コード例 #1
ファイル: index.js プロジェクト: adamlawrence/superscript
function SuperScript(options, callback) {
  var mongoose;
  var self = this;
  options = options || {};

  // Create a new connection if non is provided.
  if (options.mongoose) {
    mongoose = options.mongoose;
  } else {
    mongoose = require("mongoose");

  this._plugins = [];
  this.normalize = null;
  this.question = null;

  // this is to turn off/on global sentence splitting / chunking
  if(options.chunking || options.chunking === false) {
    this.chunking = options.chunking;
  } else {
    this.chunking = true;
  this.loadPlugins(process.cwd() + "/plugins");
  // this.intervalId = setInterval(this.check.bind(this), 500);

  this.factSystem = options.factSystem ? options.factSystem : facts.create("systemDB");
  this.topicSystem = gTopicsSystem(mongoose, this.factSystem);

  // This is a kill switch for filterBySeen which is useless in the editor.
  this.editMode = options.editMode || false;

  // We want a place to store bot related data
  this.memory = options.botfacts ? options.botfacts : this.factSystem.createUserDB("botfacts");

  this.scope = {};
  this.scope = _.extend(options.scope || {});
  this.scope.bot = this;
  this.scope.facts = this.factSystem;
  this.scope.topicSystem = this.topicSystem;
  this.scope.botfacts = this.memory;

  this.users = new Users(mongoose, this.factSystem);

  norm.loadData(function () {
    self.normalize = norm;
    new qtypes(function (question) {
      self.question = question;
      debug.verbose("System Loaded, waiting for replies");
      callback(null, self);
コード例 #2
ファイル: message.js プロジェクト: SmartCloud2025/superscript
      // Why didn't I pass this back in the CB?!?
      normalize = norm;
      new qtypes(function(question) {
        questions = question;

        Concepts.readFiles(data, function(facts) {
          concept = facts;
コード例 #3
ファイル: index.js プロジェクト: aeisenhaber/ss-parser
    Utils.walk(path, function (err, files) {
      if (err) {

      norm.loadData(function () {
        var sums = {};
        var itor = function (file, next) {
          if (file.match(/\.(ss)$/i)) {
            checksum.file(file, function (err4, sum) {
              if (err4) {

              sums[file] = sum;
              if (cache[file]) {
                if (cache[file] !== sum) {
                } else {
              } else {
          } else {

        async.filter(files, itor, function (toLoad) {
          async.map(toLoad, parseFiles(factSystem), function (err4, res) {
            if (err4) {

            for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
              topics = mergex(topics, res[i].topics);
              gambits = mergex(gambits, res[i].gambits);
              convos = mergex(convos, res[i].convos);
              replys = mergex(replys, res[i].replys);

            var data = {
              topics: topics,
              gambits: gambits,
              convos: convos,
              replys: replys,
              checksums: sums

            var endTime = new Date().getTime();
            var topicCount = Object.keys(topics).length;
            var gambitsCount = Object.keys(gambits).length;
            var convoCount = Object.keys(convos).length;
            var replysCount = Object.keys(replys).length;

            console.log("Time to Process", (endTime - startTime) / 1000, "seconds");
            console.log("Number of topics %s parsed.", topicCount);
            console.log("Number of gambits %s parsed.", gambitsCount);
            console.log("Number of replies %s parsed.", replysCount);
            console.log("Number of convos %s parsed.", convoCount);

            if (data !== "") {
              if (topicCount === 0 && triggerCount === 0 && replyCount === 0) {
                callback(null, {});
              } else {
                // console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
                callback(null, data);

            } else {
              callback(new Error("No data"));
コード例 #4
ファイル: gambit.js プロジェクト: botisma/superscript
module.exports = function(mongoose, facts) {

  var Utils = require("../utils");
  var regexreply = require("../parse/regexreply");
  var debug = require("debug")("Gambit");
  var norm = require("node-normalizer");
  var _ = require("underscore");

  var findOrCreate = require('mongoose-findorcreate');

  var gNormalizer;

  norm.loadData(function() {
    gNormalizer = norm;
    debug("Normaizer Loaded.");


    I trigger is the matching rule behind a piece of input. It lives in a topic or several topics.
    A trigger also contains one or more replies.


  var gambitSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    id: {type: String, index: true, default: Utils.genId()},

    // This is the input string that generates a rule,
    // In the event we want to export this, we will use this value.
    // Make this filed conditionally required if trigger is supplied
    input: { type: String },

    // The Trigger is a partly baked regex.
    trigger:  {type: String, index: true},

    // If the trigger is a Question Match
    isQuestion: {type: Boolean, default: false},

    // If the trigger is a Answer Type Match
    qType: {type: String, default: ""},
    qSubType: {type: String, default: ""},

    // The filter function for the the expression
    filter: {type: String, default: ""},

    // An array of replies.
    replies: [{ type: String, ref: 'Reply' }],

    // replies: [Reply.schema],

    // This will redirect anything that matches elsewhere.
    // If you want to have a conditional rediect use reply redirects
    // TODO, change the type to a ID and reference another gambit directly
    // this will save us a lookup down the road (and improve performace.)
    redirect: {type: String, default: ""}

  gambitSchema.pre('save', function (next) {
    var that = this;

    // FIXME: This only works when the replies are populated which is not always the case.
    // that.replies = _.uniq(that.replies, function(item, key, id) {
    //   return item.id;
    // });

    // If input was supplied, we want to use it to generate the trigger
    if (that.input) {
      var input = gNormalizer.clean(that.input);
      // We want to convert the input into a trigger.
      regexreply.parse(input, facts, function(trigger) {
        that.trigger = trigger;
    } else {
      // Otherwise we populate the trigger normally

  gambitSchema.methods.addReply = function(replyData, callback) {
    if (!replyData) return callback("No data");
    var gambit = this;
    var reply = new Reply(replyData);
    var topic = this;
      if (err) return callback(err);
        callback(err, reply);

  // TODO - Test against Qtypes too.
  gambitSchema.methods.doesMatch = function(message, cb) {
    var that = this;
    var match = false;
    regexreply.postParse(this.trigger, message, null, function(regexp) {

      var compiledRE = new RegExp('^' + regexp + '$', "i");
      debug("Try to match (clean)'" + message.clean + "' against " + that.trigger + " (" + regexp + ")");
      debug("Try to match (lemma)'" + message.lemString + "' against " + that.trigger + " (" + regexp + ")");

      match = message.clean.match(compiledRE);
      if (!match) match = message.lemString.match(compiledRE);
      cb(null, match);


  try {
    return mongoose.model('Gambit', gambitSchema);
  } catch(e) {
    return mongoose.model('Gambit');