Esempio n. 1
function isCanvasContext(obj) {
    var ctx2d = typeof CanvasRenderingContext2D !== 'undefined' && obj instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D;
    return obj && (ctx2d || isGL(obj));
Esempio n. 2
function CanvasApp(render, options) {
    if (!(this instanceof CanvasApp))
        return new CanvasApp(render, options);

    //allow options to be passed as first argument
    if (typeof render === 'object' && render) {
        options = render;
        render = null;

    render = typeof render === 'function' ? render : options.onRender;

    options = options||{};
    options.retina = typeof options.retina === "boolean" ? options.retina : true;
    var hasWidth = typeof options.width === "number", 
        hasHeight = typeof options.height === "number";

    //if either width or height is specified, don't auto-resize to the window...
    if (hasWidth || hasHeight) 
        options.ignoreResize = true;

    options.width = hasWidth ? options.width : window.innerWidth;
    options.height = hasHeight ? options.height : window.innerHeight;

    var DPR = options.retina ? (window.devicePixelRatio||1) : 1; 

    //setup the canvas
    var canvas,
        attribs = options.contextAttributes||{};

    this.isWebGL = false;

    //if user provided a context object
    if (isCanvasContext(options.context)) {
        context = options.context;
        canvas = context.canvas;

    //otherwise allow for a string to set one up
    if (!canvas)
        canvas = options.canvas || document.createElement("canvas");

    canvas.width = options.width * DPR;
    canvas.height = options.height * DPR;

    if (!context) {
        if (options.context === "webgl" || options.context === "experimental-webgl") {
            context = getGL({ canvas: canvas, attributes: attribs });
            if (!context) {
                throw "WebGL Context Not Supported -- try enabling it or using a different browser";
        } else {
            context = canvas.getContext(options.context||"2d", attribs);

    this.isWebGL = isGL(context);

    if (options.retina) { = options.width + 'px'; = options.height + 'px';

    this.running = false;
    this.width = options.width;
    this.height = options.height;
    this.canvas = canvas;
    this.context = context;
    this.onResize = options.onResize;
    this._DPR = DPR;
    this._retina = options.retina;
    this._once = options.once;
    this._ignoreResize = options.ignoreResize;
    this._lastFrame = null;
    this._then =;
    this.maxDeltaTime = typeof options.maxDeltaTime === 'number' ? options.maxDeltaTime : 1000/24;

    //FPS counter
    this.fps = 60;
    this._frames = 0;
    this._prevTime = this._then;

    if (!this._ignoreResize) {
        options.resizeDebounce = typeof options.resizeDebounce === 'number'
                    ? options.resizeDebounce : 50;
        addEvent(window, "resize", debounce(function() {
            this.resize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
        }.bind(this), options.resizeDebounce, false));

        addEvent(window, "orientationchange", function() {
            this.resize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);

    if (typeof render === "function") {
        this.onRender = render.bind(this);   
    } else {
        //dummy render function
        this.onRender = function (context, width, height, dt) { };

    this.renderOnce = function() {
        var now =;
        var dt = Math.min(this.maxDeltaTime, (now-this._then));

        if (now > this._prevTime + 1000) {
            this.fps = Math.round((this._frames * 1000) / (now - this._prevTime));

            this._prevTime = now;
            this._frames = 0;

        if (!this.isWebGL) {
            this.context.scale(this._DPR, this._DPR);
        } else {
            this.context.viewport(0, 0, this.width * this._DPR, this.height * this._DPR);
        this.onRender(this.context, this.width, this.height, dt);

        if (!this.isWebGL)

        this._then = now;

    this._renderHandler = function() {
        if (!this.running) 
        if (!this._once) {
            this._lastFrame = requestAnimationFrame(this._renderHandler);


    if (typeof options.onReady === "function") {, context, this.width, this.height);