Exemple #1
vs_utils.defineClassProperty (Canvas, "size", {
   * Getter|Setter for size. Gives access to the size of the vs.ui.Canvas
   * @name vs.ui.Canvas#size 
   * @type {Array.<number>}
  set : function (v)
    if (!v) { return; } 
    if (!vs_utils.isArray (v) || v.length !== 2) { return; }
    if (!vs_utils.isNumber (v[0]) || !vs_utils.isNumber(v[1])) { return; }

    this._size [0] = v [0];
    this._size [1] = v [1];
    if (!this.view) { return; }
    this._updateSizeAndPos ();

    if (!this.canvas_node)
      this.canvas_node = this.view.firstChild;
      if (!this.canvas_node)
        console.error ('Uncompatible canvas view');
      this.canvas_ctx = this.canvas_node.getContext ('2d');
   this.canvas_node.width = this._size [0];
   this.canvas_node.height = this._size [1];    
   this.draw (0, 0, this._size [0], this._size [1]);

   * @ignore
   * @type {Array.<number>}
  get : function ()
    if (this.view && this.view.parentNode)
      this._size [0] = this.view.offsetWidth;
      this._size [1] = this.view.offsetHeight;
    return this._size.slice ();
Exemple #2
defineClassProperty (Fsm, "initialState", {
   *   Define the initiale state
   *   Generate a exception if the state was not already defined
   *   @name vs.core.Fsm#initialState 
   *   @param {string} state_id the state
  set : function (state_id)
    if (!state_id)
      this._initial_state = undefined;
    if (!this.existState (state_id)) { return; }

    // set initial state and go to it   
    this._initial_state = state_id;
   * @ignore
  get : function ()
    return this._initial_state;