コード例 #1
ファイル: doc.js プロジェクト: hobbysoldat/devlol
module.exports = function (txt, filename, sourceFileName) {
    var Title = txt.match(/^[^"]*"([^"]+)"/),
        rdoc = /\/\*\\[\s\S]*?\\\*\//g,
        rdoc2 = /^\/\*\\\n\s*\*\s+(.*)\n([\s\S]*)\\\*\/$/,
        rows = /^\s*(\S)(?:(?!\n)\s(.*))?$/,
        // rcode = /`([^`]+)`/g,
        rkeywords = /\b(abstract|boolean|break|byte|case|catch|char|class|const|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|double|else|enum|export|extends|false|final|finally|float|for|function|goto|if|implements|import|in|instanceof|int|interface|long|native|new|null|package|private|protected|public|return|short|static|super|switch|synchronized|this|throw|throws|transient|true|try|typeof|var|void|volatile|while|with|undefined)\b/g,
        rstrings = /("[^"]*?(?:\\"[^"]*?)*"|'[^']*?(?:\\'[^']*?)*')/g,
        roperators = /( \= | \- | \+ | % | \* | \&\& | \&\& | \& | \& | \|\| | \| | \/ | == | === )/g,
        rdigits = /(\b(0[xX][\da-fA-F]+)|((\.\d+|\b\d+(\.\d+)?)(?:e[-+]?\d+)?))\b/g,
        rcomments = /(\/\/.*?(?:\n|$)|\/\*(?:.|\s)*?\*\/)$/g,
        // rhref = /(https?:\/\/[^\s"]+[\d\w_\-\/])/g,
        rlink = /(^|\s)@([\w\.\_\$]*[\w\_\$])/g,
        ramp = /&(?!\w+;|#\d+;|#x[\da-f]+;)/gi,
        rantiwrap = /^<([^>]+)>(.*)<\/\1>$/,
        main = txt.match(rdoc),
        root = {},
        jsonLevel = 0,
        src = "",
        list = [[]],
        curlist = list[0],
        srcfilename = sourceFileName || (path.basename(filename, path.extname(filename)) + "-src.html"),
        clas = "",
        TOC = [],
        utoc = {},
        chunks = {},
        out = {};
    if (!main) {
        return {};
    function esc(text) {
        return markdown.toHTML(String(text))
            .replace(rantiwrap, "$2")
            .replace(ramp, '<em class="amp">&amp;</em>')
            .replace(rlink, '$1<a href="#$2" class="dr-link">$2</a>');
    function syntax(text) {
        return text.replace(/</g, "&lt;")
            .replace(ramp, "&amp;")
            .replace(rkeywords, "<b>$1</b>")
            .replace(rstrings, "<i>$1</i>")
            .replace(roperators, '<span class="s">$1</span>')
            .replace(rdigits, '<span class="d">$1</span>')
            .replace(rcomments, '<span class="c">$1</span>') + "\n";
    function syntaxSrc(text) {
        var isend = text.match(/\*\//);
        if (text.match(/\/\*/)) {
            syntaxSrc.inc = true;
        var out = text.replace(/</g, "&lt;")
            .replace(/&(?!\w+;|#\d+;|#x[\da-f]+;)/gi, "&amp;")
            .replace(rkeywords, "<b>$1</b>")
            .replace(rstrings, "<i>$1</i>")
            .replace(roperators, '<span class="s">$1</span>')
            .replace(rdigits, '<span class="d">$1</span>')
            .replace(/(\/\*(?:.(?!\*\/))+(?:\*\/)?)/g, '<span class="c">$1</span>')
            .replace(rcomments, '<span class="c">$1</span>') + "\n";
        if (syntaxSrc.inc) {
            out = out.replace(/(^.*\*\/)/, '<span class="c">$1</span>');
            if (!isend) {
                out = '<span class="c">' + out + '</span>';
        if (isend) {
            syntaxSrc.inc = false;
        return out;

    eve.on("doc.*.list", function (mod, text) {
        this != "-" && (html += "</ol></div>\n");
    eve.on("doc.*.json", function (mod, text) {
        this != "o" && (html += "</ol>\n");
    eve.on("doc.*.text", function (mod, text) {
        this != "*" && (html += "</p>\n");
    eve.on("doc.*.head", function (mod, text) {
        // this != "*" && (html += "</h3>\n");
    eve.on("doc.*.code", function (mod, text) {
        this != "|" && (html += "</code></pre></section>\n");
    eve.on("doc.s*.*", function (mod, text) {
        mode != "text" && (html += "<p>");
        if (text) {
            html += esc(text) + "\n";
        } else {
            html += "</p>\n<p>";
        mode = "text";
    eve.on("doc.s|.*", function (mod, text) {
        mode != "code" && (html += '<section class="code"><pre class="javascript code"><code data-language="javascript" class="language-javascript">');
        html += text.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(ramp, "&amp;") + "\n";
        mode = "code";
    eve.on("doc.s#.*", function (mod, text) {
        html += text + "\n";
        mode = "html";
    eve.on("doc.s>.*", function (mod, text) {
        mode != "head" && (html += '<h3>');
        html += esc(text) + "</h3>";
        mode = "head";
    eve.on("doc.s[.*", function (mod, text) {
        var type;
        text = esc(text).replace(/\(([^\)]+)\)/, function (all, t) {
            type = t;
            return "";
        itemData.type = esc(text).replace(/\s*\]\s*$/, "").split(/\s*,\s*/);
        clas = itemData.clas = "dr-" + itemData.type.join(" dr-");
        html += '<div class="' + clas + '">';
        type && (html += '<em class="dr-type dr-type-' + type + '">' + type + '</em>');
        mode = "";
    eve.on("doc.end.*", function (mod, text) {
        clas && (html += "</div>");
    eve.on("doc.s=.*", function (mod, text) {
        var split = text.split(/(\s*[\(\)]\s*)/);
        var types = split.shift().split(/\s*\|\s*/);
        html += '<p class="dr-returns"><strong class="dr-title">Returns:</strong> ';
        for (var i = 0, ii = types.length; i < ii; i++) {
            types[i] = '<em class="dr-type-' + types[i] + '">' + types[i] + '</em>';
        html += types.join(" ") + ' <span class="dr-description">' + esc(split.join("")) + "</span></p>\n";
        mode = "";
    eve.on("doc.s-.*", function (mod, text) {
        itemData.params = itemData.params || [];
        if (mode != "list") {
            html += '<div class="topcoat-list__container"><h3 class="topcoat-list__header">Parameters</h3><ol class="topcoat-list">';
        var optional,
            data = itemData.params[itemData.params.length - 1];
        text = text.replace(/#optional\s*/g, function () {
            optional = true;
            return "";
        var split = text.split(/(\s*[\(\)]\s*)/);
        data.push((optional ? "[" : "") + split[0] + (optional ? "]" : ""));
        html += '<li class="topcoat-list__item"><span class="dr-param' + (optional ? " optional" : "") + '">' + split.shift() + '</span>\n';
        if (optional) {
            html += '<span class="dr-optional">optional</span>\n';
        var types = split.shift().split(/\s*\|\s*/);
        html += '<span class="dr-type">';
        for (var i = 0, ii = types.length; i < ii; i++) {
            types[i] = '<em class="dr-type-' + types[i] + '">' + types[i] + '</em>';
        html += types.join(" ") + '</span>\n<span class="dr-description">' + (esc(split.join("")) || "&#160;") + '</span></li>\n';
        mode = "list";
    eve.on("doc.so.*", function (mod, text) {
        if (mode != "json") {
            html += '<ol class="dr-json">';
        var desc = text.match(/^\s*([^\(\s]+)\s*\(([^\)]+)\)\s*(.*?)\s*$/),
            start = text.match(/\s*\{\s*$/),
            end = text.match(/\s*\}\s*,?\s*$/);
        !end && (html += "<li>");
        if (desc) {
            html += '<span class="dr-json-key">' + desc[1] + '</span>';
            var types = desc[2].split(/\s*\|\s*/);
            html += '<span class="dr-type">';
            for (var i = 0, ii = types.length; i < ii; i++) {
                types[i] = '<em class="dr-type-' + types[i] + '">' + types[i] + '</em>';
            html += types.join(" ") + '</span><span class="dr-json-description">' + (esc(desc[3]) || "&#160;") + '</span>\n';
        } else {
            !end && (html += text);
        if (start) {
            html += '<ol class="dr-json">';
        if (end) {
            html += '</ol></li><li>' + text + '</li>';
        mode = "json";

    out.sections = main.length;

    main = txt.split("\n");

    out.loc = main.length;

    var beginrg = /^\s*\/\*\\\s*$/,
        endrg = /^\s*\\\*\/\s*$/,
        line = 0,
        firstline = false,
        inside = false;

    for (var i = 0, ii = main.length; i < ii; i++) {
        var doc = main[i];
        src += '<code id="L' + line + '"><span class="ln">' + line + '</span>' + syntaxSrc(doc) + '</code>';
        if (doc.match(beginrg)) {
            inside = firstline = true;
            pointer = root;
            itemData = {};
            html = "";
            mode = "";
        if (doc.match(endrg)) {
            inside = false;
            eve("doc.end." + mode, null, mode, "");
            itemData.line = line + 1;
            (function (value, Clas, data, pointer) {
                eve.on("doc.item", function () {
                    if (this == pointer) {
                        html += value;
                        itemData = data;
            })(html, clas, itemData, pointer);
            clas = "";
        if (inside) {
            var title,
                data = doc.match(rows);
            if (data) {
                var symbol = data[1],
                    text = data[2];
                if (symbol == "*" && firstline) {
                    firstline = false;
                    title = text.split(".");
                    for (var j = 0, jj = title.length; j < jj; j++) {
                        pointer = pointer[title[j]] = pointer[title[j]] || {};
                } else {
                    eve("doc.s" + symbol + "." + mode, symbol, mode, text);
    html = "";
    var lvl = [],
        toc = "",
        res = "";
    var runner = function (pointer, hx) {
        var level = [], name, chunk;
        for (var node in pointer) {
        for (var j = 0, jj = level.length; j < jj; j++) {
            name = lvl.join(".");
            html = "";
            chunk = "";
            itemData = {};
            eve("doc.item", pointer[level[j]]);
            chunk += '<article id="' + name + '" class="' + name.replace(/\./g, "-") + '-section"><header><h'
                + hx + ' id="' + name + '" class="' + itemData.clas
                + '">' + name;
            if (itemData.type && itemData.type.indexOf("method") + 1) {
                if (itemData.params) {
                    if (itemData.params.length == 1) {
                        chunk += "(" + itemData.params[0].join(", ") + ")";
                    } else if (!itemData.params.length) {
                        chunk += "()";
                    } else {
                        chunk += "(\u2026)";
                } else {
                    chunk += "()";
            chunk += '<a href="#' + name + '" title="Link to this section" class="dr-hash">&#x2693;</a>';
            itemData.line && (chunk += '<a class="dr-sourceline" title="Go to line ' + itemData.line + ' in the source" href="' + srcfilename + '#L' + itemData.line + '">&#x27ad;</a>');
            chunk += '</h' + hx + '></header>\n<section>';
            chunk += '<div class="extra" id="' + name + '-extra"></div>';
            chunk += html;
            chunk += '</section></article>';
            chunks[name] = chunks[name] || "";
            chunks[name] += chunk;
            res += chunk;
            var indent = 0;
            name.replace(/\./g, function () {
            toc += '<li class="dr-lvl' + indent + '"><a href="#' + name + '" class="' + itemData.clas + '"><span>' + name;
            if (itemData.type && itemData.type.indexOf("method") + 1) {
                toc += "()";
            toc += '</span></a></li>';
            if (!utoc[name]) {
                    indent: indent,
                    name: name,
                    clas: itemData.clas,
                    brackets: itemData.type && itemData.type.indexOf("method") + 1 ? "()" : ""
                utoc[name] = 1;
            runner(pointer[level[j]], hx + 1);

    runner(root, 2);
    out.chunks = chunks;
    out.toc = TOC;
    out.title = Title ? Title[1] : "";
    out.source = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<!-- Generated with Dr.js -->\n<html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>' + path.basename(filename) + '</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="dr.css"></head><body id="src-dr-js">' + src + '</body></html>';
    return out;
コード例 #2
ファイル: doc.js プロジェクト: adobe-webplatform/dr.js
module.exports = function (txt, filename, sourceFileName) {
    var Title = txt.match(/^[^"]*"([^"]+)"/),
        rdoc = /\/\*\\[\s\S]*?\\\*\//g,
        rdoc2 = /^\/\*\\\n\s*\*\s+(.*)\n([\s\S]*)\\\*\/$/,
        rows = /^\s*(\S)(?:(?!\n)\s(.*))?$/,
        rlink = /(^|\s)@([\w\.\_\$]*[\w\_\$])/g,
        ramp = /&(?!\w+;|#\d+;|#x[\da-f]+;)/gi,
        rantiwrap = /^<([^>]+)>(.*)<\/\1>$/,
        main = txt.match(rdoc),
        root = {},
        jsonLevel = 0,
        src = "",
        list = [[]],
        curlist = list[0],
        srcfilename = sourceFileName || (path.basename(filename, path.extname(filename)) + "-src.html"),
        clas = "",
        TOC = [],
        sections = [],
        current = sections,
        prev = sections,
        utoc = {},
        chunks = {},
        out = {};
    if (!main) {
        return {};
    function esc(text) {
        return markdown.toHTML(String(text))
            .replace(rantiwrap, "$2")
            .replace(ramp, '<em class="amp">&amp;</em>')
            .replace(rlink, '$1<a href="#$2" class="dr-link">$2</a>');

    eve.on("doc.*.list", function (mod, text) {
        if (this != "-") {
            current = prev;
    eve.on("doc.*.json", function (mod, text) {
        if (this != "o") {
            current = prev;
    eve.on("doc.*.text", function (mod, text) {
        if (this != "*") {
            current = prev;
    eve.on("doc.*.code", function (mod, text) {
        if (this != "|") {
            current = prev;
    eve.on("doc.s*.*", function (mod, text) {
        if (mode != "text") {
            prev = current;
            var arr = [""];
            current.push({text: arr});
            current = arr;
        if (text) {
            current[current.length - 1] += esc(text) + "\n";
        } else {
        mode = "text";
    eve.on("doc.s|.*", function (mod, text) {
        if (mode != "code") {
            prev = current;
            var arr = [];
            current.push({code: arr});
            current = arr;
        mode = "code";
    eve.on("doc.s#.*", function (mod, text) {
        current.push({html: text + "\n"});
        mode = "html";
    eve.on("doc.s>.*", function (mod, text) {
        mode != "head" && (html += '<h3>');
        current.push({head: esc(text)});
        mode = "head";
    eve.on("doc.s[.*", function (mod, text) {
        var type;
        text = esc(text).replace(/\(([^\)]+)\)/, function (all, t) {
            type = t;
            return "";
        itemData.type = esc(text).replace(/\s*\]\s*$/, "").split(/\s*,\s*/);
        clas = itemData.clas = "dr-" + itemData.type.join(" dr-");
        mode = "";
    eve.on("doc.end.*", function (mod, text) {
    eve.on("doc.s=.*", function (mod, text) {
        var split = text.split(/(\s*[\(\)]\s*)/);
        var types = split.shift().split(/\s*\|\s*/);
        current.push({rtrn: {
            type: types,
            desc: esc(split.join(""))
        mode = "";
    eve.on("doc.s-.*", function (mod, text) {
        itemData.params = itemData.params || [];
        if (mode != "list") {
            prev = current;
            var arr = [];
            current.push({attr: arr});
            current = arr;
        var optional,
            data = itemData.params[itemData.params.length - 1];
        text = text.replace(/#optional\s*/g, function () {
            optional = true;
            return "";
        var split = text.split(/(\s*[\(\)]\s*)/),
            item = {};
        data.push((optional ? "[" : "") + split[0] + (optional ? "]" : ""));
        item.name = split.shift();
        if (optional) {
            item.optional = true;
        var types = split.shift().split(/\s*\|\s*/);
        item.type = types;
        var stypes = [];
        item.desc = esc(split.join(""));
        mode = "list";
    eve.on("doc.so.*", function (mod, text) {
        if (mode != "json") {
            prev = current;
            var arr = [];
            current.push({json: arr});
            current = arr;
        var desc = text.match(/^\s*([^\(\s]+)\s*\(([^\)]+)\)\s*(.*?)\s*$/),
            start = text.match(/\s*\{\s*$/),
            end = text.match(/\s*\}\s*,?\s*$/),
            item = {};
        if (desc) {
            item.key = desc[1];
            item.type = desc[2].split(/\s*\|\s*/);
            item.desc = esc(desc[3]);
            var types = desc[2].split(/\s*\|\s*/);
        } else if (!end) {
            item = text;
        if (start) {
            item = {
                start: text
        if (end) {
            item = {
                end: text
        mode = "json";

    out.sections = main.length;

    main = txt.split("\n");

    out.loc = main.length;

    var beginrg = /^\s*\/\*\\\s*$/,
        endrg = /^\s*\\\*\/\s*$/,
        line = 0,
        firstline = false,
        inside = false;

    for (var i = 0, ii = main.length; i < ii; i++) {
        var doc = main[i];
        if (doc.match(beginrg)) {
            inside = firstline = true;
            pointer = root;
            itemData = {};
            html = "";
            mode = "";
        if (doc.match(endrg) && inside) {
            inside = false;
            eve("doc.end." + mode, null, mode, "");
            itemData.line = line + 1;
            (function (value, Clas, data, pointer) {
                eve.on("doc.item", function () {
                    if (this == pointer) {
                        html += value;
                        itemData = data;
            })(html, clas, itemData, pointer);
            clas = "";
        if (inside) {
            var title,
                data = doc.match(rows);
            if (data) {
                var symbol = data[1],
                    text = data[2];
                if (symbol == "*" && firstline) {
                    firstline = false;
                    title = text.split(".");
                    for (var j = 0, jj = title.length; j < jj; j++) {
                        pointer = pointer[title[j]] = pointer[title[j]] || {};
                    sections.push(current = prev = [itemData]);
                } else {
                    eve("doc.s" + symbol + "." + mode, symbol, mode, text);
    html = "";
    var lvl = [],
        toc = "",
        res = "";
    var runner = function (pointer, hx) {
        var level = [], name, chunk, brackets;
        for (var node in pointer) {
        for (var j = 0, jj = level.length; j < jj; j++) {
            name = lvl.join(".");
            itemData = {};
            eve("doc.item", pointer[level[j]]);
            itemData.title = name;
            if (itemData.type && itemData.type.indexOf("method") + 1) {
                if (itemData.params) {
                    if (itemData.params.length == 1) {
                        brackets = "(" + itemData.params[0].join(", ") + ")";
                    } else if (!itemData.params.length) {
                        brackets = "()";
                    } else {
                        brackets = "(\u2026)";
                } else {
                    brackets = "()";
            itemData.name = name + (brackets || "");
            var indent = 0;
            name.replace(/\./g, function () {
            if (!utoc[name]) {
                    indent: indent,
                    name: name,
                    clas: itemData.clas,
                    brackets: itemData.type && itemData.type.indexOf("method") + 1 ? "()" : ""
                utoc[name] = 1;
            runner(pointer[level[j]], hx + 1);

    runner(root, 2);
    out.toc = TOC;
    out.out = sections;
    // console.log(JSON.stringify(sections));
    out.title = Title ? Title[1] : "";
    return out;