コード例 #1
ファイル: extra.js プロジェクト: shouzo/hackmd
 .each(function (key, value) {
     var langDiv = $(value);
     if (langDiv.length > 0) {
         var reallang = langDiv[0].className.replace(/hljs|wrap/g, '').trim();
         var codeDiv = langDiv.find('.code');
         var code = "";
         if (codeDiv.length > 0) code = codeDiv.html();
         else code = langDiv.html();
         code = md.utils.unescapeAll(code);
         if (!reallang) {
             var result = {
                 value: md.utils.escapeHtml(code)
         } else if (reallang == "tiddlywiki" || reallang == "mediawiki") {
             var result = {
                 value: Prism.highlight(code, Prism.languages.wiki)
         } else {
             var languages = hljs.listLanguages();
             if (languages.indexOf(reallang) == -1) {
                 var result = hljs.highlightAuto(code);
             } else {
                 var result = hljs.highlight(reallang, code);
         if (codeDiv.length > 0) codeDiv.html(result.value);
         else langDiv.html(result.value);
コード例 #2
ファイル: highlight.js プロジェクト: wwsun/seu-markdown
exports.language = function(language) {
  if (!language) {
    return null;
  if (language === 'html') {
    return 'html';

  const shortcuts = {
    js: 'javascript',
    jsx: 'javascript',
    json: 'javascript',
    py: 'python',
    rb: 'ruby',
    md: 'markdown',
    mkd: 'markdown',
    'c++': 'cpp',

  if (language && shortcuts[language]) {
    language = shortcuts[language];

  if (!language || hl.listLanguages().indexOf(language) < 0) {
    return null;

  return language;
コード例 #3
ファイル: code.js プロジェクト: brentos/Rocket.Chat
const codeblocks = (message) => {
	// Count occurencies of ```
	const count = (message.html.match(/```/g) || []).length;

	if (count) {

		// Check if we need to add a final ```
		if ((count % 2) > 0) {
			message.html = `${ message.html }\n\`\`\``;
			message.msg = `${ message.msg }\n\`\`\``;

		// Separate text in code blocks and non code blocks
		const msgParts = message.html.split(/(^.*)(```(?:[a-zA-Z]+)?(?:(?:.|\r|\n)*?)```)(.*\n?)$/gm);

		for (let index = 0; index < msgParts.length; index++) {
			// Verify if this part is code
			const part = msgParts[index];
			const codeMatch = part.match(/^```(.*[\r\n\ ]?)([\s\S]*?)```+?$/);

			if (codeMatch != null) {
				// Process highlight if this part is code
				const singleLine = codeMatch[0].indexOf('\n') === -1;
				const lang = !singleLine && Array.from(hljs.listLanguages()).includes(s.trim(codeMatch[1])) ? s.trim(codeMatch[1]) : '';
				const code =
					singleLine ?
						s.unescapeHTML(codeMatch[1]) :
						lang === '' ?
							s.unescapeHTML(codeMatch[1] + codeMatch[2]) :

				const result = lang === '' ? hljs.highlightAuto((lang + code)) : hljs.highlight(lang, code);
				const token = `=!=${ Random.id() }=!=`;

					highlight: true,
					text: `<pre><code class='code-colors hljs ${ result.language }'><span class='copyonly'>\`\`\`<br></span>${ result.value }<span class='copyonly'><br>\`\`\`</span></code></pre>`,
					noHtml: `\`\`\`\n${ s.stripTags(result.value) }\n\`\`\``

				msgParts[index] = token;
			} else {
				msgParts[index] = part;

		// Re-mount message
		return message.html = msgParts.join('');
コード例 #4
ファイル: controller.js プロジェクト: truebit64/ololord.js
controller.baseModel = function() {
    return {
        server: {
            uptime: process.uptime()
        site: {
            protocol: config("site.protocol", "http"),
            domain: config("site.domain", "localhost:8080"),
            pathPrefix: config("site.pathPrefix", ""),
            locale: config("site.locale", "en"),
            dateFormat: config("site.dateFormat", "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss"),
            timeOffset: config("site.timeOffset", 0),
            vkontakte: {
                integrationEnabled: !!config("site.vkontakte.integrationEnabled", false),
                appId: config("site.vkontakte.appId", "")
            twitter: {
                integrationEnabled: !!config("site.twitter.integrationEnabled", true)
        styles: Tools.styles(),
        codeStyles: Tools.codeStyles(),
        availableCodeLangs: Highlight.listLanguages().map(function(lang) {
            return {
                id: lang,
                name: (langNames.hasOwnProperty(lang) ? langNames[lang] : lang)
        maxSearchQueryLength: config("site.maxSearchQueryLength", 50),
        markupModes: [
                name: "NONE",
                title: Tools.translate("No markup", "markupMode")
            }, {
                name: markup.MarkupModes.ExtendedWakabaMark,
                title: Tools.translate("Extended WakabaMark only", "markupMode")
            }, {
                name: markup.MarkupModes.BBCode,
                title: Tools.translate("bbCode only", "markupMode")
            }, {
                name: (markup.MarkupModes.ExtendedWakabaMark + "," + markup.MarkupModes.BBCode),
                title: Tools.translate("Extended WakabaMark and bbCode", "markupMode")
        supportedCaptchaEngines: Captcha.captchaIds().map(function(id) {
            return Captcha.captcha(id).info();
コード例 #5
ファイル: extra.js プロジェクト: hackmdio/hackmd
 .each((key, value) => {
   const langDiv = $(value)
   if (langDiv.length > 0) {
     const reallang = langDiv[0].className.replace(/hljs|wrap/g, '').trim()
     const codeDiv = langDiv.find('.code')
     let code = ''
     if (codeDiv.length > 0) code = codeDiv.html()
     else code = langDiv.html()
     var result
     if (!reallang) {
       result = {
         value: code
     } else if (reallang === 'haskell' || reallang === 'go' || reallang === 'typescript' || reallang === 'jsx' || reallang === 'gherkin') {
       code = unescapeHTML(code)
       result = {
         value: Prism.highlight(code, Prism.languages[reallang])
     } else if (reallang === 'tiddlywiki' || reallang === 'mediawiki') {
       code = unescapeHTML(code)
       result = {
         value: Prism.highlight(code, Prism.languages.wiki)
     } else if (reallang === 'cmake') {
       code = unescapeHTML(code)
       result = {
         value: Prism.highlight(code, Prism.languages.makefile)
     } else {
       code = unescapeHTML(code)
       const languages = hljs.listLanguages()
       if (!languages.includes(reallang)) {
         result = hljs.highlightAuto(code)
       } else {
         result = hljs.highlight(reallang, code)
     if (codeDiv.length > 0) codeDiv.html(result.value)
     else langDiv.html(result.value)
コード例 #6
  * get supported languages by highlight-js
  * @returns {Array<string>} - supported languages by highlight-js
  * @static
 static getHighlightJSLanguages() {
   return hljs.listLanguages();
コード例 #7
  grunt.registerMultiTask('mini_static_blog', 'Grunt plugin for creating a static blog', function() {
    // Import external libraries
    var Handlebars = require('handlebars'),
      Moment = require('moment'),
      RSS = require('rss'),
      hljs = require('highlight.js'),
      MarkedMetadata = require('meta-marked'),
      _ = require('lodash'),
      parseUrl = require('url');

    // Declare variables
    var output, path;

    // Import options
    var options = this.options({
      year: new Date().getFullYear(),
      size: 5
    options.domain = parseUrl.parse(options.data.url).hostname;

    // Register partials
      header: grunt.file.read(options.template.header),
      footer: grunt.file.read(options.template.footer)

    // Get languages
    var langs = hljs.listLanguages();

    // Get Marked Metadata
      gfm: true,
      tables: true,
      smartLists: true,
      smartypants: true,
      langPrefix: 'hljs lang-',
      highlight: function (code, lang) {
        if (typeof lang !== "undefined" && langs.indexOf(lang) > 0) {
          return hljs.highlight(lang, code).value;
        } else {
          return hljs.highlightAuto(code).value;

    // Get matching files
    var posts = grunt.file.expand(options.src.posts + '*.md', options.src.posts + '*.markdown');
    var pages = grunt.file.expand(options.src.pages + '*.md', options.src.pages + '*.markdown');

    // Get Handlebars templates
    var postTemplate = Handlebars.compile(grunt.file.read(options.template.post));
    var pageTemplate = Handlebars.compile(grunt.file.read(options.template.page));
    var indexTemplate = Handlebars.compile(grunt.file.read(options.template.index));
    var notFoundTemplate = Handlebars.compile(grunt.file.read(options.template.notfound));

    // Generate posts
    var post_items = [];
    posts.forEach(function (file) {
      // Convert it to Markdown
      var content = grunt.file.read(file);
      var md = new MarkedMetadata(content);
      var mdcontent = md.html;
      var meta = md.meta;

      // Get path
      var permalink = '/blog/' + (file.replace(options.src.posts, '').replace(/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})-/, '$1/$2/$3/').replace('.markdown', '').replace('.md', ''));
      var path = options.www.dest + permalink;

      // Render the Handlebars template with the content
      var data = {
        year: options.year,
        data: options.data,
        domain: options.domain,
        path: permalink + '/',
        meta: {
          title: meta.title.replace(/"/g, ''),
          date: meta.date,
          formattedDate: new Moment(new Date(meta.date)).format('Do MMMM YYYY h:mm a'),
          categories: meta.categories
        post: {
          content: mdcontent,
          rawcontent: content

    // Sort posts
    post_items = _.sortBy(post_items, function (item) {
      return item.meta.date;

    // Get recent posts
    var recent_posts = post_items.slice(Math.max(post_items.length - 5, 1)).reverse();

    // Output them
    post_items.forEach(function (data, index, list) {
      // Get next and previous
      if (index < (list.length - 1)) {
        data.next = {
          title: list[index + 1].meta.title,
          path: list[index + 1].path
      if (index > 0) {
        data.prev = {
          title: list[index - 1].meta.title,
          path: list[index - 1].path

      // Get recent posts
      data.recent_posts = recent_posts;

      // Render template
      var output = postTemplate(data);

      // Write post to destination
      grunt.file.mkdir(options.www.dest + data.path);
      grunt.file.write(options.www.dest + data.path + '/index.html', output);
    // Generate pages
    pages.forEach(function (file) {
      // Convert it to Markdown
      var content = grunt.file.read(file);
      var md = new MarkedMetadata(content);
      var mdcontent = md.html;
      var meta = md.meta;
      var permalink = '/' + (file.replace(options.src.pages, '').replace('.markdown', '').replace('.md', ''));
      var path = options.www.dest + permalink;

      // Render the Handlebars template with the content
      var data = {
        year: options.year,
        data: options.data,
        domain: options.domain,
        path: path,
        meta: {
          title: meta.title.replace(/"/g, ''),
          date: meta.date
        post: {
          content: mdcontent,
          rawcontent: content
        recent_posts: recent_posts
      var output = pageTemplate(data);

      // Write page to destination
      grunt.file.write(path + '/index.html', output);

    // Generate RSS feed
    var feed = new RSS({
        title: options.data.title,
        description: options.data.description,
        url: options.data.url

    // Get the posts
    for (var post in post_items.reverse().slice(0, 20)) {
      // Add to feed
        title: post_items[post].meta.title,
        description: post_items[post].post.content,
        url: options.data.url + post_items[post].path,
        date: post_items[post].meta.date

    // Write the content to the file
    path = options.www.dest + '/atom.xml';
    grunt.file.write(path, feed.xml({indent: true}));

    // Create 404 page
    var newObj = {
      data: options.data,
      year: options.year,
      domain: options.domain
    output = notFoundTemplate(newObj);
    path = options.www.dest;
    grunt.file.write(path + '/404.html', output);

    // Generate index
    // First, break it into chunks
    var postChunks = [];
    while (post_items.length > 0) {
      postChunks.push(post_items.splice(0, options.size));

    // Then, loop through each chunk and write the content to the file
    for (var chunk in postChunks) {
      var data = {
        year: options.year,
        data: options.data,
        domain: options.domain,
        posts: []

      // Get the posts
      for (post in postChunks[chunk]) {

      // Generate content
      if (Number(chunk) + 1 < postChunks.length) {
        data.nextChunk = Number(chunk) + 2;
      if (Number(chunk) + 1 > 1) {
        data.prevChunk = Number(chunk);
      data.recent_posts = recent_posts;
      output = indexTemplate(data);

      // If this is the first page, also write it as the index
      if (chunk === "0") {
        grunt.file.write(options.www.dest + '/index.html', output);

      // Write the content to the file
      path = options.www.dest + '/posts/' + (Number(chunk) + 1);
      grunt.file.write(path + '/index.html', output);

コード例 #8
  grunt.registerMultiTask('mini_static_blog', 'The best Grunt plugin ever.', function() {
    // Import external libraries
    var Handlebars = require('handlebars'),
      Moment = require('moment'),
      RSS = require('rss'),
      hljs = require('highlight.js'),
      MarkedMetadata = require('meta-marked'),
      _ = require('lodash'),
      parseUrl = require('url');

    // Declare variables
    var output, path;

    // Import options
    var options = this.options({
      year: new Date().getFullYear(),
      size: 5
    options.domain = parseUrl.parse(options.data.url).hostname;

    // Register partials
      header: grunt.file.read(options.template.header),
      footer: grunt.file.read(options.template.footer)

    // Get languages
    var langs = hljs.listLanguages();

    // Get Marked Metadata
      gfm: true,
      tables: true,
      smartLists: true,
      smartypants: true,
      langPrefix: 'hljs lang-',
      highlight: function (code, lang) {
        if (typeof lang !== "undefined" && langs.indexOf(lang) > 0) {
          return hljs.highlight(lang, code).value;
        } else {
          return hljs.highlightAuto(code).value;

    // Get matching files
    var posts = grunt.file.expand(options.src.posts + '*.md', options.src.posts + '*.markdown');
    var pages = grunt.file.expand(options.src.pages + '*.md', options.src.pages + '*.markdown');

    // Get Handlebars templates
    var postTemplate = Handlebars.compile(grunt.file.read(options.template.post));
    var pageTemplate = Handlebars.compile(grunt.file.read(options.template.page));
    var indexTemplate = Handlebars.compile(grunt.file.read(options.template.index));
    var notFoundTemplate = Handlebars.compile(grunt.file.read(options.template.notfound));

    // Generate posts
    var post_items = [];
    posts.forEach(function(file) {
      // Convert it to Markdown
      var content = grunt.file.read(file);
      var md = new MarkedMetadata(content);
      var mdcontent = md.html;
      var meta = md.meta;

      // Get path
      var permalink = '/blog/' + (file.replace(options.src.posts, '').replace(/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})-/, '$1/$2/$3').replace('.markdown', '').replace('.md', ''));
      var path = options.www.dest + permalink;

      // Render the Handlebars template with the content
      var data = {
        year: options.year,
        data: options.data,
        domain: options.domain,
        path: permalink + '/',
        meta: {
          title: meta.title.replace(/"/g, ''),
          date: meta.date,
          formattedDate: new Moment(new Date(meta.date)).format('Do MMMM YYYY h:mm a'),
          categories: meta.categories
        post: {
          content: mdcontent,
          rawcontent: content

    // Sort posts
    post_items = _.sortBy(post_items, function(item) {
      return item.meta.date;

    // Get recent posts
    var recent_posts = post_items.slice(Math.max(post_items.length - 5, 1)).reverse();

    // Output them
    post_items.forEach(function(data, index, list) {
      // Get next and previous
      if (index < (list.length - 1)) {
        data.next = {
          title: list[index + 1].meta.title,
          path: list[index + 1].path

      // Get recent posts
      data.recent_posts = recent_posts;

      // Render template
      var output = postTemplate(data);

      // Write post to destination
      grunt.file.mkdir(options.www.dest + data.path);
      grunt.file.write(options.www.dest + data.path + '/index.html', output);

    /* Merge task-specific and/or target-specific options with these defaults.
    var options = this.options({
      punctuation: '.',
      separator: ', '
    }); */

    // Iterate over all specified file groups.
    this.files.forEach(function(f) {
      // Concat specified files.
      var src = f.src.filter(function(filepath) {
        // Warn on and remove invalid source files (if nonull was set).
        if (!grunt.file.exists(filepath)) {
          grunt.log.warn('Source file "' + filepath + '" not found.');
          return false;
        } else {
          return true;
      }).map(function(filepath) {
        // Read file source.
        return grunt.file.read(filepath);

      // Handle options.
      src += options.punctuation;

      // Write the destination file.
      grunt.file.write(f.dest, src);

      // Print a success message.
      grunt.log.writeln('File "' + f.dest + '" created.');