Esempio n. 1
            filePair.src.forEach(function (file) {
                file = unixifyPath(file);

                if (detectDestType(destination) === 'directory') {
                    destination = isExpandedPair ? destination : path.join(destination, file);

                // Load plugins
                var Inky = require('inky').Inky,
                    cheerio = require('cheerio');

                // Actual Inky processing
                var i = new Inky(options),
                    input =,
                    html = cheerio.load(input, Object.assign(options.cheerio,;

                fullHtml += i.releaseTheKraken(html);

                grunt.log.writeln('File ' + chalk.cyan(file) + ' has been released by the ' + chalk.magenta('kraken') + ' ...');
  'use strict';

  var sass = require('node-sass'),
    pug = require('pug'),
    fs = require('fs'),
    juice = require('juice'),
    cheerio = require('cheerio'),
    Inky = require('inky').Inky,
    minify = require('html-minifier').minify,

    sourceDir = "source/",
    distDir = "dist/",
    scssDir = sourceDir + "scss/",
    scssMain = scssDir + "main.scss",
    pugDir = sourceDir + "pug/",
    privateDir = pugDir + "private/",

    styles, html, inlinedHtml, $, result, css, inky, minifiedHtml, files, file,
    i, len, srcPath, targetPath;

  // Render SCSS to CSS
  styles = sass.renderSync({
    file: scssMain,
    outputStyle: 'compressed',
  css = styles.css.toString();

  // List files
  files = fs.readdirSync(privateDir);
  for (i = 0, len = files.length; i < len; i++) {
    file = files[i];
    if (!file.endsWith(".pug")) {
    srcPath = privateDir + file;
    targetPath = distDir + file.replace(".pug", ".html");
    // Render PUG to HTML
    html = pug.renderFile(srcPath);

    // Apply Inky on Previous HTML
    $ = cheerio.load(html);
    inky = new Inky();
    html = inky.releaseTheKraken($);

    // Apply the Styles Inline
    inlinedHtml = juice(html, {extraCss: css});

    // Add Additional attributes to HTML
    $ = cheerio.load(inlinedHtml);
    $('table').attr("border", "0");
    $('table').attr("cellpadding", "0");
    $('table').attr("cellspacing", "0");
    $('a').attr("target", "_blank");

    // Minify the File
    minifiedHtml = minify($.html(), {
      minifyCSS: true,
      collapseWhitespace: true

    // Save the file
    fs.writeFile(targetPath, minifiedHtml, function(err) {
      if(err) {
        console.log("Template generated! ");