コード例 #1
ファイル: items.js プロジェクト: omezzine/des-avis
        let promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            if (ItemsHelper.ItemNeedToFetchOnAmazon(item)) {
                opHelper.execute('ItemSearch', {
                    'SearchIndex': item.category.amazon_label,
                    'Keywords': item.label,
                    'ResponseGroup': 'Images,ItemAttributes'
                }, function(err, results) { // you can add a third parameter for the raw xml response, "results" here are currently parsed using xml2js
                    if (err) {
                    } else {
                        if (results && results.ItemSearchResponse) {
                            item.amazon.last_fetch = Date.now();
                            item.amazon.more_results = results.ItemSearchResponse.Items[0].MoreSearchResultsUrl[0];
                            item.thumbnail = ItemsHelper.GetThumbnailFromAmazon(results.ItemSearchResponse.Items[0].Item);
                            item.amazon.items = ItemsHelper.FormatAmazonItem(results.ItemSearchResponse.Items[0].Item);
                            item.save(function(err, item) {
                                if (err) console.log(err);
                        } else {

            } else {

コード例 #2
 findItem: function(filter, keywords, callback) {
   amazon.execute('ItemSearch', {
     'SearchIndex': filter,
     'Keywords': keywords,
     'ResponseGroup': 'ItemAttributes,Offers,Images'
コード例 #3
ファイル: routes.js プロジェクト: bsparks/holidayjs-wish-list
module.exports = function(app) {
	var opHelper = new OperationHelper({
		awsSecret: 'Jc3PrQeF7XAlu4IYxeg/01/Sg0mZ5oQWSr12kB7v',
		assocId: 'kpin0c-20'

	app.get('/products', function(req, resp) {
		console.log('KEYWORDS: ', req.query.keywords);
		opHelper.execute('ItemSearch', {
			'SearchIndex': 'All',
			'Keywords': req.query.keywords,
			'ResponseGroup': 'ItemAttributes, Images'
		}, function(err, results) {
			resp.send(_.map(results.ItemSearchResponse.Items[0].Item, function(item) {

				var result = {
					image: item.MediumImage[0].URL[0],
					title: item.ItemAttributes[0].Title[0]

				_.forEach(item.ItemLinks[0].ItemLink, function(itemLink) {
					if (itemLink.Description[0] === 'Add To Wishlist') {
						result.wish = itemLink.URL[0];

				return result;

コード例 #4
ファイル: routes.js プロジェクト: bsparks/holidayjs-wish-list
	app.get('/products', function(req, resp) {
		console.log('KEYWORDS: ', req.query.keywords);
		opHelper.execute('ItemSearch', {
			'SearchIndex': 'All',
			'Keywords': req.query.keywords,
			'ResponseGroup': 'ItemAttributes, Images'
		}, function(err, results) {
			resp.send(_.map(results.ItemSearchResponse.Items[0].Item, function(item) {

				var result = {
					image: item.MediumImage[0].URL[0],
					title: item.ItemAttributes[0].Title[0]

				_.forEach(item.ItemLinks[0].ItemLink, function(itemLink) {
					if (itemLink.Description[0] === 'Add To Wishlist') {
						result.wish = itemLink.URL[0];

				return result;

コード例 #5
ファイル: Operator.js プロジェクト: kogai/kindlized
Operator.prototype.search = function(done) {
  var _self = this;
  var _conditions = this._conditions();

  Operation.execute(this.operationType, _conditions, function(err, res) {
    if (err) {
      return done(err);

    if (res.ItemSearchErrorResponse) {
      var errorCode = res.ItemSearchErrorResponse.Error[0].Code[0];

      switch (errorCode) {
      case 'RequestThrottled':
        setTimeout(function() {
          }, INTERVAL * _self.retry);
      case 'SignatureDoesNotMatch':
      // エラーコードを記録しておく
      if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
        return log.info(INTERVAL * _self.retry + ':' + errorCode + ':' + _conditions.Author + ':' + _conditions.ItemPage);
      return log.warn.info(errorCode);

    _self.retry = 0;
    done(null, res.ItemSearchResponse.Items[0]);
コード例 #6
Scraper.prototype.scrapeDetails = function (cb) {
  var self = this;

  var opHelper = new OperationHelper({
    awsId:     config.amazon.awsId,
    awsSecret: config.amazon.awsSecret,
    assocId:   config.amazon.assocId,
    endPoint:  self.amazonEndpoint,

      ItemId: self.isbn,
      IdType: "EAN",
      SearchIndex: "Books",
      ResponseGroup: "ItemAttributes",
    function (error, apaResults) {
      if (error) {
        return cb(error, null);

      // console.log(JSON.stringify(apaResults, null, 2));

      var apaResultsItem = apaResults.ItemLookupResponse.Items[0].Item;

      // Check that we have a result
      if (!apaResultsItem) {
        return cb(null, null);

      var response = apaResultsItem[0].ItemAttributes[0];
      // console.log(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));

      var results = {
        authors: response.Author   || [],
        title:   response.Title[0] || "",

      cb(null, results);
コード例 #7
ファイル: amazon.js プロジェクト: KrisHorowitz/bookies
 }, function(err, results) { // you can add a third parameter for the raw xml response, "results" here are currently parsed using xml2js
   if (err) console.error(err);
   var itemId = results.ItemSearchResponse.Items[0].Item[0].ASIN;
   opHelper.execute('ItemLookup', {
     'ItemId': itemId,
     'ResponseGroup': 'Images, ItemAttributes'
   }, function (err, results) {
コード例 #8
 handler: function (request) {
   /* do things with request; */
   opHelper.execute('ItemSearch', {
     'SearchIndex': 'Books',
     'Keywords': 'harry potter',
     'ResponseGroup': 'ItemAttributes,Offers'
   }, function(results) { // you can add a second parameter here to examine the raw xml response
コード例 #9
var search = function(option) {
  console.log('search:', option.track);

  var opHelper = new OperationHelper({
      awsId     : security.awsId,
      awsSecret : security.awsSecret,
      assocId   : security.assocId,
      endPoint  : 'ecs.amazonaws.jp'

  opHelper.execute('ItemSearch', {
    'SearchIndex': 'All',
    'Keywords': option.track,
    'ResponseGroup': 'ItemAttributes,Offers,Images,Reviews,IsEligibleForSuperSaverShipping',
    'MerchantId': 'All'
  }, function(err, resultXml) {
    // http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/latest/DG/AnatomyofaResponse.html
    parseString(resultXml, function (err, results) {
      if(err) {
      } else {
        if(results.hasOwnProperty('ItemSearchResponse')) {
          var items = results.ItemSearchResponse.Items[0].Item;
          if(items) {
            // results.ItemSearchResponse.Items.forEach(function(item) {;
            //   console.log(item); 
            // });
            io.sockets.emit('SearchResults', {items: items});
        } else {
          console.log('results doee not have ItemSearchResponse property');

コード例 #10
ファイル: amazon.js プロジェクト: AlexCline/upctoasin.com
      // Have to always create a new opHelper or else the SAX parser barfs.
      // Don't know why that is.  Should be a TODO.
      var opHelper = new OperationHelper({
        awsId:     aws.AWSAccessKeyId,
        awsSecret: aws.AWSSecretKey,
        assocId:   aws.AWSTagId,

      opHelper.execute('ItemSearch', {
        'SearchIndex': 'All',
        'Keywords': data,
      }, function(error, results) {
        if (error) { 
          console.log('Error: ' + error + "\n")
          callback(error, results.ItemSearchErrorResponse.Error);  

        try {
          num = results.ItemSearchResponse.Items[0].TotalResults[0];
        } catch (err) {
          console.log("Caught Error: " + err + "\nResults: " + results);
          callback(err, 'UPCLOOKUPERROR');

        if (num == 0) {
          error = 'No item found matching that UPC.';
          ASIN  = 'UPCNOTFOUND';
        } else if (num >= 1) {
          ASIN = results.ItemSearchResponse.Items[0].Item[0].ASIN[0];

        if (num > 1)
          error = 'More than one possible result returned.  Using the first ASIN.';

        callback(error, ASIN);
コード例 #11
ファイル: amazon.js プロジェクト: KrisHorowitz/bookies
 index: function (req, res){
   // execute(operation, params, callback)
   // operation: select from http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/latest/DG/SummaryofA2SOperations.html
   // params: parameters for operation (optional)
   // callback(err, parsed, raw): callback function handling results. err = potential errors raised from xml2js.parseString() or http.request(). parsed = xml2js parsed response. raw = raw xml response.
   opHelper.execute('ItemSearch', {
     'SearchIndex': 'Books',
     'Keywords': 'game of thrones',
     'ResponseGroup': 'Small'
   }, function(err, results) { // you can add a third parameter for the raw xml response, "results" here are currently parsed using xml2js
     if (err) console.error(err);
     var itemId = results.ItemSearchResponse.Items[0].Item[0].ASIN;
     opHelper.execute('ItemLookup', {
       'ItemId': itemId,
       'ResponseGroup': 'Images, ItemAttributes'
     }, function (err, results) {
コード例 #12
app.get('/Error', function(req, res){

	opHelper.execute ('ItemSearch', {

      'SearchIndex': 'Wine',
	  'Title': 'Wine',
	  'KeyWords': 'Red Wine, White Wine, Bordeaux',
	  'MinimumPrice': '9500',
	  'MaximumPrice': '10000',
	  'ResponseGroup': 'ItemAttributes, Images, BrowseNodes',
	  'sort': 'relevance'

		}, function(err, results){
			if(err) {console.log(err);}
			else {
				console.log("I received "+ results.ItemSearchResponse.Items[0].Item.length + " items from Amazon.com!");

コード例 #13
ファイル: amazon-search.js プロジェクト: kenmori/NodeJS
// Amazonの書籍を調べる for Node.js

// モジュールの取り込み
var OperationHelper = require('apac').OperationHelper;

// 以下、アカウント情報を書き入れる --------- (※1)
var opHelper = new OperationHelper({
    awsId:     '**********',  // アクセスキーID
    awsSecret: '**********', // シークレットアクセスキー
    assocId:   'text2musiccom-22', // アソシエイトID
    endPoint: 'ecs.amazonaws.jp',  // 日本のendPointを指定

// 書籍を検索する ------------- (※2)
opHelper.execute('ItemSearch', {
  'SearchIndex': 'Books',
  'BrowseNode': 465610, // 日本の書籍ID
  'Keywords': '宮沢賢治',
  'ResponseGroup': 'Small,OfferSummary',
  'Sort': 'salesrank',
  'MinimumPrice': 10,
  'MaximumPrice': 8000,
  'Sort': 'salesrank'
}, function(err, results, xml) {
  if (err) { console.log("error"); return; }
  // 結果を表示 --- (※3)
  var Items = results.ItemSearchResponse.Items;

コード例 #14
function runQueries (querryArray){

	for(var i = 0; i < querryArray.length; i++){

	newQuery = {
	 	 'SearchIndex': querryArray[i].SearchIndex,
	  	'Title': querryArray[i].Title,
	  	'KeyWords': querryArray[i].KeyWords,
	  	'MinimumPrice': querryArray[i].MinimumPrice,
	 	 'MaximumPrice': querryArray[i].MaximumPrice,
	 	 'ResponseGroup': querryArray[i].ResponseGroup,
	 	 'sort': querryArray[i].sort

	opHelper.execute ('ItemSearch', newQuery

	, function(err, results) {
		if(err) {console.log(err);}

		else { console.log();console.log(newQuery);console.log();

			for (var numOfitems = 0; numOfitems < results.ItemSearchResponse.Items[0].Item.length; numOfitems ++) {
			 	//handle problem with undefined item properties
				function undefinedField (field){

					var value = String;

			 			if (field == undefined) {value ="";}

			 			else if (field.constructor == Array) {value = field.join(',');}

			 			else if (field.constructor == Object) {value = field;}

			 		return value;
				//handle problems with undefined prices
				function undefinedPrices(price){
					if(price == undefined) {return '';}
					else {return price[0].Amount[0];}
				//handle problems for products without a picture
				function noPictureHandler(picturelink){
					if(picturelink == undefined) {return "";}
					else {return picturelink[0].URL[0];}
				//handle problems for products without manufacturer
				function noManufacHandler (manufLink){
					if(manufLink == undefined){return "";}
					else{return manufLink[0];}
				//handle problems with undefined title
				function noTitle(titleLink){
					if(titleLink == undefined){return '';}
					else{ return titleLink[0]; }

			//map http request to mongoose model	
			 var newProduct = new models.products({
			 		id: results.ItemSearchResponse.Items[0].Item[numOfitems].ASIN[0],
			 		//categroy_id = first order browsenodeId from Amazon
			 		//category_id: undefinedField(results.ItemSearchResponse.Items[0].Item[numOfitems].BrowseNodes[0].BrowseNode[0].BrowseNodeId[0]),
			 		title: noTitle (results.ItemSearchResponse.Items[0].Item[numOfitems].ItemAttributes[0].Title),
			 		description: undefinedField (results.ItemSearchResponse.Items[0].Item[numOfitems].ItemAttributes[0].Feature),
			 		image_link: noPictureHandler (results.ItemSearchResponse.Items[0].Item[numOfitems].MediumImage),
			 		//brand = manufacturere field from Amazon
			 		brand: noManufacHandler (results.ItemSearchResponse.Items[0].Item[numOfitems].ItemAttributes[0].Manufacturer),
			 		price: undefinedPrices (results.ItemSearchResponse.Items[0].Item[numOfitems].ItemAttributes[0].ListPrice)

				 	if (err) {console.log(err);}


  console.log("I received "+i*10+" products from Amazon!")
コード例 #15
 test: function(callback) {
   amazon.execute('ItemLookup', {
     'ItemId': 'B019EU9SWW'
コード例 #16
 getCart: function(id, callback) {
   amazon.execute('CartGet', {
     'CartId': id
コード例 #17
 createCart: function(id, callback) {
   amazon.execute('CartCreate', {
     'Item.1.ASIN': id,
     'Item.1.Quantity': 1
コード例 #18
ファイル: index.js プロジェクト: urgeiolabs/aws-price
Price.prototype.done = function (cb) {
  const that = this

  const helper = new apac.OperationHelper({
    awsId: this.opts.amazonId,
    awsSecret: this.opts.amazonSecret,
    assocId: this.opts.associateId,
    endPoint: this.opts.endpoint

  // Make sure we only execute the callback once
  cb = _.once(cb)

  // Convert op name
  const op = this.mode === 'search' ? 'ItemSearch' : 'ItemLookup'

  // Populate request object
  const req = {
    'ResponseGroup': 'Offers,ItemAttributes,Images'

  let searchIndex = this.opts.searchIndex || 'All'

  if (this.opts.minimumPrice) req['MinimumPrice'] = this.opts.minimumPrice
  if (this.opts.maximumPrice) req['MaximumPrice'] = this.opts.maximumPrice
  if (this.opts.page) req['ItemPage'] = this.opts.page
  if (this.opts.browseNode) req['BrowseNode'] = this.opts.browseNode

  if (this.mode === 'search') {
    _.extend(req, { 'SearchIndex': searchIndex, 'Keywords': this.keywords })
  } else if (this.mode === 'lookup') {
    if (this.ean) {
      _.extend(req, {
        'ItemId': this.ean, 'IdType': 'EAN', 'SearchIndex': searchIndex
    } else {
      _.extend(req, { 'ItemId': this.itemId })

  // Run the request
  helper.execute(op, req)
    .then(res => {
      success(res, cb)
    .catch(err => {
      error(err, cb)

  function success (res, cb) {
    const error = extractError(res)

    // Process errors
    if (error) return cb(new Error(error))

    // Find the item root
    let root = first(res, '$..Item')
    if (root && !Array.isArray(root)) root = [root]

    // Extract interesting stuff
    const result = root
          ? root.map(function (x) {
              return extract.call(that, x, that.extractions)
          : []

    // format images
    if (that.opts.loadImages) {
      result.forEach(r => {
        // Remove images key if we didn't get any
        if (!r.images) {
          r.images = []

        let rawImages = r.images
        if (!Array.isArray(rawImages)) rawImages = [rawImages]
        r.images = rawImages.reduce((images, image) => {
          const { TinyImage, LargeImage, HiResImage } = image
          if (!TinyImage || !LargeImage || !HiResImage) return images
          const img = {
            small: TinyImage.URL,
            big: LargeImage.URL,
            hiRes: HiResImage.URL,
          return images
        }, [])

    // Apply limits
    if (that._limit) {
      result = _.first(result, that._limit)

    if (that._one) {
      result = _.first(result)

    return cb(null, result)

  function error (err, cb) {
    return cb(error)

  return this
コード例 #19
Scraper.prototype.scrape = function (cb) {
  var self = this;
  var entries = this.results.entries = [];

  var opHelper = new OperationHelper({
    awsId:     config.amazon.awsId,
    awsSecret: config.amazon.awsSecret,
    assocId:   config.amazon.assocId,

    // http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSECommerceService/latest/DG/SOAPEndpoints.html
    endPoint:  self.amazonEndpoint,

      ItemId: self.isbn,
      IdType: "EAN",
      SearchIndex: "Books",
      Condition: "All",
      ResponseGroup: "Offers",
      MerchantId: "Amazon", // https://forums.aws.amazon.com/message.jspa?messageID=96815#
    function (error, apaResults) {
      if (error) {
        return cb(error, null);

      // console.log(JSON.stringify(apaResults, null, 2));
      var asin    = self.extractASIN(apaResults);
      var results = self.extractOffers(apaResults);

      var base = self.homepage;
      var url = asin ? base + "dp/" + asin : base + "s?field-keywords=" + self.isbn;

      var basePrice = {
        currency:  self.currencies[0],

      _.each(self.shipping.blocks, function (block) {

        var offers = {};
        _.each(results, function (result) {

          var format = _.omit(result, "condition", "isSuperSaver");

          var maySuperSaver = result.isSuperSaver && block.superSaverPermitted;

          if (maySuperSaver && result.price >= block.superSaverMinimum) {
            format.shipping = 0;
            format.shippingNote = self.superSaverNote;
          } else {
            format.shipping     = block.amount;
            format.shippingNote = block.note;
            if (maySuperSaver) {
              format.shippingNote += " (Free shipping eligible on orders over " + block.superSaverMinimum + " " + basePrice.currency + ")";

          offers[result.condition] = format;

        entries.push(_.extend({}, basePrice, {
          countries: block.countries,
          url: url,
          offers: offers,


      cb(null, self.results);