コード例 #1
QUnit.test('The ArrayProxy doesn\'t explode when assigned a destroyed object', function() {
  let proxy1 = ArrayProxy.create();
  let proxy2 = ArrayProxy.create();

  run(() => proxy1.destroy());

  set(proxy2, 'content', proxy1);

  ok(true, 'No exception was raised');
コード例 #2
ファイル: collection_test.js プロジェクト: AlexKVal/ember.js
  run(function() {
    TemplateTests.contentController = ArrayProxy.create({
      content: emberA(['foo', 'bar'])

    var InnerList = CollectionView.extend({
      tagName: 'ul',
      contentBinding: 'parentView.innerListContent'

    var OuterListItem = EmberView.extend({
      innerListView: InnerList,
      template: compile('{{#collection view.innerListView class="inner"}}{{content}}{{/collection}}{{content}}'),
      innerListContent: computed(function() {
        return emberA([1, 2, 3]);

    var OuterList = CollectionView.extend({
      tagName: 'ul',
      contentBinding: 'TemplateTests.contentController',
      itemViewClass: OuterListItem

    view = EmberView.create({
      outerListView: OuterList,
      template: compile('{{collection view.outerListView class="outer"}}')
コード例 #3
ファイル: collection_test.js プロジェクト: AlexKVal/ember.js
QUnit.test('empty views should be removed when content is added to the collection (regression, ht: msofaer)', function() {
  var EmptyView = EmberView.extend({
    template : compile('<td>No Rows Yet</td>')

  var ListView = CollectionView.extend({
    emptyView: EmptyView

  var listController = ArrayProxy.create({
    content : emberA()

  view = EmberView.create({
    _viewRegistry: {},
    listView: ListView,
    listController: listController,
    template: compile('{{#collection view.listView content=view.listController tagName="table"}} <td>{{view.content.title}}</td> {{/collection}}')


  equal(view.$('tr').length, 1, 'Make sure the empty view is there (regression)');

  run(function() {
    listController.pushObject({ title : 'Go Away, Placeholder Row!' });

  equal(view.$('tr').length, 1, 'has one row');
  equal(view.$('tr:nth-child(1) td').text(), 'Go Away, Placeholder Row!', 'The content is the updated data.');
コード例 #4
ファイル: select_test.js プロジェクト: AVert/ember.js
test("upon content change with Array-like content, the DOM should reflect the selection", function() {
  var tom = {id: 4, name: 'Tom'},
      sylvain = {id: 5, name: 'Sylvain'};

  var proxy = ArrayProxy.create({
    content: Ember.A(),
    selectedOption: sylvain

  view = EmberView.create({
    proxy: proxy,
    template: Ember.Handlebars.compile(
      '{{view Ember.Select viewName="select"' +
      '    contentBinding="view.proxy"' +
      '    selectionBinding="view.proxy.selectedOption"}}'

  run(function() {

  var select = view.get('select'),
      selectEl = select.$()[0];

  equal(selectEl.selectedIndex, -1, "Precond: The DOM reflects the lack of selection");

  run(function() {
    proxy.set('content', Ember.A([tom, sylvain]));

  equal(select.get('selection'), sylvain, "Selection was properly set after content change");
  equal(selectEl.selectedIndex, 1, "The DOM reflects the correct selection");
コード例 #5
test("a array_proxy that backs an sorted array_controller that backs a collection view functions properly", function() {

  var array = Ember.A([{ name: "Other Katz" }]);
  var arrayProxy = ArrayProxy.create({content: array});

  var sortedController = ArrayController.create({
    content: arrayProxy,
    sortProperties: ['name']

  var container = CollectionView.create({
    content: sortedController

  run(function() {

  run(function() {
    arrayProxy.addObjects([{ name: "Scumbag Demon" }, { name: "Lord British" }]);

  equal(container.get('content.length'), 3, 'ArrayController should have 3 entries');
  equal(container.get('content.content.length'), 3, 'RecordArray should have 3 entries');
  equal(container.get('childViews.length'), 3, 'CollectionView should have 3 entries');

  run(function() {
コード例 #6
QUnit.test("upon content change with Array-like content, the DOM should reflect the selection", function() {
  var tom = { id: 4, name: 'Tom' };
  var sylvain = { id: 5, name: 'Sylvain' };

  var proxy = ArrayProxy.create({
    content: Ember.A(),
    selectedOption: sylvain

  view = EmberView.create({
    proxy: proxy,
    selectView: SelectView,
    template: compile(
      '{{view view.selectView viewName="select"' +
      '    content=view.proxy' +
      '    selection=view.proxy.selectedOption}}'


  var select = view.get('select');
  var selectEl = select.$()[0];

  equal(selectEl.selectedIndex, -1, "Precond: The DOM reflects the lack of selection");

  run(function() {
    proxy.set('content', Ember.A([tom, sylvain]));

  equal(select.get('selection'), sylvain, "Selection was properly set after content change");
  equal(selectEl.selectedIndex, 1, "The DOM reflects the correct selection");
コード例 #7
QUnit.test('should update length for null content', function() {
  let proxy = ArrayProxy.create({
    content: emberA([1, 2, 3])

  equal(proxy.get('length'), 3, 'precond - length is 3');

  proxy.set('content', null);

  equal(proxy.get('length'), 0, 'length updates');
コード例 #8
ファイル: collection_test.js プロジェクト: AlexKVal/ember.js
QUnit.test('itemViewClass works in the #collection via container', function() {
  owner.register('view:example-item', EmberView.extend({
    isAlsoCustom: true

  view = EmberView.create({
    [OWNER]: owner,
    exampleCollectionView: CollectionView.extend(),
    exampleController: ArrayProxy.create({
      content: emberA(['alpha'])
    template: compile('{{#collection view.exampleCollectionView content=view.exampleController itemViewClass="example-item"}}beta{{/collection}}')


  ok(firstGrandchild(view).isAlsoCustom, 'uses the example view class specified in the #collection helper');
コード例 #9
ファイル: collection_test.js プロジェクト: AlexKVal/ember.js
QUnit.test('itemViewClass works in the #collection helper with a property', function() {
  var ExampleItemView = EmberView.extend({
    isAlsoCustom: true

  var ExampleCollectionView = CollectionView;

  view = EmberView.create({
    possibleItemView: ExampleItemView,
    exampleCollectionView: ExampleCollectionView,
    exampleController: ArrayProxy.create({
      content: emberA(['alpha'])
    template: compile('{{#collection view.exampleCollectionView content=view.exampleController itemViewClass=view.possibleItemView}}beta{{/collection}}')


  ok(firstGrandchild(view).isAlsoCustom, 'uses the example view class specified in the #collection helper');
コード例 #10
ファイル: is_array_test.js プロジェクト: antigremlin/ember.js
QUnit.test('Ember.isArray', function() {
  var numarray      = [1,2,3];
  var number        = 23;
  var strarray      = ['Hello', 'Hi'];
  var string        = 'Hello';
  var object        = {};
  var length        = { length: 12 };
  var fn            = function() {};
  var arrayProxy = ArrayProxy.create({ content: Ember.A() });

  equal(isArray(numarray), true, '[1,2,3]');
  equal(isArray(number), false, '23');
  equal(isArray(strarray), true, '["Hello", "Hi"]');
  equal(isArray(string), false, '"Hello"');
  equal(isArray(object), false, '{}');
  equal(isArray(length), true, '{ length: 12 }');
  equal(isArray(global), false, 'global');
  equal(isArray(fn), false, 'function() {}');
  equal(isArray(arrayProxy), true, '[]');
コード例 #11
test("itemViewClass works in the #collection helper with a global (DEPRECATED)", function() {
  TemplateTests.ExampleItemView = EmberView.extend({
    isAlsoCustom: true

  view = EmberView.create({
    exampleController: ArrayProxy.create({
      content: A(['alpha'])
    template: compile('{{#collection content=view.exampleController itemViewClass=TemplateTests.ExampleItemView}}beta{{/collection}}')

  var deprecation = /Resolved the view "TemplateTests.ExampleItemView" on the global context/;
  if (Ember.FEATURES.isEnabled('ember-htmlbars')) {
    deprecation = /Global lookup of TemplateTests.ExampleItemView from a Handlebars template is deprecated/;
    run(view, 'append');
  }, deprecation);

  ok(firstGrandchild(view).isAlsoCustom, "uses the example view class specified in the #collection helper");
コード例 #12
test("empty views should be removed when content is added to the collection (regression, ht: msofaer)", function() {
  var App;

  run(function() {
    lookup.App = App = Namespace.create();

  App.EmptyView = EmberView.extend({
    template : EmberHandlebars.compile("<td>No Rows Yet</td>")

  App.ListView = CollectionView.extend({
    emptyView: App.EmptyView

  App.listController = ArrayProxy.create({
    content : A()

  view = EmberView.create({
    template: EmberHandlebars.compile('{{#collection App.ListView contentBinding="App.listController" tagName="table"}} <td>{{view.content.title}}</td> {{/collection}}')

  run(function() {

  equal(view.$('tr').length, 1, 'Make sure the empty view is there (regression)');

  run(function() {
    App.listController.pushObject({title : "Go Away, Placeholder Row!"});

  equal(view.$('tr').length, 1, 'has one row');
  equal(view.$('tr:nth-child(1) td').text(), 'Go Away, Placeholder Row!', 'The content is the updated data.');

  run(function() { App.destroy(); });
コード例 #13
ファイル: if_unless_test.js プロジェクト: EmuxEvans/ember.js
QUnit.test("The `unless` helper updates if an array-like object is empty or not", function() {
  view = EmberView.create({
    array: ArrayProxy.create({ content: Ember.A([]) }),

    template: compile('{{#unless view.array}}Yep{{/unless}}')


  equal(view.$().text(), 'Yep');

  run(function() {

  equal(view.$().text(), '');

  run(function() {

  equal(view.$().text(), 'Yep');
コード例 #14
ファイル: if_unless_test.js プロジェクト: Robdel12/ember.js
QUnit.test('The `if` helper updates if an array-like object is empty or not', function() {
  testIfArray(ArrayProxy.create({ content: emberA() }));
コード例 #15
 run(function() {
   array = ArrayProxy.create({
     content: emberA([1, 2, 4, 5])
コード例 #16
ファイル: is_array_test.js プロジェクト: AVert/ember.js
test("Ember.isArray" ,function() {
  var arrayProxy = ArrayProxy.create({ content: Ember.A() });

  equal(isArray(arrayProxy), true, "[]");
コード例 #17
 this.runTask(() => {
   set(this.context, 'cond1', ArrayProxy.create({ content: emberA(['hello']) }));
   set(this.context, 'cond2', ArrayProxy.create({ content: emberA() }));
コード例 #18
      get(this.context, 'cond2').pushObjects([1]);


    this.runTask(() => {
      set(this.context, 'cond1', emberA(['hello']));
      set(this.context, 'cond2', emberA());


  ['@test it considers array proxies without content falsy']() {
      ArrayProxy.create({ content: emberA(['hello']) }),
      ArrayProxy.create({ content: null })


    this.runTask(() => this.rerender());


    this.runTask(() => {
      set(this.context, 'cond1.content', null);
      set(this.context, 'cond2.content', null);

コード例 #19
ファイル: is_empty_test.js プロジェクト: 070794/ember.js
QUnit.test('Ember.isEmpty', function() {
  let arrayProxy = ArrayProxy.create({ content: emberA() });

  equal(true, isEmpty(arrayProxy), 'for an ArrayProxy that has empty content');
コード例 #20
QUnit.test(`regression test for https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues/12475`, function() {
  let item1a = { id: 1 };
  let item1b = { id: 2 };
  let item1c = { id: 3 };
  let content1 = A([item1a, item1b, item1c]);

  let proxy = ArrayProxy.create({ content: content1 });
  let obj = { proxy };

  defineProperty(obj, 'ids', computed('*****@*****.**', function() {
    return get(this, 'proxy').mapBy('id');

  // These manually added observers are to simulate the observers added by the
  // rendering process in a template like:
  // {{#each items as |item|}}
  //   {{item.id}}
  // {{/each}}
  addObserver(item1a, 'id', function() { });
  addObserver(item1b, 'id', function() { });
  addObserver(item1c, 'id', function() { });

  // The EachProxy has not yet been consumed. Only the manually added
  // observers are watching.
  equal(watcherCount(item1a, 'id'), 1);
  equal(watcherCount(item1b, 'id'), 1);
  equal(watcherCount(item1c, 'id'), 1);

  // Consume the each proxy. This causes the EachProxy to add two observers
  // per item: one for "before" events and one for "after" events.
  deepEqual(get(obj, 'ids'), [1, 2, 3]);

  // For each item, the two each proxy observers and one manual added observer
  // are watching.
  equal(watcherCount(item1a, 'id'), 3);
  equal(watcherCount(item1b, 'id'), 3);
  equal(watcherCount(item1c, 'id'), 3);

  // This should be a no-op because observers do not fire if the value
  // 1. is an object and 2. is the same as the old value.
  proxy.set('content', content1);

  equal(watcherCount(item1a, 'id'), 3);
  equal(watcherCount(item1b, 'id'), 3);
  equal(watcherCount(item1c, 'id'), 3);

  // This is repeated to catch the regression. It should still be a no-op.
  proxy.set('content', content1);

  equal(watcherCount(item1a, 'id'), 3);
  equal(watcherCount(item1b, 'id'), 3);
  equal(watcherCount(item1c, 'id'), 3);

  // Set the content to a new array with completely different items and
  // repeat the process.
  let item2a = { id: 4 };
  let item2b = { id: 5 };
  let item2c = { id: 6 };
  let content2 = A([item2a, item2b, item2c]);

  addObserver(item2a, 'id', function() { });
  addObserver(item2b, 'id', function() { });
  addObserver(item2c, 'id', function() { });

  proxy.set('content', content2);

  deepEqual(get(obj, 'ids'), [4, 5, 6]);

  equal(watcherCount(item2a, 'id'), 3);
  equal(watcherCount(item2b, 'id'), 3);
  equal(watcherCount(item2c, 'id'), 3);

  // Ensure that the observers added by the EachProxy on all items in the
  // first content array have been torn down.
  equal(watcherCount(item1a, 'id'), 1);
  equal(watcherCount(item1b, 'id'), 1);
  equal(watcherCount(item1c, 'id'), 1);

  proxy.set('content', content2);

  equal(watcherCount(item2a, 'id'), 3);
  equal(watcherCount(item2b, 'id'), 3);
  equal(watcherCount(item2c, 'id'), 3);

  proxy.set('content', content2);

  equal(watcherCount(item2a, 'id'), 3);
  equal(watcherCount(item2b, 'id'), 3);
  equal(watcherCount(item2c, 'id'), 3);
コード例 #21
ファイル: if_unless_test.js プロジェクト: EmuxEvans/ember.js
QUnit.test("The `if` helper updates if an array-like object is empty or not", function() {
  testIfArray(ArrayProxy.create({ content: Ember.A([]) }));
コード例 #22
ファイル: suite_test.js プロジェクト: 070794/ember.js
import MutableArrayTests from 'ember-runtime/tests/suites/mutable_array';
import ArrayProxy from 'ember-runtime/system/array_proxy';
import { get } from 'ember-metal/property_get';
import { A as emberA } from 'ember-runtime/system/native_array';

  name: 'Ember.ArrayProxy',

  newObject(ary) {
    let ret = ary ? ary.slice() : this.newFixture(3);
    return ArrayProxy.create({ content: emberA(ret) });

  mutate(obj) {
    obj.pushObject(get(obj, 'length') + 1);

  toArray(obj) {
    return obj.toArray ? obj.toArray() : obj.slice();