Exemple #1
 * Get content based on options
 * could either be a html string or a local file
 * @param opts
 * @returns {{promise: *, tmpfiles: Array}}
function getContentPromise(opts) {
    if (!(opts.src || opts.html) || !opts.base) {
        return Promise.reject(new Error('A valid source and base path are required.'));

    // html passed in directly -> create tmp file and set opts.url
    if (opts.html) {
        return tmp.fileAsync({dir: opts.base, postfix: '.html'})
            .then(function (path) {
                opts.url = path;
                return fs.writeFileAsync(opts.url, opts.html).then(function () {
                    return opts.html;

    // use src file provided
    return assertLocal(opts)(opts.src)
        .then(function (data) {
            // src can either be absolute or relative to opts.base
            if (opts.src !== path.resolve(data) && !isExternal(opts.src)) {
                opts.url = path.join(opts.base, opts.src);
            } else {
                opts.url = path.relative(process.cwd(), data);
            return fs.readFileAsync(opts.url);
 * Get vinyl object based on options
 * could either be a html string or a local file.
 * If opts.src already is a vinyl object it gets returnd without modifications
 * @param {object} opts Options passed to critical
 * @returns {promise} resolves to vinyl object
function getVinylPromise(opts) {
    if (!(opts.src || opts.html) || !opts.base) {
        return Bluebird.reject(new Error('A valid source and base path are required.'));

    if (isVinyl(opts.src)) {
        return new Bluebird(resolve => {

    const file = new File({
        base: opts.base

    if (opts.src && isExternal(opts.src)) {
        file.remotePath = opts.src;
    } else if (opts.src) {
        file.path = opts.src;

    if (opts.html) {
        const folder = generateSourcePath(opts);
        debug('hacky source path folder', folder);

        // Html passed in directly -> create tmp file
        return tmp.fileAsync({dir: opts.base, postfix: '.html'})
            .then(filepath => {
                file.path = filepath;
                file.path = path.join(folder, path.basename(filepath));
                file.base = folder;
                file.contents = Buffer.from(opts.html);
                return fs.writeFileAsync(filepath, file.contents).then(() => {
                    return file;

    // Use src file provided, fetch content and return vinyl
    return assertLocal(opts)(opts.src)
        .then(data => {
            // Src can either be absolute or relative to opts.base
            if (opts.src !== path.resolve(data) && !isExternal(opts.src)) {
                file.path = path.join(opts.base, opts.src);
            } else {
                file.path = path.relative(process.cwd(), data);

            return fs.readFileAsync(file.path).then(contents => {
                file.contents = contents;
                return file;
Exemple #3
 return function (resp) {
     var contentType = resp.headers['content-type'];
     return tmp.fileAsync(_.assign(opts, {postfix: '.' + mime.extension(contentType)}))
         .then(function (path) {
             return fs.writeFileAsync(path, resp.body).then(function () {
                 return path;