Exemple #1
    // API utilities

     * Execute an GitHub HTTP API request
     * @param {String} httpMethod 'get', 'post', etc.
     * @param {String} method name of the method
     * @param {Object} args Req. parameters for get, or json data for others
    request(httpMethod, method, args) {
        const axiosOpts = {
            method: httpMethod,
            url: urlJoin(
                '/repos/' + this.options.get('repository') + '/' + method
            ) + '?t=' + Date.now(),
            headers: {
                'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json',
                'Content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'

        const username = this.options.get('username');
        const token = this.options.get('token');

        if (username && token) {
            axiosOpts.headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + base64.encode(username + ':' + token);
        } else if (token) {
            axiosOpts.headers['Authorization'] = 'Token ' + token;

        if (httpMethod == 'get') axiosOpts.params = args;
        else axiosOpts.data = args;

        // console.log('API', httpMethod.toUpperCase(), method);
        return Q(axios(axiosOpts))
        .fail((response) => {
            if (response instanceof Error) throw response;

            const e = new Error(response.data.message || 'Error ' + response.status + ': ' + response.data);
            e.statusCode = response.status;

            throw e;
Exemple #2
    .then(function(versions) {
        var latest = versions[0];

        // Already using latest version?
        if (!latest || latest.tag == tag) {
            return res.status(204).send('No updates');

        // Extract release notes from all versions in range
        var notesSlice = versions.length === 1? [versions[0]] : versions.slice(0, -1);
        var releaseNotes = notes.merge(notesSlice, { includeTag: false });

        // URL for download should be absolute
        var gitFilePath = (req.params.channel ? '/../../../../../' : '/../../../' );

            'url': urljoin(fullUrl, gitFilePath,
                '/download/version/' + latest.tag + '/' + platform + '?filetype=' + filetype),
            'name': latest.tag,
            'notes': releaseNotes,
            'pub_date': latest.published_at.toISOString()
Exemple #3
                .map(function(entry) {
                    var gitFilePath = (channel === '*' ? '../../../../' : '../../../../../../');
                    entry.filename = urljoin(fullUrl, gitFilePath, '/download/'+latest.tag+'/'+entry.filename);

                    return entry;
Exemple #4
                .map(function(entry) {
                    entry.filename = urljoin(fullUrl, '/../../../../', '/download/'+entry.semver+'/'+entry.filename);

                    return entry;