コード例 #1
 * Helper for `onSlackMessage`, sends an incoming message from Slack to a group
 * in separate request context.
 * @private
function dispatchToGroup(msg, callback) {
		pers.get.bind(null, msg.tsid),
		function cb(err, group) {
			if (err) callback(err);
				group.chat_send_msg.bind(group, msg, callback));
コード例 #2
ファイル: Session.js プロジェクト: ElevenGiants/eleven-server
Session.prototype.enqueueMessage = function enqueueMessage(msg) {
	log.trace({data: msg}, 'queueing %s request', msg.type);
	metrics.increment('net.amf.rx', 0.01);
	if (msg.type === 'ping') {
	else {
		var rq = this.pc ? this.pc.getRQ() : RQ.getGlobal('prelogin');
		rq.push(msg.type, this.processRequest.bind(this, msg),
			this.handleAmfReqError.bind(this, msg),
			{session: this, obj: this.pc, timerTag: msg.type});
コード例 #3
ファイル: rpc.js プロジェクト: KaiyonAlatar/eleven-server
 * Server-side RPC request handler. Executes a function on an object
 * specified by TSID (within a separate request context) and returns
 * the result to the remote caller.
 * @param {string} callerId ID of the component requesting the function
 *        call (for logging)
 * @param {object} obj the object on which a function should be called
 * @param {string|null} tag ID tag of ongoing request process this RPC belongs
 *        to (if any)
 * @param {string} fname name of the function to call on the object
 * @param {array} args function call arguments
 * @param {function} callback
 * ```
 * callback(error, result)
 * ```
 * callback for the RPC library, returning the result (or errors) to
 * the remote caller
function handleRequest(callerId, obj, tag, fname, args, callback) {
	if (!obj || !_.isFunction(obj[fname])) {
		var msg = util.format('no such function: %s.%s', obj, fname);
		return callback(new RpcError(msg));
	orProxy.proxify(args);  // unmarshal arguments
	var logtag = util.format('%s.%s.%s', callerId, obj.tsid ? obj.tsid : obj, fname);
	log.debug('%s(%s)', logtag, _.isArray(args) ? args.join(', ') : args);
	var rpcReq = function rpcReq() {
		var ret = obj[fname].apply(obj, args);
		// convert <undefined> result to <null> so RPC lib produces a valid
		// response (it just omits the <result> property otherwise)
		if (ret === undefined) ret = null;
		return ret;
	var rpcCallback = function rpcCallback(err, res) {
		if (err) {
			log.error(err, 'exception in %s', logtag);
		if (!_.isFunction(callback)) {
			log.error('%s called without a valid callback', logtag);
		else {
			log.trace('%s finished', logtag);
			res = orProxy.refify(res);  // marshal return value
			return callback(err, res);
	try {
		var rq = RQ.getGlobal('rpc');
		if (obj.tsid && isLocal(obj) && _.isFunction(obj.getRQ)) {
			rq = obj.getRQ();
		rq.push(tag, rpcReq, rpcCallback, {waitPers: true});
	catch (err) {
		return rpcCallback(err);
コード例 #4
ファイル: rpc.js プロジェクト: KaiyonAlatar/eleven-server
 * Wrapper around {@link module:data/rpc~handleRequest|handleRequest}
 * for game object function calls.
 * @param {string} callerId ID of the calling component (for logging)
 * @param {string} tsid TSID of the game object to call the function on
 * @param {string|null} tag ID tag of ongoing request process this RPC belongs
 *        to (if any)
 * @param {string} fname name of the function to call on the object
 * @param {array} args function call arguments
 * @param {function} callback callback for the RPC library, returning
 *        the result (or errors) to the remote caller
function objectRequest(callerId, tsid, tag, fname, args, callback) {
	// backwards compatibility with external components
	if (!_.isString(fname)) {
		args = fname;
		fname = tag;
		tag = util.format('%s.%s.%s', callerId, tsid, fname);
	RQ.getGlobal('persget').push('rpc.get.' + tsid,
		pers.get.bind(null, tsid),
		function cb(err, obj) {
			if (!err && !obj) err = new Error('object not found: ' + tsid);
			if (err) {
				log.error(err, 'error loading %s for RPC', tsid);
				return callback(err);
			if (obj.__isRP && config.isGsid(callerId)) {
				var msg = 'RPC for object not handled by this GS: ' + tsid;
				return callback(new Error(msg));
			handleRequest(callerId, obj, tag, fname, args, callback);
コード例 #5
GameObject.prototype.getRQ = function getRQ() {
	return RQ.getGlobal();
コード例 #6
ファイル: Player.js プロジェクト: yelworc/eleven-server
Player.prototype.getRQ = function getRQ() {
	if (this.location && rpc.isLocal(this.location)) {
		return RQ.get(this.location);
	return RQ.getGlobal();