Esempio n. 1
  return promisify((hash, opts, callback) => {
    if (typeof opts === 'function') {
      callback = opts
      opts = {}

    try {
      hash = cleanCID(hash)
    } catch (err) {
      if (!v.ipfsPath(hash)) {
        return callback(err)

    const query = {
      offset: opts.offset,
      length: opts.length

    send({ path: 'cat', args: hash, buffer: opts.buffer, qs: query }, (err, stream) => {
      if (err) { return callback(err) }

      stream.pipe(bl((err, data) => {
        if (err) { return callback(err) }

        callback(null, data)
Esempio n. 2
  return (hash, opts) => {
    opts = opts || {}

    const pt = new Stream.PassThrough()

    try {
      hash = cleanCID(hash)
    } catch (err) {
      if (!v.ipfsPath(hash)) {
        return pt.destroy(err)

    const query = {
      offset: opts.offset,
      length: opts.length

    send({ path: 'cat', args: hash, buffer: opts.buffer, qs: query }, (err, stream) => {
      if (err) { return pt.destroy(err) }

      pump(stream, pt)

    return pt
Esempio n. 3
  function access (parts, obj, cb) {
    const isRoot = obj === null && (isIPFS.multihash(parts[0]) || isIPFS.ipfsPath('/' + parts.join('/')))
    const next = parts.shift()
    const isLink = obj && Object.keys(obj).length === 1 && obj[LINK_SYMBOL]
    const fetchLink = obj && (next ? !includes(Object.keys(obj), next) : true)

    if (!obj && !isRoot) {
      cb(new Error('No root object provided'))
    } else if (isLink && fetchLink) {
      // resolve links in objects with an / property
      const link = obj[LINK_SYMBOL]
      const linkParts = splitLink(link)
      let blockLink = ''

      if (linkParts[0] === 'ipfs') {
        // /ipfs/<multihash>
        blockLink = linkParts[1]
        parts = linkParts.slice(2).concat(parts)
      } else if (isIPFS.multihash(linkParts[0])) {
        // /<multihash>
        blockLink = linkParts[0]

        parts = linkParts.slice(1).concat(parts)
      } else {
        return cb(new Error(`Invalid link: "${link}"`))

      is.get(blockLink, (err, block) => {
        if (err) {
          return cb(err)
        if (next) {
          // Put back so it's resolved in the next node
        access(parts, block, cb)
    } else if (isRoot) {
      let blockLink = next
      if (next === 'ipfs') {
        blockLink = parts.shift()
      is.get(blockLink, (err, block) => {
        if (err) {
          return cb(err)

        access(parts, block, cb)
    } else if (next) {
      access(parts, obj[next], cb)
    } else {
      cb(null, obj)
Esempio n. 4
  return promisify(async (name, opts, cb) => {
    if (typeof opts === 'function') {
      cb = opts
      opts = {}

    opts = opts || {}

    if (!isIpfs.path(name)) {
      return setImmediate(() => cb(new Error('invalid argument ' + name)))

    // TODO remove this and update subsequent code when IPNS is implemented
    if (!isIpfs.ipfsPath(name)) {
      return setImmediate(() => cb(new Error('resolve non-IPFS names is not implemented')))

    const split = name.split('/') // ['', 'ipfs', 'hash', ...path]
    const cid = new CID(split[2])

    if (split.length === 3) {
      return setImmediate(() => cb(null, `/ipfs/${cidToString(cid, { base: opts.cidBase })}`))

    const path = split.slice(3).join('/')

    const results = self._ipld.resolve(cid, path)
    let value = cid
    let remainderPath = path
    try {
      for await (const result of results) {
        if (result.remainderPath === '') {
          // Use values from previous iteration if the value isn't a CID
          if (CID.isCID(result.value)) {
            value = result.value
            remainderPath = ''

          if (result.value && CID.isCID(result.value.Hash)) {
            value = result.value.Hash
            remainderPath = ''


        value = result.value
        remainderPath = result.remainderPath
    } catch (error) {
      return cb(error)
    return cb(null, `/ipfs/${cidToString(value, { base: opts.cidBase })}${remainderPath ? '/' + remainderPath : ''}`)
Esempio n. 5
exports.parseKey = (request, h) => {
  const { arg } = request.query

  if (!arg) {
    throw Boom.badRequest("Argument 'key' is required")

  const isArray = Array.isArray(arg)
  const args = isArray ? arg : [arg]
  for (const arg of args) {
    if (!isIpfs.ipfsPath(arg) && !isIpfs.cid(arg) && !isIpfs.ipfsPath('/ipfs/' + arg)) {
      throw Boom.badRequest(`invalid ipfs ref path '${arg}'`)

  return {
    key: isArray ? args : arg,
    options: {
      offset: numberFromQuery(request.query, 'offset'),
      length: numberFromQuery(request.query, 'length')
Esempio n. 6
  return (path, opts) => {
    opts = opts || {}

    const pt = new Stream.PassThrough({ objectMode: true })

    try {
      path = cleanCID(path)
    } catch (err) {
      if (!v.ipfsPath(path)) {
        return pt.destroy(err)

    const request = { path: 'get', args: path, qs: opts }

    // Convert the response stream to TarStream objects
    send.andTransform(request, TarStreamToObjects, (err, stream) => {
      if (err) { return pt.destroy(err) }

      pump(stream, pt)

    return pt