export function alias_hook(path, module, project_path, aliases, log)
	// possibly alias the path
	const aliased_path = alias(path, aliases)

	// return if an alias not found
	if (!aliased_path)

	// if an alias is found, require() the correct path
	log.debug(`require("${path}") was called and an alias was found, so aliasing to module path "${aliased_path}"`)

	// resolve the path to a real filesystem path (resolves `npm link`, etc)
	const global_path = require_hacker.resolve(aliased_path, module)
	log.debug(` resolved the path for the aliased module to ${global_path}`)

	return global_path

	// const result = require(global_path)
	// // log.debug(` the path was found`)

	// return require_hacker.to_javascript_module_source(result)
requireHacker.resolver(function(pathName, module) {
  for (let alias in webpackConfig.resolve.alias) {
    if (pathName === alias || pathName.indexOf(alias + '/') === 0) {
      pathName = pathName.substring(alias.length);
      let clientPath = path.join(webpackConfig.resolve.alias[alias], pathName);
      return requireHacker.resolve(clientPath, module);