Esempio n. 1
		var ret = function ___(err, result) {
			if (returnArray) result =, 1);
			returnArray = false; // so that we don't do it twice if we trampoline
			var oldFrame = __g.frame;
			__g.frame = frame;
			__g.context = ctx;
			__g.depth === 0 && __g.emitter && __g.emitter.emit("resume");
			__g.emitter && __g.emitter.emit('enter');
			try {
				if (trampo && && __g.trampoline) {
					__g.trampoline.queue(function() {
						return ___(err, result);
				} else {
					// detect extra callback.
					// The offset/col test is necessary because __cb is also used by loops and called multiple times then.
					/*if (___.dispatched && (offset || col)) throw new Error("callback called twice");*/
					___.dispatched = true;
					if (err) {
						__setEF(err, frame);
						return _(err);
					} = true;
					return fn(null, result);
			} catch (ex) {
				if (___.dispatched && !== '___' && !== '__trap') throw ex;
				__setEF(ex, frame);
				return __propagate(_, ex);
			} finally { = false;
				// We emit this before resetting the frame so that the 'exit' handler has access to the current frame.
				__g.emitter && __g.emitter.emit("exit");
				__g.frame = oldFrame;
				if (--__g.depth === 0 && __g.trampoline) __g.trampoline.flush();
				__g.depth === 0 && __g.emitter && __g.emitter.emit("yield");
Esempio n. 2
	function __catch(fn) {
		var frame = __g.frame,
			context = __g.context;
		__g.trampoline.queue(function() {
			var oldFrame = __g.frame,
				oldContext = __g.context;
			__g.frame = frame;
			__g.context = context;
			try {
			} finally {
				__g.frame = oldFrame;
				__g.context = oldContext;
Esempio n. 3
		function __func(_, __this, __arguments, fn, index, frame, body) {
			if (typeof _ !== 'function') {
				if (_ !== false && !__g.oldStyleFutures) throw new Error("invalid argument #" + index + ": you must pass _ or !_ (");
				return, fn, __arguments, index);
			frame.file = filename;
			frame.prev = __g.frame;
			__g.frame = frame;
			__g.depth === 0 && __g.emitter && __g.emitter.emit("resume");
			try { = true;
			} catch (e) {
				__setEF(e, frame.prev);
				__propagate(_, e);
			} finally { = false;
				__g.frame = frame.prev;
				if (--__g.depth === 0 && __g.trampoline) __g.trampoline.flush();
				__g.depth === 0 && __g.emitter && __g.emitter.emit("yield");
Esempio n. 4
		function __func(_, __this, __arguments, fn, index, frame, body) {
			if (typeof _ !== 'function') return, fn, __arguments, index);
			frame.file = filename;
			frame.prev = __g.frame;
			__g.frame = frame;
			__g.depth === 0 && __g.emitter && __g.emitter.emit("resume");
			__g.emitter && __g.emitter.emit("enter", _); // <- This allows the event handler to detect if the callback starts a new asynchronous path.
			try { = true;
			} catch (e) {
				__setEF(e, frame.prev);
				__propagate(_, e);
			} finally { = false;
				// We emit this before resetting the frame so that the 'exit' handler has access to the current frame.
				__g.emitter && __g.emitter.emit("exit");
				__g.frame = frame.prev;
				if (--__g.depth === 0 && __g.trampoline) __g.trampoline.flush();
				__g.depth === 0 && __g.emitter && __g.emitter.emit("yield");
Esempio n. 5
		function __func(_, __this, __arguments, fn, index, frame, body) {
			if (typeof _ !== 'function') {
				if (_ !== false && !__g.oldStyleFutures) throw new Error("no callback given (argument #" + index + "). If you're a Streamline user, more info:");
				return, fn, __arguments, index);
			frame.file = filename;
			frame.prev = __g.frame;
			__g.frame = frame;
			__g.depth === 0 && __g.emitter && __g.emitter.emit("resume");
			try { = true;
			} catch (e) {
				__setEF(e, frame.prev);
				__propagate(_, e);
			} finally { = false;
				__g.frame = frame.prev;
				if (--__g.depth === 0 && __g.trampoline) __g.trampoline.flush();
				__g.depth === 0 && __g.emitter && __g.emitter.emit("yield");
Esempio n. 6
{queue:function(a){r.push(a)},flush:function(){a.depth++;try{for(var g;g=r.shift();)g()}finally{a.depth--}}};h.runtime=function(g,b){a.oldStyleFutures=b;return{__g:a,__func:function(b,e,h,f,d,j,l){if("function"!==typeof b){console.log("callback function is not specified!");console.log(Error().stack);console.log("async stack:");for(b=j;b;b=b.prev)console.log(,b.line);throw Error("invalid argument #"+d+": you must pass _ ");}j.file=g;j.prev=a.frame;a.frame=j;0===a.depth&&a.emitter&&a.emitter.emit("resume");
    a.depth++;try{!0,l()}catch(k){n(k,j.prev),q(b,k)}finally{!1,a.frame=j.prev,0===--a.depth&&a.trampoline&&a.trampoline.flush(),0===a.depth&&a.emitter&&a.emitter.emit("yield")}},__cb:s,__propagate:q,__trap:l,__tryCatch:t,__catch:u,__forIn:v,__apply:w,__construct:x,__setEF:n}};h.stackTraceEnabled=!0})("undefined"!==typeof exports?exports:Streamline.runtime=Streamline.runtime||{});
Esempio n. 7
 "__trap"! p;n(p,b);return q(g,p)}finally{!1,a.frame=l,0===--a.depth&&a.trampoline&&a.trampoline.flush(),0===a.depth&&a.emitter&&a.emitter.emit("yield")}}}function q(a,b){try{a(b)}catch(c){l(c)}}function l(g){g&&(a.context&&a.context.errorHandler?a.context.errorHandler(g):process.nextTick(function(){throw g;}))}function t(a,b){try{b()}catch(c){try{a(c)}catch(e){l(e)}}}function u(g){var b=a.frame,c=a.context;a.trampoline.queue(function(){var e=a.frame,i=a.context;a.frame=b;a.context=
 c;try{g()}finally{a.frame=e,a.context=i}})}function v(a){var b=[],c;for(c in a)b.push(c);return b}function w(a,b,c,e,i){if(null!=a)return,0),e[null!=i?i:e.length]=a,b.apply(c,e)}function x(a,b){var c="__async"+b;return a[c]||(a[c]=function(){function c(){var f=this,d=i[b];i[b]=function(a){d(a,f)};return a.apply(f,i)}var i=arguments;c.prototype=a.prototype;return new c})}function n(a,b){a.__frame=a.__frame||b;if(h.stackTraceEnabled&&a.__lookupGetter__&&null==a.__lookupGetter__("rawStack")){var c=
Esempio n. 8
(function(h){function s(g,b,c,e,i,f,d){b.offset=c;b.col=e;var j=a.context;return function k(m,h){d&&(,1));d=!1;var l=a.frame;a.frame=b;a.context=j;0===a.depth&&a.emitter&&a.emitter.emit("resume");a.depth++;try{if(f&&{return k(m,h)});else{if(k.dispatched&&(c||e))throw Error("callback called twice");k.dispatched=!0;if(m)return n(m,b),g(m);!0;return i(null,h)}}catch(p){if(k.dispatched&&"___"!
    "__trap"! p;n(p,b);return q(g,p)}finally{!1,a.frame=l,0===--a.depth&&a.trampoline&&a.trampoline.flush(),0===a.depth&&a.emitter&&a.emitter.emit("yield")}}}function q(a,b){try{a(b)}catch(c){l(c)}}function l(g){g&&(a.context&&a.context.errorHandler?a.context.errorHandler(g):process.nextTick(function(){throw g;}))}function t(a,b){try{b()}catch(c){try{a(c)}catch(e){l(e)}}}function u(g){var b=a.frame,c=a.context;a.trampoline.queue(function(){var e=a.frame,i=a.context;a.frame=b;a.context=
/*** Generated by streamline 0.10.10 (callbacks) --standalone - DO NOT EDIT ***/ var __rt=(function(){var __modules={},mod;function require(p){var m=__modules[p.substring(15)]; return m && m.exports};__modules['globals']=(mod={exports:{}});(function(module, exports){var glob = typeof global === "object" ? global : window;var secret = "_20c7abceb95c4eb88b7ca1895b1170d1";module.exports = (glob[secret] || (glob[secret] = { context: {} }));var g = glob[secret];g.runtime || Object.defineProperty(g, 'runtime', {get: function() { return g.__runtime__; },set: function(value) {if (g.__runtime__ !== value) {if (g.__runtime__) {if (/-fast$/.test(g.__runtime__) ||/-fast$/.test(value)) throw new Error("cannot mix streamline runtimes: " + g.__runtime__ + " and " + value);console.log("warning: mixing streamline runtimes: " + g.__runtime__ + " and " + value);}g.__runtime__ = value;}}});g.setPromise = function(name) {if (g.Promise) return; var req = require; if (name === true) g.Promise = typeof Promise === "function" ? Promise : req('es6-promise');else g.Promise = require(name);}})(mod, mod.exports);__modules['util/future']=(mod={exports:{}});(function(module, exports){(function(exports) {var globals = require("streamline/lib/globals");exports.future = function(fn, args, i) {var err, result, done, q = [], self = this;args =;args[i] = function(e, r) {err = e, result = r, done = true;q && q.forEach(function(f) {, e, r);});q = null;};args[i].__futurecb = true;fn.apply(this, args);var ret = function F(cb) {if (typeof cb !== 'function') {var globals = require('streamline/lib/globals');if (cb == null && globals.Promise) return, F, [], 0);if (cb !== false && !globals.oldStyleFutures) throw new Error("callback missing (argument #0). See");return F;}if (done), err, result);else q.push(cb);};ret.__future = true;return ret;};exports.streamlinify = function(fn, idx) {return function() {if (!arguments[idx]) return, fn, arguments, idx);else return fn.apply(this, arguments);};};exports.promise = function(fn, args, i) {if (args[i] === false) return, fn, args, i);if (args[i] != null) throw new Error("invalid callback: " + typeof(args[i]));if (globals.oldStyleFutures) return, fn, args, i);if (!globals.Promise) throw new Error("callback missing (argument #" + i + "). See");var self = this;args =;return new globals.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {args[i] = function(e, r) {if (e) reject(e);else resolve(r);};fn.apply(self, args);});};exports.then = function(promise, method, cb) {promise[method](function(r) {cb && cb(null, r);cb = null;}, function(e) {cb && cb(e);cb = null;});};})(typeof exports !== 'undefined' ? exports : (Streamline.future = Streamline.future || {}));})(mod, mod.exports);__modules['callbacks/runtime']=(mod={exports:{}});(function(module, exports){(function(exports) {var __g = require("streamline/lib/globals");__g.runtime = 'callbacks';var __fut = require("streamline/lib/util/future");__g.context = __g.context || {};__g.depth = __g.depth || 0;__g.trampoline = (function() {var q = [];return {queue: function(fn) {q.push(fn);},flush: function() {__g.depth++;try {var fn;while (fn = q.shift()) fn();} finally {__g.depth--;}}}})();exports.runtime = function(filename, oldStyleFutures) {__g.oldStyleFutures = oldStyleFutures;function __func(_, __this, __arguments, fn, index, frame, body) {if (typeof _ !== 'function') return, fn, __arguments, index);frame.file = filename;frame.prev = __g.frame;__g.frame = frame;__g.depth === 0 && __g.emitter && __g.emitter.emit("resume");__g.depth++;__g.emitter && __g.emitter.emit("enter", _); try { = true;body();} catch (e) {__setEF(e, frame.prev);__propagate(_, e);} finally { = false;__g.emitter && __g.emitter.emit("exit");__g.frame = frame.prev;if (--__g.depth === 0 && __g.trampoline) __g.trampoline.flush();__g.depth === 0 && __g.emitter && __g.emitter.emit("yield");}}return {__g: __g,__func: __func,__cb: __cb,__future: __fut.future,__propagate: __propagate,__trap: __trap,__tryCatch: __tryCatch,__catch: __catch,__forIn: __forIn,__apply: __apply,__construct: __construct,__setEF: __setEF,streamlinify: __fut.streamlinify,__pthen: __fut.then,};};function __cb(_, frame, offset, col, fn, trampo, returnArray) {frame.offset = offset;frame.col = col;var ctx = __g.context;var ret = function ___(err, result) {if (returnArray) result =, 1);returnArray = false; var oldFrame = __g.frame;__g.frame = frame;__g.context = ctx;__g.depth === 0 && __g.emitter && __g.emitter.emit("resume");__g.depth++;__g.emitter && __g.emitter.emit('enter');try {if (trampo && && __g.trampoline) {__g.trampoline.queue(function() {return ___(err, result);});} else {___.dispatched = true;if (err) {__setEF(err, frame);return _(err);} = true;return fn(null, result);}} catch (ex) {if (___.dispatched && !== '___' && !== '__trap') throw ex;__setEF(ex, frame);return __propagate(_, ex);} finally { = false;__g.emitter && __g.emitter.emit("exit");__g.frame = oldFrame;if (--__g.depth === 0 && __g.trampoline) __g.trampoline.flush();__g.depth === 0 && __g.emitter && __g.emitter.emit("yield");}};ret.__streamlined = true;return ret;}function __propagate(_, err) {try {_(err);} catch (ex) {__trap(ex);}}function __trap(err) {if (err) {if (__g.context && __g.context.errorHandler) __g.context.errorHandler(err);else process.nextTick(function() {throw err;});}}function __tryCatch(_, fn) {try {fn();} catch (e) {try {_(e);} catch (ex) {__trap(ex);}}}function __catch(fn) {var frame = __g.frame,context = __g.context;__g.trampoline.queue(function() {var oldFrame = __g.frame,oldContext = __g.context;__g.frame = frame;__g.context = context;try {fn();} finally {__g.frame = oldFrame;__g.context = oldContext;}});}function __forIn(object) {var array = [];for (var obj in object) {array.push(obj);}return array;}function __apply(cb, fn, thisObj, args, index) {if (cb == null) return __fut.future(__apply, arguments, 0);args =, 0);args[index != null ? index : args.length] = cb;return fn.apply(thisObj, args);}function __construct(constructor, i) {var key = '__async' + i,f;return constructor[key] || (constructor[key] = function() {var args = arguments;function F() {var self = this;var cb = args[i];args[i] = function(e, r) {cb(e, self);};args[i].__streamlined = cb.__streamlined;args[i].__futurecb = cb.__futurecb;return constructor.apply(self, args);}F.prototype = constructor.prototype;return new F();});}function __setEF(e, f) {function formatStack(e, raw) {var ff = typeof navigator === 'object' && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1;if (ff) raw = "Error: " + e.message + '\n' + raw;var s = raw,f, skip;if (s) {var lines = s.split('\n');s = lines[0] + '\n    <<< async stack >>>\n' + lines.slice(1).map(function(l) {var ffOffset = (typeof navigator === 'object' && typeof require === 'function' && require.async) ? 11 : 0;var m = /([^@]*)\@(.*?)\:(\d+)(?:\:(\d+))?$/.exec(l);l = m ? "    at " + m[1] + " (" + m[2] + ":" + (parseInt(m[3]) - ffOffset) + ":" + (m[4] || "0") + ")" : l;var i = l.indexOf('__$');if (i >= 0 && !skip) {skip = true;return l.substring(0, i) + l.substring(i + 3);}return skip ? '' : l;}).filter(function(l) {return l;}).join('\n');for (var f = e.__frame; f; f = f.prev) {if (f.offset >= 0) s += "\n    at " + + " (" + f.file + ":" + (f.line + f.offset) + ":" + (f.col+1) + ")"}}var nl = raw.indexOf('\n');s += '\n    <<< raw stack >>>' + (nl >= 0 ? raw.substring(nl) : raw);return s;};e.__frame = e.__frame || f;if (exports.stackTraceEnabled && e.__lookupGetter__ && e.__lookupGetter__("rawStack") == null) {var getter = e.__lookupGetter__("stack");if (!getter) { var raw = e.stack || "raw stack unavailable";getter = function() {return raw;}}e.__defineGetter__("rawStack", getter);e.__defineGetter__("stack", function() {return formatStack(e, getter());});}}exports.stackTraceEnabled = true;})(typeof exports !== 'undefined' ? exports : (Streamline.runtime = Streamline.runtime || {}));require && require("streamline/lib/callbacks/builtins");})(mod, mod.exports);return __modules['callbacks/runtime'].exports.runtime('test/common/stack-test._js', false);})(),__func=__rt.__func,__cb=__rt.__cb,__catch=__rt.__catch,__tryCatch=__rt.__tryCatch; QUnit.module(;