Esempio n. 1
    init: function (parent, $target, lang) {
        this.parent = parent;
        this.ir_translation = new Model('ir.translation');
        this.lang = lang || base.get_context().lang;

        this.rte = new RTE_Translate(this, this.config);
        this.rte.on('change', this, this.rte_changed);
Esempio n. 2
 refresh: function () {
     var self = this;
     var language = self.language || base.get_context().lang.toLowerCase();
     ajax.jsonRpc('/website/seo_suggest', 'call', {
         'keywords': self.root,
         'lang': language,
     }).then(function (keyword_list) {
Esempio n. 3
 get_contact_rendering: function (options) {
     return ajax.jsonRpc('/web/dataset/call_kw', 'call', {
         model: '',
         method: 'get_record_to_html',
         args: [[this.ID]],
         kwargs: {
             options: options,
             context: base.get_context(),
Esempio n. 4
 edit:function () {
     this.gengo_translate = true;
     this._super.apply(this, arguments);
     var self = this;
     var gengo_langs = ["ar_SY","id_ID","nl_NL","fr_CA","pl_PL","zh_TW","sv_SE","ko_KR","pt_PT","en_US","ja_JP","es_ES","zh_CN","de_DE","fr_FR","fr_BE","ru_RU","it_IT","pt_BR","pt_BR","th_TH","nb_NO","ro_RO","tr_TR","bg_BG","da_DK","en_GB","el_GR","vi_VN","he_IL","hu_HU","fi_FI"];
     if (gengo_langs.indexOf(base.get_context()['lang']) !== -1){
Esempio n. 5
 $('#tag_ids').select2(this.select2_wrapper(_t('Tags'), true, function () {
     return ajax.jsonRpc("/web/dataset/call_kw", 'call', {
         model: 'slide.tag',
         method: 'search_read',
         args: [],
         kwargs: {
             fields: ['name'],
             context: base.get_context()
Esempio n. 6
 do_customize: function (e) {
     var view_id = $(e.currentTarget).data('view-id');
     return ajax.jsonRpc('/web/dataset/call_kw', 'call', {
         model: 'ir.ui.view',
         method: 'toggle',
         args: [[parseInt(view_id, 10)]],
         kwargs: {context: base.get_context()}
     }).then(function () {
Esempio n. 7
    start: function () {
        var self = this;
        base.ready().then(function () {
            self.$el.on('click', "#theme_customize a", theme_customize);
            if ((window.location.hash || "").indexOf("theme=true") !== -1) {
                window.location.hash = "";

        return this._super();
odoo.define("website_sale.tour_shop_frontend", function (require) {
"use strict";

var tour = require("web_tour.tour");
var base = require("web_editor.base");
var steps = require("website_sale.tour_shop");
tour.register("shop", {
    url: "/shop",
    wait_for: base.ready(),
}, steps);

Esempio n. 9
 function () {
     return ajax.jsonRpc("/web/dataset/call_kw", 'call', {
         model: 'slide.category',
         method: 'search_read',
         args: [],
         kwargs: {
             fields: ['name'],
             domain: [['channel_id', '=', self.channel_id]],
             context: base.get_context()
Esempio n. 10
 saveMetaData: function (data) {
     var obj = this.getMainObject();
     if (!obj) {
         return $.Deferred().reject();
     } else {
         return rpc.query({
             model: obj.model,
             method: 'write',
             args: [[], data, base.get_context()],
Esempio n. 11
 return this._super(type, value).then(function (mailing_list_id) {
         ajax.jsonRpc('/web/dataset/call', 'call', {
             model: 'mail.mass_mailing.list',
             method: 'read',
             args: [[parseInt(mailing_list_id)], ['popup_content'], base.get_context()],
         }).then(function (data) {
             if (data && data[0].popup_content) {
odoo.define('website_hr_recruitment.tour', function(require) {
    'use strict';

    var base = require('web_editor.base');
    var core    = require('web.core');
    var Tour    = require('web.Tour');
    var Model   = require('web.Model');
    var Session = require('web.Session');

    base.ready().done(function () {
            id:   'website_hr_recruitment_tour',
            name: "Test the hr applicants form",
            path: '/jobs/apply/3',
            mode: 'test',
            steps: [
                    title:          "Complete name",
                    element:        "input[name=partner_name]",
                    sampleText:     "John Smith"
                    title:          "Complete Email",
                    element:        "input[name=email_from]",
                    sampleText:     "*****@*****.**"
                    title:          "Complete phone number",
                    element:        "input[name=partner_phone]",
                    sampleText:     "118.218"
                    title:          "Complete Subject",
                    element:        "textarea[name=description]",
                    sampleText:     "### HR RECRUITMENT TEST DATA ###"
                // TODO: Upload a file ?
                    title:          "Send the form",
                    element:        ".o_website_form_send"
                    title:          "Check the form is submited without errors",
                    waitFor:        ".oe_structure:has(h1:contains('Thank you!'))"

    return {};
Esempio n. 13
 translation_gengo_info: function () {
     var repr =  $(document.documentElement).data('mainObject');
     var translated_ids = [];
     $('[data-oe-translation-state="translated"]').each(function () {
     ajax.jsonRpc('/website/get_translated_length', 'call', {
         'translated_ids': translated_ids,
         'lang': base.get_context()['lang'],
         var dialog = new GengoTranslatorStatisticDialog(res);
Esempio n. 14
 $modal.on('click', '.a-submit', function () {
     var $a = $(this);
         url:  '/shop/cart/update_option',
         data: {lang: base.get_context().lang},
         success: function (quantity) {
             if (!$a.hasClass('js_goto_shop')) {
                 window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(/shop([\/?].*)?$/, "shop/cart");
             var $q = $(".my_cart_quantity");
             $q.parent().parent().removeClass("hidden", !quantity);
Esempio n. 15
odoo.define("website_event.tour", function (require) {
    "use strict";

    var core = require("web.core");
    var tour = require("web_tour.tour");
    var base = require("web_editor.base");

    var _t = core._t;

    tour.register("event", {
        url: "/",
        wait_for: base.ready(),
    }, [tour.STEPS.WEBSITE_NEW_PAGE, {
        trigger: "a[data-action=new_event]",
        content: _t("Click here to create a new event."),
        position: "bottom",
    }, {
        trigger: ".modal-dialog #editor_new_event input[type=text]",
        content: _t("Create a name for your new event and click <em>\"Continue\"</em>. e.g: Technical Training"),
        position: "right",
    }, {
        trigger: ".modal-dialog button.btn-primary.btn-continue",
        extra_trigger: ".modal-dialog #editor_new_event input[type=text][value!=\"\"]",
        content: _t("Click <em>Continue</em> to create the event."),
        position: "right",
    }, {
        trigger: "#snippet_structure .oe_snippet:eq(2) .oe_snippet_thumbnail",
        content: _t("Drag this block and drop it in your page."),
        position: "bottom",
        run: "drag_and_drop",
    }, {
        trigger: "button[data-action=save]",
        content: _t("Once you click on save, your event is updated."),
        position: "bottom",
    }, {
        trigger: "button.btn-danger.js_publish_btn",
        extra_trigger: "body:not(.editor_enable)",
        content: _t("Click to publish your event."),
        position: "top",
    }, {
        trigger: ".js_publish_management button[data-toggle=\"dropdown\"]",
        extra_trigger: ".js_publish_management button.js_publish_btn.btn-success:visible",
        content: _t("Click here to customize your event further."),
        position: "left",
Esempio n. 16
 fetch_existing: function (needle) {
     var domain = [['res_model', '=', 'ir.ui.view']].concat(this.domain);
     if (needle && needle.length) {
         domain.push('|', ['datas_fname', 'ilike', needle], ['name', 'ilike', needle]);
     return ajax.jsonRpc('/web/dataset/call_kw', 'call', {
         model: 'ir.attachment',
         method: 'search_read',
         args: [],
         kwargs: {
             domain: domain,
             fields: ['name', 'mimetype', 'checksum', 'url'], // if we want to use /web/image/xxx with redirect for image url, remove 'url'
             order: 'id desc',
             context: base.get_context()
Esempio n. 17
    _saveView: function (session) {
        var def = $.Deferred();

        var self = this;
        ajax.jsonRpc('/web/dataset/call', 'call', {
            model: 'ir.ui.view',
            method: 'write',
            args: [[], {arch: session.text}, _.extend(base.get_context(), {lang: null})],
        }).then(function () {
            self._toggleDirtyInfo(, false);
        }, function (source, error) {
            def.reject(session, error);

        return def;
Esempio n. 18
File: rte.js Progetto: yvaucher/odoo
    init: function (parent, getConfig) {
        var self = this;
        this._super.apply(this, arguments);

        this.init_bootstrap_carousel = $.fn.carousel;
        this.edit_bootstrap_carousel = function () {
            var res = self.init_bootstrap_carousel.apply(this, arguments);
            // off bootstrap keydown event to remove event.preventDefault()
            // and allow to change cursor position
            return res;

        this._getConfig = getConfig || this._getDefaultConfig;

Esempio n. 19
odoo.define('website_crm.tour', function(require) {
    'use strict';

    var tour = require('web_tour.tour');
    var base = require('web_editor.base');

    tour.register('website_crm_tour', {
        test: true,
        url: '/page/contactus',
        wait_for: base.ready(),
    }, [{
        content: "Complete name",
        trigger: "input[name=contact_name]",
        run: "text John Smith",
    }, {
        content: "Complete phone number",
        trigger: "input[name=phone]",
        run: "text 118.218"
    }, {
        content: "Complete Email",
        trigger: "input[name=email_from]",
        run: "text"
    }, {
        content: "Complete Company",
        trigger: "input[name=partner_name]",
        run: "text Odoo S.A."
    }, {
        content: "Complete Subject",
        trigger: "input[name=name]",
        run: "text Useless message"
    }, {
        content: "Complete Subject",
        trigger: "textarea[name=description]",
        run: "text ### TOUR DATA ###"
    }, {
        content: "Send the form",
        trigger: ".o_website_form_send"
    }, {
        content: "Check we were redirected to the success page",
        trigger: "#wrap:has(h1:contains('Thanks')):has(div.alert-success)"

    return {};
Esempio n. 20
odoo.define('sale.tour_sale_signature', function (require) {
'use strict';

var tour = require('web_tour.tour');
var base = require('web_editor.base');

// This tour relies on data created on the Python test.
tour.register('sale_signature', {
    test: true,
    url: '/my/quotes',
    wait_for: base.ready(),
        content: "open the test SO",
        trigger: 'a:containsExact("test SO")',
        content: "click sign",
        trigger: 'a:contains("Sign")',
        content: "click Auto",
        trigger: '.o_portal_sign_auto_button',
        content: "click select style",
        trigger: '.o_portal_sign_auto_select_style a',
        content: "click style 4",
        trigger: '.o_portal_sign_auto_font_selection a:eq(3)',
        content: "click submit",
        trigger: '.o_portal_sign_submit',
        content: "check it's confirmed",
        trigger: '#quote_content:contains("Thank You")',
Esempio n. 21
 saveView: function (session) {
     var xml = new XmlDocument(session.text);
     var isWellFormed = xml.isWellFormed();
     var def = $.Deferred();
     if (isWellFormed === true) {
         ajax.jsonRpc('/web/dataset/call', 'call', {
             model: 'ir.ui.view',
             method: 'write',
             args: [[], { 'arch':  xml.xml }, _.extend(base.get_context(), {'lang': null})],
         }).then(function () {
         }).fail(function (source, error) {
             def.reject("server", session, error);
     } else {
         def.reject(null, session, isWellFormed);
     return def;
Esempio n. 22
 new_blog_post: function () {
     var model = new Model('');'name_search', [], { context: base.get_context() }).then(function (blog_ids) {
         if (blog_ids.length == 1) {
             document.location = '/blog/' + blog_ids[0][0] + '/post/new';
         } else if (blog_ids.length > 1) {
                 id: "editor_new_blog",
                 window_title: _t("New Blog Post"),
                 select: "Select Blog",
                 init: function (field) {
                     return blog_ids;
             }).then(function (blog_id) {
                 document.location = '/blog/' + blog_id + '/post/new';
Esempio n. 23
File: rte.js Progetto: ADS101/odoo
    saveElement: function ($el, context) {
        // remove multi edition
        if ($'oe-model')) {
            var key =  $'oe-model')+":"+$'oe-id')+":"+$'oe-field')+":"+$'oe-type')+":"+$'oe-expression');
            if (this.__saved[key]) return $.when();
            this.__saved[key] = true;
        var markup = this.getEscapedElement($el).prop('outerHTML');

        return ajax.jsonRpc('/web/dataset/call', 'call', {
            model: 'ir.ui.view',
            method: 'save',
            args: [
                $'oe-xpath') || null,
                _.omit(context || base.get_context(), 'lang')
Esempio n. 24
 save : function() {
     var $target = $('#wrapwrap').find('#o_newsletter_popup');
     if ($target && $target.length) {
         $target.css("display", "none");
         if (!$target.find('.o_popup_content_dev').length) {
             $target.find('.o_popup_modal_body').prepend($('<div class="o_popup_content_dev" data-oe-placeholder="' + _t("Type Here ...") + '"></div>'));
         var content = $('#wrapwrap .o_popup_content_dev').html();
         var newsletter_id = $target.parent().attr('data-list-id');
         ajax.jsonRpc('/web/dataset/call', 'call', {
             model: 'mail.mass_mailing.list',
             method: 'write',
             args: [parseInt(newsletter_id),
     return this._super();
Esempio n. 25
    saveElement: function ($el, context) {
        // remove multi edition
        if ($'oe-translation-id')) {
            var key =  'translation:'+$'oe-translation-id');
            if (this.__saved[key]) return true;
            this.__saved[key] = true;
            var translation_content = this.getEscapedElement($el).html();

            return ajax.jsonRpc('/web/dataset/call', 'call', {
                model: 'ir.translation',
                method: 'write',
                args: [
                    {value: translation_content, state: 'translated'},
                    context || base.get_context()

        return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
Esempio n. 26
 loadMetaData: function () {
     var obj = this.getMainObject();
     var def = $.Deferred();
     if (!obj) {
         // return $.Deferred().reject(new Error("No main_object was found."));
     } else {
         var fields = ['website_meta_title', 'website_meta_description', 'website_meta_keywords'];
         var model = new Model(obj.model).call('read', [[], fields, base.get_context()]).then(function (data) {
             if (data.length) {
                 var meta = data[0];
                 meta.model = obj.model;
             } else {
         }).fail(function () {
     return def;
Esempio n. 27
odoo.define("", function (require) {
"use strict";

var core = require("web.core");
var tour = require("web_tour.tour");
var base = require("web_editor.base");
var _t = core._t;

tour.register("contact", {
    url: "/page/contactus",
    wait_for: base.ready(),
}, [{
    trigger: "li#customize-menu",
    content: _t("<b>Install a contact form</b> to improve this page."),
    extra_trigger: "#o_contact_mail",
    position: "bottom",
}, {
    trigger: "li#install_apps",
    content: _t("<b>Install new apps</b> to get more features. Let's install the <i>'Contact form'</i> app."),
    position: "bottom",
odoo.define('website_sale.tour_shop_no_variant_attribute', function (require) {
'use strict';

var tour = require('web_tour.tour');
var base = require('web_editor.base');

// This tour relies on a data created from the python test.
tour.register('tour_shop_no_variant_attribute', {
    test: true,
    url: '/shop?search=Test Product',
    wait_for: base.ready(),
        content: "select Test Product",
        trigger: '.oe_product_cart a:containsExact("Test Product")',
        content: "check price",
        trigger: '.oe_currency_value:contains("1.00")',
        run: function () {},
        content: "add to cart",
        trigger: 'a:contains(Add to Cart)',
        content: "check no_variant value is present",
        trigger: '.td-product_name:contains(No Variant Attribute: No Variant Value)',
        extra_trigger: '#cart_products',
        run: function () {},
        content: "check price is correct",
        trigger: '.td-price:contains(11.0)',
        run: function () {},
Esempio n. 29
odoo.define('website_hr_recruitment.tour', function(require) {
    'use strict';

    var base = require('web_editor.base');
    var tour = require("web_tour.tour");

    tour.register('website_hr_recruitment_tour', {
        test: true,
        url: '/jobs/apply/3',
        wait_for: base.ready(),
    }, [{
        content: "Complete name",
        trigger: "input[name=partner_name]",
        run: "text John Smith"
    }, {
        content: "Complete Email",
        trigger: "input[name=email_from]",
        run: "text"
    }, {
        content: "Complete phone number",
        trigger: "input[name=partner_phone]",
        run: "text 118.218"
    }, {
        content: "Complete Subject",
        trigger: "textarea[name=description]",
        run: "text ### HR RECRUITMENT TEST DATA ###"
    }, { // TODO: Upload a file ?
        content: "Send the form",
        trigger: ".o_website_form_send"
    }, {
        content: "Check the form is submited without errors",
        trigger: ".oe_structure:has(h1:contains('Congratulations'))"

    return {};
Esempio n. 30
odoo.define('website_event_sale.tour', function (require) {
'use strict';

var tour = require('web_tour.tour');
var base = require("web_editor.base");

tour.register('event_buy_tickets', {
    test: true,
    url: '/event',
    wait_for: base.ready()
            content: "Go to the `Events` page",
            trigger: 'a[href*="/event"]:contains("Conference on Business Apps"):first',
            content: "Select 1 unit of `Standard` ticket type",
            extra_trigger: '#wrap:not(:has(a[href*="/event"]:contains("Conference on Business Apps")))',
            trigger: 'select:eq(0)',
            run: 'text 1',
            content: "Select 2 units of `VIP` ticket type",
            extra_trigger: 'select:eq(0):has(option:contains(1):propSelected)',
            trigger: 'select:eq(1)',
            run: 'text 2',
            content: "Click on `Order Now` button",
            extra_trigger: 'select:eq(1):has(option:contains(2):propSelected)',
            trigger: '.btn-primary:contains("Register Now")',
            content: "Fill attendees details",
            trigger: 'form[id="attendee_registration"] .btn:contains("Continue")',
            run: function () {
                $("input[name='1-phone']").val("111 111");
                $("input[name='2-phone']").val("222 222");
                $("input[name='3-phone']").val("333 333");
            content: "Validate attendees details",
            extra_trigger: "input[name='1-name'], input[name='2-name'], input[name='3-name']",
            trigger: 'button:contains("Continue")',
            content: "Check that the cart contains exactly 3 triggers",
            trigger: 'a:has(.my_cart_quantity:containsExact(3))',
            run: function () {}, // it's a check
            content: "go to cart",
            trigger: 'a:contains(Return to Cart)',
            content: "Modify the cart to add 1 unit of `VIP` ticket type",
            extra_trigger: "#cart_products:contains(Standard):contains(VIP)",
            trigger: "#cart_products tr:contains(VIP) .fa-plus",
            content: "Now click on `Process Checkout`",
            extra_trigger: 'a:has(.my_cart_quantity):contains(4)',
            trigger: '.btn-primary:contains("Process Checkout")'
            content: "Complete the checkout",
            trigger: 'a[href="/shop/confirm_order"]:contains("Confirm")',
            content: "Check that the subtotal is 5,500.00",
            trigger: '#order_total_untaxed .oe_currency_value:contains("5,500.00")',
            run: function () {}, // it's a check
            content: "Select `Wire Transfer` payment method",
            trigger: '#payment_method label:contains(Wire Transfer) input',
            content: "Pay",
            extra_trigger: '#payment_method label:contains(Wire Transfer) input:checked',
            trigger: '.oe_sale_acquirer_button .btn[type="submit"]:visible',
            content: "Last step",
            trigger: '.oe_website_sale:contains("Thank you for your order")',
