Esempio n. 1
      forEach(properties, function(propertyName, propertyDef) {
        if (propertyName in m)
          return;  // TODO(kalman): be strict like functions/events somehow.
        if (!isSchemaNodeSupported(propertyDef, platform, manifestVersion))
        if (!GetAvailability(schema.namespace + "." +
              propertyName).is_available ||
            (checkUnprivileged && !isSchemaAccessAllowed(propertyDef))) {

        // |value| is eventually added to |m|, the exposed API. Make copies
        // of everything from the schema. (The schema is also frozen, so as long
        // as we don't make any modifications, shallow copies are fine.)
        var value;
        if ($Array.isArray(propertyDef.value))
          value = $Array.slice(propertyDef.value);
        else if (typeof propertyDef.value === 'object')
          value = $Object.assign({}, propertyDef.value);
          value = propertyDef.value;

        if (value) {
          // Values may just have raw types as defined in the JSON, such
          // as "WINDOW_ID_NONE": { "value": -1 }. We handle this here.
          // TODO(kalman): enforce that things with a "value" property can't
          // define their own types.
          var type = propertyDef.type || typeof(value);
          if (type === 'integer' || type === 'number') {
            value = parseInt(value);
          } else if (type === 'boolean') {
            value = value === 'true';
          } else if (propertyDef['$ref']) {
            var ref = propertyDef['$ref'];
            var type = utils.loadTypeSchema(propertyDef['$ref'], schema);
            logging.CHECK(type, 'Schema for $ref type ' + ref + ' not found');
            var constructor = createCustomType(type);
            var args = value;
            $Array.push(args, type);
            // For an object propertyDef, |value| is an array of constructor
            // arguments, but we want to pass the arguments directly (i.e.
            // not as an array), so we have to fake calling |new| on the
            // constructor.
            value = { __proto__: constructor.prototype };
            $Function.apply(constructor, value, args);
            // Recursively add properties.
            addProperties(value, propertyDef);
          } else if (type === 'object') {
            // Recursively add properties.
            addProperties(value, propertyDef);
          } else if (type !== 'string') {
            throw new Error('NOT IMPLEMENTED (extension_api.json error): ' +
                'Cannot parse values for type "' + type + '"');
          m[propertyName] = value;
Esempio n. 2
      forEach(properties, function(propertyName, propertyDef) {
        if (propertyName in m)
          return;  // TODO(kalman): be strict like functions/events somehow.
        if (!isSchemaNodeSupported(propertyDef, platform, manifestVersion))
        if (!isSchemaAccessAllowed(propertyDef)) {
          addUnprivilegedAccessGetter(m, propertyName);

        var value = propertyDef.value;
        if (value) {
          // Values may just have raw types as defined in the JSON, such
          // as "WINDOW_ID_NONE": { "value": -1 }. We handle this here.
          // TODO(kalman): enforce that things with a "value" property can't
          // define their own types.
          var type = propertyDef.type || typeof(value);
          if (type === 'integer' || type === 'number') {
            value = parseInt(value);
          } else if (type === 'boolean') {
            value = value === 'true';
          } else if (propertyDef['$ref']) {
            var ref = propertyDef['$ref'];
            var type = utils.loadTypeSchema(propertyDef['$ref'], schema);
            CHECK(type, 'Schema for $ref type ' + ref + ' not found');
            var constructor = createCustomType(type);
            var args = value;
            // For an object propertyDef, |value| is an array of constructor
            // arguments, but we want to pass the arguments directly (i.e.
            // not as an array), so we have to fake calling |new| on the
            // constructor.
            value = { __proto__: constructor.prototype };
            constructor.apply(value, args);
            // Recursively add properties.
            addProperties(value, propertyDef);
          } else if (type === 'object') {
            // Recursively add properties.
            addProperties(value, propertyDef);
          } else if (type !== 'string') {
            throw new Error('NOT IMPLEMENTED (extension_api.json error): ' +
                'Cannot parse values for type "' + type + '"');
          m[propertyName] = value;
JSONSchemaValidator.prototype.getOrAddType = function(typeName) {
  if (!this.types[typeName])
    this.types[typeName] = utils.loadTypeSchema(typeName);
  return this.types[typeName];