Esempio n. 1
  componentDidMount() {
    // make the interval 2 times the bucket span
    if (this.state.bucketSpan) {
      const intervalObject = parseInterval(this.state.bucketSpan);
      let bs = intervalObject.asMinutes() * 2;
      if (bs < 1) {
        bs = 1;

      const interval = `${bs}m`;
      this.setState({ interval }, () => {
        this.config.interval = interval;

    // load elasticsearch settings to see if email has been configured
    ml.getNotificationSettings().then((resp) => {
      if (has(resp, '')) {
        this.setState({ emailEnabled: true });

      .then(() => {
        this.setState({ watchAlreadyExists: true });
      .catch(() => {
        this.setState({ watchAlreadyExists: false });
Esempio n. 2
          .then(data => {
          // for count, scale the model upper and lower by the
          // ratio of chart interval to bucketspan.
          // this will force the model bounds to be drawn in the correct location
            let scale = 1;
            if (formConfig &&
            (formConfig.agg.type.mlName === 'count' ||
            formConfig.agg.type.mlName === 'high_count' ||
            formConfig.agg.type.mlName === 'low_count' ||
            formConfig.agg.type.mlName === 'distinct_count')) {
              const chartIntervalSeconds = formConfig.chartInterval.getInterval().asSeconds();
              const bucketSpan = parseInterval(formConfig.bucketSpan);
              if (bucketSpan !== null) {
                scale =  chartIntervalSeconds / bucketSpan.asSeconds();

            this.chartData.model = this.chartData.model.concat(processLineChartResults(data.results, scale));

            const lastBucket = this.chartData.model[this.chartData.model.length - 1];
            const time = (lastBucket !== undefined) ? lastBucket.time : formConfig.start;

            const pcnt = ((time -  formConfig.start + formConfig.resultsIntervalSeconds) / (formConfig.end - formConfig.start) * 100);
            this.chartData.percentComplete = Math.round(pcnt);

Esempio n. 3
 return => {
   const bucketSpan = parseInterval(job.analysis_config.bucket_span);
   return {
     id: job.job_id,
     selected: false,
     bucketSpanSeconds: bucketSpan.asSeconds()
Esempio n. 4
  cloneJob(job) {
    // create a deep copy of a job object
    // also remove items from the job which are set by the server and not needed
    // in the future this formatting could be optional
    const tempJob = angular.copy(job);

    // remove all of the items which should not be copied
    // such as counts, state and times
    delete tempJob.state;
    delete tempJob.job_version;
    delete tempJob.data_counts;
    delete tempJob.create_time;
    delete tempJob.finished_time;
    delete tempJob.last_data_time;
    delete tempJob.model_size_stats;
    delete tempJob.node;
    delete tempJob.average_bucket_processing_time_ms;
    delete tempJob.model_snapshot_id;
    delete tempJob.open_time;
    delete tempJob.established_model_memory;
    delete tempJob.calendars;

    delete tempJob.analysis_config.use_per_partition_normalization;

    _.each(tempJob.analysis_config.detectors, (d) => {
      delete d.detector_index;

    // remove parts of the datafeed config which should not be copied
    if (tempJob.datafeed_config) {
      delete tempJob.datafeed_config.datafeed_id;
      delete tempJob.datafeed_config.job_id;
      delete tempJob.datafeed_config.state;
      delete tempJob.datafeed_config.node;

      // remove query_delay if it's between 60s and 120s
      // the back-end produces a random value between 60 and 120 and so
      // by deleting it, the back-end will produce a new random value
      if (tempJob.datafeed_config.query_delay) {
        const interval = parseInterval(tempJob.datafeed_config.query_delay);
        if (interval !== null) {
          const queryDelay = interval.asSeconds();
          if (queryDelay > 60 && queryDelay < 120) {
            delete tempJob.datafeed_config.query_delay;

    // when jumping from a wizard to the advanced job creation,
    // the wizard's created_by information should be stripped.
    if (tempJob.custom_settings && tempJob.custom_settings.created_by) {
      delete tempJob.custom_settings.created_by;

    return tempJob;
    function render() {
      // Clear any existing elements from the visualization,
      // then build the svg elements for the bar chart.
      const chartElement ='.content-wrapper');

      if (scope.chartData === undefined) {

      const svg = chartElement.append('svg')
        .attr('width',  svgWidth)
        .attr('height', svgHeight);

      // Set the size of the left margin according to the width
      // of the largest y axis tick label.
      const maxYVal = d3.max(scope.chartData, (d) => d.value);
      yScale = yScale.domain([0, maxYVal]);

      const yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(yScale).orient('left').outerTickSize(0);

      // barChartGroup translate doesn't seem to be relative
      // to parent svg, so have to add an extra 5px on.
      const maxYAxisLabelWidth = calculateTextWidth(maxYVal, true, svg);
      margin.left = Math.max(maxYAxisLabelWidth + yAxis.tickPadding() + 5, 25);
      chartWidth  = Math.max(svgWidth  - margin.left - margin.right, 0);

      const bounds = timefilter.getActiveBounds();
      xScale = d3.time.scale()
        .domain([new Date(bounds.min.valueOf()), new Date(bounds.max.valueOf())])
        .range([0, chartWidth]);

      if (scope.chartData.length > 0) {
        // x axis tick format and bar width determined by data aggregation interval.
        const buckets = new MlTimeBuckets();
        const aggInterval = _.get(scope, ['card', 'stats', 'documentCounts', 'interval']);
        xAxisTickFormat = buckets.getScaledDateFormat();

        const intervalMs = parseInterval(aggInterval).asMilliseconds();
        barWidth = xScale(scope.chartData[0].time + intervalMs) - xScale(scope.chartData[0].time);

      const xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(xScale).orient('bottom')
        .outerTickSize(0).ticks(numTicksForDateFormat(chartWidth, xAxisTickFormat))
        .tickFormat((d) => {
          return moment(d).format(xAxisTickFormat);

      barChartGroup = svg.append('g')
        .attr('class', 'bar-chart')
        .attr('transform', `translate(${margin.left}, ${})`);

      drawBarChartAxes(xAxis, yAxis);
Esempio n. 6
export function validateInterval(bounds, panel, maxBuckets) {
  const { interval } = panel;
  const { min, max } = bounds;
  // No need to check auto it will return around 100
  if (!interval) return;
  if (interval === 'auto') return;
  const greaterThanMatch = interval.match(GTE_INTERVAL_RE);
  if (greaterThanMatch) return;
  const duration = parseInterval(interval);
  if (duration) {
    const span = max.valueOf() - min.valueOf();
    const buckets = Math.floor(span / duration.asMilliseconds());
    if (buckets > maxBuckets) {
      throw new Error(`Max buckets exceeded: ${buckets} is greater than ${maxBuckets}, try a larger time interval in the panel options.`);
Esempio n. 7
  _.each(jobsListCopy, (jobObj) => {
    const analysisConfig = jobObj.analysis_config;
    const bucketSpan = parseInterval(analysisConfig.bucket_span);

    const job = {
      id: jobObj.job_id,
      bucketSpanSeconds: bucketSpan.asSeconds()

    if (_.has(jobObj, 'description') && /^\s*$/.test(jobObj.description) === false) {
      job.description = jobObj.description;
    } else {
      // Just use the id as the description.
      job.description = jobObj.job_id;

    job.detectors = _.get(analysisConfig, 'detectors', []);
    detectorsByJob[] = job.detectors;

    if (_.has(jobObj, 'custom_settings.custom_urls')) {
      job.customUrls = [];
      _.each(jobObj.custom_settings.custom_urls, (url) => {
        if (_.has(url, 'url_name') && _.has(url, 'url_value') && isWebUrl(url.url_value)) {
          // Only make web URLs (i.e. http or https) available in dashboard drilldowns.
      // Only add an entry for a job if customUrls have been defined.
      if (job.customUrls.length > 0) {
        customUrlsByJob[] = job.customUrls;

    localJobService.jobDescriptions[] = job.description;
    localJobService.basicJobs[] = job;
    link: function ($scope) {
      $scope.config = mlCreateWatchService.config;
      $scope.status = mlCreateWatchService.status;
      $scope.STATUS = mlCreateWatchService.STATUS;

      $scope.ui = {
        emailEnabled: false,
        embedded: $scope.embedded,
        watchAlreadyExists: false

      // make the interval 2 times the bucket span
      if ($scope.bucketSpan) {
        const interval = parseInterval($scope.bucketSpan);
        let bs = interval.asMinutes() * 2;
        if (bs < 1) {
          bs = 1;
        $scope.config.interval = `${bs}m`;

      // load elasticsearch settings to see if email has been configured
      ml.getNotificationSettings().then((resp) => {
        if (_.has(resp, '')) {
          $scope.ui.emailEnabled = true;

      // check to see whether a watch for this job has already been created.
      // display a warning if it has.
        .then(() => {
          $scope.ui.watchAlreadyExists = true;
        .catch(() => {
          $scope.ui.watchAlreadyExists = false;
 _.each(, (job) => {
   if (isTimeSeriesViewJob(job) === true) {
     const bucketSpan = parseInterval(job.analysis_config.bucket_span);
     newJobs.push({ id: job.job_id, selected: false, bucketSpanSeconds: bucketSpan.asSeconds() });
Esempio n. 10
          .then((timeRange) => {
            const bucketSpan = parseInterval(job.analysis_config.bucket_span);
            const earliestMs = timeRange.start.epoch;
            const latestMs = +timeRange.start.epoch + (10 * bucketSpan.asMilliseconds());

            const body = {
              query: {
                bool: {
                  must: [
                      range: {
                        [job.data_description.time_field]: {
                          gte: earliestMs,
                          lt: latestMs,
                          format: 'epoch_millis'

            // if aggs or aggregations is set, add it to the search
            const aggregations = job.datafeed_config.aggs || job.datafeed_config.aggregations;
            if (aggregations && Object.keys(aggregations).length) {
              body.size = 0;
              body.aggregations = aggregations;

              // add script_fields if present
              const scriptFields = job.datafeed_config.script_fields;
              if (scriptFields && Object.keys(scriptFields).length) {
                body.script_fields = scriptFields;

            } else {
              // if aggregations is not set and retrieveWholeSource is not set, add all of the fields from the job
              body.size = ML_DATA_PREVIEW_COUNT;

              // add script_fields if present
              const scriptFields = job.datafeed_config.script_fields;
              if (scriptFields && Object.keys(scriptFields).length) {
                body.script_fields = scriptFields;

              const fields = {};

              // get fields from detectors
              if (job.analysis_config.detectors) {
                _.each(job.analysis_config.detectors, (dtr) => {
                  if (dtr.by_field_name) {
                    fields[dtr.by_field_name] = {};
                  if (dtr.field_name) {
                    fields[dtr.field_name] = {};
                  if (dtr.over_field_name) {
                    fields[dtr.over_field_name] = {};
                  if (dtr.partition_field_name) {
                    fields[dtr.partition_field_name] = {};

              // get fields from influencers
              if (job.analysis_config.influencers) {
                _.each(job.analysis_config.influencers, (inf) => {
                  fields[inf] = {};

              // get fields from categorizationFieldName
              if (job.analysis_config.categorization_field_name) {
                fields[job.analysis_config.categorization_field_name] = {};

              // get fields from summary_count_field_name
              if (job.analysis_config.summary_count_field_name) {
                fields[job.analysis_config.summary_count_field_name] = {};

              // get fields from time_field
              if (job.data_description.time_field) {
                fields[job.data_description.time_field] = {};

              // console.log('fields: ', fields);
              const fieldsList = Object.keys(fields);
              if (fieldsList.length) {
                body._source = fieldsList;

            const data = {
              index: job.datafeed_config.indices,

              .then((resp) => {
              .catch((resp) => {

Esempio n. 11
    getJobFromConfig(formConfig) {
      const job = mlJobService.getBlankJob();
      job.data_description.time_field = formConfig.timeField;

      let func = formConfig.agg.type.mlName;
      if (formConfig.isSparseData) {
        if (formConfig.agg.type.dslName === 'count') {
          func = func.replace(/count/, 'non_zero_count');
        } else if(formConfig.agg.type.dslName === 'sum') {
          func = func.replace(/sum/, 'non_null_sum');
      const dtr = {
        function: func

      const query = formConfig.combinedQuery;

      if (formConfig.field && {
        dtr.field_name =;
      job.analysis_config.bucket_span = formConfig.bucketSpan;

      job.analysis_limits = {
        model_memory_limit: formConfig.modelMemoryLimit

      delete job.data_description.field_delimiter;
      delete job.data_description.quote_character;
      delete job.data_description.time_format;
      delete job.data_description.format;

      const bucketSpanSeconds = parseInterval(formConfig.bucketSpan).asSeconds();

      const indices = formConfig.indexPattern.title.split(',').map(i => i.trim());
      job.datafeed_config = {

      job.job_id = formConfig.jobId;
      job.description = formConfig.description;
      job.groups = formConfig.jobGroups;

      job.model_plot_config =  {
        enabled: true

      if (formConfig.useDedicatedIndex) {
        job.results_index_name = job.job_id;

      if (formConfig.usesSavedSearch === false) {
        // Jobs created from saved searches cannot be cloned in the wizard as the
        // ML job config holds no reference to the saved search ID.
        job.custom_settings = {
          created_by: WIZARD_TYPE.SINGLE_METRIC

      // Use the original es agg type rather than the ML version
      // e.g. count rather than high_count
      const aggType = formConfig.agg.type.dslName;
      const interval = bucketSpanSeconds * 1000;
      switch (aggType) {
        case 'count':
          job.analysis_config.summary_count_field_name = 'doc_count';

          job.datafeed_config.aggregations = {
            buckets: {
              date_histogram: {
                field: formConfig.timeField,
                fixed_interval: `${interval}ms`
              aggregations: {
                [formConfig.timeField]: {
                  max: {
                    field: formConfig.timeField
        case 'avg':
        case 'median':
        case 'sum':
        case 'min':
        case 'max':
          job.analysis_config.summary_count_field_name = 'doc_count';

          job.datafeed_config.aggregations = {
            buckets: {
              date_histogram: {
                field: formConfig.timeField,
                fixed_interval: `${((interval / 100) * 10)}ms` // use 10% of bucketSpan to allow for better sampling
              aggregations: {
                [dtr.field_name]: {
                  [aggType]: {
                [formConfig.timeField]: {
                  max: {
                    field: formConfig.timeField
        case 'cardinality':
          job.analysis_config.summary_count_field_name = 'dc_' + dtr.field_name;

          job.datafeed_config.aggregations = {
            buckets: {
              date_histogram: {
                field: formConfig.timeField,
                fixed_interval: `${interval}ms`
              aggregations: {
                [formConfig.timeField]: {
                  max: {
                    field: formConfig.timeField
                [job.analysis_config.summary_count_field_name]: {
                  [aggType]: {

          // finally, modify the detector before saving
          dtr.function = 'non_zero_count';
          // add a description using the original function name rather 'non_zero_count'
          // as the user may not be aware it's been changed
          dtr.detector_description = `${func} (${dtr.field_name})`;
          delete dtr.field_name;


      return job;
Esempio n. 12
// Builds the full URL for testing out a custom URL configuration, which
// may contain dollar delimited partition / influencer entity tokens and
// drilldown time range settings.
function getTestUrl(job, urlConfig) {
  const urlValue = urlConfig.url_value;
  const bucketSpanSecs = parseInterval(job.analysis_config.bucket_span).asSeconds();

  // By default, return configured url_value. Look to substitute any dollar-delimited
  // tokens with values from the highest scoring anomaly, or if no anomalies, with
  // values from a document returned by the search in the job datafeed.
  let testUrl = urlConfig.url_value;

  // Query to look for the highest scoring anomaly.
  const body = {
    query: {
      bool: {
        must: [
          { term: { job_id: job.job_id } },
          { term: { result_type: 'record' } }
    size: 1,
    _source: {
      excludes: []
    sort: [
      { record_score: { order: 'desc' } }

  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      .then((resp) => {
        if ( > 0) {
          const record = resp.hits.hits[0]._source;
          testUrl = replaceTokensInUrlValue(urlConfig, bucketSpanSecs, record, 'timestamp');
        } else {
          // No anomalies yet for this job, so do a preview of the search
          // configured in the job datafeed to obtain sample docs.
            .then((response) => {
              let testDoc;
              const docTimeFieldName = job.data_description.time_field;

              // Handle datafeeds which use aggregations or documents.
              if (response.aggregations) {
                // Create a dummy object which contains the fields necessary to build the URL.
                const firstBucket = response.aggregations.buckets.buckets[0];
                testDoc = {
                  [docTimeFieldName]: firstBucket.key

                // Look for bucket aggregations which match the tokens in the URL.
                urlValue.replace((/\$([^?&$\'"]{1,40})\$/g), (match, name) => {
                  if (name !== 'earliest' && name !== 'latest' && firstBucket[name] !== undefined) {
                    const tokenBuckets = firstBucket[name];
                    if (tokenBuckets.buckets) {
                      testDoc[name] = tokenBuckets.buckets[0].key;

              } else {
                if ( > 0) {
                  testDoc = response.hits.hits[0]._source;

              if (testDoc !== undefined) {
                testUrl = replaceTokensInUrlValue(urlConfig, bucketSpanSecs, testDoc, docTimeFieldName);



      .catch((resp) => {

Esempio n. 13
 // work out the default frequency based on the bucket_span
 function calculateDatafeedFrequencyDefaultSeconds() {
   const bucketSpan = parseInterval($scope.job.analysis_config.bucket_span);
   if (bucketSpan !== null) {
     $scope.ui.datafeed.frequencyDefault = juCalculateDatafeedFrequencyDefaultSeconds(bucketSpan.asSeconds()) + 's';
Esempio n. 14
 function check(value) {
   ngModelCntrl.$setValidity('dateInterval', parseInterval(value) != null);
   return value;