コード例 #1
ファイル: finders.js プロジェクト: aaronkyle/documentation
 * Try to find the part of JavaScript a comment is referring to, by
 * looking at the syntax tree closest to that comment.
 * @param {Object} path abstract syntax tree path
 * @returns {?Object} ast path, if one is found.
 * @private
function findTarget(path: ?Object) {
  if (!path) {
    return path;

  if (
    t.isExportDefaultDeclaration(path) ||
    (t.isExportNamedDeclaration(path) && path.has('declaration'))
  ) {
    path = path.get('declaration');

  if (t.isVariableDeclaration(path)) {
    // var x = init;
    path = path.get('declarations')[0];
  } else if (t.isExpressionStatement(path)) {
    // foo.x = TARGET
    path = path.get('expression').get('right');
  } else if (t.isObjectProperty(path)) {
    // var foo = { x: TARGET }; object property
    path = path.get('value');
  } else if (t.isClassProperty(path) && path.get('value').node) {
    // var foo = { x = TARGET }; class property
    path = path.get('value');

  return path.node && path;
コード例 #2
ファイル: index.js プロジェクト: Mark-Simulacrum/babel
export function push(mutatorMap: Object, node: Object, kind: string, file, scope?): Object {
  let alias = t.toKeyAlias(node);


  let map = {};
  if (has(mutatorMap, alias)) map = mutatorMap[alias];
  mutatorMap[alias] = map;


  map._inherits = map._inherits || [];

  map._key = node.key;

  if (node.computed) {
    map._computed = true;

  if (node.decorators) {
    let decorators = map.decorators = map.decorators || t.arrayExpression([]);
    decorators.elements = decorators.elements.concat(node.decorators.map(dec => dec.expression).reverse());

  if (map.value || map.initializer) {
    throw file.buildCodeFrameError(node, "Key conflict with sibling node");

  let key, value;

  // save the key so we can possibly do function name inferences
  if (t.isObjectProperty(node) || t.isObjectMethod(node) || t.isClassMethod(node)) {
    key = t.toComputedKey(node, node.key);

  if (t.isObjectProperty(node) || t.isClassProperty(node)) {
    value = node.value;
  } else if (t.isObjectMethod(node) || t.isClassMethod(node)) {
    value = t.functionExpression(null, node.params, node.body, node.generator, node.async);

  let inheritedKind = toKind(node);
  if (!kind || inheritedKind !== "value") {
    kind = inheritedKind;

  // infer function name
  if (scope && t.isStringLiteral(key) && (kind === "value" || kind === "initializer") && t.isFunctionExpression(value)) {
    value = nameFunction({ id: key, node: value, scope });

  if (value) {
    t.inheritsComments(value, node);
    map[kind] = value;

  return map;
コード例 #3
ファイル: gulpfile.babel.js プロジェクト: Aweary/cf-ui
function parseSourceFile(source, fileName) {
  let proptypesHtml = '';

  const ast = babylon.parse(source, {
    sourceType: 'module',
    plugins: ['jsx' , 'classProperties', 'objectRestSpread']

  let propTypes = [];
  let componentName = fileName;

  traverse(ast, {
    enter(path) {
      // Update the component name with the variable name used in its class definition
      if (t.isClassDeclaration(path.node)) {
        componentName = path.node.id.name;

      // iterate over each prop and populate an array containing the name of
      // the prop and its value
      if (t.isClassProperty(path.node) && t.isIdentifier(path.node.key, { name: 'propTypes' } )) {
        path.node.value.properties.forEach(prop => {
          let propValue = generate(prop.value, {}, source).code;
          const propName = prop.key.name;
          let link;

          // look up the variable name and see if it's being required from a
          // local file. If it is, convert the text to a hyperlink so we can
          // jump to the proptype definition on the page.
          let variableName = prop.value.object ? prop.value.object.name : null;
          if (!variableName && prop.value.object) {
            variableName = prop.value.object.object ? prop.value.object.object.name : null;
          const binding = variableName && path.scope.getBinding(variableName);
          if (binding && isLocalPropTypeRequire(binding.path.node)) {
            link = variableName;
            // propValue = propValue.replace(variableName, '<a href="#' + variableName + '">' + variableName + '</a>');

            name: propName,
            value: propValue,
            link: link

  if (propTypes.length) {
    proptypesHtml += createPropTypesSection(componentName, '<code>&lt;' + componentName + '/&gt;</code>', propTypes, false);

  return proptypesHtml;
コード例 #4
ファイル: index.js プロジェクト: Mark-Simulacrum/babel
    each(map, function (node, key) {
      if (key[0] === "_") return;

      let inheritNode = node;
      if (t.isClassMethod(node) || t.isClassProperty(node)) node = node.value;

      let prop = t.objectProperty(t.identifier(key), node);
      t.inheritsComments(prop, inheritNode);

コード例 #5
ファイル: index.js プロジェクト: AlloyTeam/Nuclear
function handleThirdPartyComponent(expr) {
    if (t.isClassProperty(expr) && expr.key.name === 'config' && t.isObjectExpression(expr.value)) {
        const properties = expr.value.properties;
        for (const prop of properties) {
            if (t.isObjectProperty(prop) &&
                (t.isIdentifier(prop.key, { name: 'usingComponents' }) || t.isStringLiteral(prop.key, { value: 'usingComponents' })) &&
                t.isObjectExpression(prop.value)) {
                for (const value of prop.value.properties) {
                    if (t.isObjectProperty(value)) {
                        if (t.isStringLiteral(value.key)) {
                        if (t.isIdentifier(value.key)) {
コード例 #6
ファイル: index.js プロジェクト: JackWangCUMT/babel
 isPure(node, constantsOnly?: boolean) {
   if (t.isIdentifier(node)) {
     let binding = this.getBinding(node.name);
     if (!binding) return false;
     if (constantsOnly) return binding.constant;
     return true;
   } else if (t.isClass(node)) {
     if (node.superClass && !this.isPure(node.superClass, constantsOnly)) return false;
     return this.isPure(node.body, constantsOnly);
   } else if (t.isClassBody(node)) {
     for (let method of node.body) {
       if (!this.isPure(method, constantsOnly)) return false;
     return true;
   } else if (t.isBinary(node)) {
     return this.isPure(node.left, constantsOnly) && this.isPure(node.right, constantsOnly);
   } else if (t.isArrayExpression(node)) {
     for (let elem of (node.elements: Array<Object>)) {
       if (!this.isPure(elem, constantsOnly)) return false;
     return true;
   } else if (t.isObjectExpression(node)) {
     for (let prop of (node.properties: Array<Object>)) {
       if (!this.isPure(prop, constantsOnly)) return false;
     return true;
   } else if (t.isClassMethod(node)) {
     if (node.computed && !this.isPure(node.key, constantsOnly)) return false;
     if (node.kind === "get" || node.kind === "set") return false;
     return true;
   } else if (t.isClassProperty(node) || t.isObjectProperty(node)) {
     if (node.computed && !this.isPure(node.key, constantsOnly)) return false;
     return this.isPure(node.value, constantsOnly);
   } else if (t.isUnaryExpression(node)) {
     return this.isPure(node.argument, constantsOnly);
   } else {
     return t.isPureish(node);
コード例 #7
 function findKind(path) {
   if (!path) {
     return comment;
   } else if (t.isClassDeclaration(path)) {
     comment.kind = 'class';
   } else if (t.isFunction(path)) {
     if (path.node && (path.node.kind === 'get' || path.node.kind === 'set')) {
       comment.kind = 'member';
     } else if (path.node && path.node.id && path.node.id.name && !!/^[A-Z]/.exec(path.node.id.name)) {
       comment.kind = 'class';
     } else {
       comment.kind = 'function';
   } else if (t.isTypeAlias(path)) {
     comment.kind = 'typedef';
   } else if (t.isVariableDeclaration(path)) {
     if (path.node.kind === 'const') {
       comment.kind = 'constant';
     } else {
       // This behavior is in need of fixing https://github.com/documentationjs/documentation/issues/351
   } else if (t.isExportNamedDeclaration(path) && path.node.declaration) {
     // && makes sure that
     // export { foo } from bar;
     // doesn't check for a non-existent declaration type
     if (path.node.declaration.kind === 'const') {
       comment.kind = 'constant';
   } else if (t.isExpressionStatement(path)) {
     // module.exports = function() {}
   } else if (t.isClassProperty(path)) {
     comment.kind = 'member';
   } else if (t.isProperty(path)) {
     // { foo: function() {} }
コード例 #8
export default function getFunctionName(path: NodePath): string {
  if (path.node.id) {
    return path.node.id.name;

  if (path.type === "MethodDefinition") {
    return path.node.key.name;

  const parent = path.parent;
  if (parent.type == "ObjectProperty") {
    return parent.key.name;

  if (parent.type == "ObjectExpression" || path.node.type == "ClassMethod") {
    return path.node.key.name;

  if (parent.type == "VariableDeclarator") {
    return parent.id.name;

  if (parent.type == "AssignmentExpression") {
    if (parent.left.type == "MemberExpression") {
      return parent.left.property.name;

    return parent.left.name;

  if (t.isClassProperty(parent) && t.isArrowFunctionExpression(path)) {
    return parent.key.name;

  return "anonymous";
コード例 #9
ファイル: membership.js プロジェクト: arv/documentation
  return shouldSkipInference(function inferMembership(comment) {

    if (comment.kind === 'module') {
      currentModule = comment;

    if (comment.lends) {

    if (comment.memberof) {
      return normalizeMemberof(comment);

    if (!comment.context.ast) {
      return comment;

    var path = comment.context.ast;
    var identifiers;

    // Deal with an oddity of espree: the jsdoc comment is attached to a different
    // node in the two expressions `a.b = c` vs `a.b = function () {}`.
    if (n.isExpressionStatement(path.node) &&
        n.isAssignmentExpression(path.node.expression) &&
        n.isMemberExpression(path.node.expression.left)) {
      path = path.get('expression').get('left');

    // Same as above but for `b: c` vs `b: function () {}`.
    if (n.isObjectProperty(path.node) &&
        n.isIdentifier(path.node.key)) {
      path = path.get('key');

    // Foo.bar = ...;
    // Foo.prototype.bar = ...;
    // Foo.bar.baz = ...;
    if (n.isMemberExpression(path.node)) {
      identifiers = [].concat(
      if (identifiers.length >= 2) {
        inferMembershipFromIdentifiers(comment, identifiers.slice(0, -1));

    // /** @lends Foo */{ bar: ... }
    if (n.isIdentifier(path.node) &&
        n.isObjectProperty(path.parentPath) &&
        n.isObjectExpression(path.parentPath.parentPath)) {
      // The @lends comment is sometimes attached to the first property rather than
      // the object expression itself.
      identifiers = findLendsIdentifiers(path.parentPath.parentPath.node) ||
      if (identifiers) {
        inferMembershipFromIdentifiers(comment, identifiers);

    // Foo = { bar: ... };
    // Foo.prototype = { bar: ... };
    // Foo.bar = { baz: ... };
    if (n.isIdentifier(path.node) &&
        n.isObjectProperty(path.parentPath) &&
        n.isObjectExpression(path.parentPath.parentPath) &&
        n.isAssignmentExpression(path.parentPath.parentPath.parentPath)) {
      identifiers = extractIdentifiers(path.parentPath.parentPath.parentPath.get('left'));
      if (identifiers.length >= 1) {
        inferMembershipFromIdentifiers(comment, identifiers);

    // var Foo = { bar: ... }
    if (n.isIdentifier(path) &&
        n.isObjectProperty(path.parentPath) &&
        n.isObjectExpression(path.parentPath.parentPath) &&
        n.isVariableDeclarator(path.parentPath.parentPath.parentPath)) {
      identifiers = [path.parentPath.parentPath.parentPath.node.id.name];
      inferMembershipFromIdentifiers(comment, identifiers);

    // class Foo { bar() { } }
    // var Foo = class { bar() { } }
    // class Foo { prop: T }
    // var Foo = class { prop: T }
    if ((n.isClassMethod(path) || n.isClassProperty(path)) &&
        n.isClassBody(path.parentPath) &&
        n.isClass(path.parentPath.parentPath)) {
      if (n.isExpression(path.parentPath.parentPath)) {
        identifiers = extractIdentifiers(path.parentPath.parentPath.parentPath.get('left'));
      } else {
        var declarationNode = path.parentPath.parentPath.node;
        if (!declarationNode.id) {
          // export default function () {}
          // export default class {}
          // Use module name instead.
          identifiers = [pathParse(comment.context.file).name];
        } else {
          identifiers = [declarationNode.id.name];
      var scope = 'instance';
      if (path.node.static == true) {
        scope = 'static';
      inferMembershipFromIdentifiers(comment, identifiers, scope);

    // var function Foo() {
    //   function bar() {}
    //   return { bar: bar };
    // }
    if (n.isFunctionDeclaration(path) &&
        n.isBlockStatement(path.parentPath) &&
        n.isFunction(path.parentPath.parentPath)) {
      inferMembershipFromIdentifiers(comment, [path.parentPath.parentPath.node.id.name]);

    return comment;
コード例 #10
 var type = find(classBody, node => t.isClassProperty(node) && node.key.name === 'defaultProps' && node.static);
コード例 #11
 var type = find(classBody, node => t.isClassProperty(node) && node.key.name === 'propTypes' && node.static);