Exemple #1
  defer(function() {
    var err;

    try {

    } catch (e) {
      err = e;

    var element = rootHandler.element;

    // handle the situation that we could not extract
    // the desired root element from the document
    if (!err && !element) {
      err = error('failed to parse document as <' + rootHandler.type.$descriptor.name + '>');

    done(err, err ? undefined : element, context);
Exemple #2
Reader.prototype.fromXML = function(xml, options, done) {

  var rootHandler = options.rootHandler;

  if (options instanceof ElementHandler) {
    // root handler passed via (xml, { rootHandler: ElementHandler }, ...)
    rootHandler = options;
    options = {};
  } else {
    if (typeof options === 'string') {
      // rootHandler passed via (xml, 'someString', ...)
      rootHandler = this.handler(options);
      options = {};
    } else if (typeof rootHandler === 'string') {
      // rootHandler passed via (xml, { rootHandler: 'someString' }, ...)
      rootHandler = this.handler(rootHandler);

  var model = this.model,
      lax = this.lax;

  var context = new Context(assign({}, options, { rootHandler: rootHandler })),
      parser = new SaxParser({ proxy: true }),
      stack = createStack();

  rootHandler.context = context;

  // push root handler

   * Handle error.
   * @param  {Error} err
   * @param  {Function} getContext
   * @param  {boolean} lax
   * @return {boolean} true if handled
  function handleError(err, getContext, lax) {

    var ctx = getContext();

    var line = ctx.line,
        column = ctx.column,
        data = ctx.data;

    // we receive the full context data here,
    // for elements trim down the information
    // to the tag name, only
    if (data.charAt(0) === '<' && data.indexOf(' ') !== -1) {
      data = data.slice(0, data.indexOf(' ')) + '>';

    var message =
      'unparsable content ' + (data ? data + ' ' : '') + 'detected\n\t' +
        'line: ' + line + '\n\t' +
        'column: ' + column + '\n\t' +
        'nested error: ' + err.message;

    if (lax) {
        message: message,
        error: err

      return true;
    } else {
      throw error(message);

  function handleWarning(err, getContext) {
    // just like handling errors in <lax=true> mode
    return handleError(err, getContext, true);

   * Resolve collected references on parse end.
  function resolveReferences() {

    var elementsById = context.elementsById;
    var references = context.references;

    var i, r;

    for (i = 0; (r = references[i]); i++) {
      var element = r.element;
      var reference = elementsById[r.id];
      var property = getModdleDescriptor(element).propertiesByName[r.property];

      if (!reference) {
          message: 'unresolved reference <' + r.id + '>',
          element: r.element,
          property: r.property,
          value: r.id

      if (property.isMany) {
        var collection = element.get(property.name),
            idx = collection.indexOf(r);

        // we replace an existing place holder (idx != -1) or
        // append to the collection instead
        if (idx === -1) {
          idx = collection.length;

        if (!reference) {
          // remove unresolvable reference
          collection.splice(idx, 1);
        } else {
          // add or update reference in collection
          collection[idx] = reference;
      } else {
        element.set(property.name, reference);

  function handleClose() {

  var PREAMBLE_START_PATTERN = /^<\?xml /i;

  var ENCODING_PATTERN = / encoding="([^"]+)"/i;

  var UTF_8_PATTERN = /^utf-8$/i;

  function handleQuestion(question) {

    if (!PREAMBLE_START_PATTERN.test(question)) {

    var match = ENCODING_PATTERN.exec(question);
    var encoding = match && match[1];

    if (!encoding || UTF_8_PATTERN.test(encoding)) {

        'unsupported document encoding <' + encoding + '>, ' +
        'falling back to UTF-8'

  function handleOpen(node, getContext) {
    var handler = stack.peek();

    try {
    } catch (err) {

      if (handleError(err, getContext, lax)) {
        stack.push(new NoopHandler());

  function handleCData(text, getContext) {

    try {
    } catch (err) {
      handleWarning(err, getContext);

  function handleText(text, getContext) {
    // strip whitespace only nodes, i.e. before
    // <!CDATA[ ... ]> sections and in between tags
    text = text.trim();

    if (!text) {

    handleCData(text, getContext);

  var uriMap = model.getPackages().reduce(function(uriMap, p) {
    uriMap[p.uri] = p.prefix;

    return uriMap;
  }, {});

    .on('openTag', function(obj, decodeStr, selfClosing, getContext) {

      // gracefully handle unparsable attributes (attrs=false)
      var attrs = obj.attrs || {};

      var decodedAttrs = Object.keys(attrs).reduce(function(d, key) {
        var value = decodeStr(attrs[key]);

        d[key] = value;

        return d;
      }, {});

      var node = {
        name: obj.name,
        originalName: obj.originalName,
        attributes: decodedAttrs,
        ns: obj.ns

      handleOpen(node, getContext);
    .on('question', handleQuestion)
    .on('closeTag', handleClose)
    .on('cdata', handleCData)
    .on('text', function(text, decodeEntities, getContext) {
      handleText(decodeEntities(text), getContext);
    .on('error', handleError)
    .on('warn', handleWarning);

  // deferred parse XML to make loading really ascnchronous
  // this ensures the execution environment (node or browser)
  // is kept responsive and that certain optimization strategies
  // can kick in
  defer(function() {
    var err;

    try {

    } catch (e) {
      err = e;

    var element = rootHandler.element;

    // handle the situation that we could not extract
    // the desired root element from the document
    if (!err && !element) {
      err = error('failed to parse document as <' + rootHandler.type.$descriptor.name + '>');

    done(err, err ? undefined : element, context);