it("should populate nmf tags for the nb tags", () => {
   item = instance.naiveBayesTag(item, {fields: ["text"]});
   item = instance.conditionallyNmfTag(item, {});
   assert.isTrue(("nb_tags" in item));
   assert.deepEqual(item.nmf_tags, {
     tag2: {
       tag21: 0.8,
       tag22: 0.7,
       tag23: 0.6,
     tag3: {
       tag31: 0.7,
       tag32: 0.6,
       tag33: 0.5,
   assert.deepEqual(item.nmf_tags_parent, {
     tag21: "tag2",
     tag22: "tag2",
     tag23: "tag2",
     tag31: "tag3",
     tag32: "tag3",
     tag33: "tag3",
 it("should not populate nmf tags for things that were not nb tagged", () => {
   item = instance.naiveBayesTag(item, {fields: ["text"]});
   item = instance.conditionallyNmfTag(item, {});
   assert.isTrue(("nmf_tags" in item));
   assert.isTrue(!("tag4" in item.nmf_tags));
   assert.isTrue(("nmf_tags_parent" in item));
   assert.isTrue(!("tag4" in item.nmf_tags_parent));
 it("should skip items with missing fields", () => {
     {field: "no-left", op: "==", rhsValue: 1}) === null);
     {field: "lhs", op: "==", rhsField: "no-right"}) === null);
     {field: "lhs", op: "=="}) === null);
 it("should implement >= ", () => {
     {field: "lhs", op: ">=", rhsValue: 1}) !== null);
     {field: "lhs", op: ">=", rhsValue: 2}) !== null);
     {field: "lhs", op: ">=", rhsValue: 3}) === null);
 it("should understand NaiveBayesTextTagger", () => {
   item = instance.naiveBayesTag(item, {fields: ["text"]});
   assert.isTrue("nb_tags" in item);
   assert.isTrue(!("tag1" in item.nb_tags));
   assert.equal(item.nb_tags.tag2, 0.86);
   assert.equal(item.nb_tags.tag3, 0.90);
   assert.equal(item.nb_tags.tag5, 0.90);
   assert.isTrue("nb_tokens" in item);
   assert.deepEqual(item.nb_tokens, ["this", "is", "a", "sentence"]);
   assert.isTrue("nb_tags_extended" in item);
   assert.isTrue(!("tag1" in item.nb_tags_extended));
   assert.deepEqual(item.nb_tags_extended.tag2, {
     label: "tag2",
     logProb: Math.log(0.86),
     confident: true,
   assert.deepEqual(item.nb_tags_extended.tag3, {
     label: "tag3",
     logProb: Math.log(0.90),
     confident: true,
   assert.deepEqual(item.nb_tags_extended.tag5, {
     label: "tag5",
     logProb: Math.log(0.90),
     confident: true,
   assert.isTrue("nb_tokens" in item);
   assert.deepEqual(item.nb_tokens, ["this", "is", "a", "sentence"]);
 it("should handle long map to short map", () => {
   let right = makeItem(); = {a: 5, b: -1, c: 3}; = 999;
   let combined = instance.combinerMax(item, right, {field: "map"});
   assert.deepEqual(, {a: 5, b: 2, c: 3, d: 999});
 it("should handle long array to short array", () => {
   let right = makeItem();
   right.arr1 = [5, 1, 4];
   let combined = instance.combinerMax(item, right, {field: "arr1"});
   assert.deepEqual(combined.arr1, [5, 3, 4, 7]);
 it("should count when missing right", () => {
   let right = makeItem();
   item.combined_map = {"fake": 42};
   let combined = instance.combinerCollectValues(item, right,
     {left_field: "combined_map", right_key_field: "url_domain", right_value_field: "time", operation: "count"});
   assert.deepEqual(combined.combined_map, {"fake": 42});
 it("should handle erroring steps", () => {
   let final = instance.executeRecipe({}, [
     {function: "set_default", field: "foo", value: 1},
     {function: "accept_item_by_field_value", field: "missing", op: "invalid", rhsField: "moot", rhsValue: "m00t"},
     {function: "set_default", field: "bar", value: 10},
   assert.equal(final, null);
 it("should handle unknown steps", () => {
   let final = instance.executeRecipe({}, [
     {function: "set_default", field: "foo", value: 1},
     {function: "missing"},
     {function: "set_default", field: "bar", value: 10},
   assert.equal(final, null);
 it("should handle working steps", () => {
   let final = instance.executeRecipe({}, [
     {function: "set_default", field: "foo", value: 1},
     {function: "set_default", field: "bar", value: 10},
   assert.equal(, 1);
   assert.equal(, 10);
 it("should count when missing left", () => {
   let right = makeItem();
   right.url_domain = "";
   right.time = 41;
   let combined = instance.combinerCollectValues(item, right,
     {left_field: "combined_map", right_key_field: "url_domain", right_value_field: "time", operation: "count"});
   assert.deepEqual(combined.combined_map, {"": 1});
 it("should copy values", () => {
   item = instance.copyValue(item, {src: "one", dest: "again"});
   assert.isTrue("again" in item);
   assert.equal(item.again, 1); = 100;
   assert.equal(, 100);
   assert.equal(item.again, 1);
 it("should error on bogus operation", () => {
   let right = makeItem();
   right.url_domain = "";
   right.time = 41;
   let combined = instance.combinerCollectValues(item, right,
     {left_field: "combined_map", right_key_field: "url_domain", right_value_field: "time", operation: "missing"});
   assert.equal(combined, null);
 it("should handle maps corrects", () => {
   item = instance.copyValue(item, {src: "map", dest: "again"});
   assert.deepEqual(item.again, {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}); = 100;
   assert.deepEqual(item.again, {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}); = 342;
   assert.deepEqual(item.again, {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3});
 it("should scalar multiply a nested map with logrithms", () => {
   item = instance.scalarMultiplyTag(item, {field: "tags", k: 3, log_scale: true});
   assert.isTrue(Math.abs(item.tags.a.aa - Math.log(0.1 + 0.000001) * 3) <= EPSILON);
   assert.isTrue(Math.abs(item.tags.a.ab - Math.log(0.2 + 0.000001) * 3) <= EPSILON);
   assert.isTrue(Math.abs( - Math.log(0.3 + 0.000001) * 3) <= EPSILON);
   assert.isTrue(Math.abs( - Math.log(4.0 + 0.000001) * 3) <= EPSILON);
   assert.isTrue(Math.abs( - Math.log(5.0 + 0.000001) * 3) <= EPSILON);
   assert.isTrue(Math.abs(item.tags.b.bc - Math.log(6.0 + 0.000001) * 3) <= EPSILON);
 it("should scalar multiply a nested map", () => {
   item = instance.scalarMultiplyTag(item, {field: "tags", k: 3, log_scale: false});
   assert.isTrue(Math.abs(item.tags.a.aa - 0.3) <= EPSILON);
   assert.isTrue(Math.abs(item.tags.a.ab - 0.6) <= EPSILON);
   assert.isTrue(Math.abs( - 0.9) <= EPSILON);
   assert.isTrue(Math.abs( - 12) <= EPSILON);
   assert.isTrue(Math.abs( - 15) <= EPSILON);
   assert.isTrue(Math.abs(item.tags.b.bc - 18) <= EPSILON);
 it("should still keep the 2 largest", () => {
   item = instance.keepTopK(item, {field: "map", k: 2});
   assert.equal(Object.keys(, 2);
   assert.isTrue(!("a" in;
   assert.isTrue("b" in;
   assert.equal(, 2);
   assert.isTrue("c" in;
   assert.equal(, 3);
 it("should keep the 2 smallest", () => {
   item = instance.keepTopK(item, {field: "map", k: 2, descending: false});
   assert.equal(Object.keys(, 2);
   assert.isTrue("a" in;
   assert.equal(, 1);
   assert.isTrue("b" in;
   assert.equal(, 2);
   assert.isTrue(!("c" in;
 it("should overwrite when both", () => {
   let right = makeItem();
   right.url_domain = "";
   right.time = 41;
   item.combined_map = {"fake": 42, "": 77};
   let combined = instance.combinerCollectValues(item, right,
     {left_field: "combined_map", right_key_field: "url_domain", right_value_field: "time", operation: "overwrite"});
   assert.deepEqual(combined.combined_map, {"fake": 42, "": 41});
 it("should normalize a map to sum to 1", () => {
   item = instance.probNormalize(item, {field: "map"});
   assert.equal(Object.keys(, 3);
   assert.isTrue("a" in;
   assert.isTrue(Math.abs( - 0.16667) <= EPSILON);
   assert.isTrue("b" in;
   assert.isTrue(Math.abs( - 0.33333) <= EPSILON);
   assert.isTrue("c" in;
   assert.isTrue(Math.abs( - 0.5) <= EPSILON);
 it("should handle working steps", () => {
   let final = instance.executeCombinerRecipe(
     {foo: 1, bar: 10},
     {foo: 1, bar: 10},
       {function: "combiner_add", field: "foo"},
       {function: "combiner_add", field: "bar"},
   assert.equal(, 2);
   assert.equal(, 20);
 it("should handle unknown steps", () => {
   let final = instance.executeCombinerRecipe(
     {foo: 1, bar: 10},
     {foo: 1, bar: 10},
       {function: "combiner_add", field: "foo"},
       {function: "missing"},
       {function: "combiner_add", field: "bar"},
   assert.equal(final, null);
 it("should handle erroring steps", () => {
   let final = instance.executeCombinerRecipe(
     {foo: 1, bar: 10, baz: 0},
     {foo: 1, bar: 10, baz: "hundred"},
       {function: "combiner_add", field: "foo"},
       {function: "combiner_add", field: "baz"},
       {function: "combiner_add", field: "bar"},
   assert.equal(final, null);
 it("should calculate add vectors from maps", () => {
   item = instance.vectorAdd(item, {left: "map", right: "map2"});
   assert.equal(Object.keys(, 4);
   assert.isTrue("a" in;
   assert.equal(, 1);
   assert.isTrue("b" in;
   assert.equal(, 4);
   assert.isTrue("c" in;
   assert.equal(, 6);
   assert.isTrue("d" in;
   assert.equal(, 4);
    it("should apply softmax across the subtags", () => {
      item = instance.applySoftmaxTags(item, {field: "tags"});
      assert.isTrue("a" in item.tags);
      assert.isTrue("aa" in item.tags.a);
      assert.isTrue("ab" in item.tags.a);
      assert.isTrue("ac" in item.tags.a);
      assert.isTrue(Math.abs(item.tags.a.aa - 0.30061) <= EPSILON);
      assert.isTrue(Math.abs(item.tags.a.ab - 0.33222) <= EPSILON);
      assert.isTrue(Math.abs( - 0.36717) <= EPSILON);

      assert.isTrue("b" in item.tags);
      assert.isTrue("ba" in item.tags.b);
      assert.isTrue("bb" in item.tags.b);
      assert.isTrue("bc" in item.tags.b);
      assert.isTrue(Math.abs( - 0.09003) <= EPSILON);
      assert.isTrue(Math.abs( - 0.24473) <= EPSILON);
      assert.isTrue(Math.abs(item.tags.b.bc - 0.66524) <= EPSILON);
 it("should error on mismatch types", () => {
   let right = makeItem();
   right.lhs = [1, 2, 3];
   let combined = instance.combinerMax(item, right, {field: "lhs"});
   assert.equal(combined, null);
 it("should error on left string", () => {
   let right = makeItem();
   let combined = instance.combinerMax(item, right, {field: "foo"});
   assert.equal(combined, null);
 it("should error on missing left, and right is a string", () => {
   let right = makeItem();
   right.error = "error";
   let combined = instance.combinerMax(item, right, {field: "error"});
   assert.equal(combined, null);
 it("should handle small number", () => {
   let right = makeItem();
   item.lhs = 99;
   let combined = instance.combinerMax(item, right, {field: "lhs"});
   assert.equal(combined.lhs, 99);