Executable.prototype.invoke = function() {

  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
  var next = args.pop();
  var opts = {};
  var params = [];

  if (!_.isFunction(next)) {
    throw "Function or Script Execution expects a next function as the last argument";

  if (!_.isArray(_.last(args)) && _.isObject(_.last(args))) {
    opts = args.pop();

  if (_.isArray(args[0])) {          // backwards compatible -- db.function([...], ?opts, callback)
    params = args[0];
  } else {
    params = args;

  // console.log("invoke next: ", next);
  // console.log("invoke opts: ", opts);
  // console.log("invoke params: ", params);

  if (opts.stream) {
    this.db.stream(this.sql, params, null, next);
  } else {
    this.db.query(this.sql, params, null, next);
Exemple #2
Info.pack = function(info, mapping){
  var data = _.clone(info);
  var reply = data.reply;

  //log('packing reply: ', reply);

  // 具备图文消息的特征
  if (_.isObject(reply) && !_.isArray(reply) && !reply.type) {
    reply = data.reply = [reply];
  if (_.isArray(reply)) {
    if (_.isFunction(mapping)) {
      reply = reply.map(function(item, i) {
        return mapping.call(reply, item, i, info);
    } else if (mapping) {
      reply.forEach(function(item, index){
        item['title'] = item[ mapping['title'] || 'title'];
        item['description'] = item[ mapping['description'] || 'description'];
        item['pic'] = item[ mapping['picUrl'] || 'picUrl'] || item[ mapping['pic'] || 'pic'];
        item['url'] = item[ mapping['url'] || 'url'];
  data.reply = reply;

  var xml = _.template(Info.TEMPLATE_REPLY)(data);

  return xml;
exports.fetch = function (o, p, owner) {
	var i
		, keys = []
		, value;

	// convert p or list of p to Array for iteration
	if (_.isArray(p)) {
		keys = p;
	} else {
		for (i=1; i<arguments.length;i+=1) { keys.push(arguments[i]); }
	if (o) {
		if (_.isArray(o)) {
			return find(o, p);
		for (i=0; i<keys.length; i += 1) {
			value = exports.pfetch(o, keys[i]);
			if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && owner === true) {
				return value;
			if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
				return ((value && _.isObject(value) && value['#text']) || value) ;
Executable.prototype.invoke = function(params, opts, next) {
  if (_.isFunction(params)) {       // invoked as db.function(callback)
    next = params;
    params = [];
    opts = {};
  } else if (_.isFunction(opts)) {  // invoked as db.function(something, callback)
    next = opts;

    // figure out if we were given params or opts as the first argument
    // lucky for us it's mutually exclusive: opts can only be an object, params can be a primitive or an array
    if (_.isObject(params) && !_.isArray(params)) { // it's an options object, we have no params
      opts = params;
      params = [];
    } else {                                        // it's a parameter primitive or array, we have no opts
      opts = {};

  if (!_.isArray(params)) {
    params = [params];

  if (opts.stream) {
    this.db.stream(this.sql, params, null, next);
  } else {
    this.db.query(this.sql, params, null, next);
exports.predicate = function (result, condition, value) {
  if (value === null) {
    //interpolate nulls directly with is/is not
    condition.operator = condition.operator === '=' ? 'IS' : 'IS NOT';
  } else if (condition.mutator || !_.isArray(value)) {
    //parameterize any non-array or mutatey values
    if (condition.mutator) { value = condition.mutator(value); }
    value = util.format("$%s", result.params.length + result.offset);
  } else if (_.isArray(value)) {
    var arrayConditions = [];

    //loop the array
    _.each(value, function(v) {
      arrayConditions.push(util.format("$%s", result.params.length + result.offset));

    condition.operator = condition.operator === '=' ? 'IN' : 'NOT IN';

    value = util.format('(%s)', arrayConditions.join(', '));

  result.predicates.push(util.format('%s %s %s', condition.quotedField, condition.operator, value));

  return result;
Exemple #6
exports.sexp = function(obj) {
    if (_.isNull(obj) || _.isUndefined(obj)) {
        return 'nil';
    } else if (obj.toSexp) {
        return obj.toSexp();
    } else if (obj.lispType) {
        switch (obj.lispType) {
        case 'string': return exports.string(obj);
        case 'symbol': return exports.symbol(obj);
        case 'keyword': return exports.keyword(obj);
        case 'list': return exports.list(obj);
        case 'vector': return exports.vector(obj);
        throw new Error("Unrecognized lispType: " + util.inspect(obj.lispType));
    } else if (_.isString(obj)) {
        return exports.string(obj);
    } else if (_.isArray(obj))  {
        return exports.list(obj);
    } else if (_.isBoolean(obj)) {
        return exports.bool(obj);
    } else if (_.isNumber(obj)) {
        return exports.number(obj);
    } else {
        return exports.alist(obj);
exports.searchDoc = function(){
  var args = ArgTypes.searchArgs(arguments, this);
  assert(args.fields.keys && args.fields.term, "Need the keys to use and the term string");
  var params = [args.fields.term];
  //yuck full repetition here... fix me...
    args.fields.keys = [args.fields.keys];
  var tsv;
  if(args.fields.keys.length === 1){
    tsv = util.format("(body ->> '%s')", args.fields.keys[0]);
    var formattedKeys = [];
    _.each(args.fields.keys, function(key){
      formattedKeys.push(util.format("(body ->> '%s')", key));
    tsv= util.format("concat(%s)", formattedKeys.join(", ' ',"));

  var whereString;
    var where = this.getWhereForDoc(args.fields.where, 1, ' AND ');
    whereString = where.where;
    params = params.concat(where.params);

  var sql = "select * from " + this.fullname + " where " + util.format("to_tsvector(%s)", tsv);
  sql+= " @@ to_tsquery($1)" + (whereString || '') + args.options.queryOptions();
  this.executeDocQuery(sql, params, args.options, args.next);
Exemple #8
    validate: function(attrs, options) {
        // klass should be Artist
        if(!_.isString(attrs.klass) || attrs.klass != "Artist")
            return "klass property must be 'Artist'.";

        // needs to have either _id or mbid
        if(_.isUndefined(attrs._id) && _.isUndefined(attrs.mbid))
            return "must define either _id or mbid";
        // should have a string _id
        if(!_.isUndefined(attrs._id) && (!_.isString(attrs._id) || attrs._id == ""))
            return "_id property must be a non-empty string.";
        // can have a string mbid that follows rules of _id
        if(!_.isUndefined(attrs.mbid) && (!_.isString(attrs.mbid) || attrs.mbid == ""))
            return "mbid property must be a non-empty string.";
        // should have a string name
        if(_.isUndefined(attrs.name) || !_.isString(attrs.name))
            return "must define name property that is a string.";
        // should have a string url
        if(_.isUndefined(attrs.url) || !_.isString(attrs.url))
            return "must define url property that is a string.";

        // should have images array
        if(_.isUndefined(attrs.images) || !_.isArray(attrs.images))
            return "must define images property that is an array.";
        // images should have valid objects
        if(!_.reduce(attrs.images, function(build, img) {
            return build && _.has(img, "url") && _.has(img, "size") &&
                    _.isString(img.url) && _.isString(img.size);
        }, true))
            return "all images must have url and size properties that are strings.";
Exemple #9
server.post('/mails', function(request, response) {
    response.status = 200;
    response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';

    // Fetch mails and make sure it's an array.
    var mails = JSON.parse(request.body);
    mails = _.isArray(mails) ? mails : [mails];

    // Update each mail.
    var mail, obj;
    for (var i=0; i < mails.length; i++) {
        mail = mails[i];

        // We're only going to ever update the 'read' field of mails.
        // The reset of the fields should never change.
        obj = { read: mail.read };

        schemas.Mail.update({ _id: mail._id }, obj, function (err) {
            if (err) {
                console.error('Failed saving mail on POST /mails: ' + err);

Exemple #10
				classes = classes.map(function(label) {
						if (_.isArray(label))
							label[0] = this.labelLookupTable.numberToFeature(label[0]);
							label = this.labelLookupTable.numberToFeature(label);
						return label;
					}, this);
Exemple #11
Connection.prototype.destroy = function(type, ids, options, callback) {
  if (typeof options === 'function') {
    callback = options;
    options = {};
  options = options || {};
  var self = this;
  var isArray = _.isArray(ids);
  ids = isArray ? ids : [ ids ];
  if (ids.length > self.maxRequest) {
    return Promise.reject(new Error("Exceeded max limit of concurrent call")).thenCall(callback);
  return Promise.all(
    _.map(ids, function(id) {
      var url = [ self._baseUrl(), "sobjects", type, id ].join('/');
      return self.request({
        method : 'DELETE',
        url : url,
        headers: options.headers || null
      }, {
        noContentResponse: { id : id, success : true, errors : [] }
  ).then(function(results) {
    return !isArray && _.isArray(results) ? results[0] : results;
 function addError(error)
     if (_.isArray(error))
         errors.push.apply(errors, error);
     else if (_.isObject(error))
Exemple #13
 find: function(id, callback) {
   if (_.isArray(id)) {
     this.find_by_ids(id, callback);
   } else {
     this.find_by_id(id, callback);
Exemple #14
 * @class Action
 * 动作规则
 * 执行流程: pattern -> handler -> register reply action
 * @constructor 动作规则
 * @param {Mixed}  cfg    Action的配置
 * @param {String} [prex] 动作名的前缀
function Action(cfg, prex){
    this.name = prex + '_' + cfg;
    this.description = '发送任意字符,直接返回:' + cfg;
    this.handler = cfg;
  }else if(_.isFunction(cfg)){
    this.name =  prex + '_' + cfg.name;
    this.description = cfg.description || '发送任意字符,直接执行函数并返回';
    this.handler = cfg;
  }else if(_.isArray(cfg)){
    throw new Error('no support cfg type: Array')
  }else if(_.isObject(cfg)){
     * 匹配这种格式:
     * {
     *   name: 'say_hi', 
     *   description: 'pattern可以用正则表达式匹配,试着发送「hi」',
     *   pattern: /^Hi/i,
     *   handler: function(info) {
     *     //回复的另一种方式
     *     return '你也好哈';
     * }
     * @ignore
    this.name = cfg.name || prex || cfg.pattern
  if(!this.name) this.name = 'it_is_anonymous_action';
  return this;
Exemple #15
// input: string
// output: normlized string
function normalizer(str, callback)
	if (_.isArray(str))
		// console.log("array")
		str = str[0]
	str = str.trim()
	str = bars.biunormalizer(str)

	onlycontent(str, function (err,strcontent){

		if (_.compact(strcontent).length == 0) 
       		strcontent = str.split(" ")
    	strcontentlemma = lemmatize(strcontent)

   		strcontentlemma = elimination(strcontentlemma)

    	if (strcontentlemma.length == 0) 
       		strcontentlemma = strcontent
       	strcontentlemma = _.compact(strcontentlemma)
       	callback(err, strcontentlemma)
function filternan(input)
	if (_.isArray(input))
		var output = []

		_.each(input, function(value, key, list){ 
			if (bars.isNumber(value))
				if (value != -1)
		}, this)
		var output = ''
		if (bars.isNumber(input))
			if (input != -1)
				output = input
				output = "?"
			output = "?"
	return output
Exemple #17
 _.toArray = function(iterable) {
   if (!iterable)                return [];
   if (iterable.toArray)         return iterable.toArray();
   if (_.isArray(iterable))      return slice.call(iterable);
   if (_.isArguments(iterable))  return slice.call(iterable);
   return _.values(iterable);
Exemple #18
    _.each(args, function(arg) {
      if (_.isNumber(arg) || _.isString(arg)) {
        var criteria = {};
        criteria[self.table.pk] = args[0];
        return self.where(criteria);

      var columns = arg.columns || arg;
      if (_.isArray(columns)) { self.sql = self.sql.replace("*", columns.join(",")); }
      if (_.isString(columns)) { self.sql = self.sql.replace("*", columns); }
      delete arg.columns;

      var where = arg.where || arg;
      if (!_.isArray(where) && _.isObject(where) && _.size(where) > 0) { self.where(where); }

Exemple #19
        apiCall(endpoint, params, function(err, response) {
          if(err) {

          // We're only interested in holding onto everything when we'll be firing a callback.
          if(callback) {
            allResponse.results = allResponse.results.concat(response.results);

          // Call IDs will be appended.
          allResponse.callId += response.callId + ' ';

          // Global objects count needs to include the objects in this chunk.
          allResponse.objectsCount += response.objectsCount;
          allResponse.totalCount = response.totalCount

          // Loop through each result and emit
          if(_.isArray(response.results)) {
            for(var i = 0; i < response.results.length; i++) {
              emitter.emit('result', response.results[i]);

          // Set cursorId if available, otherwise false will end the loop
          cursorId = response.nextCursorId && fetchAll === true ? response.nextCursorId : false;

QueryOptions.prototype.selectList = function () {
  if (_.isArray(this.select)) {
    return this.select.join(',');

  return this.select;
Exemple #21
function splitPartEqually(json) {
	// return _.map(_.uniq(_.flatten(json.map(this.splitJson)) ), function(num){ return [num];})
	var label = []	

	if (json == null)
		return null

	if (!(_.isArray(json)))
		json = [json]

		var buf = []
		_.each(json.map(Compensate), function(value, key, list){
			if (value.length > n)
			if (_.compact(value[n].toString()).length != 0)
				buf = buf.concat(value[n])
		// buf = _.uniq(_.compact(buf))
		// buf = _.uniq(_.compact(buf))
	 	// if (buf.length != 0) label[n] = buf

		buf = _.uniq(buf)

		if ((buf.length > 0) && (typeof(buf[0])!="undefined"))
			label[n] = buf
		if ((typeof(buf[0])=="undefined"))
			label[n] = []


	return label
Exemple #22
        'setconfig': function(event) {
            var configPathString = event.params[1],
                configKey = _.last(configPathString.split('.')),
                newOption = event.params[2];

            if(!_.include(noChangeConfig, configKey)) {
                var configPath = getCurrentConfig(configPathString);

                if(configPath == false || _.isUndefined(configPath.value)) {
                var currentOption = configPath.value;

                // Convert to boolean type if config item boolean
                if(_.isBoolean(currentOption)) {
                    newOption = (newOption == "true");

                if(_.isArray(currentOption)) {
                    event.reply(dbot.t("config_array",{"alternate": "pushconfig"}));
                event.reply(configPathString + ": " + currentOption + " -> " + newOption);
                configPath['user'][configKey] = newOption;
            } else {
Exemple #23
DB.prototype.bulkSave = function (docs, /*optional*/ options, callback) {
    if (!_.isArray(docs)) {
        throw new Error(
            'bulkSave requires an array of documents to work properly'
    if (!callback) {
        callback = options;
        options = {};
    options.docs = docs;
    try {
        var data = JSON.stringify(options);
    catch (e) {
        return callback(e);
    var req = {
        type: 'POST',
        url: this.url + '/_bulk_docs',
        data: data,
        processData: false,
        contentType: 'application/json',
        expect_json: true
    exports.request(req, callback);
Exemple #24
Query.prototype.selectList = function () {
  if (_.isArray(this.columns)) {
    return this.columns.join(',');

  return this.columns;
  _.each(conditions, function(value, key) {
    var condition = exports.parseKey(key);

    if (condition.field === 'or') {
      if (!_.isArray(value)) { value = [value]; }

      var groupResult = _.reduce(value, function (acc, v) {
        // assemble predicates for each subgroup in this 'or' array
        var subResult = exports.generate({
          params: [],
          predicates: [],
          offset: result.params.length + acc.offset   // ensure the offset from predicates outside the subgroup is counted
        }, v, generator);

        // encapsulate and join the individual predicates with AND to create the complete subgroup predicate
        acc.predicates.push(util.format('(%s)', subResult.predicates.join(' AND ')));
        acc.params = acc.params.concat(subResult.params);
        acc.offset += subResult.params.length;

        return acc;
      }, {
        params: [],
        predicates: [],
        offset: result.offset

      // join the compiled subgroup predicates with OR, encapsulate, and push the
      // complex predicate ("((x = $1 AND y = $2) OR (z = $3))") onto the result object
      result.params = result.params.concat(groupResult.params);
      result.predicates.push(util.format('(%s)', groupResult.predicates.join(' OR ')));
    } else {
      // no special behavior, just add this predicate and modify result in-place
      result = exports[generator](result, condition, value, conditions);
Exemple #26
Query.prototype.queryOptions = function () {
  if (_.isArray(this.order)) {
    var orderBody = this.orderBody;

    this.order = _.reduce(this.order, function (acc, val) {
      val.direction = val.direction || "asc";

      if (orderBody) {
        val.field = util.format("body->>'%s'", val.field);

      if (val.type) {
        acc.push(util.format("(%s)::%s %s", val.field, val.type, val.direction));
      } else {
        acc.push(util.format("%s %s", val.field, val.direction));

      return acc;
    }, []).join(",");

  var sql = "";

  if (this.order) { sql = " order by " + this.order; }
  if (this.offset) { sql += " offset " + this.offset; }
  if (this.limit || this.single) { sql += " limit " + (this.limit || "1"); }

  return sql;
Exemple #27
 getValidOrderForPos: function(unit, pos) {
     'use strict';
     var stuff = this.map.at(pos.x, pos.y),
     if (_.isArray(stuff)) {
         enemies = _.filter(stuff, function(u) {
             return u instanceof Unit && u.isEnemy(unit);
         if (enemies.length > 0) {
             order = new orders.SeekAndDestroy({
                 unitID: unit.id,
                 targetID: enemies[0].id
     } else {
         if (stuff instanceof items.Console) {
             order = new orders.MoveToConsole({
                 unitID: unit.id,
                 destination: {x: pos.x, y: pos.y}
         } else if (this.isWalkable(pos.x, pos.y)) {
             order = new orders.Move({
                 unitID: unit.id,
                 destination: {x: pos.x, y: pos.y}
     if (order && order.isValid(this, unit.ownerID)) {
         return order;
     return null;
Exemple #28
        'setconfig': function(event) {
            var configPathString = event.params[1],
                configKey = _.last(configPathString.split('.')),
                newOption = event.params[2];

            if(!_.include(noChangeConfig, configKey)) {
                var configPath = getCurrentConfig(configPathString);

                if(configPath == false || _.isUndefined(configPath.value)) {
                    event.reply("Config key doesn't exist bro");
                var currentOption = configPath.value;

                // Convert to boolean type if config item boolean
                if(_.isBoolean(currentOption)) {
                    newOption = (newOption == "true");

                if(_.isArray(currentOption)) {
                    event.reply("Config option is an array. Try 'pushconfig'.");
                event.reply(configPathString + ": " + currentOption + " -> " + newOption);
                configPath['user'][configKey] = newOption;
            } else {
                event.reply("This config option cannot be altered while the bot is running.");
Exemple #29
 }).then(function(res) {
   var results;
   if (job.operation === 'query') {
     var conn = bulk._conn;
     var resultIds = res['result-list'].result;
     results = res['result-list'].result;
     results = _.map(_.isArray(results) ? results : [ results ], function(id) {
       return {
         id: id,
         batchId: batchId,
         jobId: jobId
   } else {
     results = _.map(res, function(ret) {
       return {
         id: ret.Id || null,
         success: ret.Success === "true",
         errors: ret.Error ? [ ret.Error ] : []
   self.emit('response', results);
   return results;
 }, function(err) {
Exemple #30
var getItemsWait = exports.getItemsWait = function(keys, cb) {
  if (typeof cb !== "undefined" && typeof cb !== "function") {
    throw new Error("The 2nd argument (if supplied) is expected to be a callback function");
  if (!_.isArray(keys)) {
    cb && cb("'keys' is expected to be an array of string values");
  } else {
    var items = {};
    var sem = keys.length;
    _.each(keys, function(key) {
      getItem(key, function(err, item) {
        if (err) (cb && cb(err)); else {
          if (item === null) {
            getItemWait(key, function(err, item) {
              if (err) (cb && cb(err)); else {
                items[key] = item;
                if (sem === 0) {
                  cb(null, items);
          } else {
            items[key] = item;
            if (sem === 0) {
              cb(null, items);