currentState: () => {
               if( pendingSearches > 0 ) {
                  return 'SEARCHING';

               if( ax.object.path( scope, selectionModelKey, null ) ) {
                  return 'SELECTED';

               if( ax.object.path( scope, queryStringKey, null ) ) {
                  return 'NO_RESULTS';

               return 'IDLE';
Esempio n. 2
 eventBus.subscribe( 'didNavigate', event => {
    const query = ax.object.path( event, 'data.query', '' );
    if( query && query.length > 0 ) {
       $scope.model.queryString = query;
 } );
Esempio n. 3
      it( 'updates the resource after receiving a patch with new values only', () => {
         testEventBus.publish( 'didUpdate.timeSeriesData', {
            resource: 'timeSeriesData',
            patches: specData.patchesWithNewValuesOnly
         } );
         expect( widgetScope.api.updateWithOptions ).not.toHaveBeenCalled();

         const modifiedChartModel = ax.object.deepClone( specData.expectedChartModel );
         modifiedChartModel[ 0 ].values[ 0 ].y = 32;
         modifiedChartModel[ 1 ].values[ 2 ].y = 22;
         expect( ).toEqual( modifiedChartModel );
      } );
      it( 'publishes a didUpdate event after the user changed a data value', () => {
         widgetScope.model.tableModel[ 1 ][ 1 ] = 11;
         widgetScope.$emit( 'axTableEditor.afterChange' );

         const expectedResource = ax.object.deepClone( specData.originalResource );
         expectedResource.series[ 0 ].values[ 0 ] = 11;
         const patch = patterns.json.createPatch( specData.originalResource, expectedResource );

         expect( widgetEventBus.publish )
               .toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'didUpdate.timeSeriesData', {
                  resource: 'timeSeriesData',
                  patches: patch
               }, jasmine.any( Object ) );
      } );