Exemple #1
  whereFilter: function( json, params, callback ){
    var where = sql.parse( 'select * from foo where '+ params.where).where;

    var features = [];
    _.each(json.features, function(f){
      var props = f.attributes || f.properties;
      var param = where.conditions.left.value;
      var val = where.conditions.right.value;
      if ( ( this.whereOps[ where.conditions.operation ] && props[ param ] && this.whereOps[ where.conditions.operation ]( props[ param ], val ) ) || param == val ) { 
        features.push( f );
    }, this);
    json.features = features;
    delete params.where;
    // recycle the data + params through the filter fn
    this.filter( json, params, callback );
Exemple #2
    this._query('select info from "'+this.infoTable+'" where id=\''+(key+':'+(options.layer || 0 )+":info")+'\'', function(err, rows){
      if ( err || !rows || !rows.length ){
        callback('Not Found', []);
      } else if (rows[0].info.status == 'processing' && !options.bypassProcessing ) {
        callback( null, [{ status: 'processing' }]);
      } else {
          var info = JSON.parse(rows[0].info);
          var select = 'select feature from "' + key+':'+(options.layer || 0)+'"';

          // parse the where clause
          if ( options.where && options.where != '1=1'){
            var where = sql.parse( 'select * from foo where '+ options.where).where;
            select = self.parseWhere( select, where);

          // parse the geometry param from GeoServices REST
          if ( options.geometry ){

            if ( typeof(options.geometry) == 'string' ){
              try {
                options.geometry = JSON.parse( options.geometry );
              } catch(e){
                console.log('Error parsing options.geometry', options.geometry);
                try {
                  if ( options.geometry.split(',').length == 4 ){
                    var extent = options.geometry.split(',');
                    options.geometry = { spatialReference: {wkid: 4326} };
                    options.geometry.xmin = extent[0];
                    options.geometry.ymin = extent[1];
                    options.geometry.xmax = extent[2];
                    options.geometry.ymax = extent[3];
                } catch(ex){
                  console.log('Error building bbox from', options.geometry);

            if (options.geometry.xmin && options.geometry.ymin ){
              var box = options.geometry;
              if (box.spatialReference.wkid != 4326){
                var mins = merc.inverse( [box.xmin, box.ymin] ),
                  maxs = merc.inverse( [box.xmax, box.ymax] );
                box.xmin = mins[0];
                box.ymin = mins[1];
                box.xmax = maxs[0];
                box.ymax = maxs[1];

              select += (options.where ) ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ';
              select += 'ST_Intersects(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(feature->>\'geometry\'), ST_MakeEnvelope('+box.xmin+','+box.ymin+','+box.xmax+','+box.ymax+'))';

          if ( options.limit ) {
            select += ' LIMIT ' + options.limit;

          self._query( select, function (err, rows) {
            if ( rows && rows.length ) {
              callback( null, [{
                type: 'FeatureCollection',
                features: _.map(_.pluck(rows, 'feature'), function(jsonStr) { return JSON.parse(jsonStr); }),
                name: info.name,
                sha: info.sha,
                info: info.info,
                updated_at: info.updated_at
            } else {
              callback( 'Not Found', [{
                type: 'FeatureCollection',
                features: []