コード例 #1
ファイル: Results.js プロジェクト: shuetrim/SeekReactNative
  fetchAdditionalTaxaInfo() {
    const { taxaId } = this.state;

    const params = {
      locale: i18n.currentLocale()

    inatjs.taxa.fetch( taxaId, params ).then( ( response ) => {
      const taxa = response.results[0];

      this.setState( {
        taxaName: capitalizeNames( taxa.preferred_common_name || taxa.name ),
        observation: {
          taxon: {
            default_photo: taxa.default_photo,
            id: Number( taxaId ),
            name: taxa.name,
            preferred_common_name: taxa.preferred_common_name,
            iconic_taxon_id: taxa.iconic_taxon_id
        speciesSeenImage: taxa.taxon_photos[0] ? taxa.taxon_photos[0].photo.medium_url : null
      }, () => this.showMatch() );
    } ).catch( () => {
      this.setError( "taxaInfo" );
    } );
コード例 #2
ファイル: Results.js プロジェクト: shuetrim/SeekReactNative
 fetchAdditionalAncestorInfo( ancestor ) {
   inatjs.taxa.fetch( ancestor.taxon_id ).then( ( response ) => {
     const taxa = response.results[0];
     const speciesSeenImage = taxa.taxon_photos[0] ? taxa.taxon_photos[0].photo.medium_url : null;
     this.setCommonAncestor( ancestor, speciesSeenImage );
   } ).catch( () => {
     this.setError( "ancestorInfo" );
   } );
コード例 #3
ファイル: taxon.js プロジェクト: inaturalist/inaturalist
 return ( dispatch, getState ) => {
   const params = {
     id: getState( ).taxon.taxon.id,
     per_page: 12
   inatjs.taxa.wanted( params ).then(
     response => dispatch( setWanted( response.results ) ),
     error => {
       console.log( "[DEBUG] error: ", error );
コード例 #4
  fetchTaxonDetails() {
    const { id } = this.state;

    const params = {
      locale: i18n.currentLocale()

    inatjs.taxa.fetch( id, params ).then( ( response ) => {
      const taxa = response.results[0];
      const commonName = capitalizeNames( taxa.preferred_common_name || taxa.name );
      const scientificName = taxa.name;
      const conservationStatus = taxa.taxon_photos[0].taxon.conservation_status;
      const ancestors = [];
      const ranks = ["kingdom", "phylum", "class", "order", "family", "genus"];
      taxa.ancestors.forEach( ( ancestor ) => {
        if ( ranks.includes( ancestor.rank ) ) {
          ancestors.push( ancestor );
      } );

      ancestors.push( {
        rank: "species",
        name: scientificName || null,
        preferred_common_name: commonName || null
      } );

      const photos = [];

      taxa.taxon_photos.forEach( ( photo ) => {
        if ( photo.photo.license_code && photos.length < 8 ) {
          photos.push( photo );
      } );

      this.setState( {
        about: taxa.wikipedia_summary ? i18n.t( "species_detail.wikipedia", { about: taxa.wikipedia_summary.replace( /<[^>]+>/g, "" ) } ) : null,
        timesSeen: taxa.observations_count,
        taxaType: taxa.iconic_taxon_name,
        stats: {
          endangered: conservationStatus ? conservationStatus.status_name : false
      } );
    } ).catch( () => {
      // console.log( err, "error fetching taxon details" );
    } );
コード例 #5
ファイル: taxon.js プロジェクト: inaturalist/inaturalist
 return ( dispatch, getState ) => {
   const s = getState( );
   const t = taxon || s.taxon.taxon;
   const params = Object.assign( { }, options, {
     preferred_place_id: s.config.preferredPlace ? s.config.preferredPlace.id : null,
     locale: I18n.locale
   } );
   return inatjs.taxa.fetch( t.id, params ).then( response => {
     // make sure the charts revert back to the "Seasonality" tab
     // in case the incoming results have no data for the current tab
     $( "a[href='#charts-seasonality']" ).tab( "show" );
     dispatch( setTaxon( response.results[0] ) );
     dispatch( fetchTerms( ) );
   } );