Exemple #1
function generateSyntaxTree(js, filePath) {


    return uglify.parse(js, {
        filename: filePath

Exemple #2
compress.js = function(source){
	if (!f.exists(source)) {return;}
	var sourceContent = f.read(source);
	//sourceContent = compress.addJsDepends(sourceContent);

	var options = {
		except: ['require','define'],
		ascii_only: true,
		copyright: true,
		beautify: false//美化代码 todo debug模式
		//,mangle: false//是否压缩 失效的参数
	var result = '';

	try {
		var toplevel = UglifyJS.parse(sourceContent);

		//output, has /*$ */ comments
		var stream = UglifyJS.OutputStream({
			comments: function(scope, comment){
				if(comment.type == 'comment2' && 
					comment.value.charAt(0) === '$' 
					&& options.copyright)
					return comment;
				return false;
			beautify : options.beautify,
			ascii_only : options.ascii_only

		result += stream;
		result = compress.addJsDepends(source, result);
		result = compress.setPrefixBanner() + result;
	}catch (e) {
		if (e && e.message) {
			console.log('jdf error [compress.js] - '+source +' , line:'+e.line +', ' +e.message );
	return result;
Exemple #3
				filterdFiles.forEach((file) => {
					const oldWarnFunction = uglify.AST_Node.warn_function;
					const warnings = [];
					let sourceMap;
					try {
						const asset = compilation.assets[file];
						if(asset.__UglifyJsPlugin) {
							compilation.assets[file] = asset.__UglifyJsPlugin;
						let input;
						let inputSourceMap;
						if(options.sourceMap) {
							if(asset.sourceAndMap) {
								const sourceAndMap = asset.sourceAndMap();
								inputSourceMap = sourceAndMap.map;
								input = sourceAndMap.source;
							} else {
								inputSourceMap = asset.map();
								input = asset.source();
							sourceMap = new SourceMapConsumer(inputSourceMap);
							uglify.AST_Node.warn_function = (warning) => { // eslint-disable-line camelcase
								const match = /\[.+:([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\]/.exec(warning);
								const line = +match[1];
								const column = +match[2];
								const original = sourceMap.originalPositionFor({
									line: line,
									column: column
								if(!original || !original.source || original.source === file) return;
								if(!warningsFilter(original.source)) return;
								warnings.push(warning.replace(/\[.+:([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\]/, "") +
									"[" + requestShortener.shorten(original.source) + ":" + original.line + "," + original.column + "]");
						} else {
							input = asset.source();
							uglify.AST_Node.warn_function = (warning) => { // eslint-disable-line camelcase
						let ast = uglify.parse(input, {
							filename: file
						if(options.compress !== false) {
							const compress = uglify.Compressor(options.compress || {
								warnings: false
							}); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
							ast = ast.transform(compress);
						if(options.mangle !== false) {
							ast.figure_out_scope(options.mangle || {});
							ast.compute_char_frequency(options.mangle || {});
							ast.mangle_names(options.mangle || {});
							if(options.mangle && options.mangle.props) {
								uglify.mangle_properties(ast, options.mangle.props);
						const output = {};
						output.comments = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options, "comments") ? options.comments : /^\**!|@preserve|@license/;
						output.beautify = options.beautify;
						for(let k in options.output) {
							output[k] = options.output[k];
						const extractedComments = [];
						if(options.extractComments) {
							const condition = {};
							if(typeof options.extractComments === "string" || options.extractComments instanceof RegExp) {
								// extractComments specifies the extract condition and output.comments specifies the preserve condition
								condition.preserve = output.comments;
								condition.extract = options.extractComments;
							} else if(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options.extractComments, "condition")) {
								// Extract condition is given in extractComments.condition
								condition.preserve = output.comments;
								condition.extract = options.extractComments.condition;
							} else {
								// No extract condition is given. Extract comments that match output.comments instead of preserving them
								condition.preserve = false;
								condition.extract = output.comments;

							// Ensure that both conditions are functions
							["preserve", "extract"].forEach(key => {
								switch(typeof condition[key]) {
									case "boolean":
										var b = condition[key];
										condition[key] = () => b;
									case "function":
									case "string":
										if(condition[key] === "all") {
											condition[key] = () => true;
										var regex = new RegExp(condition[key]);
										condition[key] = (astNode, comment) => regex.test(comment.value);
										regex = condition[key];
										condition[key] = (astNode, comment) => regex.test(comment.value);

							// Redefine the comments function to extract and preserve
							// comments according to the two conditions
							output.comments = (astNode, comment) => {
								if(condition.extract(astNode, comment)) {
										comment.type === "comment2" ? "/*" + comment.value + "*/" : "//" + comment.value
								return condition.preserve(astNode, comment);
						let map;
						if(options.sourceMap) {
							map = uglify.SourceMap({ // eslint-disable-line new-cap
								file: file,
								root: ""
							output.source_map = map; // eslint-disable-line camelcase
						const stream = uglify.OutputStream(output); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
						if(map) map = map + "";
						const stringifiedStream = stream + "";
						let outputSource = (map ?
							new SourceMapSource(stringifiedStream, file, JSON.parse(map), input, inputSourceMap) :
							new RawSource(stringifiedStream));
						if(extractedComments.length > 0) {
							let commentsFile = options.extractComments.filename || file + ".LICENSE";
							if(typeof commentsFile === "function") {
								commentsFile = commentsFile(file);

							// Write extracted comments to commentsFile
							const commentsSource = new RawSource(extractedComments.join("\n\n") + "\n");
							if(commentsFile in compilation.assets) {
								// commentsFile already exists, append new comments...
								if(compilation.assets[commentsFile] instanceof ConcatSource) {
								} else {
									compilation.assets[commentsFile] = new ConcatSource(
										compilation.assets[commentsFile], "\n", commentsSource
							} else {
								compilation.assets[commentsFile] = commentsSource;

							// Add a banner to the original file
							if(options.extractComments.banner !== false) {
								let banner = options.extractComments.banner || "For license information please see " + commentsFile;
								if(typeof banner === "function") {
									banner = banner(commentsFile);
								if(banner) {
									outputSource = new ConcatSource(
										"/*! " + banner + " */\n", outputSource
						asset.__UglifyJsPlugin = compilation.assets[file] = outputSource;
						if(warnings.length > 0) {
							compilation.warnings.push(new Error(file + " from UglifyJs\n" + warnings.join("\n")));
					} catch(err) {
						if(err.line) {
							const original = sourceMap && sourceMap.originalPositionFor({
								line: err.line,
								column: err.col
							if(original && original.source) {
								compilation.errors.push(new Error(file + " from UglifyJs\n" + err.message + " [" + requestShortener.shorten(original.source) + ":" + original.line + "," + original.column + "][" + file + ":" + err.line + "," + err.col + "]"));
							} else {
								compilation.errors.push(new Error(file + " from UglifyJs\n" + err.message + " [" + file + ":" + err.line + "," + err.col + "]"));
						} else if(err.msg) {
							compilation.errors.push(new Error(file + " from UglifyJs\n" + err.msg));
						} else
							compilation.errors.push(new Error(file + " from UglifyJs\n" + err.stack));
					} finally {
						uglify.AST_Node.warn_function = oldWarnFunction; // eslint-disable-line camelcase
Exemple #4
			files.forEach(function(file) {
				var oldWarnFunction = uglify.AST_Node.warn_function;
				var warnings = [];
				try {
					var asset = compilation.assets[file];
					if(asset.__UglifyJsPlugin) {
						compilation.assets[file] = asset.__UglifyJsPlugin;
					var input;
					if(options.sourceMap) {
						var inputSourceMap;
						if(asset.sourceAndMap) {
							var sourceAndMap = asset.sourceAndMap();
							inputSourceMap = sourceAndMap.map;
							input = sourceAndMap.source;
						} else {
							inputSourceMap = asset.map();
							input = asset.source();
						var sourceMap = new SourceMapConsumer(inputSourceMap);
						uglify.AST_Node.warn_function = function(warning) { // eslint-disable-line camelcase
							var match = /\[.+:([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\]/.exec(warning);
							var line = +match[1];
							var column = +match[2];
							var original = sourceMap.originalPositionFor({
								line: line,
								column: column
							if(!original || !original.source || original.source === file) return;
							warnings.push(warning.replace(/\[.+:([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\]/, "") +
								"[" + requestShortener.shorten(original.source) + ":" + original.line + "," + original.column + "]");
					} else {
						input = asset.source();
						uglify.AST_Node.warn_function = function(warning) { // eslint-disable-line camelcase
					var ast = uglify.parse(input, {
						filename: file
					if(options.compress !== false) {
						var compress = uglify.Compressor(options.compress || {
							warnings: false
						}); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
						ast = ast.transform(compress);
					if(options.mangle !== false) {
						ast.compute_char_frequency(options.mangle || {});
						ast.mangle_names(options.mangle || {});
						if(options.mangle && options.mangle.props) {
							uglify.mangle_properties(ast, options.mangle.props);
					var output = {};
					output.comments = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(options, "comments") ? options.comments : /^\**!|@preserve|@license/;
					output.beautify = options.beautify;
					for(var k in options.output) {
						output[k] = options.output[k];
					if(options.sourceMap) {
						var map = uglify.SourceMap({ // eslint-disable-line new-cap
							file: file,
							root: ""
						output.source_map = map; // eslint-disable-line camelcase
					var stream = uglify.OutputStream(output); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
					if(map) map = map + "";
					stream = stream + "";
					asset.__UglifyJsPlugin = compilation.assets[file] = (map ?
						new SourceMapSource(stream, file, JSON.parse(map), input, inputSourceMap) :
						new RawSource(stream));
					if(warnings.length > 0) {
						compilation.warnings.push(new Error(file + " from UglifyJs\n" + warnings.join("\n")));
				} catch(err) {
					if(err.line) {
						var original = sourceMap && sourceMap.originalPositionFor({
							line: err.line,
							column: err.col
						if(original && original.source) {
							compilation.errors.push(new Error(file + " from UglifyJs\n" + err.message + " [" + requestShortener.shorten(original.source) + ":" + original.line + "," + original.column + "][" + file + ":" + err.line + "," + err.col + "]"));
						} else {
							compilation.errors.push(new Error(file + " from UglifyJs\n" + err.message + " [" + file + ":" + err.line + "," + err.col + "]"));
					} else if(err.msg) {
						compilation.errors.push(new Error(file + " from UglifyJs\n" + err.msg));
					} else
						compilation.errors.push(new Error(file + " from UglifyJs\n" + err.stack));
				} finally {
					uglify.AST_Node.warn_function = oldWarnFunction; // eslint-disable-line camelcase
Exemple #5
		return new FileTransform(function (file) {
			switch (path.extname(file.path)) {
				case ".js":
					codeFile = file;
				case ".map":
					sourceMapFile = file;

			if (codeFile !== null && sourceMapFile !== null) {

				// Parse
				var root = null;
				root = UglifyJS.parse(codeFile.contents.toString(), {
					filename: path.basename(codeFile.path),
					toplevel: root

				root.figure_out_scope({ screw_ie8: true });

				// Warnings
					func_arguments: false

				// Compress
				var compressor = UglifyJS.Compressor({
					warnings: true,
					screw_ie8: true
				root = root.transform(compressor);

				// Mangle
				root.figure_out_scope({ screw_ie8: true });
				root.mangle_names({ screw_ie8: true });

				// Mangle private members
				var occurrences = Object.create(null);

				root.walk(new UglifyJS.TreeWalker(function (node, descend) {
					if (
						node instanceof UglifyJS.AST_PropAccess &&
						typeof node.property === "string" &&
						node.property[0] === "_" &&
						node.property[1] !== "_" && // Doesn't start with two leading underscores
						node.property !== "_classTag" // webworker serializer uses this property by name, so it shouldn't be changed.
					) {
						var occurrence = occurrences[node.property];
						if (occurrence === undefined) {
							occurrences[node.property] = 1;
						else {

				var identifiers = Object.keys(occurrences);
				identifiers.sort(function (first, second) { return occurrences[second] - occurrences[first]; });

				var generatedIdentifiers = occurrences;

				var validIdentifierCharacters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$_0123456789";
				var toIdentifier = function (index) {
					var result = validIdentifierCharacters[(index % validIdentifierCharacters.length)];
					index = (index / validIdentifierCharacters.length) | 0;

					while (index > 0) {
						result = validIdentifierCharacters[index % validIdentifierCharacters.length] + result;
						index = (index / validIdentifierCharacters.length) | 0;

					return "_" + result;

				identifiers.forEach(function (identifier, index) {
					generatedIdentifiers[identifier] = toIdentifier(index);

				root.walk(new UglifyJS.TreeWalker(function (node, descend) {
					if (
						node instanceof UglifyJS.AST_PropAccess &&
						typeof node.property === "string" &&
						node.property in generatedIdentifiers
					) {
						node.property = generatedIdentifiers[node.property];

				// Output
				var firstLicenseHeaderFound = false; // To detect and preserve the first license header

				var output = {
					source_map: UglifyJS.SourceMap({
						file: path.basename(sourceMapFile.path),
						orig: sourceMapFile.contents.toString()
					comments: function (node, comment) {
						if (!firstLicenseHeaderFound && comment.value.indexOf("Copyright") !== -1) {
							firstLicenseHeaderFound = true;

							return true;

						return false;
					screw_ie8: true

				var stream = UglifyJS.OutputStream(output);

				codeFile.path = codeFile.path.replace(/\.js$/, ".min.js");
				sourceMapFile.path = sourceMapFile.path.replace(/\.js\.map$/, ".min.js.map");

				codeFile.contents = Buffer.concat([new Buffer(stream.toString()), new Buffer("\n//# sourceMappingURL="), new Buffer(sourceMapFile.path)]);

				var inputSourceMapObject = JSON.parse(sourceMapFile.contents.toString());
				var outputSourceMapObject = output.source_map.get();
				outputSourceMapObject._sources.toArray().forEach(function (filename, i) {
					outputSourceMapObject.setSourceContent(filename, inputSourceMapObject.sourcesContent[i]);

				sourceMapFile.contents = new Buffer(output.source_map.toString());

				codeFile = null;
				sourceMapFile = null;
process.on('message', function(msg) {
	var oldWarnFunction = uglify.AST_Node.warn_function;
	var warnings = [];
	var errors = [];
	var stream = '';
	var map = '';
	try {
		if (msg.options.sourceMap !== false) {
			var sourceMap = new SourceMapConsumer(msg.inputSourceMap);
			uglify.AST_Node.warn_function = function(warning) { // eslint-disable-line camelcase
				var match = /\[.+:([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\]/.exec(warning);
				var line = +match[1];
				var column = +match[2];
				var original = sourceMap.originalPositionFor({
					line: line,
					column: column
				if (!original || !original.source || original.source === msg.file) return;
					message: warning.replace(/\[.+:([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\]/, ''),
					original: original.source,
					line: original.line,
					column: original.column
		} else {
			uglify.AST_Node.warn_function = function(warning) { // eslint-disable-line camelcase
		var ast = uglify.parse(msg.input, {
			filename: msg.file
		if (msg.options.compress !== false) {
			var compress = uglify.Compressor(msg.options.compress); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
			ast = ast.transform(compress);
		if (msg.options.mangle !== false) {
			ast.compute_char_frequency(msg.options.mangle || {});
			ast.mangle_names(msg.options.mangle || {});
			if (msg.options.mangle && msg.options.mangle.props) {
				uglify.mangle_properties(ast, msg.options.mangle.props);
		var output = {};
		output.comments = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(msg.options, 'comments') ? msg.options.comments : /^\**!|@preserve|@license/;
		output.beautify = msg.options.beautify;
		for (var k in msg.options.output) {
			output[k] = msg.options.output[k];
		if (msg.options.sourceMap !== false) {
			var map = uglify.SourceMap({ // eslint-disable-line new-cap
				file: msg.file,
				root: ''
			output.source_map = map; // eslint-disable-line camelcase
		var stream = uglify.OutputStream(output); // eslint-disable-line new-cap
		if (map) {
			map = map + '';
		} else {
			msg.input = '';
			msg.inputSourceMap = '';
		stream = stream + '';
	} catch (err) {
		if (err.line) {
			var original = sourceMap && sourceMap.originalPositionFor({
				line: err.line,
				column: err.col
			if (original && original.source) {
				errors.push({ original: original.source, line: original.line, column: original.column });
			} else {
				errors.push({ message: err.message, line: err.line, col: err.col });
		} else if (err.msg) {
			errors.push({ msg: err.msg });
		} else {
			errors.push({ stack: err.stack });
	} finally {
		uglify.AST_Node.warn_function = oldWarnFunction; // eslint-disable-line camelcase
			file: msg.file,
			errors: errors,
			warnings: warnings,
			source: stream,
			map: map,
			input: msg.input,
			inputSourceMap: msg.inputSourceMap
Exemple #7
compress.js = function(source, isdebug){
	var isdebug = isdebug || false;
	if (!f.exists(source)) {
	var sourceContent = f.read(source);
	//sourceContent = compress.addJsDepends(sourceContent);
	var options = {
		remove: [],//
		except: ['require','define'],//不压缩的字符名
		ascii_only: true,//输出Unicode characters
		beautify: false,//美化代码
		warnings: false//显示压缩报错
		//,mangle: false//是否压缩 失效的参数

		options.remove = jdf.config.output.jsRemove;

	var result = sourceContent;

	try {
		if (!isdebug){
			var toplevel = UglifyJS.parse(sourceContent);
			var compressorOption = {
				hoist_funs : false,  //函数声明至顶端
				//fromString: true,  //说明代码源的格式是否为字符串
				//mangle: true,      //是否压缩,只要配置就不压缩了
				warnings: false,     //显示压缩报错
				join_vars: false
			if (options.warnings) {
				compressorOption.warnings = options.warnings;

			//remove console.log
			var matchRemoveOption = function(host, method){
				return !options.remove.every(function(element){
				  if(element.indexOf(".") == -1){
				    return element != host;
				  return element != host + '.' + method;
			var removeConsoleTransformer = new UglifyJS.TreeTransformer(function(node, descend){
				if(node instanceof UglifyJS.AST_Call){
					var host, method;
						host = node.expression.start.value;
						method = node.expression.end.value;
					if(host && method){
						if(matchRemoveOption(host, method)){
							return new UglifyJS.AST_Atom();
				descend(node, this);
				return node;
			toplevel = toplevel.transform(removeConsoleTransformer);

			var compressor = UglifyJS.Compressor(compressorOption);
			toplevel = toplevel.transform(compressor);

			//output, has /*$ */ comments
			var stream = UglifyJS.OutputStream({
				comments: function(scope, comment){
					if ( isdebug ){
						return true;
						if(comment.type == 'comment2' && comment.value.charAt(0) === '$' && options.copyright){
							return comment;
						return false;
				space_colon : false,
				//quote_keys: true, object keys加引号
				beautify: options.beautify,
				ascii_only: options.ascii_only

			result = stream.get();

			result = compress.setPrefixBanner(jdf.config.output.hasBanner, source, result) + result + '\r\n';
	}catch (e) {
		if (e && e.message) {
			console.log('jdf error [compress.js] - '+source +' , line:'+e.line +', ' +e.message );
	return result;