Esempio n. 1
 }).then(function(response) {
     return rsvp.Promise.resolve(response);
 }).catch(function(err) {
Esempio n. 2
exports.lookup = function(pkg) {
  return Promise.resolve()
  // load the version map
  .then(function() {
    if (versionCache[pkg.package])
      return versionCache[pkg.package];

    cli.log('info', 'Checking versions for `' + + '`');

    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      var promise = _pkg.loadEndpoint(pkg.endpoint).getVersions(pkg.package, resolve, reject);
      if (promise)
        promise.then(resolve, reject);
    .then(function(versions) {
      var versionMap = {};
      for (var v in versions) {
        var version = v.substr(0, 1) == 'v' ? v.substr(1) : v; 

        var semverMatch = version.match(semver.semverRegEx);

        // non stable versions marked
        if (!semverMatch || !semverMatch[3] || !semverMatch[1] || semverMatch[4])
          versionMap[v] = {
            stable: false,
            hash: versions[v]
          versionMap[version] = {
            stable: true,
            hash: versions[v],
            original: v

      // save the version cache
      return versionCache[pkg.package] = versionMap;
  // get the version match
  .then(function(versionMap) {

    var rangeVersion = pkg.version.substr(0, 1) == '^' ? pkg.version.substr(1) : pkg.version;
    var rangeMatch = rangeVersion.match(semver.semverRegEx);

    // tag or prerelease -> match exact or nothing
    if (pkg.version && (!rangeMatch || rangeMatch[4])) {
      if (versionMap[rangeVersion])
        return { version: rangeVersion, hash: versionMap[rangeVersion] };
      return null;

    var versionList = [];
    for (var v in versionMap)

    versionList = versionList.filter(function(v) {
      return versionMap[v].stable;


    // find highest stable match
    // latest is empty string
    for (var i = versionList.length - 1; i >=0; i--) {
      if (!pkg.version || semver.match(pkg.version, versionList[i])) {
        return { version: versionList[i], hash: versionMap[versionList[i]] };

    // if we asked for latest, and nothing stable found, use master
    if (!pkg.version) {
      if (versionMap.master)
        return { version: 'master', hash: versionMap.master };
  // return the lookup
  .then(function(lookupObj) {
    if (!lookupObj)
      throw 'No version match found for `' + pkg.exactName + '`';

    var lookup = new Package( + '@' + lookupObj.version);
    lookup.hash = lookupObj.hash;
    return lookup;
Esempio n. 3
 // we want the build to wait first for the current build, then the timeout
 function timoutThenBuild() {
   return timeout.then(build);
Esempio n. 4
 .then((types) => {
     var promises = =>  this.getAllStates(type));
     return Promise.all(promises).then(_.flatten);
Esempio n. 5
0 = function(pkg, jspmPackages, override, force) {
  var downloadDir = path.resolve(jspmPackages, pkg.endpoint, pkg.exactPackage);

  // if not forcing, and we have a hash, check if the download folder is fresh
  // no hash means we have skipped a lookup as we are using an existing file
  // so we are fresh by default
  // forcing means always not fresh

  return ((force || !pkg.hash) ? Promise.resolve(force ? false : true) : isFresh(downloadDir, pkg.hash))

  // if not fresh, simultaneously check for an override and do the download
  .then(function(fresh) {
    pkg.fresh = fresh;
    if (fresh)
      return false;

    ui.log('info', 'Downloading `' + pkg.exactName + '`');
    return Promise.all([
      override ? Promise.resolve(override) : _pkg.checkOverride(pkg.exactName, false),

      // ensure the download directory exists

      // clear the directory
      .then(function() {  
        return asp(rimraf)(downloadDir);
      .then(function() {
        return asp(fs.mkdir)(downloadDir)

      // do the download
      .then(function() {
        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
          var exactVersion = versionCache[pkg.package][pkg.version].original || pkg.version;
          var promise = _pkg.loadEndpoint(pkg.endpoint).download(pkg.package, exactVersion, pkg.hash, downloadDir, resolve, reject);
          if (promise)
            promise.then(resolve, reject);

      // if the download defines the package.json use that
      // otherwise load the package.json
      .then(function(pjson) {
        if (pjson)
          return pjson;

        return asp(fs.readFile)(path.resolve(downloadDir, 'package.json'))
        .then(function(data) {
          try {
            return JSON.parse(data);
          catch(e) {}
        }, function() {});
    // apply the overrides to get a final package.json
    .then(function(pjsons) {
      var pjson = pjsons && pjsons[1] || {};
      var override = pjsons && pjsons[0];

      // apply the jspm internal overrides first
      if (pjson.jspm)
        extend(pjson, pjson.jspm);

      if (override)
        extend(pjson, override);

      // parse the dependencies
      pjson.dependencies = config.parseDependencies(pjson.dependencies, pjson.registry);

      // having parsed, note now that we are in the jspm registry form
      pjson.registry = 'jspm';

      // if there is a "browser" object, convert it into map config for browserify support
      if (typeof pjson.browser == 'object') { = || {};
        for (var b in pjson.browser) {
          var mapping = pjson.browser[b];
          if (b.substr(b.length - 3, 3) == '.js')
            b = b.substr(0, b.length - 3);
          if (mapping.substr(mapping.length - 3, 3) == '.js')
            mapping = mapping.substr(0, mapping.length - 3);
          // local maps not supported since this affects the external
          // interface for all other modules
          // only way to implement is through a module alias replacement
          // may be worth considering at some point
          if (b.substr(0, 2) == './')

[b] =[b] || mapping;

      return pjson;

    // apply build operations from the package.json
    .then(function(pjson) {
      // don't build in dependencies
      var pjsonObj = extend({}, pjson);
      delete pjsonObj.dependencies;

      return build.buildPackage(downloadDir, pjsonObj)
      .then(function() {
        return pjson;

    // save the final calculated package.json in place
    .then(function(pjson) {
      return asp(fs.writeFile)(path.resolve(downloadDir, 'package.json'), JSON.stringify(pjson, null, 2))
      .then(function() {
        return pjson;

    // create the main entry point
    .then(function(pjson) {
      var lastNamePart ='/').pop().split(':').pop();
      var main = typeof pjson.browser == 'string' && pjson.browser || typeof pjson.main == 'string' && pjson.main;

      if (main) {
        if (main.substr(0, 2) == './')
          main = main.substr(2);
        if (main.substr(main.length - 3, 3) == '.js')
          main = main.substr(0, main.length - 3);

      main = main || 'index';

      // try the package.json main
      return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        fs.exists(path.resolve(downloadDir, main.substr(main.length - 3, 3) != '.js' ? main + '.js' : main), resolve);
      .then(function(exists) {
        if (exists)
          return true;

        main = lastNamePart;
        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
          fs.exists(path.resolve(downloadDir, main.substr(main.length - 3, 3) != '.js' ? main + '.js' : main), resolve);
      .then(function(exists) {
        // create the main pointer
        var mainFile = path.resolve(downloadDir, '../' + lastNamePart + '@' + pkg.version + '.js');
        return asp(fs.writeFile)(mainFile, 'export * from "' + pkg.exactName + '/' + main + '";');
      .then(function() {
        // finally add the .jspm-hash
        // NB should move this into full tree completion, but is tricky due to async edge cases
        return asp(fs.writeFile)(path.resolve(downloadDir, '.jspm-hash'), pkg.hash)
      .then(function() {
        return pjson;
  .then(function(pjson) {
    if (pjson)
      return pjson;

    // if fresh, load the package.json
    return asp(fs.readFile)(path.resolve(downloadDir, 'package.json'))
    .then(function(data) {
      try {
        return JSON.parse(data);
      catch(e) {}
    }, function() {});

  // return the dependencies
  .then(function(pjson) {
    return pjson && pjson.dependencies || {};
Esempio n. 6
    if (transitionAfterSave) {
      let transitionArgs = [ transitionAfterSave ];

      if (this.get('transitionWithModel')) {
        transitionArgs.push(record.get(this.getWithDefault('modelIdentifier', 'id')));

      this.transitionToRoute.apply(this, transitionArgs);

  saveModel (model) {
    const _model = model || this.get('model');

    if (!_model) {
      return Promise.resolve();

    if (get(_model, 'length')) {
      return map(_model, this.saveModel.bind(this));


    let invalid = this._validateModel(_model);

    if (invalid) {
      let requireFieldDescriptors = get(this, 'requireFieldDescriptors'),
          invalidMessage = 'You must specify these fields: ' + => {
            return requireFieldDescriptors ? requireFieldDescriptors[field] || field : field;
          }).join(', ');
Esempio n. 7
 sinon.stub(async, "resolve", function(v) {
     return RSVP.Promise.resolve(v);
Esempio n. 8
import { once } from '@ember/runloop';
import { Promise as EmberPromise } from 'rsvp';
import Service, { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import { task } from 'ember-concurrency';

export default Service.extend({
  store: service(),

  init() {
    this.toFetch = {};
    return this._super(...arguments);

  fetch(job) {
    if (job._config) {
      return EmberPromise.resolve(job._config);
    if (this.toFetch[]) {
      return this.toFetch[].promise;
    } else {
      let data = this.toFetch[] = { job };
      let promise = new EmberPromise((resolve, reject) => {
        data.resolve = resolve;
      data.promise = promise;
      once(this, 'flush');
      return promise;

  fetchTask: task(function* () {
Esempio n. 9
File: finders.js Progetto: bmac/data
export function _query(adapter, store, modelName, query, recordArray, options) {
  if (DEBUG) {
  let modelClass = store.modelFor(modelName); // adapter.query needs the class

  let promise;
  let createRecordArray =
    adapter.query.length > 3 ||
    (adapter.query.wrappedFunction && adapter.query.wrappedFunction.length > 3);

  if (createRecordArray) {
    recordArray =
      recordArray || store.recordArrayManager.createAdapterPopulatedRecordArray(modelName, query);
    promise = Promise.resolve().then(() =>
      adapter.query(store, modelClass, query, recordArray, options)
  } else {
    promise = Promise.resolve().then(() => adapter.query(store, modelClass, query));

  let label = `DS: Handle Adapter#query of ${modelName}`;
  promise = guardDestroyedStore(promise, store, label);

  return promise.then(
    adapterPayload => {
      let serializerToken = heimdall.start('initial-serializerFor-lookup');
      let serializer = serializerForAdapter(store, adapter, modelName);
      let normalizeToken = heimdall.start('finders#_query::normalizeResponseHelper');
      let payload = normalizeResponseHelper(
      let internalModels = store._push(payload);

        'The response to store.query is expected to be an array but it was a single record. Please wrap your response in an array or use `store.queryRecord` to query for a single record.',
      if (recordArray) {
        recordArray._setInternalModels(internalModels, payload);
      } else {
        recordArray = store.recordArrayManager.createAdapterPopulatedRecordArray(

      return recordArray;
    `DS: Extract payload of query ${modelName}`
Esempio n. 10
  .then(function() {
    // set dependency version range to semver-compatible when none provided
    if (!target.version) {
      if (lookup.version.match(semver.semverRegEx))
        target.setVersion('^' + lookup.version);

    return Promise.resolve()
    .then(function() {
      // now check we are happy to override dep (primary)
      if (!oldDep)

      // fill in the oldDep endpoint if it matches our target for replacement prompts
      if (!oldDep.endpoint && !initialTarget.endpoint && == {
        var v = oldDep.version;
        oldDep = new Package(;

      if (oldDep.exactName == target.exactName)

      return options.force ? Promise.resolve(true) : ui.confirm('%' + name + '% installed as `' + oldDep.exactName + '`, are you sure you want to install this to `' + target.exactName + '`?', true)
      .then(function(confirm) {
        if (!confirm)
          throw 'Operation cancelled';
    .then(function() {
      // check we are happy to override map (primary)
      if (!oldMap)

      if (oldMap.exactName == target.exactName)

      if (oldDep && oldMap.exactName == oldDep.exactName)

      return options.force ? Promise.resolve(true) : ui.confirm('%' + name + '% is configured to `' + oldMap.exactName + '`, are you sure you want to change this to `' + target.exactName + '`?', true)
      .then(function(confirm) {
        if (!confirm)
          throw 'Operation cancelled';
    .then(function() {
      // if secondary, add the parent map
      if (options.primary)

      // add deps into our depMap, asking about changes where necessary
      var depMap = config.depMap[options.parent] = config.depMap[options.parent] || {};

      if (!depMap[name] || depMap[name].exactName == target.exactName) {
        depMap[name] = target;

      // overriding previous dependency - ask
      if (options.force)

      return ui.confirm('`' + options.parent + '` currently has dependency %' + name + '% set to `' + depMap[name].exactName + '`, but the upgrade expects `' + target.exactName + '`. Update?', true)
      .then(function(confirm) {
        if (confirm)
          depMap[name] = target;
    .then(function() {
      // add the version
      var versionList = config.versions[] = config.versions[] || [];
      if (versionList.indexOf(lookup.version) == -1)

      // only add as a base-level dependency name if primary
      if (options.primary) {
        config.dependencies[name] = target;
        config.baseMap[name] = target;
Esempio n. 11
function loadExistingRange(name, parent, inject) {
  if (parent && secondaryRanges[parent] && secondaryRanges[parent][name])
  else if (!parent && primaryRanges[name])

  var _target;

  return Promise.resolve()
  .then(function() {
    if (!parent)
      return config.pjson.dependencies[name];

    return Promise.resolve()
    .then(function() {
      if (secondaryDepsPromises[parent])
        return secondaryDepsPromises[parent];

      return Promise.resolve()
      .then(function() {
        var parentPkg = new PackageName(parent);
        var pjsonPath = path.resolve(parentPkg.getPath(), '.jspm.json');

        // if the package is installed but not in jspm_packages
        // then we wait on the getPackageConfig or download of the package here
        return secondaryDepsPromises[parent] = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
          if (inject)
            return pkg.inject(parentPkg, resolve).catch(reject);

          fs.exists(pjsonPath, function(exists) {
            if (exists)
              return resolve();
  , null, resolve).catch(reject);
        .then(function(depMap) {
          if (depMap)
            return depMap;

          return readJSON(pjsonPath)
          .then(function(pjson) {
            return pkg.processDeps(pjson.dependencies || {}, pjson.registry);
    .then(function(deps) {
      return deps[name];
  .then(function(target) {
    if (!target) {
      ui.log('warn', (parent ? '%' + parent + '% dependency %' : '%') + name + '% is installed in the config file, but is not a dependency in the package.json. It is advisable to add it to the package.json file.');

    _target = target.copy();
    // locate the target
    return pkg.locate(_target)
    .then(function(located) {
      if (parent) {
        secondaryRanges[parent] = secondaryRanges[parent] || {};
        secondaryRanges[parent][name] = located;
      else {
        primaryRanges[name] = located;
Esempio n. 12
var install = exports.install = function(name, target, options) {
  if (!name)
    return Promise.resolve();
  var args = arguments;
  if (!config.loaded)
    return config.load().then(function() {
      return install.apply(this, args);

  // install('jquery')
  if (arguments.length == 1) {
    options = {};
    target = '';

  // install(true, options) - from package.json
  if (name === true) {
    if (target === undefined && options === undefined) {
      options = {};
      target = '';
    name = config.dependencies;
  // install('jquery', options)
  if (!options && typeof target == 'object') {
    options = target;
    target = '';

  // install({ jquery: '1.5' }, options)
  if (typeof name == 'object') {
    var promises = [];
    for (var d in name)
      promises.push(install(d, name[d], options));
    return Promise.all(promises);

  // set default options
  if (!('primary' in options))
    options.primary = true;

  if (!(target instanceof Package)) {
    // convert shortcut version-only form
    if (target.indexOf('@') == -1 && target.indexOf(':') == -1)
      target = name + '@' + (target == '*' || !target ? '' : target);

    target = new Package(target);

  // our lookup match - general information
  // extra info - lookup.alreadyDownloading, lookup.fresh (added by download)
  var lookup;
  var initialTarget = target;

  // when installing over an existing dep, need to check against the old config
  // to be sure we're not overriding something important
  var oldDep, oldMap, oldVersions;

  return pkg.locate(target)

  // if not a primary install, and we have something that satisfies this already, then use that
  // otherwise do the full lookup
  .then(function(_target) {
    target = _target;

    if (options.primary)

    var versionList = config.versions[];
    if (!versionList)


    // if not primary, and there is an existing compatible match, use it rather
    if (!options.force)
      for (var i = versionList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        var curVersion = versionList[i];
        if (!semver.match(target.version, versionList[i]))

        var _lookup = new Package(target.exactName);


        return _lookup;

  .then(function(_lookup) {
    return pkg.lookup(_lookup || target);

  .then(function(_lookup) {
    lookup = _lookup;

    if (!options.primary)

    // store these, as about to be removed
    oldDep = config.dependencies[name];
    oldMap = config.baseMap[name];
    oldVersions = oldMap && config.versions[];

    // prune out the old name from the tree if there is one
    // acts only on config
    return removePackage(name);
  .then(function(deprecated) {
    // about to modify oldVersions potentially
    oldVersions = (oldVersions || []).concat([]);

    deprecated = deprecated || [];
    var versionList = config.versions[] || [];

    // check to see if any old versions of this package can be replaced for all dependencies by this lookup version
    var useExisting = false;
    check: for (var i = 0; i < versionList.length; i++) {
      var curVersion = versionList[i];

      // find the critical ranges this version is in (the ranges only it can support)
      var ranges = getCriticalRanges(, curVersion);

      // if this version satisfies all of the ranges, then we can replace with this version
      for (var j = 0; j < ranges.length; j++) {
        if (!semver.match(ranges[j], lookup.version))
          continue check;

      // if the version is not equal to our target, deprecate the old version
      if (lookup.version != curVersion) {
        var oldName = + '@' + curVersion;

        if (ranges.length) {
          useExisting = true;
          ui.log('info', (, curVersion) ? 'Upgrading' : 'Downgrading') + ' `' + oldName + '` to `' + lookup.version + '`');
        else {
          // wasn't critical anyway - just remove
        // remove all traces, but leave the package in the file system for cache value
        delete config.depMap[oldName];
        versionList.splice(i--, 1);

    // otherwise see if this target is supported by any of the existing dependencies
    // if so, change lookup to the existing dependency, and note if it is actually a change
    // this is the same check we did for secondary above, but we do it here after trying an upgrade for primary versions
    if (!useExisting)
      for (var i = versionList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        var curVersion = versionList[i];
        if (target.version && !semver.match(target.version, curVersion))

        useExisting = true;

        if (lookup.version != curVersion) {
          ui.log('info', 'Using existing version `' + + '@' + curVersion + '`, even though the latest is `' + lookup.version + '` as the tree can\'t be upgraded without forking');


    // now log deprecations (as we're about to ask a question)
    for (var i = 0; i < deprecated.length; i++) {
      if (deprecated[i] != lookup.exactName)
        ui.log('info', 'Deprecating `' + deprecated[i] + '`');

    // we let this all the way down here as deprecation logging was only just above
    if (!versionList || !versionList.length)

    // if the fork version was actually already in our list of versions previously, then don't ask again
    if (oldVersions.indexOf(lookup.version) != -1)
      useExisting = true;

    // finally, we are now forking, so note the fork and ask for confirmation
    // disabled - fork prompts == annoying
    if (!useExisting)
      ui.log('info', '%Forking% `' + + '` to use versions `' + versionList.concat([lookup.version]).join('`, `') + '`');
      /* return options.force ? Promise.resolve(true) : ui.confirm('`' + + '` already has version' + (versionList.length > 1 ? 's `' : ' `') + versionList.join('`, `') + 
        '` installed, which can\'t upgrade to `' + lookup.version + '`. Are you sure you want to install a version fork?', true)
      .then(function(confirm) {
        if (!confirm)
          throw 'Operation cancelled';
      }) */

  // ensure we're happy overriding any map or dependencies
  // then write in our new config.baseMap and config.dependencies
  .then(function() {
    // set dependency version range to semver-compatible when none provided
    if (!target.version) {
      if (lookup.version.match(semver.semverRegEx))
        target.setVersion('^' + lookup.version);

    return Promise.resolve()
    .then(function() {
      // now check we are happy to override dep (primary)
      if (!oldDep)

      // fill in the oldDep endpoint if it matches our target for replacement prompts
      if (!oldDep.endpoint && !initialTarget.endpoint && == {
        var v = oldDep.version;
        oldDep = new Package(;

      if (oldDep.exactName == target.exactName)

      return options.force ? Promise.resolve(true) : ui.confirm('%' + name + '% installed as `' + oldDep.exactName + '`, are you sure you want to install this to `' + target.exactName + '`?', true)
      .then(function(confirm) {
        if (!confirm)
          throw 'Operation cancelled';
    .then(function() {
      // check we are happy to override map (primary)
      if (!oldMap)

      if (oldMap.exactName == target.exactName)

      if (oldDep && oldMap.exactName == oldDep.exactName)

      return options.force ? Promise.resolve(true) : ui.confirm('%' + name + '% is configured to `' + oldMap.exactName + '`, are you sure you want to change this to `' + target.exactName + '`?', true)
      .then(function(confirm) {
        if (!confirm)
          throw 'Operation cancelled';
    .then(function() {
      // if secondary, add the parent map
      if (options.primary)

      // add deps into our depMap, asking about changes where necessary
      var depMap = config.depMap[options.parent] = config.depMap[options.parent] || {};

      if (!depMap[name] || depMap[name].exactName == target.exactName) {
        depMap[name] = target;

      // overriding previous dependency - ask
      if (options.force)

      return ui.confirm('`' + options.parent + '` currently has dependency %' + name + '% set to `' + depMap[name].exactName + '`, but the upgrade expects `' + target.exactName + '`. Update?', true)
      .then(function(confirm) {
        if (confirm)
          depMap[name] = target;
    .then(function() {
      // add the version
      var versionList = config.versions[] = config.versions[] || [];
      if (versionList.indexOf(lookup.version) == -1)

      // only add as a base-level dependency name if primary
      if (options.primary) {
        config.dependencies[name] = target;
        config.baseMap[name] = target;

  .then(function() {
    // before going ahead with install ensure we haven't already downloaded this already in this session
    // ideally we should wait for dep to complete, but circular dependencies break this
    if ((lookup.alreadyInstalling = installs.indexOf(lookup.exactName) != -1))


    if (options.inject)
      return pkg.inject(lookup, options.override);
      return, config.jspmPackages, options.override, options.force);

  .then(function(depMap) {
    // if we already have a depMap for this dependency, use that rather
    if (!options.force && depMap && config.depMap[lookup.exactName]) {

      // we copy any deps from depMap not in the existing dep map
      // main reason for this is to support "nodelibs", which is
      // a hidden dependency to avoid configuration clutter
      // there is probably a better way

      var curDepMap = {};
      for (var d in config.depMap[lookup.exactName])
        curDepMap[d] = config.depMap[lookup.exactName][d].exactName;

      for (var d in depMap) {
        if (!curDepMap[d])
          curDepMap[d] = depMap[d];

      depMap = curDepMap;

    if (!depMap || lookup.fresh)

    return install(depMap, {
      force: options.force,
      inject: options.inject,
      primary: false,
      parent: lookup.exactName

  // save the changes only for primary installs once we're sure the full tree has worked out
  .then(function() {
    if (!options.primary)


  .then(function() {
    if (lookup.alreadyInstalling)

    if (options.primary)
      ui.log('ok', (!lookup.fresh ? (options.inject ? 'Injected' : 'Installed') : 'Up to date -') + ' %' + name + '% as `' + target.exactName + '` (' + lookup.version + ')');
      ui.log('ok', (lookup.fresh ? 'Up to date - `' : '`') + target.exactName + '` (' + lookup.version + ')');
Esempio n. 13
 this.requestPinsAndHistory = function (tribeId) {
     return Promise.all([this.requestPins(tribeId), this.requestHistory(tribeId)]).then(function (arrayOfResults) {
         return {pins: arrayOfResults[0], history: arrayOfResults[1]};
     }, handleMongoError);
Esempio n. 14
 }).catch(function(err) {
     logger.warn('Failed updating marvin with new password for', user.username, 'error:', err.message);
     return rsvp.Promise.reject('Failed updating marvin with new password.');
Esempio n. 15
export function promiseObject(promise, label) {
  return PromiseObject.create({
    promise: Promise.resolve(promise, label),
 lookup: function() {
   return RSVP.Promise.reject("nodegit needs replaced");
Esempio n. 17
export function promiseArray(promise, label) {
  return PromiseArray.create({
    promise: Promise.resolve(promise, label),
Esempio n. 18
        yield timeout(4000);

    _saveInvites(authorRole) {
        let users = this.get('validUsersArray');

        return RSVP.Promise.all(
   => {
                let invite ='invite', {
                    email: user,
                    role: authorRole

                return => ({
                    email: user,
                    success: invite.get('status') === 'sent'
                })).catch(error => ({
                    email: user,
                    success: false

    _showNotifications(invites) {
        let notifications = this.get('notifications');
        let erroredEmails = [];
        let successCount = 0;
        let invitationsString, message;
Esempio n. 19
  // Read the `tree` and return its node, which in particular contains the
  // tree's output directory (
  function readAndReturnNodeFor (tree) {
    // To do: Complain about parallel execution
    // To do: Timing
    var index = newTreesRead.indexOf(tree)
    if (index !== -1) {
      // Return node from cache to deduplicate `.read`
      if (nodeCache[index].directory == null) {
        // gets set at the very end, so we have found an as-yet
        // incomplete node. This can happen if there is a cycle.
        throw new Error('Tree cycle detected')
      return Promise.resolve(nodeCache[index])
    var node = {
      tree: tree,
      subtrees: [],
      selfTime: 0,
      totalTime: 0
    var treeDirPromise
    if (typeof tree === 'string') {
      treeDirPromise = Promise.resolve()
        .then(function () {
          if (willReadStringTree) willReadStringTree(tree)
          return tree
    } else if (!tree || typeof !== 'function') {
      throw new Error('Invalid tree found. You must supply a path or an object with a `read` function.');
    } else {
      var now = process.hrtime()
      var totalStartTime = now
      var selfStartTime = now
      var readTreeRunning = false
      treeDirPromise = Promise.resolve()
        .then(function () {
          return readTree (subtree) {
            if (readTreeRunning) {
              throw new Error('Parallel readTree call detected; read trees in sequence, e.g. using')
            readTreeRunning = true

            // Pause self timer
            var now = process.hrtime()
            node.selfTime += (now[0] - selfStartTime[0]) * 1e9 + (now[1] - selfStartTime[1])
            selfStartTime = null

            return Promise.resolve()
              .then(function () {
                return readAndReturnNodeFor(subtree) // recurse
              .then(function (childNode) {
              .finally(function () {
                readTreeRunning = false
                // Resume self timer
                selfStartTime = process.hrtime()
        .then(function (dir) {
          if (readTreeRunning) {
            throw new Error('.read returned before readTree finished')

          var now = process.hrtime()
          node.selfTime += (now[0] - selfStartTime[0]) * 1e9 + (now[1] - selfStartTime[1])
          node.totalTime += (now[0] - totalStartTime[0]) * 1e9 + (now[1] - totalStartTime[1])
          return dir
    return treeDirPromise
      .then(function (treeDir) {
        if (treeDir == null) throw new Error(tree + ': .read must return a directory') = treeDir
        return node
Esempio n. 20
 // error
 , function(err) {
     logger.error('error checking for JQuery on page ', state.pageUrl);
     return RSVP.Promise.reject(err);
Esempio n. 21
0 {
            self.set('stats', data);
            return self.getCountBreakdowns();
        .then(function(res) {
            self.set('breakdowns', res);
            self.get('indexController').set('breakdowns', res);

    getAllStates(type) {
        var promises = this.get('jobs.STATES').map((state) => {
            var query = { type: type, state: state };
            return res => _.extend(res, query) );
        return Promise.all(promises);

    getCountBreakdowns() {
        return => {
            return this.indexController.set('stats', stats);
        .then(() =>
        .then((types) => {
            var promises = =>  this.getAllStates(type));
            return Promise.all(promises).then(_.flatten);

    actions: {
      goToTypeRoute(obj) {
Esempio n. 22
 function() {'script ' + JQUERY_SCRIPT_LOCATION + ' included on page' + state.pageUrl);
     return RSVP.Promise.resolve();
Esempio n. 23
 return Promise.all( {
   return Promise.resolve(visitTree(tree, load.depMap[dep], visit, seen));
 })).then(function() {
Esempio n. 24
 // error
 , function(err) {
     logger.error('error including JQuery ', state.pageUrl);
     return RSVP.Promise.reject(err);  
Esempio n. 25

  async loadLocale(locale) {
    assert('locale is set', locale);

    if (this.exists('yes', locale)) {

    let promises = [this._loadTranslation(locale)];

    if (window.Intl === window.IntlPolyfill) {

    await Promise.all(promises);

  async _loadTranslation(locale) {
    assert('locale is set', locale);

    debug(`Loading translations for locale: ${locale}`);
    let translations = await this.ajax.request(`/translations/${locale}.json`);
    await this.addTranslations(locale, translations);

  async _loadPolyfillData(locale) {
    assert('locale is set', locale);
    debug(`Loading polyfill data for locale: ${locale}`);
    await loadJS(`/assets/intl/locales/${locale}.js`);
Esempio n. 26
var readJobsInventories = new RSVP.Promise(function (resolve, reject){
	var data = [];
	// Get all job files
	fs.readdir(folder, function(err, files){
		// loop each files
		for (var afile of files){
			// Check if files is Software jobs
			if ('Software_Jobs_By') !== -1) {
				// Get date from  filename
				var result = afile.match(/_(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)_/);
			 	//var date = result[2] +'/' + convertInt(result[3] - 1) + '/20' + result[1];
				var date = result[2] +'/' + convertInt(result[3]) + '/20' + result[1];

				log("Read file "+ afile + "   for date: "+ date);

				// handler of line reader
				var lineReader = require('readline').createInterface({
				 	input: fs.createReadStream(folder+'/' + afile)

				// Line read Event
				lineReader.on('line', function (line) {
					if ( != -1){
						info('date found: ' + date);
						var items = line.split(',');
						var elems = items[0].split('.'); 
						var time = items[7].split(' ');
						data.push({'filename':afile, 'string':elems[1], 'server':elems[0], 'package':items[2], 'version':items[3], 'procedure':items[4], 'status':items[5], 'tack':items[6], 'date':time[0], 'time':time[1] });

				// Close Event 
				lineReader.on('close', function(){
					log("List data provide to database");
Esempio n. 27
  .then(function(fresh) {
    pkg.fresh = fresh;
    if (fresh)
      return false;

    cli.log('info', 'Downloading `' + pkg.exactName + '`');
    return Promise.all([
      override ? Promise.resolve(override) : _pkg.checkOverride(pkg.exactName, true),

      // ensure the download directory exists

      // clear the directory
      .then(function() {  
        return asp(rimraf)(downloadDir);
      .then(function() {
        return asp(fs.mkdir)(downloadDir)

      // do the download
      .then(function() {
        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
          var exactVersion = versionCache[pkg.package][pkg.version].original || pkg.version;
          var promise = _pkg.loadEndpoint(pkg.endpoint).download(pkg.package, exactVersion, pkg.hash, downloadDir, resolve, reject);
          if (promise)
            promise.then(resolve, reject);

      // if the download defines the package.json use that
      // otherwise load the package.json
      .then(function(pjson) {
        if (pjson)
          return pjson;

        return asp(fs.readFile)(path.resolve(downloadDir, 'package.json'))
        .then(function(data) {
          try {
            return JSON.parse(data);
          catch(e) {}
        }, function() {});
    // apply the overrides to get a final package.json
    .then(function(pjsons) {

      var pjson = pjsons && pjsons[1] || {};
      var override = pjsons && pjsons[0];

      // apply the jspm internal overrides first
      if (pjson.jspm)
        extend(pjson, pjson.jspm);

      if (override && override.jspm)
        extend(override, override.jspm);

      if (override)
        extend(pjson, override);

      if (typeof pjson.registry == 'string' && pjson.registry.toLowerCase == 'npm')
        pjson.useJSExtensions = true;

      // parse the dependencies
      pjson.dependencies = config.parseDependencies(pjson.dependencies, pjson.registry);

      // having parsed, note now that we are in the jspm registry form
      pjson.registry = 'jspm';

      // if there is a "browser" object, convert it into map config for browserify support
      if (typeof pjson.browser == 'object') { = || {};
        for (var b in pjson.browser) {
          var mapping = pjson.browser[b];
          if (b.substr(b.length - 3, 3) == '.js')
            b = b.substr(0, b.length - 3);
          if (mapping.substr(mapping.length - 3, 3) == '.js')
            mapping = mapping.substr(0, mapping.length - 3);
          // local maps not supported since this affects the external
          // interface for all other modules
          // only way to implement is through a module alias replacement
          // may be worth considering at some point
          if (b.substr(0, 2) == './')

[b] =[b] || mapping;

      return pjson;

    // apply build operations from the package.json
    .then(function(pjson) {
      // don't build in dependencies
      var pjsonObj = extend({}, pjson);
      delete pjsonObj.dependencies;
      return build.buildPackage(downloadDir, pjsonObj, path.relative(process.cwd(), downloadDir))
      .then(function() {
        return pjson;

    // save the final calculated package.json in place
    .then(function(pjson) {
      return asp(fs.writeFile)(path.resolve(downloadDir, 'package.json'), JSON.stringify(pjson, null, 2))
      .then(function() {
        return pjson;

    // create the main entry point
    .then(function(pjson) {

      var lastNamePart ='/').pop().split(':').pop();

      var main = typeof pjson.browser == 'string' && pjson.browser || typeof pjson.main == 'string' && pjson.main;
      var hasMain = !!main;

      if (main) {
        if (main.substr(0, 2) == './')
          main = main.substr(2);
        if (main.substr(main.length - 3, 3) == '.js')
          main = main.substr(0, main.length - 3);

      main = main || 'index' || lastNamePart;

      // try the package.json main
      return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        fs.exists(path.resolve(downloadDir, main.substr(main.length - 3, 3) != '.js' ? main + '.js' : main), resolve);
      .then(function(exists) {
        if (!exists && hasMain)
          return cli.log('warn', 'No main entry point found for `' + pkg.exactName + '`');

        // create the main pointer
        var mainFile = path.resolve(downloadDir, '../' + lastNamePart + '@' + pkg.version + '.js');
        return asp(fs.writeFile)(mainFile, 'export * from "' + pkg.exactName + '/' + main + '";');
      .then(function() {
        // finally add the .jspm-hash
        return asp(fs.writeFile)(path.resolve(downloadDir, '.jspm-hash'), pkg.hash)
      .then(function() {
        return pjson;
Esempio n. 28
        .then(function(source) {
          source += '';

          return Promise.resolve()
          // add shim config if necessary
          .then(function() {
            if (!options.shim)

            var match;

            if (!(match = matchWithWildcard(options.shim, relModule)))

            var curShim = options.shim[match];
            if (curShim instanceof Array)
              curShim = { deps: curShim };

            // NB backwards-compatible with shim.imports
            curShim.deps = curShim.deps || curShim.imports;

            if (typeof curShim.deps === 'string')
              curShim.deps = [curShim.deps];

            var depStr = '"format global";' + nl;
            if (curShim.deps)
              for (var i = 0; i < curShim.deps.length; i++)
                depStr += '"deps ' + curShim.deps[i] + '";' + nl;

            if (curShim.exports)
              depStr += '"exports ' + curShim.exports + '";' + nl;

            changed = true;
            source = depStr + source;

            return true;

          // add any format hint if provided
          // only add format hint if detection would fail
          // also set the format here if not set
          // NB all regexs should apply after removing comments
          // also ideally format injection should be post-minification
          // in case of minification quirks
          .then(function(shimmed) {
            // don't add format if already shimmed!
            if (shimmed)

            var detected = detectFormat(source);

            // don't rewrite meta
            if (detected.meta) {
              format = detected.format;

            if (options.alwaysIncludeFormat || !format || detected.format !== format) {
              changed = true;
              source = '"format ' + (format || detected.format) + '";' + nl + source;

            if (!format)
              format = detected.format;

          // apply map config
          .then(function() {
            // ES6
            if (format === 'es6') {
              source = source.replace(es6DepRegEx, function(statement, start, type, str, singleString, doubleString) {
                var name = singleString || doubleString;
                var mapped = applyMap(name, map, relFile, options.removeJSExtensions);

                if (!mapped)
                  return statement;

                changed = true;
                return statement.replace(new RegExp('"' + name + '"|\'' + name + '\'', 'g'), '\'' + mapped + '\'');

            // AMD
            else if (format === 'amd') {
              amdDefineRegEx.lastIndex = 0;
              var defineStatement = amdDefineRegEx.exec(source);
              if (defineStatement) {
                if (!defineStatement[2])

                var depArray = eval(defineStatement[2]);
                depArray = {
                  var mapped = applyMap(name, map, relFile, options.removeJSExtensions);

                  if (!mapped)
                    return name;

                  changed = true;
                  return mapped;

                if (changed)
                  source = source.replace(defineStatement[2], JSON.stringify(depArray));

            // CommonJS
            else if (format === 'cjs') {
              source = source.replace(cjsRequireRegEx, function(statement, singleString, doubleString) {
                var name = singleString || doubleString;
                name = name.substr(1, name.length - 2);
                var mapped = applyMap(name, map, relFile, options.removeJSExtensions);

                if (!mapped)
                  return statement;

                changed = true;
                return statement.replace(new RegExp('"' + name + '"|\'' + name + '\'', 'g'), '\'' + mapped + '\'');

            // Global? (including shim?)
            // else {
            // }

          // if changed, save these meta-updates into the original file
          .then(function() {

            // ensure there is a comment at the beginning of the file
            // this is necessary to protect the source map when wrapping
            if (!source.match(initialCommentRegEx)) {
              source = '\/* *\/ \n' + source;
              changed = true;

            if (changed)
              return asp(fs.writeFile)(file, source);

          // transpile
          .then(function() {
            if (!options.transpile)

            var traceur = require('traceur');

            traceur.options.sourceMaps = true;
            traceur.options.modules = 'instantiate';

            try {
              var compiler = new traceur.Compiler({
                moduleName: '',
                modules: 'instantiate'

              source = compiler.compile(source, relFile, path.basename(relFile.replace(/\.js$/, '.src.js')));
              sourceMap = compiler.getSourceMap();
            catch(e) {
              // an error in one compiled file doesn't stop all compilation

              if (!e.stack)
                compileErrors +=  + '\n';
                compileErrors += e.stack + '\n' + relFile + ': Unable to transpile ES6\n';

          // minify
          .then(function() {
            if (!options.minify)

            var uglify = require('uglify-js');

            try {
              var ast = uglify.parse(source, { filename: path.basename(relFile.replace(/\.js$/, '.src.js')) });


              ast = ast.transform(uglify.Compressor({
                warnings: false,
                evaluate: false

                except: ['require']

              var source_map = uglify.SourceMap({
                file: path.basename(relFile),
                orig: sourceMap

              source = ast.print_to_string({
                ascii_only: true, // for some reason non-ascii broke esprima
                comments: function(node, comment) {
                  return comment.line === 1 && comment.col === 0;
                source_map: source_map
              sourceMap = source_map.toString();
            catch(e) {
              // an error in one compiled file doesn't stop all compilation
              compileErrors += relFile + ': Unable to minify file\n';

          // finally, if compiled, rename to the new file with source maps
          .then(function() {
            if (!options.minify && !options.transpile)

            // rename the original with meta changes to .src.js
            return asp(fs.rename)(file, file.replace(/\.js$/, '.src.js'))

            // write .js as the current source, with a source map comment
            .then(function() {
              return asp(fs.writeFile)(file, source + '\n//# sourceMappingURL=' + relFile.split('/').pop() + '.map');

            // write the source map to
            .then(function() {
              return asp(fs.writeFile)(file + '.map', sourceMap);
        }, function(e) {
Esempio n. 29
  A Transition is a thennable (a promise-like object) that represents
  an attempt to transition to another route. It can be aborted, either
  explicitly via `abort` or by attempting another transition while a
  previous one is still underway. An aborted transition can also
  be `retry()`d later.

  @class Transition
  @param {Object} router
  @param {Object} intent
  @param {Object} state
  @param {Object} error
function Transition(router, intent, state, error, previousTransition) {
  var transition = this;
  this.state = state || router.state;
  this.intent = intent;
  this.router = router; = this.intent && || {};
  this.resolvedModels = {};
  this.queryParams = {};
  this.promise = undefined;
  this.error = undefined;
  this.params = undefined;
  this.handlerInfos = undefined;
  this.targetName = undefined;
  this.pivotHandler = undefined;
  this.sequence = undefined;
  this.isAborted = false;
  this.isActive = true;

  if (error) {
    this.promise = Promise.reject(error);
    this.error = error;

  // if you're doing multiple redirects, need the new transition to know if it
  // is actually part of the first transition or not. Any further redirects
  // in the initial transition also need to know if they are part of the
  // initial transition
  this.isCausedByAbortingTransition = !!previousTransition;
  this.isCausedByInitialTransition = (
    previousTransition && (
      previousTransition.isCausedByInitialTransition ||
      previousTransition.sequence === 0

  if (state) {
    this.params = state.params;
    this.queryParams = state.queryParams;
    this.handlerInfos = state.handlerInfos;

    var len = state.handlerInfos.length;
    if (len) {
      this.targetName = state.handlerInfos[len-1].name;

    for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
      var handlerInfo = state.handlerInfos[i];

      // TODO: this all seems hacky
      if (!handlerInfo.isResolved) { break; }
      this.pivotHandler = handlerInfo.handler;

    this.sequence = router.currentSequence++;
    this.promise = state.resolve(checkForAbort, this)['catch'](
      catchHandlerForTransition(transition), promiseLabel('Handle Abort'));
  } else {
    this.promise = Promise.resolve(this.state);
    this.params = {};

  function checkForAbort() {
    if (transition.isAborted) {
      return Promise.reject(undefined, promiseLabel("Transition aborted - reject"));
Esempio n. 30
var RSVP = require("rsvp");

function dieToss() {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;


var promise = new RSVP.Promise(function(fulfill, reject) {
    var n = dieToss();
    if (n === 6) {
    } else {

promise.then(function(toss) {
    console.log ('Yay, thew a ' + toss + '.');
}, function(toss) {
    console.log('Oh noes, threw a ' + toss + '.');
