コード例 #1
ファイル: publish.js プロジェクト: GCRC/openlayers
  // TODO: move the tutorial functions to templateHelper.js
  function generateTutorial(title, tutorial, filename) {
    const tutorialData = {
      title: title,
      header: tutorial.title,
      content: tutorial.parse(),
      children: tutorial.children

    let html = view.render('tutorial.tmpl', tutorialData);
    // yes, you can use {@link} in tutorials too!
    html = helper.resolveLinks(html); // turn {@link foo} into <a href="foodoc.html">foo</a>

    const tutorialPath = path.join(outdir, filename);
    fs.writeFileSync(tutorialPath, html, 'utf8');
コード例 #2
ファイル: publish.js プロジェクト: GCRC/openlayers
function generate(title, docs, filename, resolveLinks) {
  resolveLinks = resolveLinks === false ? false : true;

  const docData = {
    filename: filename,
    title: title,
    docs: docs,
    packageInfo: (find({kind: 'package'}) || []) [0]

  const outpath = path.join(outdir, filename);
  let html = view.render('container.tmpl', docData);

  if (resolveLinks) {
    html = helper.resolveLinks(html); // turn {@link foo} into <a href="foodoc.html">foo</a>

  fs.writeFileSync(outpath, html, 'utf8');
コード例 #3
ファイル: publish.js プロジェクト: sigcorporativo-ja/Mapea4
exports.publish = function (taffyData, opts, tutorials) {
  data = taffyData;

  const conf = env.conf.templates || {};
  conf['default'] = conf['default'] || {};

  const templatePath = opts.template;
  view = new template.Template(templatePath + '/tmpl');

  // claim some special filenames in advance, so the All-Powerful Overseer of Filename Uniqueness
  // doesn't try to hand them out later
  const indexUrl = helper.getUniqueFilename('index');
  // don't call registerLink() on this one! 'index' is also a valid longname

  const globalUrl = helper.getUniqueFilename('global');
  helper.registerLink('global', globalUrl);

  // set up templating
  view.layout = 'layout.tmpl';

  // set up tutorials for helper

  data = helper.prune(data);
  data.sort('longname, version, since');

  let sourceFiles = {};
  const sourceFilePaths = [];
  data().each(function (doclet) {
    doclet.attribs = '';

    if (doclet.examples) {
      doclet.examples = doclet.examples.map(function (example) {
        let caption, code;

        if (example.match(/^\s*<caption>([\s\S]+?)<\/caption>(\s*[\n\r])([\s\S]+)$/i)) {
          caption = RegExp.$1;
          code = RegExp.$3;

        return {
          caption: caption || '',
          code: code || example
    if (doclet.see) {
      doclet.see.forEach(function (seeItem, i) {
        doclet.see[i] = hashToLink(doclet, seeItem);

    // build a list of source files
    let sourcePath;
    let resolvedSourcePath;
    if (doclet.meta) {
      sourcePath = getPathFromDoclet(doclet);
      resolvedSourcePath = resolveSourcePath(sourcePath);
      sourceFiles[sourcePath] = {
        resolved: resolvedSourcePath,
        shortened: null


  // copy the template's static files to outdir
  const fromDir = path.join(templatePath, 'static');
  const staticFiles = fs.ls(fromDir, 3);

  staticFiles.forEach(function (fileName) {
    const toDir = fs.toDir(fileName.replace(fromDir, outdir));
    fs.copyFileSync(fileName, toDir);

  // copy user-specified static files to outdir
  let staticFilePaths;
  let staticFileFilter;
  let staticFileScanner;
  if (conf['default'].staticFiles) {
    staticFilePaths = conf['default'].staticFiles.paths || [];
    staticFileFilter = new(require('jsdoc/lib/jsdoc/src/filter')).Filter(conf['default'].staticFiles);
    staticFileScanner = new(require('jsdoc/lib/jsdoc/src/scanner')).Scanner();

    staticFilePaths.forEach(function (filePath) {
      const extraStaticFiles = staticFileScanner.scan([filePath], 10, staticFileFilter);

      extraStaticFiles.forEach(function (fileName) {
        const sourcePath = fs.statSync(filePath).isDirectory() ? filePath :
        const toDir = fs.toDir(fileName.replace(sourcePath, outdir));
        fs.copyFileSync(fileName, toDir);

  if (sourceFilePaths.length) {
    sourceFiles = shortenPaths(sourceFiles, path.commonPrefix(sourceFilePaths));
  data().each(function (doclet) {
    const url = helper.createLink(doclet);
    helper.registerLink(doclet.longname, url);

    // replace the filename with a shortened version of the full path
    let docletPath;
    if (doclet.meta) {
      docletPath = getPathFromDoclet(doclet);
      docletPath = sourceFiles[docletPath].shortened;
      if (docletPath) {
        doclet.meta.filename = docletPath;

  data().each(function (doclet) {
    const url = helper.longnameToUrl[doclet.longname];

    if (url.indexOf('#') > -1) {
      doclet.id = helper.longnameToUrl[doclet.longname].split(/#/).pop();
    } else {
      doclet.id = doclet.name;

    if (needsSignature(doclet)) {

  // do this after the urls have all been generated
  data().each(function (doclet) {
    doclet.ancestors = getAncestorLinks(doclet);

    if (doclet.kind === 'member') {

    if (doclet.kind === 'constant') {
      doclet.kind = 'member';

  const members = helper.getMembers(data);
  members.tutorials = tutorials.children;

  // add template helpers
  view.find = find;
  view.linkto = linkto;
  view.resolveAuthorLinks = resolveAuthorLinks;
  view.tutoriallink = tutoriallink;
  view.htmlsafe = htmlsafe;
  view.members = members; //@davidshimjs: To make navigation for customizing

  // once for all
  view.nav = buildNav(members);
  attachModuleSymbols(find({ kind: ['class', 'function'], longname: { left: 'module:' } }),

  // only output pretty-printed source files if requested; do this before generating any other
  // pages, so the other pages can link to the source files
  if (conf['default'].outputSourceFiles) {

  if (members.globals.length) {
    generate('Global', [{ kind: 'globalobj' }], globalUrl);

  // index page displays information from package.json and lists files
  const files = find({ kind: 'file' });

    [{ kind: 'mainpage', readme: opts.readme, longname: (opts.mainpagetitle) ? opts.mainpagetitle : 'Main Page' }].concat(files),

  // set up the lists that we'll use to generate pages
  const classes = taffy(members.classes);
  const modules = taffy(members.modules);
  const namespaces = taffy(members.namespaces);
  const mixins = taffy(members.mixins);
  const externals = taffy(members.externals);

  for (const longname in helper.longnameToUrl) {
    if (hasOwnProp.call(helper.longnameToUrl, longname)) {
      const myClasses = helper.find(classes, { longname: longname });
      if (myClasses.length) {
        generate('Class: ' + myClasses[0].name, myClasses, helper.longnameToUrl[longname]);

      const myModules = helper.find(modules, { longname: longname });
      if (myModules.length) {
        generate('Module: ' + myModules[0].name, myModules, helper.longnameToUrl[longname]);

      const myNamespaces = helper.find(namespaces, { longname: longname });
      if (myNamespaces.length) {
        generate('Namespace: ' + myNamespaces[0].name, myNamespaces, helper.longnameToUrl[longname]);

      const myMixins = helper.find(mixins, { longname: longname });
      if (myMixins.length) {
        generate('Mixin: ' + myMixins[0].name, myMixins, helper.longnameToUrl[longname]);

      const myExternals = helper.find(externals, { longname: longname });
      if (myExternals.length) {
        generate('External: ' + myExternals[0].name, myExternals, helper.longnameToUrl[longname]);

  // TODO: move the tutorial functions to templateHelper.js
  function generateTutorial(title, tutorial, filename) {
    const tutorialData = {
      title: title,
      header: tutorial.title,
      content: tutorial.parse(),
      children: tutorial.children,

    let html = view.render('tutorial.tmpl', tutorialData);
    // yes, you can use {@link} in tutorials too!
    html = helper.resolveLinks(html); // turn {@link foo} into <a href="foodoc.html">foo</a>

    const tutorialPath = path.join(outdir, filename);
    fs.writeFileSync(tutorialPath, html, 'utf8');

  // tutorials can have only one parent so there is no risk for loops
  function saveChildren(node) {
    node.children.forEach(function (child) {
      generateTutorial('Tutorial: ' + child.title, child, helper.tutorialToUrl(child.name));