs = require('yargs')
    .usage('Usage: $0 -k [string] -s [string]')
    .options('k', {
        alias: 'key',
        describe: 'Mixpanel API key',
        nargs: 1,
        type: 'string'
    .options('s', {
        alias: 'secret',
        describe: 'Mixpanel API secret',
        nargs: 1,
        type: 'string'
コード例 #16
ファイル: index.js プロジェクト: net-commander/windows-dist
                setTimeout: setTimeout,
                global: global
            var content = FileUtils.readFile(file);
            var script = new vm.Script(content);
        } else {
            console.error('file specified but doesnt exists ' + commander.file);
let user = null;
if (!argv.user && argv.home === 'true') {
    user = path.join(homedir(), 'Documents', 'Control-Freak');
const CFOptions = {
    root: root,
    port: argv.port,
    release: argv.release === 'true',
    clientRoot: argv.clientRoot,
    type: argv.type || Base_1.ELayout.SOURCE,
    print: argv.print === 'true',
    uuid: argv.uuid || 'ide',
    user: user || (argv.user ? path.resolve(argv.user) : null),
    persistence: argv.persistences ? argv.persistence : Application_1.EPersistence.MEMORY,
    interface: argv.interface ? argv.interface : null,
    home: argv.home === 'true'
function create(app) {
コード例 #17
ファイル: config.js プロジェクト: bpmottathai/staticland
module.exports = function (opts) {
  opts = opts || {}
  var config = {}
  config.filename = opts.filename || '.staticlandrc'
  config.filepath = opts.filepath || path.join(homedir(), config.filename)

  config.init = function () {
    if (config.read()) {
    } else {
        currentLogin: null,
        logins: []

  config.read = function () {
    var file

    try {
      file = fs.readFileSync(config.filepath, 'utf8')
    } catch (err) {
      // file not found

    if (!file || file instanceof Error) return false
    return JSON.parse(file)

  config.write = function (data) {
    var file = JSON.stringify(data, true, 2)
    fs.writeFileSync(config.filepath, file)

  config.get = function (key) {
    var data = config.read()
    if (!key) return data
    var keys = parseKeys(key)
    var current = keys[0]
    if (keys.length === 1) return data[current]

  config.set = function (key, value) {
    var data = config.read()
    var keys = parseKeys(key)
    var current = keys[0]

    if (keys.length === 1) {
      data[current] = value

  config.getLogin = function (server) {
    var logins = config.get('logins')

    if (!server) {
      return config.get('currentLogin')

    var login = logins.find(function (item) {
      if (item === null) return
      return item.server === server

    if (!login) return false
    login.server = server
    return login

  config.setLogin = function (opts) {
    var logins = config.get('logins')
    var found = false

    logins = logins.map(function (login) {
      if (login === null) return
      if (login.server === opts.server) {
        found = true
        return opts

    if (!found) {

    config.set('logins', logins)
    config.set('currentLogin', opts)

  function parseKeys (key) {
    if (isString(key)) {
      var keys = key.split('.').map(function (key) {
        if (isNumber(key)) return parseInt(key)
        return key
      return keys
    return key

  return config
コード例 #18
var isWindows=process.platform==="win32";var path=require("path");var exec=require("child_process").exec;var osTmpdir=require("os-tmpdir");var osHomedir=require("os-homedir");function memo(c,d,e){var a=false;var b=false;exports[c]=function(f){var g=d();if(!g&&!a&&!b&&e){a=true;b=true;exec(e,function(j,h,i){b=false;if(j){return}g=h.trim()})}exports[c]=function(h){if(h){process.nextTick(h.bind(null,null,g))}return g};if(f&&!b){process.nextTick(f.bind(null,null,g))}return g}}memo("user",function(){return(isWindows?process.env.USERDOMAIN+"\\"+process.env.USERNAME:process.env.USER)},"whoami");memo("prompt",function(){return isWindows?process.env.PROMPT:process.env.PS1});memo("hostname",function(){return isWindows?process.env.COMPUTERNAME:process.env.HOSTNAME},"hostname");memo("tmpdir",function(){return osTmpdir()});memo("home",function(){return osHomedir()});memo("path",function(){return(process.env.PATH||process.env.Path||process.env.path).split(isWindows?";":":")});memo("editor",function(){return process.env.EDITOR||process.env.VISUAL||(isWindows?"notepad.exe":"vi")});memo("shell",function(){return isWindows?process.env.ComSpec||"cmd":process.env.SHELL||"bash"});
コード例 #19
ファイル: util.js プロジェクト: kevmannn/fs-of-type
export const parseHome = (str) => {
  const home = osHomedir();
  const includesHomePath = str.split(sep).slice(0, 3).join(sep) === home;

  return includesHomePath ? str : join(home, str);