コード例 #1
QUnit.test("Components can be instantiated with viewModel", function() {

	// These are the observables that would typically be outside the component’s scope
	var bindMap = new SimpleMap({inner: new SimpleMap({key: "original bind value"})});
	var fromMap = new SimpleMap({inner: new SimpleMap({key: "original from value"})});
	var toMap = new SimpleMap({inner: new SimpleMap({key: "original to value"})});

	// Our component
	var ComponentConstructor = Component.extend({
		tag: "new-instantiation-viewmodel",
		view: "Hello",
		ViewModel: {
			fromChildProp: "string",
			plainProp: "string",
			toParentProp: "string",
			twoWayProp: "string",
			nullProp: {
				default: function() {
					return 'bar';

	// Create a new instance of our component
	var componentInstance = new ComponentConstructor({
		// Pass the viewModel with a mix of plain and observable values
		viewModel: {
			plainProp: "plain value",
			fromChildProp: value.from(fromMap, "inner.key"),
			toParentProp: value.to(toMap, "inner.key"),
			twoWayProp: value.bind(bindMap, "inner.key"),
			nullProp: null
	var viewModel = componentInstance.viewModel;

	// Initial values are correct
	QUnit.equal(viewModel.fromChildProp, "original from value", "fromChildProp init");
	QUnit.equal(viewModel.plainProp, "plain value", "plainProp init");
	QUnit.equal(viewModel.toParentProp, undefined, "toParentProp init");
	QUnit.equal(viewModel.twoWayProp, "original bind value", "twoWayProp init");
	QUnit.equal(viewModel.nullProp, null, "nullProp init");

	// Updating the fromChildProp
	fromMap.get("inner").set("key", "new from value");
	QUnit.equal(viewModel.fromChildProp, "new from value", "viewModel updated after fromMap set");

	// Updating the toParentProp
	viewModel.toParentProp = "new to value";
	QUnit.equal(toMap.get("inner").get("key"), "new to value", "toMap updated after viewModel set");

	// Updating the twoWayProp
	bindMap.get("inner").set("key", "new bind value");
	QUnit.equal(viewModel.twoWayProp, "new bind value", "viewModel updated after bindMap set");
	viewModel.twoWayProp = "newest bind value";
	QUnit.equal(bindMap.get("inner").get("key"), "newest bind value", "bindMap updated after viewModel set");
コード例 #2
QUnit.test("Component binding instantiation works as documented", function() {

	// These are the observables that would typically be outside the component’s scope
	var appVM = new SimpleMap({
		family: new SimpleMap({
			first: "Milo",
			last: "Flanders"

	// Our component
	var NameComponent = Component.extend({
		tag: "name-component",
		view: "{{fullName}}",
		ViewModel: {
			givenName: "string",
			familyName: "string",
			get fullName() {
				return this.givenName + " " + this.familyName;

	// Create a new instance of our component
	var componentInstance = new NameComponent({
		viewModel: {
			givenName: value.from(appVM, "family.first"),
			familyName: value.bind(appVM, "family.last"),
			fullName: value.to(appVM, "family.full")
	var viewModel = componentInstance.viewModel;

	// Initial component values are correct
	QUnit.equal(viewModel.familyName, "Flanders", "component “bind” prop is correct");
	QUnit.equal(viewModel.givenName, "Milo", "component “from” prop is correct");
	QUnit.equal(viewModel.fullName, "Milo Flanders", "component “to” prop is correct");

	// Initial map values are correct
	var family = appVM.get("family");
	QUnit.equal(family.get("last"), "Flanders", "map “bind” prop is correct");
	QUnit.equal(family.get("first"), "Milo", "map “from” prop is correct");
	QUnit.equal(family.get("full"), "Milo Flanders", "map “to” prop is correct");
コード例 #3
QUnit.test("component instantiation is not observable", function(){

	var innerViewModel;
	var InnerComponent = Component.extend({
		tag: "inner-component-to-make",
		view: "{{this.innerValue}}",
		ViewModel: {
			init: function(){
				innerViewModel = this;
			innerValue: "any"

	var count = 0;

		tag: "outer-component-creator",
		view: "{{{ this.innerComponent }}}",
		ViewModel: {
			get innerComponent() {
				return new InnerComponent({
					viewModel: {
						innerValue: value.bind(this, "outerValue")
			outerValue: "any"

	var view = stache("<outer-component-creator/>");

	innerViewModel.innerValue = "SOME-VALUE";

	QUnit.equal(count, 1, "only updated once");