Esempio n. 1
function computeThemeData(themeManager) {
    var plugin = catalog.plugins['text_editor'];
    var provides = plugin.provides;
    var i = provides.length;
    var themeData = {};

    // If a themeManager was passed, try to access the themeData for the
    // `text_editor` plugin.
    if (themeManager) {
        var themestyles = themeManager.themestyles;

        if (themestyles.currentThemeVariables &&
                themestyles.currentThemeVariables['text_editor']) {
            themeData = themestyles.currentThemeVariables['text_editor'];

    while (i--) {
        if (provides[i].ep === 'themevariable') {
            var value = util.mixin(util.clone(provides[i].defaultValue),

            switch (provides[i].name) {
                case 'gutter':
                case 'editor':
                case 'scroller':
                case 'highlighter':
                    editorThemeData[provides[i].name] = value;
Esempio n. 2
 mouseMove: function(evt) {
     if (this._mouseIsDown) {
         this._dragPoint = this.computeWithClippingFrame(evt.layerX, evt.layerY);
         util.mixin(this._dragPoint, { layerX: evt.layerX, layerY: evt.layerY});
Esempio n. 3
        set: function(clippingFrame) {
            clippingFrame = util.mixin(util.clone(this._clippingFrame), clippingFrame);

            if (this._clippingFrame === null ||
                    !Rect.rectsEqual(clippingFrame, this._clippingFrame)) {
                this._clippingFrame = clippingFrame;
Esempio n. 4
exports.parseGlobalVariables = function() {
    var globalObj = {};
    var globalHeader = '';
    var currentThemeVariables = exports.currentThemeVariables;

    util.mixin(globalObj, defaultGlobalTheme);

    if (currentThemeVariables  && currentThemeVariables['global']) {

    exports.globalThemeVariables = globalObj;

    for (prop in globalObj) {
        globalHeader += '@' + prop + ':' + globalObj[prop] + ';';

    globalVariableHeader = globalHeader;
exports.LayoutManager = function(opts) {
    this.changedTextAtRow = new Event();
    this.invalidatedRects = new Event();

    // Put the global variable on the instance.
    this.fontDimension = fontDimension;

    // There is no setter for textStorage so we have to change it to
    // _textStorage to make things work with util.mixin().
    if (opts.textStorage) {
        opts._textStorage = opts.textStorage;
        delete opts.textStorage;
    } else {
        this._textStorage = new TextStorage();

    util.mixin(this, opts);


    this.textLines = [
            characters: '',
            colors:     [
                    start:  0,
                    end:    0,
                    color:  'plain'

    var syntaxManager = new SyntaxManager(this);
    this.syntaxManager = syntaxManager;

    this._size = { width: 0, height: 0 };
    this.sizeChanged = new Event();

    this._height = 0;

    // Now that the syntax manager is set up, we can recompute the layout.
    // (See comments in _textStorageChanged().)
Esempio n. 6
util.mixin(exports.UndoManager.prototype, {
    _redoStack: [],
    _undoStack: [],

    _undoOrRedo: function(method, stack, otherStack) {
        if (stack.length === 0) {
            return false;

        var record = stack.pop();
        if (![method](record.context)) {
            this._redoStack = [];
            this._undoStack = [];
            return false;

        return true;

     * Redo the last undone action.
     * @return{boolean} True if the action was successfully redone, false
     *     otherwise.
    redo: function() {
        return this._undoOrRedo('redo', this._redoStack, this._undoStack);

     * Notifies the undo manager that an action was performed. When the action
     * is to be undone, the 'undo' message will be sent to the target with the
     * given context. When the action is to be redone, the 'redo' message is
     * sent in the same way.
    registerUndo: function(target, context) {
        this._redoStack = [];
        this._undoStack.push({ target: target, context: context });

     * Undoes the last action.
     * @return{boolean} True if the action was successfully undone, false
     *     otherwise.
    undo: function() {
        return this._undoOrRedo('undo', this._undoStack, this._redoStack);
Esempio n. 7
util.mixin(exports.GutterView.prototype, {
    _decorationSpacing: 2,

    drawRect: function(rect, context) {
        var theme = this.editor.themeData.gutter;

        context.fillStyle = theme.backgroundColor;
        context.fillRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);;

        var paddingLeft = theme.paddingLeft;

        context.translate(paddingLeft - 0.5, -0.5);

        var layoutManager = this.editor.layoutManager;
        var range = layoutManager.characterRangeForBoundingRect(rect);
        var endRow = Math.min(range.end.row,
            layoutManager.textLines.length - 1);
        var lineAscent = layoutManager.fontDimension.lineAscent;

        var decorations = this._loadedDecorations(true);
        var decorationWidths = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < decorations.length; i++) {

        for (var row = range.start.row; row <= endRow; row++) {

            var rowY = layoutManager.lineRectForRow(row).y;
            context.translate(0, rowY);

            for (var i = 0; i < decorations.length; i++) {
                decorations[i].drawDecoration(this, context, lineAscent, row);
                context.translate(decorationWidths[i] + this._decorationSpacing, 0);


    computeWidth: function() {
        var theme = this.editor.themeData.gutter;
        var width = theme.paddingLeft + theme.paddingRight;

        var decorations = this._loadedDecorations(true);
        for (var i = 0; i < decorations.length; i++) {
            width += decorations[i].computeWidth(this);

        width += (decorations.length - 1) * this._decorationSpacing;
        return width;

    _click: function(evt) {
        var point = {x: evt.layerX || evt.offsetX, y: evt.layerY || evt.offsetY};
        if (rect.pointInRect(point, this.frame)) {
            var deco = this._decorationAtPoint(point);
            if (deco && ('selected' in deco)) {
                var computedPoint = this.computeWithClippingFrame(point.x, point.y);
                var pos = this.editor.layoutManager.characterAtPoint(computedPoint);
                deco.selected(this, pos.row);

    _loadedDecorations: function(invalidateOnLoaded) {
        var decorations = [];
        var extensions = catalog.getExtensions('gutterDecoration');
        for (var i = 0; i < extensions.length; i++) {
            var promise = extensions[i].load();
            if (promise.isResolved()) {
            } else if (invalidateOnLoaded) {
        return decorations;

    _decorationAtPoint: function(point) {
        var theme = this.editor.themeData.gutter;
        var width = theme.paddingLeft + theme.paddingRight;
        if (point.x > theme.paddingLeft) {
            var decorations = this._loadedDecorations(false);
            var pos = theme.paddingLeft;
            for (var i = 0; i < decorations.length; i++) {
                var deco = decorations[i];
                var w = deco.computeWidth(this);
                if (point.x < pos + w) {
                    return deco;
                pos += w + this._decorationSpacing;
        return null;
Esempio n. 8
    mouseDown: function(evt) {
        this.hasFocus = true;
        this._mouseIsDown = true;

        var point = this.computeWithClippingFrame(evt.layerX, evt.layerY);
        util.mixin(point, { layerX: evt.layerX, layerY: evt.layerY});

        switch (evt.detail) {
        case 1:
            var pos = this._selectionPositionForPoint(point);
            this.moveCursorTo(pos, evt.shiftKey);

        // Select the word under the cursor.
        case 2:
            var pos = this._selectionPositionForPoint(point);
            var line = this.editor.layoutManager.textStorage.lines[pos.row];

            // If there is nothing to select in this line, then skip.
            if (line.length === 0) {
                return true;

            pos.col -= (pos.col == line.length ? 1 : 0);
            var skipOnDelimiter = !this.isDelimiter(line[pos.col]);

            var thisTextView = this;
            var searchForDelimiter = function(pos, dir) {
                for (pos; pos > -1 && pos < line.length; pos += dir) {
                    if (thisTextView.isDelimiter(line[pos]) ===
                            skipOnDelimiter) {
                return pos + (dir == 1 ? 0 : 1);

            var colFrom = searchForDelimiter(pos.col, -1);
            var colTo   = searchForDelimiter(pos.col, 1);

            this.moveCursorTo({ row: pos.row, col: colFrom });
            this.moveCursorTo({ row: pos.row, col: colTo }, true);


        case 3:
            var lines = this.editor.layoutManager.textStorage.lines;
            var pos = this._selectionPositionForPoint(point);
                start: {
                    row: pos.row,
                    col: 0
                end: {
                    row: pos.row,
                    col: lines[pos.row].length

        this._dragPoint = point;
        this._dragTimer = setInterval(this._scrollWhileDragging.bind(this), 100);
Esempio n. 9
 _scrollWhileDragging: function() {
     var point = this._dragPoint;
     var newPoint = this.computeWithClippingFrame(point.layerX, point.layerY);
     util.mixin(this._dragPoint, newPoint);
Esempio n. 10
util.mixin(exports.TextView.prototype, {
    _dragPoint: null,
    _dragTimer: null,
    _enclosingScrollView: null,
    _inChangeGroup: false,
    _insertionPointBlinkTimer: null,
    _insertionPointVisible: true,

    // FIXME: These should be public, not private.
    _keyBuffer: '',
    _keyMetaBuffer: '',
    _keyState: 'start',

    _hasFocus: false,
    _mouseIsDown: false,

    selectionChanged: null,
    beganChangeGroup: null,
    endedChangeGroup: null,
    willReplaceRange: null,
    replacedCharacters: null,

    editorWillChangeBuffer: function(newBuffer) {
        if (this.editor.layoutManager) {
            // Remove events from the old layoutManager.
            var layoutManager = this.editor.layoutManager;

        // Add the events to the new layoutManager.
        layoutManager = newBuffer.layoutManager;

     * Called by the textInput whenever the textInput gained the focus.
    didFocus: function() {
        // Call _setFocus and not this.hasFocus as we have to pass the
        // 'isFromTextInput' flag.
        this._setFocus(true, true /* fromTextInput */);

     * Called by the textInput whenever the textinput lost the focus.
    didBlur: function() {
        // Call _setFocus and not this.hasFocus as we have to pass the
        // 'isFromTextInput' flag.
        this._setFocus(false, true /* fromTextInput */);

    _drag: function() {
        var point = this._dragPoint;
        var offset = Rect.offsetFromRect(this.clippingFrame, point);

                x:  point.x - offset.x,
                y:  point.y - offset.y
            }), true);

    // Draws a single insertion point.
    _drawInsertionPoint: function(rect, context) {
        if (!this._insertionPointVisible) {

        var range = this.editor.buffer._selectedRange;
        var characterRect = this.editor.layoutManager.
        var x = Math.floor(characterRect.x), y = characterRect.y;
        var width = Math.ceil(characterRect.width);
        var height = characterRect.height;;

        var theme = this.editor.themeData.editor;
        if (this._hasFocus) {
            context.strokeStyle = theme.cursorColor;
            context.moveTo(x + 0.5, y);
            context.lineTo(x + 0.5, y + height);
        } else {
            context.fillStyle = theme.unfocusedCursorBackgroundColor;
            context.fillRect(x + 0.5, y, width - 0.5, height);
            context.strokeStyle = theme.unfocusedCursorColor;
            context.strokeRect(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, width - 1, height - 1);


    _drawLines: function(rect, context) {
        var editor = this.editor;
        var layoutManager = editor.layoutManager;
        var textLines = layoutManager.textLines;
        var lineAscent = layoutManager.fontDimension.lineAscent;

        var themeData = editor.themeData;
        var fgColors = themeData.highlighterFG;
        var bgColors = themeData.highlighterBG;;
        context.font = this.editor.font;

        var range = layoutManager.characterRangeForBoundingRect(rect);
        var rangeStart = range.start, rangeEnd = range.end;
        var startRow = rangeStart.row, endRow = rangeEnd.row;
        for (var row = startRow; row <= endRow; row++) {
            var textLine = textLines[row];
            if (util.none(textLine)) {

            // Clamp the start column and end column to fit within the line
            // text.
            var characters = textLine.characters;
            var length = characters.length;
            var endCol = Math.min(rangeEnd.col, length);
            var startCol = rangeStart.col;
            if (startCol >= length) {

            // Get the color ranges, or synthesize one if it doesn't exist. We
            // have to be tolerant of bad data, because we may be drawing ahead
            // of the syntax highlighter.
            var colorRanges = textLine.colors;
            if (colorRanges == null) {
                colorRanges = [];

            // Figure out which color range to start in.
            var colorIndex = 0;
            while (colorIndex < colorRanges.length &&
                    startCol < colorRanges[colorIndex].start) {

            var col = (colorIndex < colorRanges.length)
                      ? colorRanges[colorIndex].start
                      : startCol;

            // And finally draw the line.
            while (col < endCol) {
                var colorRange = colorRanges[colorIndex];
                var end = colorRange != null ? colorRange.end : endCol;
                var tag = colorRange != null ? colorRange.tag : 'plain';

                var pos = { row: row, col: col };
                var rect = layoutManager.characterRectForPosition(pos);

                if (bgColors.hasOwnProperty(tag)) {
                    var endPos = { row: row, col: end - 1 };
                    var endRect = layoutManager.

                    var bg = bgColors[tag];
                    context.fillStyle = bg;
                    context.fillRect(rect.x, rect.y, endRect.x - rect.x +
                        endRect.width, endRect.height);

                var fg = fgColors.hasOwnProperty(tag) ? fgColors[tag] : 'red';

                var snippet = characters.substring(col, end);
                context.fillStyle = fg;
                context.fillText(snippet, rect.x, rect.y + lineAscent);

                if (DEBUG_TEXT_RANGES) {
                    context.strokeStyle = color;
                    context.strokeRect(rect.x + 0.5, rect.y + 0.5,
                        rect.width * snippet.length - 1, rect.height - 1);

                col = end;


    // Draws the background highlight for selections.
    _drawSelectionHighlight: function(rect, context) {
        var theme = this.editor.themeData.editor;
        var fillStyle = this._hasFocus ?
            theme.selectedTextBackgroundColor :
        var layoutManager = this.editor.layoutManager;;

        var range = Range.normalizeRange(this.editor.buffer._selectedRange);
        context.fillStyle = fillStyle;
        layoutManager.rectsForRange(range).forEach(function(rect) {
            context.fillRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);


    // Draws either the selection or the insertion point.
    _drawSelection: function(rect, context) {
        if (this._rangeIsInsertionPoint(this.editor.buffer._selectedRange)) {
            this._drawInsertionPoint(rect, context);
        } else {
            this._drawSelectionHighlight(rect, context);

    _getVirtualSelection: function(startPropertyAsWell) {
        var selectedRange = this.editor.buffer._selectedRange;
        var selectedRangeEndVirtual = this.editor.buffer._selectedRangeEndVirtual;

        return {
            start:  startPropertyAsWell && selectedRangeEndVirtual ?
                    selectedRangeEndVirtual : selectedRange.start,
            end:    selectedRangeEndVirtual || selectedRange.end

    _invalidateSelection: function() {
        var adjustRect = function(rect) {
            return {
                x:      rect.x - 1,
                y:      rect.y,
                width:  rect.width + 2,
                height: rect.height

        var layoutManager = this.editor.layoutManager;
        var range = Range.normalizeRange(this.editor.buffer._selectedRange);
        if (!this._rangeIsInsertionPoint(range)) {
            var rects = layoutManager.rectsForRange(range);
            rects.forEach(function(rect) {
            }, this);


        var rect = layoutManager.characterRectForPosition(range.start);

    _isReadOnly: function() {
        return this.editor.layoutManager.textStorage.readOnly;

    _keymappingChanged: function() {
        this._keyBuffer = '';
        this._keyState = 'start';

    _performVerticalKeyboardSelection: function(offset) {
        var textStorage = this.editor.layoutManager.textStorage;
        var selectedRangeEndVirtual = this.editor.buffer._selectedRangeEndVirtual;
        var oldPosition = selectedRangeEndVirtual !== null ?
            selectedRangeEndVirtual : this.editor.buffer._selectedRange.end;
        var newPosition = Range.addPositions(oldPosition,
            { row: offset, col: 0 });

        this.moveCursorTo(newPosition, true, true);

    _rangeIsInsertionPoint: function(range) {
        return Range.isZeroLength(range);

    _rearmInsertionPointBlinkTimer: function() {
        if (!this._insertionPointVisible) {
            // Make sure it ends up visible.

        if (this._insertionPointBlinkTimer !== null) {

        this._insertionPointBlinkTimer = setInterval(

    // Moves the selection, if necessary, to keep all the positions pointing to
    // actual characters.
    _repositionSelection: function() {
        var textLines = this.editor.layoutManager.textLines;
        var textLineLength = textLines.length;

        var range = this.editor.buffer._selectedRange;
        var newStartRow = Math.min(range.start.row, textLineLength - 1);
        var newEndRow = Math.min(range.end.row, textLineLength - 1);
        var startLine = textLines[newStartRow];
        var endLine = textLines[newEndRow];
            start: {
                row: newStartRow,
                col: Math.min(range.start.col, startLine.characters.length)
            end: {
                row: newEndRow,
                col: Math.min(range.end.col, endLine.characters.length)

    _scrollPage: function(scrollUp) {
        var clippingFrame = this.clippingFrame;
        var lineAscent = this.editor.layoutManager.fontDimension.lineAscent;
                    (clippingFrame.height + lineAscent) * (scrollUp ? -1 : 1));

    _scrollWhileDragging: function() {
        var point = this._dragPoint;
        var newPoint = this.computeWithClippingFrame(point.layerX, point.layerY);
        util.mixin(this._dragPoint, newPoint);

    // Returns the character closest to the given point, obeying the selection
    // rules (including the partialFraction field).
    _selectionPositionForPoint: function(point) {
        var position = this.editor.layoutManager.characterAtPoint(point);
        return position.partialFraction < 0.5 ? position :
            Range.addPositions(position, { row: 0, col: 1 });

    _syntaxManagerUpdatedSyntaxForRows: function(startRow, endRow) {
        if (startRow === endRow) {

        var layoutManager = this.editor.layoutManager;
        layoutManager.updateTextRows(startRow, endRow);

                start:  { row: startRow, col: 0 },
                end:    { row: endRow,   col: 0 }
            }).forEach(this.invalidateRect, this);

     * Toggles the visible state of the insertion point.
    blinkInsertionPoint: function() {
        this._insertionPointVisible = !this._insertionPointVisible;

     * Returns the selected characters.
    copy: function() {
        return this.getSelectedCharacters();

     * Removes the selected characters from the text buffer and returns them.
    cut: function() {
        var cutData = this.getSelectedCharacters();

        if (cutData != '') {

        return cutData;

     * Handles click events and sets the focus appropriately. This is needed
     * now that Firefox focus is tightened down; see bugs 125282 and 588381.
    click: function(event) {

     * This is where the editor is painted from head to toe. Pitiful tricks are
     * used to draw as little as possible.
    drawRect: function(rect, context) {
        context.fillStyle = this.editor.themeData.editor.backgroundColor;
        context.fillRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);

        this._drawSelection(rect, context);
        this._drawLines(rect, context);

     * Directs keyboard input to this text view.
    focus: function() {

    /** Returns the location of the insertion point in pixels. */
    getInsertionPointPosition: function() {
        var editor = this.editor;
        var range = editor.buffer._selectedRange;
        var rect = editor.layoutManager.characterRectForPosition(range.start);
        return { x: rect.x, y: rect.y };

     * Returns the characters that are currently selected as a string, or the
     * empty string if none are selected.
    getSelectedCharacters: function() {
        return this._rangeIsInsertionPoint(this.editor.buffer._selectedRange) ? '' :

     * Returns the currently selected range.
     * @param raw If true, the direction of the selection is preserved: the
     *            'start' field will be the selection origin, and the 'end'
     *            field will always be the selection tail.
    getSelectedRange: function(raw) {
        if (!raw) {
            return Range.normalizeRange(this.editor.buffer._selectedRange);
        } else {
            return this.editor.buffer._selectedRange;

     * Groups all the changes in the callback into a single undoable action.
     * Nested change groups are supported; one undoable action is created for
     * the entire group of changes.
    groupChanges: function(performChanges) {
        if (this._isReadOnly()) {
            return false;

        if (this._inChangeGroup) {
            return true;

        this._inChangeGroup = true;
        this.beganChangeGroup(this, this.editor.buffer._selectedRange);

        try {
        } catch (e) {
            console.error("Error in groupChanges(): " + e);
            this._inChangeGroup = false;
            this.endedChangeGroup(this, this.editor.buffer._selectedRange);
            return false;
        } finally {
            this._inChangeGroup = false;
            this.endedChangeGroup(this, this.editor.buffer._selectedRange);
            return true;

     * Replaces the selection with the given text and updates the selection
     * boundaries appropriately.
     * @return True if the text view was successfully updated; false if the
     *     change couldn't be made because the text view is read-only.
    insertText: function(text) {
        if (this._isReadOnly()) {
            return false;

        this.groupChanges(function() {
            var textStorage = this.editor.layoutManager.textStorage;
            var range = Range.normalizeRange(this.editor.buffer._selectedRange);

            this.replaceCharacters(range, text);

            // Update the selection to point immediately after the inserted
            // text.
            var lines = text.split('\n');

            var destPosition;
            if (lines.length > 1) {
                destPosition = {
                    row:    range.start.row + lines.length - 1,
                    col: lines[lines.length - 1].length
            } else {
                destPosition = Range.addPositions(range.start,
                    { row: 0, col: text.length });


        return true;

     * Returns true if the given character is a word separator.
    isDelimiter: function(character) {
        return '"\',;.!~@#$%^&*?[]<>():/\\-+ \t'.indexOf(character) !== -1;

    keyDown: function(evt) {
        if (evt.charCode === 0 || evt._charCode === 0) {    // hack for Fx
            var preds = { isTextView: true };
            return this.editor.processKeyEvent(evt, this, preds);
        } else if (evt.keyCode === 9) {
            // Stops the tab. Otherwise the editor can lose focus.
        } else {
            // This is a real keyPress event. This should not be handled,
            // otherwise the textInput mixin can't detect the key events.
            return false;

     * Runs the syntax highlighter from the given row to the end of the visible
     * range, and repositions the selection.
    layoutManagerChangedTextAtRow: function(sender, row) {

     * Marks the given rectangles as invalid.
    layoutManagerInvalidatedRects: function(sender, rects) {
        rects.forEach(this.invalidateRect, this);

    mouseDown: function(evt) {
        this.hasFocus = true;
        this._mouseIsDown = true;

        var point = this.computeWithClippingFrame(evt.layerX, evt.layerY);
        util.mixin(point, { layerX: evt.layerX, layerY: evt.layerY});

        switch (evt.detail) {
        case 1:
            var pos = this._selectionPositionForPoint(point);
            this.moveCursorTo(pos, evt.shiftKey);

        // Select the word under the cursor.
        case 2:
            var pos = this._selectionPositionForPoint(point);
            var line = this.editor.layoutManager.textStorage.lines[pos.row];

            // If there is nothing to select in this line, then skip.
            if (line.length === 0) {
                return true;

            pos.col -= (pos.col == line.length ? 1 : 0);
            var skipOnDelimiter = !this.isDelimiter(line[pos.col]);

            var thisTextView = this;
            var searchForDelimiter = function(pos, dir) {
                for (pos; pos > -1 && pos < line.length; pos += dir) {
                    if (thisTextView.isDelimiter(line[pos]) ===
                            skipOnDelimiter) {
                return pos + (dir == 1 ? 0 : 1);

            var colFrom = searchForDelimiter(pos.col, -1);
            var colTo   = searchForDelimiter(pos.col, 1);

            this.moveCursorTo({ row: pos.row, col: colFrom });
            this.moveCursorTo({ row: pos.row, col: colTo }, true);


        case 3:
            var lines = this.editor.layoutManager.textStorage.lines;
            var pos = this._selectionPositionForPoint(point);
                start: {
                    row: pos.row,
                    col: 0
                end: {
                    row: pos.row,
                    col: lines[pos.row].length

        this._dragPoint = point;
        this._dragTimer = setInterval(this._scrollWhileDragging.bind(this), 100);

    mouseMove: function(evt) {
        if (this._mouseIsDown) {
            this._dragPoint = this.computeWithClippingFrame(evt.layerX, evt.layerY);
            util.mixin(this._dragPoint, { layerX: evt.layerX, layerY: evt.layerY});

    mouseUp: function(evt) {
        this._mouseIsDown = false;
        if (this._dragTimer !== null) {
            this._dragTimer = null;

     * Moves the cursor.
     * @param position{Position} The position to move the cursor to.
     * @param select{bool} Whether to preserve the selection origin. If this
     *        parameter is false, the selection is removed, and the insertion
     *        point moves to @position. Typically, this parameter is set when
     *        the mouse is being dragged or the shift key is held down.
     * @param virtual{bool} Whether to save the current end position as the
     *        virtual insertion point. Typically, this parameter is set when
     *        moving vertically.
    moveCursorTo: function(position, select, virtual) {
        var textStorage = this.editor.layoutManager.textStorage;
        var positionToUse = textStorage.clampPosition(position);

            start:  select ? this.editor.buffer._selectedRange.start : positionToUse,
            end:    positionToUse

        if (virtual) {
            var lineCount = textStorage.lines.length;
            var row = position.row, col = position.col;
            if (row > 0 && row < lineCount) {
                this.editor.buffer._selectedRangeEndVirtual = position;
            } else {
                this.editor.buffer._selectedRangeEndVirtual = {
                    row: row < 1 ? 0 : lineCount - 1,
                    col: col
        } else {
            this.editor.buffer._selectedRangeEndVirtual = null;


    moveDown: function() {
        var selection = this._getVirtualSelection();
        var range = Range.normalizeRange(selection);
        var position;
        if (this._rangeIsInsertionPoint(this.editor.buffer._selectedRange)) {
            position = range.end;
        } else {
            // Yes, this is actually what Cocoa does... weird, huh?
            position = { row: range.end.row, col: range.start.col };
        position = Range.addPositions(position, { row: 1, col: 0 });

        this.moveCursorTo(position, false, true);

    moveLeft: function() {
        var range = Range.normalizeRange(this.editor.buffer._selectedRange);
        if (this._rangeIsInsertionPoint(range)) {
                displacePosition(range.start, -1));
        } else {

    moveRight: function() {
        var range = Range.normalizeRange(this.editor.buffer._selectedRange);
        if (this._rangeIsInsertionPoint(range)) {
                displacePosition(range.end, 1));
        } else {

    moveUp: function() {
        var range = Range.normalizeRange(this._getVirtualSelection(true));
        position = Range.addPositions({
            row: range.start.row,
            col: this._getVirtualSelection().end.col
        }, { row: -1, col: 0 });

        this.moveCursorTo(position, false, true);

    parentViewFrameChanged: function() {
        arguments.callee.base.apply(this, arguments);

     * As an undoable action, replaces the characters within the old range with
     * the supplied characters.
     * TODO: Factor this out into the undo controller. The fact that commands
     * have to go through the view in order to make undoable changes is
     * counterintuitive.
     * @param oldRange{Range}    The range of characters to modify.
     * @param characters{string} The string to replace the characters with.
     * @return True if the changes were successfully made; false if the changes
     *     couldn't be made because the editor is read-only.
    replaceCharacters: function(oldRange, characters) {
        if (this._isReadOnly()) {
            return false;

        this.groupChanges(function() {
            oldRange = Range.normalizeRange(oldRange);
            this.willReplaceRange(this, oldRange);

            var textStorage = this.editor.layoutManager.textStorage;
            textStorage.replaceCharacters(oldRange, characters);
            this.replacedCharacters(this, oldRange, characters);

        return true;

     * Performs a delete-backward or delete-forward operation.
     * @param isBackspace{boolean} If true, the deletion proceeds backward (as if
     *     the backspace key were pressed); otherwise, deletion proceeds forward.
     * @return True if the operation was successfully performed; false if the
     *     operation failed because the editor is read-only.
    performBackspaceOrDelete: function(isBackspace) {
        if (this._isReadOnly()) {
            return false;

        var model = this.editor.layoutManager.textStorage;

        var lines = model.lines;
        var line = '', count = 0;
        var tabstop = settings.get('tabstop');
        var range = this.getSelectedRange();

        if (Range.isZeroLength(range)) {
            if (isBackspace) {
                var start = range.start;
                line = lines[start.row];
                var preWhitespaces = line.substring(0, start.col).

                // If there are less then n-tabstop whitespaces in front, OR
                // the current cursor position is not n times tabstop, THEN
                // delete only 1 character.
                if (preWhitespaces < tabstop
                        || (start.col - tabstop) % tabstop != 0) {
                    count = 1;
                } else {
                    // Otherwise delete tabstop whitespaces.
                    count = tabstop;

                range = {
                    start:  model.displacePosition(start, count * -1),
                    end:    range.end
            } else {
                var end = range.end;
                line = lines[end.row];
                var trailingWhitespaces = line.substring(end.col).

                // If there are less then n-tabstop whitespaces after the cursor
                // position, then delete only 1 character. Otherwise delete
                // tabstop whitespaces.
                if (trailingWhitespaces < tabstop) {
                    count = 1;
                } else {
                    count = tabstop;

                range = {
                    start:  range.start,
                    end:    model.displacePosition(range.end, count)

        this.groupChanges(function() {
            this.replaceCharacters(range, '');

            // Position the insertion point at the start of all the ranges that
            // were just deleted.

        return true;

    /** Removes all buffered keys. */
    resetKeyBuffers: function() {
        this._keyBuffer = '';
        this._keyMetaBuffer = '';

     * If the text view is inside a scrollable view, scrolls down by one page.
    scrollPageDown: function() {

     * If the text view is inside a scrollable view, scrolls up by one page.
    scrollPageUp: function() {

     * If this view is in a scrollable container, scrolls to the given
     * character position.
    scrollToPosition: function(position) {
        var rect = this.editor.layoutManager.characterRectForPosition(position);
        var rectX = rect.x, rectY = rect.y;
        var rectWidth = rect.width, rectHeight = rect.height;

        var frame = this.clippingFrame;
        var frameX = frame.x, frameY = frame.y;

        var padding = this.padding;
        var width = frame.width - padding.right;
        var height = frame.height - padding.bottom;

        var x;
        if (rectX >= frameX + 30 /* This is a hack to allow dragging to the left */
                    && rectX + rectWidth < frameX + width) {
            x = frameX;
        } else {
            x = rectX - width / 2 + rectWidth / 2;

        var y;
        if (rectY >= frameY && rectY + rectHeight < frameY + height) {
            y = frameY;
        } else {
            y = rectY - height / 2 + rectHeight / 2;

        this.editor.scrollTo({ x: x, y: y });

     * Selects all characters in the buffer.
    selectAll: function() {
        var lines = this.editor.layoutManager.textStorage.lines;
        var lastRow = lines.length - 1;
            start:  { row: 0, col: 0 },
            end:    { row: lastRow, col: lines[lastRow].length }

    selectDown: function() {

    selectLeft: function() {
            displacePosition(this.editor.buffer._selectedRange.end, -1)), true);

    selectRight: function() {
            displacePosition(this.editor.buffer._selectedRange.end, 1)), true);

    selectUp: function() {

     * Directly replaces the current selection with a new one.
    setSelection: function(newRange, ensureVisible) {
        var textStorage = this.editor.layoutManager.textStorage;

        newRange = textStorage.clampRange(newRange);
        if (Range.equal(newRange, this.editor.buffer._selectedRange)) {

        // Invalidate the old selection.

        // Set the new selection and invalidate it.
        this.editor.buffer._selectedRange = newRange =

        if (this._hasFocus) {

        if (ensureVisible) {

        catalog.publish(this.editor, 'editorChange', 'selection', newRange);

    textInserted: function(text) {
        // We don't handle the new line char at this point.
        if (text === '\n') {

        var preds = { isTextView: true, isCommandKey: false };
        if (!this.editor.processKeyEvent(text, this, preds)) {

     * Changes the internal hasFocus flag if the current hasFocus value is not
     * equal to the parameter 'value'. If 'fromTextInput' is true, then
     * the textInput.focus() and textInput.blur() is not called. This is
     * necessary as otherwise the textInput detects the blur event, calls
     * hasFocus = false and the _setFocus function calls textInput.blur() again.
     * If the textInput was blured, because the entire page lost the focus, then
     * the foucs is not reset to the textInput when the page gains the focus again.
    _setFocus: function(value, fromTextInput) {
        if (value == this._hasFocus) {

        this._hasFocus = value;

        if (this._hasFocus) {
            if (!fromTextInput) {
        } else {
            if (this._insertionPointBlinkTimer) {
                this._insertionPointBlinkTimer = null;
            this._insertionPointVisible = true;
            if (!fromTextInput) {
Esempio n. 11
util.mixin(exports.GutterView.prototype, {
    drawRect: function(rect, context) {
        var theme = this.editor.themeData.gutter;

        context.fillStyle = theme.backgroundColor;
        context.fillRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);;

        var paddingLeft = theme.paddingLeft;
        context.translate(paddingLeft, 0);

        var layoutManager = this.editor.layoutManager;
        var range = layoutManager.characterRangeForBoundingRect(rect);
        var endRow = Math.min(range.end.row,
            layoutManager.textLines.length - 1);
        var lineAscent = layoutManager.fontDimension.lineAscent;

        context.fillStyle = theme.color;
        context.font = this.editor.font;

        for (var row = range.start.row; row <= endRow; row++) {
            // TODO: breakpoints
            context.fillText('' + (row + 1), -0.5,
                layoutManager.lineRectForRow(row).y + lineAscent - 0.5);


    computeWidth: function() {
        var theme = this.editor.themeData.gutter;
        var paddingWidth = theme.paddingLeft + theme.paddingRight;

        var lineNumberFont = this.editor.font;

        var layoutManager = this.editor.layoutManager;
        var lineCount = layoutManager.textLines.length;
        var lineCountStr = '' + lineCount;

        var characterWidth = layoutManager.fontDimension.characterWidth;
        var strWidth = characterWidth * lineCountStr.length;

        return strWidth + paddingWidth;
Esempio n. 12
util.mixin(KeyboardManager.prototype, {
    _customKeymappingCache: { states: {} },

     * Searches through the command canon for an event matching the given flags
     * with a key equivalent matching the given SproutCore event, and, if the
     * command is found, sends a message to the appropriate target.
     * This will get a couple of upgrades in the not-too-distant future:
     * 1. caching in the Canon for fast lookup based on key
     * 2. there will be an extra layer in between to allow remapping via
     *    user preferences and keyboard mapping plugins
     * @return True if a matching command was found, false otherwise.
    processKeyEvent: function(evt, sender, flags) {
        // Use our modified commandCodes function to detect the meta key in
        // more circumstances than SproutCore alone does.
        var symbolicName = keyutil.commandCodes(evt, true)[0];
        if (util.none(symbolicName)) {
            return false;

        // TODO: Maybe it should be the job of our caller to do this?

        flags.isCommandKey = true;
        return this._matchCommand(symbolicName, sender, flags);

    _matchCommand: function(symbolicName, sender, flags) {
        var match = this._findCommandExtension(symbolicName, sender, flags);
        if (match && match.commandExt !== 'no command') {
            if (flags.isTextView) {

            var commandExt = match.commandExt;
            commandExt.load(function(command) {
                var request = new Request({
                    command: command,
                    commandExt: commandExt
                history.execute(match.args, request);
            return true;

        // 'no command' is returned if a keyevent is handled but there is no
        // command executed (for example when switchting the keyboard state).
        if (match && match.commandExt === 'no command') {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    _buildBindingsRegex: function(bindings) {
        // Escape a given Regex string.
        bindings.forEach(function(binding) {
            if (!util.none(binding.key)) {
                binding.key = new RegExp('^' + binding.key + '$');
            } else if (Array.isArray(binding.regex)) {
                binding.key = new RegExp('^' + binding.regex[1] + '$');
                binding.regex = new RegExp(binding.regex.join('') + '$');
            } else {
                binding.regex = new RegExp(binding.regex + '$');

     * Build the RegExp from the keymapping as RegExp can't stored directly
     * in the metadata JSON and as the RegExp used to match the keys/buffer
     * need to be adapted.
    _buildKeymappingRegex: function(keymapping) {
        for (state in keymapping.states) {
        keymapping._convertedRegExp = true;

     * Loop through the commands in the canon, looking for something that
     * matches according to #_commandMatches, and return that.
    _findCommandExtension: function(symbolicName, sender, flags) {
        // If the flags indicate that we handle the textView's input then take
        // a look at keymappings as well.
        if (flags.isTextView) {
            var currentState = sender._keyState;

            // Don't add the symbolic name to the key buffer if the alt_ key is
            // part of the symbolic name. If it starts with alt_, this means
            // that the user hit an alt keycombo and there will be a single,
            // new character detected after this event, which then will be
            // added to the buffer (e.g. alt_j will result in ∆).
            if (!flags.isCommandKey || symbolicName.indexOf('alt_') === -1) {
                sender._keyBuffer +=
                sender._keyMetaBuffer += symbolicName;

            // List of all the keymappings to look at.
            var ak = [ this._customKeymappingCache ];

            // Get keymapping extension points.
            ak = ak.concat(catalog.getExtensions('keymapping'));

            for (var i = 0; i < ak.length; i++) {
                // Check if the keymapping has the current state.
                if (util.none(ak[i].states[currentState])) {

                if (util.none(ak[i]._convertedRegExp)) {

                // Try to match the current mapping.
                var result = this._bindingsMatch(

                if (!util.none(result)) {
                    return result;

        var commandExts = catalog.getExtensions('command');
        var reply = null;
        var args = {};

        symbolicName = symbolicName.replace(/ctrl_meta|meta/,'ctrl');

        commandExts.some(function(commandExt) {
            if (this._commandMatches(commandExt, symbolicName, flags)) {
                reply = commandExt;
                return true;
            return false;

        return util.none(reply) ? null : { commandExt: reply, args: args };

     * Checks if the given parameters fit to one binding in the given bindings.
     * Returns the command and arguments if a command was matched.
    _bindingsMatch: function(symbolicName, flags, sender, keymapping) {
        var match;
        var commandExt = null;
        var args = {};
        var bufferToUse;

        if (!util.none(keymapping.hasMetaKey)) {
            bufferToUse = sender._keyBuffer;
        } else {
            bufferToUse = sender._keyMetaBuffer;

        // Add the alt_key to the buffer as we don't want it to be in the buffer
        // that is saved but for matching, it needs to be there.
        if (symbolicName.indexOf('alt_') === 0 && flags.isCommandKey) {
            bufferToUse += symbolicName;

        // Loop over all the bindings of the keymapp until a match is found.
        keymapping.states[sender._keyState].some(function(binding) {
            // Check if the key matches.
            if (binding.key && !binding.key.test(symbolicName)) {
                return false;

            // Check if the regex matches.
            if (binding.regex && !(match = binding.regex.exec(bufferToUse))) {
                return false;

            // Check for disallowed matches.
            if (binding.disallowMatches) {
                for (var i = 0; i < binding.disallowMatches.length; i++) {
                    if (!!match[binding.disallowMatches[i]]) {
                        return true;

            // Check predicates.
            if (!exports.flagsMatch(binding.predicates, flags)) {
                return false;

            // If there is a command to execute, then figure out the
            // comand and the arguments.
            if (binding.exec) {
                // Get the command.
                commandExt = catalog.getExtensionByKey('command', binding.exec);
                if (util.none(commandExt)) {
                    throw new Error('Can\'t find command ' + binding.exec +
                        ' in state=' + sender._keyState +
                        ', symbolicName=' + symbolicName);

                // Bulid the arguments.
                if (binding.params) {
                    var value;
                    binding.params.forEach(function(param) {
                        if (!util.none(param.match) && !util.none(match)) {
                            value = match[param.match] || param.defaultValue;
                        } else {
                            value = param.defaultValue;

                        if (param.type === 'number') {
                            value = parseInt(value);

                        args[] = value;

            // Handle the 'then' property.
            if (binding.then) {
                sender._keyState = binding.then;

            // If there is no command matched now, then return a 'false'
            // command to stop matching.
            if (util.none(commandExt)) {
                commandExt = 'no command';

            return true;

        if (util.none(commandExt)) {
            return null;

        return { commandExt: commandExt, args: args };

     * Check that the given command fits the given key name and flags.
    _commandMatches: function(commandExt, symbolicName, flags) {
        var mappedKeys = commandExt.key;
        if (!mappedKeys) {
            return false;

        // Check predicates
        if (!exports.flagsMatch(commandExt.predicates, flags)) {
            return false;

        if (typeof(mappedKeys) === 'string') {
            if (mappedKeys != symbolicName) {
                return false;
            return true;

        if (!Array.isArray(mappedKeys)) {
            mappedKeys = [mappedKeys];
            commandExt.key = mappedKeys;

        for (var i = 0; i < mappedKeys.length; i++) {
            var keymap = mappedKeys[i];
            if (typeof(keymap) === 'string') {
                if (keymap == symbolicName) {
                    return true;

            if (keymap.key != symbolicName) {

            return exports.flagsMatch(keymap.predicates, flags);
        return false;

     * Build a cache of custom keymappings whenever the associated setting
     * changes.
    _customKeymappingChanged: function() {
        var ckc = this._customKeymappingCache =

        ckc.states = ckc.states || {};

        for (state in ckc.states) {
        ckc._convertedRegExp = true;