コード例 #1
ファイル: app.js プロジェクト: cly/famous
 function d(a) {
     L = a
     mb = z.O(a)
     var b = S[a].Y.backgroundImage
     if (b) {
         S[a].pb({backgroundImage: ca[a].Y.backgroundImage})
         var c = new Image
         c.onload = function() {
             S[a].pb({backgroundImage: b})
         c.src = b.substring(5, b.length - 2)
     La = u.F().slice(0)
     lb = u.da().slice(0)
     Ma = u.La().slice(0)
     da.pb({backgroundColor: ca[a].Y.backgroundColor})
     c = Matrix.multiply(Matrix.translate(0, 0, -200), F.Bf(z.O(a)))
     u.Pf(c, {duration: 1000}, function() {
         L == a && (z.set(a, Matrix.scale(0, 0, 0)), G.Pc(function() {
     Y.Te(a, 500)
コード例 #2
ファイル: app.js プロジェクト: cly/famous
 function g(a) {
     if (1 > a)
         a = [0, 0]
     else if (2 > a)
         a = [17, 0]
     else if (4 > a)
         a = [a - 2, 1]
     else if (10 > a)
         a = [a + 8, 1]
     else if (12 > a)
         a = [a - 10, 2]
     else if (18 > a)
         a = [a, 2]
     else if (36 > a)
         a = [a - 18, 3]
     else if (54 > a)
         a = [a - 36, 4]
     else if (56 > a)
         a = [a - 54, 5]
     else if (71 > a)
         a = [a - 53, 8]
     else if (86 > a)
         a = [a - 68, 5]
     else if (88 > a)
         a = [a - 86, 6]
     else if (103 > a)
         a = [a - 85, 9]
     else if (118 > a)
         a = [a - 100, 6]
         return Matrix.scale(0, 0, 0)
     return Matrix.translate(150 * (a[0] - 8.5), 190 * (a[1] - 4.5), 0)
コード例 #3
ファイル: app.js プロジェクト: cly/famous
 function k(a) {
     117 == a ? a = 62 : 62 == a && (a = 117)
     return Matrix.translate(hb * (Math.floor(a / 15) - 3.5), ib * (a % 5 - 2), -jb * (Math.floor(a / 5) % 3) - 500)
コード例 #4
ファイル: app.js プロジェクト: cly/famous
  , "6/1a", "2/t", "4/13", "4/12", "6/18", "6/18", "6/18", "6/18"], function(e) {

    function k(a) {
        117 == a ? a = 62 : 62 == a && (a = 117)
        return Matrix.translate(hb * (Math.floor(a / 15) - 3.5), ib * (a % 5 - 2), -jb * (Math.floor(a / 5) % 3) - 500)

    function j(a) {
        0 == a ? a = 112 : 112 == a && (a = 0)
        return kb(a)

    function g(a) {
        if (1 > a)
            a = [0, 0]
        else if (2 > a)
            a = [17, 0]
        else if (4 > a)
            a = [a - 2, 1]
        else if (10 > a)
            a = [a + 8, 1]
        else if (12 > a)
            a = [a - 10, 2]
        else if (18 > a)
            a = [a, 2]
        else if (36 > a)
            a = [a - 18, 3]
        else if (54 > a)
            a = [a - 36, 4]
        else if (56 > a)
            a = [a - 54, 5]
        else if (71 > a)
            a = [a - 53, 8]
        else if (86 > a)
            a = [a - 68, 5]
        else if (88 > a)
            a = [a - 86, 6]
        else if (103 > a)
            a = [a - 85, 9]
        else if (118 > a)
            a = [a - 100, 6]
            return Matrix.scale(0, 0, 0)
        return Matrix.translate(150 * (a[0] - 8.5), 190 * (a[1] - 4.5), 0)

    function c(a) {
        return Matrix.multiply(Matrix.translate(0, 20 * (a - 59), 700), Matrix.rotate_y_cw(0.1 * a * Math.PI))

    function f(a) {
        return Matrix.multiply(Matrix.translate(0, 250 * (Math.floor(a / 30) - 1), -900)
          , Matrix.rotate_y_cw(-0.06667 * a * Math.PI))

    // Current page number.
    var J = 4
    function a(new_page_number, b) {
        var page_number_changed = J != new_page_number
        J = "undefined" != typeof new_page_number ? new_page_number : (J + 1) % 5
        0 <= L && h(L)

        var e = {
            duration: 1000
          , easing: M.Easing.ease_out_quad

        if (3 == J) {
            z.Wa(g, e, b)
            z.Va(1, e)
            u.s([0, 0, 700], e)
            u.A([0, 0, 0], e)
            u.J([0, 0, 0], e)
            F.qb([-5000, 5000], e)
            F.rb([-3000, 3000], e)
            F.sb([-5000, 5000], e)
            X.setTransform(Matrix.translate(120, 0, 0), true)
            page_number_changed && s("periodic table")
        } else if (1 == J) {
            u.s([0, 0, 700], e)
            u.A([0, 0, 0], e)
            u.J([0, 0, 0], e)
            z.Wa(c, e, b)
            z.Va(1, e)
            F.qb([-5000, 5000], e)
            F.rb([-3000, 3000], e)
            F.sb([-5000, 5000], e)
            X.setTransform(Matrix.translate(0, 0, 0), true)
            page_number_changed && s("helix")
        } else if (2 == J) {
            u.s([0, 0, -500], e)
            u.A([0, 0, 0], e)
            u.J([0, 0, 0], e)
            z.Wa(f, e, b)
            z.Va(1, e)
            F.qb([-5000, 5000], e)
            F.rb([-3000, 3000], e)
            F.sb([-5000, 5000], e)
            X.setTransform(Matrix.translate(60, 0, 0), true)
            page_number_changed && s("wall of fame")
        } else if (0 == J) {
            u.s([0, 0, 800], e)
            u.A([0, 0, 0], e)
            u.J([0, 0, 0], e)
            z.Wa(j, e, b)
            z.Va(1, e)
            F.qb([-5000, 5000], e)
            F.rb([-3000, 3000], e)
            F.sb([-5000, 5000], e)
            X.setTransform(Matrix.translate(-60, 0, 0), true)
            page_number_changed && s("sphere")
        } else if (4 == J) {
            u.s([0, 0, -600], e)
            u.A([0, -Math.PI / 11, 0], e)
            u.J([0, 0, 0], e)
            z.Wa(k, e, b)
            z.Va(1, e)
            X.setTransform(Matrix.translate(-120, 0, 0), true)
            page_number_changed && s("paraflow")

        4 == J ? Y.enable() : Y.disable()

    function b() {
        var a = {duration: 1000}
        u.s(La, a)
        u.A(lb, a)
        u.J(Ma, a)

    function d(a) {
        L = a
        mb = z.O(a)
        var b = S[a].Y.backgroundImage
        if (b) {
            S[a].pb({backgroundImage: ca[a].Y.backgroundImage})
            var c = new Image
            c.onload = function() {
                S[a].pb({backgroundImage: b})
            c.src = b.substring(5, b.length - 2)
        La = u.F().slice(0)
        lb = u.da().slice(0)
        Ma = u.La().slice(0)
        da.pb({backgroundColor: ca[a].Y.backgroundColor})
        c = Matrix.multiply(Matrix.translate(0, 0, -200), F.Bf(z.O(a)))
        u.Pf(c, {duration: 1000}, function() {
            L == a && (z.set(a, Matrix.scale(0, 0, 0)), G.Pc(function() {
        Y.Te(a, 500)

    function h(a) {
        z.set(a, mb)
        L == a && (ia.enable(), L = -1, ba.Aa(0), Na.Na())

    function s(a) {
        Pa.set(1, false)

    function E(b, c, d) {
        c = new A([60, 60], c)
        c.m(new P)
        c.g("click", function() {
            t && (a(b), window._gaq && _gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "demo", "shapeshift", d, , false]))
        return c

    function K() {
        ua.Lf(1) && (ka.Na(), ua.Na(), T.Aa(0))

    function D(a, b, c) {
        var d = "http://famo.us"
        b && (d += "/r/" + b)

        if (!c) {
            b = ["Wow! HTML5 performance solved. Check out famo.us Beta + Demo", "I can't believe what I saw HTML5 do."
              + " Check out famo.us Beta + Demo", "The famo.us demo just blew me away. Check out famo.us Beta + Demo"
              , "If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't believe it: famo.us HTML5 Beta + Demo"
              , "I'm gunna go with holy shitsnacks! famo.us HTML5 Beta + Demo"]
            c = b[Math.floor(Math.random() * b.length)]

        return '<a href="https://twitter.com/share?text=' + encodeURIComponent(c) + "&url=" + encodeURIComponent(d)
          + "&via=befamous\" onclick=\"event.preventDefault(); "
          + "window.open(event.currentTarget.href, '_blank', 'width=700,height=260');\">" + a + "</a>"

    function C(a) {
        return D('<img src="content/icons/twitter.png" alt="Tweet" />', a, void 0)

    function m() {
        la.setTransform(Matrix.identity, true)

    function w() {
        la.setTransform(Matrix.move(Matrix.scale(0.0010, 0.0010, 0.0010) , [-0.5 * window.innerWidth, 0, 0]), true
          , function() {
        t = true

    if (!("WebKitCSSMatrix" in window) || !("m11" in new WebKitCSSMatrix))
        window.location.pathname = "/c" + window.location.pathname
    else {
        document.title = "famo.us Stress Test Demo"
        var r = "Common" in window && "API" in Common
          , t = false
          , G = require("0/4")
          , A = require("0/b")
          , I = require("0/2")
          , Matrix = require("0/Matrix")
          , y = require("0/d")
          , M = require("0/e")
          , O = require("0/1")
          , W = require("0/5")
          , Eb = require("0/7")
          , va = require("0/6")
          , Fb = require("1/g")

        var Ra = require("1/p")
          , Gb = require("1/o")
          , Hb = require("1/n")
          , ma = require("1/j")
          , Ib = require("1/q")
          , wa = require("1/l")
          , fa = require("1/m")
          , Jb = require("1/k")
          , na = require("3/v")
          , Kb = require("3/w")
          , Lb = require("3/x")

        var Mb = require("3/10")
          , Nb = require("6/19")
          , Ob = require("6/1b")
          , Pb = require("6/1a")

        var P = require("4/13")
          , Qb = require("4/12")
          , Sa = require("6/18").wf
          , Rb = require("6/18").tf
          , nb = require("6/18").vf
          , ob = require("6/18").uf
          , oa = Sa.length
          , Ta = Array(oa)

        for (var i = 0; i < oa; i++) {
            Ta[i] = 0.1 + 0.7 * Math.random()

        var ca
          , Va = Array(oa)

        for (var i = 0; i < Va.length; i++) {
            var xa = new A([120, 160])
            xa.pb({backgroundColor: "rgba(73,160,154," + Ta[i] + ")"})
            xa.T('<div class="number">' + (i + 1)
              + '</div><div class="symbol">' + Sa[i]
              + '</div><div class="name">' + nb[i]
              + '</div><div class="mass">' + ob[i] + "</div>")
            Va[i] = xa
        ca = Va

        var S
          , Wa = Array(oa)

        for (var i = 0; i < Wa.length; i++) {
            var ya = new A([360, 480])
            ya.pb({backgroundColor: "rgba(73,160,154," + Ta[i] + ")"})
            ya.T('<div class="number">' + (i + 1)
              + '</div><div class="symbol">' + Sa[i]
              + '</div><div class="name">' + nb[i]
              + '</div><div class="mass">' + ob[i] + "</div>")
            Wa[i] = ya
        S = Wa
        var u = new Fb
        u.s([0, 0, 5000])
        u.A([0, 0, 0])
        u.J([0, -3 * Math.PI, 0])
        var F = new Jb(u)
          , Sb = new Ra(u)
          , Tb = new Gb(u, {
                I: 700
              , U: 2 * Math.PI
              , S: 2 * Math.PI
              , ed: 200
              , md: 200
              , gd: true
              , nd: true
              , Pa: true
          , Ub = new Hb(u, {
                Pa: true
          , Vb = new Ra(u, {
                I: 900
              , z: fa
              , ad: {
                    duration: 2000
                  , easing: M.Easing.sf
              , Pa: true
          , Wb = new Ra(u, {
                I: 700
              , Xa: 200 / Math.PI
              , z: fa
              , Pa: true

        r && (ma = Ib)
        var Xb = new ma(u)
          , pb = new ma(u, {p: true})
          , Yb = new ma(u, {I: 700, Xa: 200 / Math.PI, p: true, Q: true, z: fa})
          , Zb = new ma(u, {I: 900, p: true, z: fa})
          , $b = new wa(u, {va: true})
          , qb = new wa(u, {va: true, p: true})
          , ac = new wa(u, {va: true, I: 700, Xa: 200 / Math.PI, p: true, Q: true, z: fa})
          , bc = new wa(u, {va: true, I: 900, p: true, z: fa})
          , ia = new Lb(function() {
            function b() {
                d.ib && setTimeout(function cc() {
                    if (d.ib) {
                        var a = u.da().slice(0)
                          , b = a.slice(0)
                          , c = 0.5 > Math.random() ? -1 : 1

                        0.5 > Math.random() ? b[0] += 2 * c * Math.PI : b[1] += 2 * c * Math.PI
                        u.A(b, {duration: 3000}, function() {
                            setTimeout(cc, 10000)
                }, 10000)
            function c() {
                d.ib && (z.Vd(z.all()), a(4, b))
            var d = this
            0 == J ? c() : (a(0), setTimeout(c, 200))
        }, 15000)
        var Y = new Ob(300, 2000, 1)

        var hb = 270
          , ib = 350
          , jb = 400
          , kb
          , za = []
          , rb = Math.floor(7)

        for (var i = 0; i <= rb; i++) {
            var sb = Math.PI / 2 - i * (Math.PI / rb), Aa = Math.floor(1400 * Math.PI * Math.cos(sb) / 160)
            0 == Aa && (Aa = 1)
            for (var iter = 0; iter < Aa; iter++) {
                var dc = iter * (2 * Math.PI / Aa) - Math.PI
                za.push(Matrix.multiply(Matrix.translate(0, 0, 700), Matrix.rotate_x(sb), Matrix.rotate_y_cw(dc)))

        while (118 > za.length) {

        kb = function(a) {
            return 118 <= a ? Matrix.scale(0, 0, 0) : za[a]
        var Z = new W(4)
        Z.L(3).m([Sb, pb, qb])
        Z.L(0).m([Tb, pb, qb])
        Z.L(4).m([Ub, Xb, $b])
        Z.L(1).m([Wb, Yb, ac])
        Z.L(2).m([Vb, Zb, bc])
        var tb = new va
        tb.on("keyup", function(b) {
            if (t)
                if (r) {
                    var c = new Common.API.TVKeyValue
                    b.keyCode == c.KEY_ENTER && a()
                } else
                    32 == b.keyCode && a()
        var Ba = new va([new P, new Qb])

        Ba.on("click", function(a) {
            a.target == document.body && b()

        Ba.on("pinch", function() {

        Ba.on("keyup", function(a) {
            27 == a.keyCode ? b() : 32 == a.keyCode && ja.Mb()

        var ba = new W(0)
          , z = new Mb(ca)


        var ec = new Pb(z, 0.1)
          , Ca = new Nb(z, Rb)
          , Na = new na(0, false)
          , ja = new Kb
          , L = -1
          , La = void 0
          , lb = void 0
          , Ma = void 0
          , mb = void 0

        for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
            ;(function(a, b) {
                b.m(new P)
                b.g("click", function() {
                    t && (0 > L ? d(a) : (h(L), d(a), La = [0, 0, 600], beforeRotate = [0, 0, 0], Ma = [0, 0, 0]))
                b.g("hold", function() {
                    if (t) {
                        var b = Ca.kf(a)[0]
                        Ca.Kf(a) ? Ca.dg(b) : Ca.Ec(b)
            }).call(this, i, ca[i])

        for (var i = 0; i < S.length; i++) {
            S[i].m(new P), S[i].g("click", function() {

        new M(0)
        var da = new A([360, 480], "Reserved for Future Examples")
        da.m(new P)
        da.g("click", function() {
        var ub = new A([200, 32], "periodic table")
        var Oa = new A([600, 50], "")

        var Pa = new na(0, {duration: 1000, easing: M.Easing.ease_in_quad})
          , X = new y(Matrix.translate(-120, 0, 0), 1, "b")

        X.ve({duration: 250, easing: M.Easing.ease_in_out_quad})
        var vb = new A([60, 60], '<div class="shape-button-indicator-box"></div>')
        var fc = E(4, '<img src="content/icons/paraflow.png" alt="PF" />', "paraflow")
          , gc = E(3, '<img src="content/icons/periodic.png" alt="P" />', "periodic table")
          , hc = E(0, '<img src="content/icons/sphere.png" alt="S" />', "sphere")
          , ic = E(1, '<img src="content/icons/helix.png" alt="H" />', "helix")
          , jc = E(2, '<img src="content/icons/wall.png" alt="W" />', "wall of fame")
          , Za = new A([window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight])

        var ka = new na(0), Da = new A([200, 60], "fun things to do &nbsp;&#9432;")
        var ua = new na
        Da.m(new P)
        Da.g("click", function() {
            t && (ka.show(), ua.show(), T.Aa(1), window._gaq && _gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "sign-up", "info", , , true]))
        sessionStorage.getItem("signedUp") ? (t = true, G.Pc(w)) : (t = false, G.Pc(m))
        var wb = new A([600, 400], "<h3>Fun Things to Do</h3><ul><li>One finger to scroll</li><li>"
          + "Two fingers to pinch zoom</li><li>Three fingers to plane in 3D</li>"
          + "<li>Touch any object to navigate to that object in 3D space</li>"
          + "<li>Touch-hold an object to disassemble any shape</li></ul>"
          + "<ul><li>Space key to shapeshift</li><li>WASD keys to move forward, left, backward, and right</li>"
          + "<li>Shift + W/S keys to move up/down</li><li>Arrow keys to rotate or spin</li>"
          + "<li>Hold Ctrl to enable mouse rotation</li></ul>")
        var $a = new va([new P])
        $a.on("keyup", K)
        $a.on("click", K)
        var la = new y(Matrix.identity)
          , xb = new A([600, 500], '<h3>Welcome to <strong>famo.us</strong><br />'
              + '<span class="sub">a javascript engine and framework that solves HTML5 performance</span>'
              + '</h3><p>40-60fps on phones, tablets, PCs, and televisions<br /> '
              + 'mod a template, or piece together components<br /> no plug-ins, no WebGL, no Canvas<br /> '
              + 'works on modern browsers<br />everything is DOM<br /> 65KB footprint</p><p class="experience">'
              + 'sign up for the beta, then experience famo.us</p>')

        var ab = new A([600, 150], '<form method="POST" action="#">'
          + '<input id="email" type="text" size="30" name="email" maxlength="75" '
          + 'placeholder="enter email to sign up for beta" size="35" />'
          + '<input class="button" type="submit" value="sign up" /></form>')

        var ea = new A([600, 20])
        var Ea = new A([100, 100], '<img src="content/icons/circle-x.png" alt="x" />')
        Ea.m(new P)
        Ea.g("click", function() {
            window._gaq && _gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "sign-up", "hide", , , false])
        var Fa = new A([120, 30], "sign up for beta")
        Fa.m(new P)
        Fa.g("click", function() {
            window._gaq && _gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "sign-up", "show", , , false])
        var Qa = new na(0)
          , pa = new O

        pa.f(new y(Matrix.translate(0, 175, 0.01))).append(ab)
        pa.f(new y(Matrix.translate(0, 210, 0.01))).append(ea)
        pa.f(new y(Matrix.translate(275, -225, 0.01))).append(Ea)
        window.addEventListener("submit", function(a) {

            var b = {}
              , a = a.target.querySelectorAll("input")

            for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
                var d = a[i]
                d.name && (b[d.name] = d.value)
            a = document.location.href.split("/")
            b.referrerId = 2 <= a.length && "r" == a[a.length - 2] ? a[a.length - 1] : ""
            window._gaq && _gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "sign-up", "submit", , 1, true])
            a = new XMLHttpRequest
            a.open("POST", "/developers")
            a.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
            a.onreadystatechange = function() {
                if (4 == this.readyState) {
                    if (200 == this.status) {
                        var a = JSON.parse(this.responseText)

                        if ("OK" == a.status) {
                            ab.T("<p><strong>Success!</strong> We just sent you an email with some more information."
                              + " We'll send you updates soon.</p>"
                              + ('<div class="tweet-button">' + D("Tweet", a.socialId) + "</div>"))
                            sessionStorage.setItem("signedUp", true)
                            window._gaq && _gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "sign-up", "success", , , false])
                        } else {
                    } else {
                        ea.T("Ooops! Something went wrong. Try again.")
                        window._gaq && _gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "sign-up", "error", , , true])
        var yb = new va
        yb.on("keyup", function(a) {
            if (r) {
                var b = new Common.API.TVKeyValue
                a.keyCode == b.KEY_EXIT && w()
            } else {
                27 == a.keyCode && w()
                13 == a.keyCode && (document.activeElement && "INPUT" != document.activeElement.nodeName) && w()
        var T = new W(0)
        var zb = new A([100, 60], "famo.us")
        var Ha = new A([80, 60], '<a href="http://angel.co/famo-us" target="_blank">jobs</a>')
        Ha.g("click", function() {
            window._gaq && _gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "sign-up", "jobs", , , true])
        var Ga = new A([60, 60], C())
        Ga.g("click", function() {
            window._gaq && _gaq.push(["_trackEvent", "demo", "tweet", , , false])
        var Ab = new A([300, 60], "&copy; 2012 Famous Industries, Inc.")
        var kc = G.Kd(document.querySelector("#main"))
          , Bb = G.Kd(document.querySelector("#overlay"))
          , bb = new O

        bb.f(new y(Matrix.move(Matrix.scale(3, 3, 3), [0, -1000, 0]))).append(ub)
        var cb = new O
        cb.f(Na).append(new y(Matrix.translate(0, 0, 200))).append(ja).append(function() {
            var a = {
                    transform: Matrix.scale(1 / 3, 1 / 3, 1 / 3)
                  , target: 0 <= L ? S[L] : null
              , b = {
                    transform: Matrix.scale(1 / 3, 1 / 3, 1 / 3)
                  , target: da

            return [a, b]
        var Ia = new I([window.innerWidth, 60])
        Bb.g("resize", function() {
            Ia.ka([window.innerWidth, 60])
            Za.ka([window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight])
        var N = new O
        N.f(new y(Matrix.translate(240, 0), 1, "b")).append(Ga)
        N.f(new y(Matrix.translate(-120, 0), 1, "b")).append(fc)
        N.f(new y(Matrix.translate(120, 0), 1, "b")).append(gc)
        N.f(new y(Matrix.translate(0, 0), 1, "b")).append(ic)
        N.f(new y(Matrix.translate(60, 0), 1, "b")).append(jc)
        N.f(new y(Matrix.translate(-60, 0), 1, "b")).append(hc)
        N.f(new y(Matrix.translate(0, 0, 0.01), 1, "b")).append(X).append(vb)
        N.f(new y(Matrix.identity, 1, "br")).append(Da)
        N.f(new y(Matrix.identity, 1, "bl")).append(Ab)
        var R = new O
        R.f(new y(Matrix.identity, 1, "tl")).append(zb)
        R.f(new y(Matrix.identity, 1, "tr")).append(Ha)
        R.f(new y(Matrix.translate(0, 0, 0), 1, "b")).append(Ia)
        R.f(new y(Matrix.translate(0, 0, 0.09))).append(ka).append(Za)
        R.f(new y(Matrix.translate(0, 0, 0.1))).append(ua).append(wb)
        R.f(new y(Matrix.translate(0, 0, 0.1))).append(la).append(pa)
        R.f(new y(Matrix.move(Matrix.rotate_z(Math.PI / 2), [-45, 0]), 1, "l")).append(Qa).append(Fa)
        var db = new Eb
        G.C(function() {
            if (4 == J) {
                var a = Math.ceil(oa / 15) * hb
                  , b = 5 * ib
                  , c = 3 * jb
                  , d = u.da()
                  , e = 0.5 * Math.abs(Math.sin(d[1]) + 1)
                  , d = 0.5 * Math.abs(-Math.sin(d[0]) + 1)

                F.qb([(e - 1) * a, e * a], false)
                F.rb([(d - 1) * b, d * b], false)
                F.sb([-c + 400, 400], false)
コード例 #5
ファイル: app.js プロジェクト: cly/famous
    function a(new_page_number, b) {
        var page_number_changed = J != new_page_number
        J = "undefined" != typeof new_page_number ? new_page_number : (J + 1) % 5
        0 <= L && h(L)

        var e = {
            duration: 1000
          , easing: M.Easing.ease_out_quad

        if (3 == J) {
            z.Wa(g, e, b)
            z.Va(1, e)
            u.s([0, 0, 700], e)
            u.A([0, 0, 0], e)
            u.J([0, 0, 0], e)
            F.qb([-5000, 5000], e)
            F.rb([-3000, 3000], e)
            F.sb([-5000, 5000], e)
            X.setTransform(Matrix.translate(120, 0, 0), true)
            page_number_changed && s("periodic table")
        } else if (1 == J) {
            u.s([0, 0, 700], e)
            u.A([0, 0, 0], e)
            u.J([0, 0, 0], e)
            z.Wa(c, e, b)
            z.Va(1, e)
            F.qb([-5000, 5000], e)
            F.rb([-3000, 3000], e)
            F.sb([-5000, 5000], e)
            X.setTransform(Matrix.translate(0, 0, 0), true)
            page_number_changed && s("helix")
        } else if (2 == J) {
            u.s([0, 0, -500], e)
            u.A([0, 0, 0], e)
            u.J([0, 0, 0], e)
            z.Wa(f, e, b)
            z.Va(1, e)
            F.qb([-5000, 5000], e)
            F.rb([-3000, 3000], e)
            F.sb([-5000, 5000], e)
            X.setTransform(Matrix.translate(60, 0, 0), true)
            page_number_changed && s("wall of fame")
        } else if (0 == J) {
            u.s([0, 0, 800], e)
            u.A([0, 0, 0], e)
            u.J([0, 0, 0], e)
            z.Wa(j, e, b)
            z.Va(1, e)
            F.qb([-5000, 5000], e)
            F.rb([-3000, 3000], e)
            F.sb([-5000, 5000], e)
            X.setTransform(Matrix.translate(-60, 0, 0), true)
            page_number_changed && s("sphere")
        } else if (4 == J) {
            u.s([0, 0, -600], e)
            u.A([0, -Math.PI / 11, 0], e)
            u.J([0, 0, 0], e)
            z.Wa(k, e, b)
            z.Va(1, e)
            X.setTransform(Matrix.translate(-120, 0, 0), true)
            page_number_changed && s("paraflow")

        4 == J ? Y.enable() : Y.disable()
コード例 #6
ファイル: app.js プロジェクト: cly/famous
 function f(a) {
     return Matrix.multiply(Matrix.translate(0, 250 * (Math.floor(a / 30) - 1), -900)
       , Matrix.rotate_y_cw(-0.06667 * a * Math.PI))
コード例 #7
ファイル: app.js プロジェクト: cly/famous
 function c(a) {
     return Matrix.multiply(Matrix.translate(0, 20 * (a - 59), 700), Matrix.rotate_y_cw(0.1 * a * Math.PI))