Exemple #1
function unpublish (args, cb) {
  if (args.length > 1) return cb(unpublish.usage)

  var thing = args.length ? npa(args[0]) : {}
    , project = thing.name
    , version = thing.rawSpec

  log.silly("unpublish", "args[0]", args[0])
  log.silly("unpublish", "thing", thing)
  if (!version && !npm.config.get("force")) {
    return cb("Refusing to delete entire project.\n"
             + "Run with --force to do this.\n"
             + unpublish.usage)

  if (!project || path.resolve(project) === npm.prefix) {
    // if there's a package.json in the current folder, then
    // read the package name and version out of that.
    var cwdJson = path.join(process.cwd(), "package.json")
    return readJson(cwdJson, function (er, data) {
      if (er && er.code !== "ENOENT" && er.code !== "ENOTDIR") return cb(er)
      if (er) return cb("Usage:\n" + unpublish.usage)
      gotProject(data.name, data.version, cb)
  return gotProject(project, version, cb)
Exemple #2
  else args = args.map(function (a) {
    var p = npa(a)
      , name = p.name
      , ver = semver.validRange(p.rawSpec) || ""

    return [ name, ver ]
Exemple #3
function filter (data, args, set, seen) {
  if (!set) set = {}
  if (!seen) seen = {}
  if (set.hasOwnProperty(data.path)) return set
  if (seen.hasOwnProperty(data.path)) return set
  seen[data.path] = true
  var pass
  if (!args.length) pass = true // rebuild everything
  else if (data.name && data._id) {
    for (var i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
      var arg = args[i]
      var nv = npa(arg)
      var n = nv.name
      var v = nv.rawSpec
      if (n !== data.name) continue
      if (!semver.satisfies(data.version, v, true)) continue
      pass = true
  if (pass && data._id) {
    log.verbose('rebuild', 'path, id', [data.path, data._id])
    set[data.path] = data._id
  // need to also dive through kids, always.
  // since this isn't an install these won't get auto-built unless
  // they're not dependencies.
  Object.keys(data.dependencies || {}).forEach(function (d) {
    // return
    var dep = data.dependencies[d]
    if (typeof dep === 'string') return
    filter(dep, args, set, seen)
  return set
    function processQueue(graph) {
      if (typeof progress === 'function') {

      var work = queue.pop();

      // TODO: This will not work for non-npm names (e.g. git+https://, etc.)
      var escapedName = npa(work.name).escapedName;
      if (!escapedName) {
        // this will not work for non-npm packages. e.g. git+https:// , etc.
        throw new Error('TODO: Escaped name is missing for ' + work.name);

      var cached = cache[work.name];
      if (cached) {
        return new Promise(function(resolve) {

      return http(url + escapedName).then(processRegistryResponse);

      function processRegistryResponse(res) {
        cache[work.name] = res;
        traverseDependencies(work, res.data);

        if (queue.length) {
          // continue building the graph
          return processQueue(graph);

        return graph;
module.exports = function(name) {
  if (!name) {
    return null;

  return npa(name).name;
test('fetch-package-metadata provides resolved metadata', function (t) {

  var fetchPackageMetadata = require('../../lib/fetch-package-metadata')

  var testPackage = npa('test-package@>=0.0.0')

  mr({ port: common.port }, thenFetchMetadata)

  var server
  function thenFetchMetadata (err, s) {
    t.ifError(err, 'setup mock registry')
    server = s

    fetchPackageMetadata(testPackage, __dirname, thenVerifyMetadata)

  function thenVerifyMetadata (err, pkg) {
    t.ifError(err, 'fetched metadata')

    t.equals(pkg._resolved, 'http://localhost:1337/test-package/-/test-package-0.0.0.tgz', '_resolved')
    t.equals(pkg._integrity, 'sha1-sNMrbEXCWcV4uiADdisgUTG9+9E=', '_integrity')
Exemple #7
module.exports = function (spec, where, cb) {
  if (where instanceof Function) { cb = where; where = null }
  if (where == null) where = "."
  cb = dz(cb)
  try {
    var dep = npa(spec)
  catch (e) {
    return cb(e)
  if ((dep.type == "range" || dep.type == "version") && dep.name != dep.raw) return cb(null, dep)
  var specpath = dep.type == "local"
               ? path.resolve(where, dep.spec)
               : path.resolve(dep.rawSpec? dep.rawSpec: dep.name)
  fs.stat(specpath, function (er, s) {
    if (er) return finalize()
    if (!s.isDirectory()) return finalize("local")
    fs.stat(path.join(specpath, "package.json"), function (er) {
      finalize(er ? null : "directory")
  function finalize(type) {
    if (type != null && type != dep.type) {
      dep.type = type
      if (! dep.rawSpec) {
        dep.rawSpec = dep.name
        dep.name = null
    if (dep.type == "local" || dep.type == "directory") dep.spec = specpath
    cb(null, dep)
Exemple #8
 return BB.fromNode((cb) => {
   let launcher = localWorker
   let msg = args
   const spec = typeof args[0] === 'string' ? npa(args[0]) : args[0]
   args[0] = spec.raw
   if (ENABLE_WORKERS && (isRegistry(spec) || spec.type === 'remote')) {
     // We can't serialize these options
     opts = opts.concat({
       loglevel: opts.log.level,
       log: null,
       dirPacker: null,
       Promise: null,
       _events: null,
       _eventsCount: null,
       list: null,
       sources: null,
       _maxListeners: null,
       root: null
     // workers will run things in parallel!
     launcher = workers
     try {
       msg = JSON.stringify(msg)
     } catch (e) {
       return cb(e)
   launcher(msg, cb)
 }).then(() => {
Exemple #9
function accessAssertions (subcommand, uri, params, cb) {
         'access subcommand must be one of ' +
         Object.keys(subcommands).join(', '))
    'uri': [uri, 'string'],
    'params': [params, 'object'],
    'auth': [params.auth, 'object'],
    'callback': [cb, 'function']
  if (contains([
    'public', 'restricted'
  ], subcommand)) {
    typeChecks({ 'package': [params.package, 'string'] })
           'access commands are only accessible for scoped packages')
  if (contains(['grant', 'revoke', 'ls-packages'], subcommand)) {
    typeChecks({ 'scope': [params.scope, 'string'] })
  if (contains(['grant', 'revoke'], subcommand)) {
    typeChecks({ 'team': [params.team, 'string'] })
  if (subcommand === 'grant') {
    typeChecks({ 'permissions': [params.permissions, 'string'] })
    assert(params.permissions === 'read-only' ||
           params.permissions === 'read-write',
           'permissions must be either read-only or read-write')
Exemple #10
Project.local = function (name, path, json) {
	var p = new Project(name, path, true);
	p.json = json;
	p.repository = json.repository ? npa(json.name + '@' + json.repository.url) : null;
	p.dependencies = _.extend({}, json.dependencies, json.devDependencies);
	return p;
function addBundled (pkg, next) {
  validate('OF', arguments)
  if (!pacoteOpts) {
    pacoteOpts = require('./config/pacote')
  if (pkg._bundled !== undefined) return next(null, pkg)

  if (!pkg.bundleDependencies && pkg._requested.type !== 'directory') return next(null, pkg)
  const requested = pkg._requested || npa(pkg._from)
  if (requested.type === 'directory') {
    pkg._bundled = null
    return readPackageTree(pkg._requested.fetchSpec, function (er, tree) {
      if (tree) pkg._bundled = tree.children
      return next(null, pkg)
  pkg._bundled = null
  const target = tempFilename('unpack')
  const opts = pacoteOpts({integrity: pkg._integrity})
  pacote.extract(pkg._resolved || pkg._requested || npa.resolve(pkg.name, pkg.version), target, opts).then(() => {
    log.silly('addBundled', 'read tarball')
    readPackageTree(target, (err, tree) => {
      if (err) { return next(err) }
      log.silly('cleanup', 'remove extracted module')
      rimraf(target, function () {
        if (tree) {
          pkg._bundled = tree.children
        next(null, pkg)
  }, next)
Exemple #12
    args = args.map(function (a) {
      var p = npa(a)
      var name = p.name
      var ver = semver.validRange(p.rawSpec) || ''

      return [ name, ver ]
Exemple #13
function view (args, silent, cb) {
  if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = silent, silent = false

  if (!args.length) args = ["."]

  var pkg = args.shift()
    , nv = npa(pkg)
    , name = nv.name
    , local = (name === "." || !name)

  if (npm.config.get("global") && local) {
    return cb(new Error("Cannot use view command in global mode."))

  if (local) {
    var dir = npm.prefix
    readJson(path.resolve(dir, "package.json"), function (er, d) {
      d = d || {}
      if (er && er.code !== "ENOENT" && er.code !== "ENOTDIR") return cb(er)
      if (!d.name) return cb(new Error("Invalid package.json"))

      var p = d.name
      nv = npa(p)
      if (pkg && ~pkg.indexOf("@")) {
        nv.rawSpec = pkg.split("@")[pkg.indexOf("@")]

      fetchAndRead(nv, args, silent, cb)
  } else {
    fetchAndRead(nv, args, silent, cb)
Exemple #14
		var extractPackageName = function() {
			var packageType;
			try {
				packageType = npa(source).type;
			catch(e) {
				return done(e);

			if (packageType==="git" || packageType==="hosted") {
				console.log("  Cloning "+source);
				npm.commands.cache.add(source,null,null,false,function(err, packageInfo) {
					if (err) return done(err);
					if (packageInfo && packageInfo.name) {
						if (!target) setTarget(packageInfo.name);
					return done("Package has no name");
			else {
				if (!target) setTarget(source);
Exemple #15
// we've already decided to install this.  if anything's in the way,
// then uninstall it first.
function installOne (target, where, context, cb) {
  // the --link flag makes this a "link" command if it's at the
  // the top level.
  var isGit = false
  var type = npa(target._from).type
  if (target && target._from) isGit = type === 'git' || type === 'hosted'

  if (where === npm.prefix && npm.config.get("link")
      && !npm.config.get("global") && !isGit) {
    return localLink(target, where, context, cb)
  installOne_(target, where, context, function (er, installedWhat) {

    // check if this one is optional to its parent.
    if (er && context.parent && context.parent.optionalDependencies &&
        context.parent.optionalDependencies.hasOwnProperty(target.name)) {
      log.warn("optional dep failed, continuing", target._id)
      log.verbose("optional dep failed, continuing", [target._id, er])
      er = null

    cb(er, installedWhat)

Exemple #16
 arg.reduce((acc, child, ii) => {
   if (!acc) {
     // We might not always be able to find `target` through the given
     // path. If we can't we'll just ignore it.
   const spec = npa(child)
   const target = (
     acc.requires.find(n => n.package.name === spec.name) ||
       n => audit.scrub(n.package.name, this.runId) === spec.name
   if (target && ii === arg.length - 1) {
     target.loaded = false
     // This kills `hasModernMeta()` and forces a re-fetch
     target.package = {
       name: spec.name,
       version: spec.fetchSpec,
       _requested: target.package._requested
     delete target.fakeChild
     let parent = target.parent
     while (parent) {
       parent.loaded = false
       parent = parent.parent
     target.requiredBy.forEach(par => {
       par.loaded = false
       delete par.fakeChild
   return target
 }, this.idealTree)
Exemple #17
    npm.registry.get(uri, options, function (er, pkgs) {
      if (er) return cb()
      if (!opts.partialWord) return cb(null, pkgs)

      var name = npa(opts.partialWord).name
      pkgs = pkgs.filter(function (p) {
        return p.indexOf(name) === 0

      if (pkgs.length !== 1 && opts.partialWord === name) {
        return cb(null, pkgs)

      mapToRegistry(pkgs[0], npm.config, function (er, uri) {
        if (er) return cb(er)

        npm.registry.get(uri, options, function (er, d) {
          if (er) return cb()
          return cb(null, Object.keys(d["dist-tags"] || {})
                    .concat(Object.keys(d.versions || {}))
                    .map(function (t) {
                      return pkgs[0] + "@" + t
Exemple #18
function manifest (spec, opts) {
  opts = optCheck(opts)
  spec = typeof spec === 'string' ? npa(spec, opts.where) : spec

  const label = [
    spec.saveSpec || spec.fetchSpec,
  return pinflight(label, () => {
    const startTime = Date.now()
    return fetchManifest(spec, opts).then(rawManifest => {
      return finalizeManifest(rawManifest, spec, opts)
    }).then(manifest => {
      if (opts.annotate) {
        manifest._from = spec.saveSpec || spec.raw
        manifest._requested = spec
        manifest._spec = spec.raw
        manifest._where = opts.where
      const elapsedTime = Date.now() - startTime
      opts.log.silly('pacote', `${spec.type} manifest for ${spec.name}@${spec.saveSpec || spec.fetchSpec} fetched in ${elapsedTime}ms`)
      return manifest
Exemple #19
  *  @private
 parsePackage() {
   if(!this._package) {
     const npa = require('npm-package-arg')
     let href = this.href.replace(RE, ''); 
     this._package = npa(href);
   return this._package;
Exemple #20
  asyncMap(Object.keys(tree), function (k, cb) {
    // if "from" is remote, git, or hosted, then save that instead.
    var t = tree[k]
      , f = npa(t.from)
      , a = npa(t.what)
      , w = [a.name, a.spec]

    fs.stat(t.from, function (er){
      if (!er) {
        w[1] = "file:" + t.from
      } else if (['hosted', 'git', 'remote'].indexOf(f.type) !== -1) {
        w[1] = t.from
      cb(null, [w])
Exemple #21
 o.dependencies = tree[p].children.map(function P (dep) {
    var what = npa(dep.what)
      , name = what.name
      , version = what.spec
      , o = { version: version, from: dep.from }
    o.dependencies = dep.children.map(P).reduce(red, {})
    return [name, o]
  }).reduce(red, {})
Exemple #22
 return libaccess.lsPackages(username, opts).then(access => {
   // do a bit of filtering at this point, so that we don't need
   // to fetch versions for more than one thing, but also don't
   // accidentally a whole project.
   let pkgs = Object.keys(access)
   if (!cliOpts.partialWord || !pkgs.length) { return pkgs }
   const pp = npa(cliOpts.partialWord).name
   pkgs = pkgs.filter(p => !p.indexOf(pp))
   if (pkgs.length > 1) return pkgs
   return npmFetch.json(npa(pkgs[0]).escapedName, opts).then(doc => {
     const vers = Object.keys(doc.versions)
     if (!vers.length) {
       return pkgs
     } else {
       return vers.map(v => `${pkgs[0]}@${v}`)
Exemple #23
 , things = Object.keys(tree).map(function (k) {
     // if "what" was a url, then save that instead.
     var t = tree[k]
       , u = url.parse(t.from)
       , a = npa(t.what)
       , w = [a.name, a.spec]
     if (u && u.protocol) w[1] = t.from
     return w
   }).reduce(function (set, k) {
Exemple #24
function nonRegistrySource (pkg) {
  validate('O', arguments)
  var requested = pkg._requested || (pkg._from && npa(pkg._from))
  if (!requested) return false

  if (requested.type === 'hosted') return true
  if (requested.type === 'file' || requested.type === 'directory') return true
  return false
function mapToRegistry (name, config, cb) {
  log.silly('mapToRegistry', 'name', name)
  var registry

  // the name itself takes precedence
  var data = npa(name)
  if (data.scope) {
    // the name is definitely scoped, so escape now
    name = name.replace('/', '%2f')

    log.silly('mapToRegistry', 'scope (from package name)', data.scope)

    registry = config.get(data.scope + ':registry')
    if (!registry) {
      log.verbose('mapToRegistry', 'no registry URL found in name for scope', data.scope)

  // ...then --scope=@scope or --scope=scope
  var scope = config.get('scope')
  if (!registry && scope) {
    // I'm an enabler, sorry
    if (scope.charAt(0) !== '@') scope = '@' + scope

    log.silly('mapToRegistry', 'scope (from config)', scope)

    registry = config.get(scope + ':registry')
    if (!registry) {
      log.verbose('mapToRegistry', 'no registry URL found in config for scope', scope)

  // ...and finally use the default registry
  if (!registry) {
    log.silly('mapToRegistry', 'using default registry')
    registry = config.get('registry')

  log.silly('mapToRegistry', 'registry', registry)

  var auth = config.getCredentialsByURI(registry)

  // normalize registry URL so resolution doesn't drop a piece of registry URL
  var normalized = registry.slice(-1) !== '/' ? registry + '/' : registry
  var uri
  log.silly('mapToRegistry', 'data', data)
  if (data.type === 'remote') {
    uri = data.fetchSpec
  } else {
    uri = url.resolve(normalized, name)

  log.silly('mapToRegistry', 'uri', uri)

  cb(null, uri, scopeAuth(uri, registry, auth), normalized)
Exemple #26
      readDependencies(context, targetFolder, opt, function (er, data, wrap) {
        if (er) return cb(er);
        var deps = prepareForInstallMany(data, "dependencies", bundled, wrap,
        var depsTargetFolder = targetFolder
        var depsContext = { family: family
                          , ancestors: context.ancestors
                          , parent: target
                          , explicit: false
                          , wrap: wrap }

        var actions =
          [ [ installManyAndBuild, deps, depsTargetFolder, depsContext ] ]

        // FIXME: This is an accident waiting to happen!
        // 1. If multiple children at the same level of the tree share a
        //    peerDependency that's not in the parent's dependencies, because
        //    the peerDeps don't get added to the family, they will keep
        //    getting reinstalled (worked around by inflighting installOne).
        // 2. The installer can't safely build at the parent level because
        //    that's already being done by the parent's installAndBuild. This
        //    runs the risk of the peerDependency never getting built.
        //  The fix: Don't install peerDependencies; require them to be
        //  included as explicit dependencies / devDependencies, and warn
        //  or error when they're missing. See #5080 for more arguments in
        //  favor of killing implicit peerDependency installs with fire.
        var peerDeps = prepareForInstallMany(data, "peerDependencies", bundled,
            wrap, family)
        peerDeps.forEach(function (pd) {
              "The peer dependency "+pd+" included from "+data.name+" will no",
              "longer be automatically installed to fulfill the peerDependency ",
              "in npm 3+. Your application will need to depend on it explicitly."
            ], pd+","+data.name)

        // Package scopes cause an addditional tree level which needs to be
        // considered when resolving a peerDependency's target folder.
        var pdTargetFolder
        if (npa(target.name).scope) {
          pdTargetFolder = path.resolve(targetFolder, '../../..')
        } else {
          pdTargetFolder = path.resolve(targetFolder, '../..')

        var pdContext = context
        if (peerDeps.length > 0) {
            [ installMany, peerDeps, pdTargetFolder, pdContext ]

        chain(actions, cb)
Exemple #27
    function processQueue(graph) {
      if (typeof progress === 'function') {

      var work = queue.pop();

      var cached = cache[getCacheKey(work)];
      if (cached) {
        return new Promise(function(resolve) {

      if (isRemote(work.version)) {
        // TODO: This will not download remote dependencies (e.g. git-based)
        return new Promise(function(resolve) {
          resolve(processRegistryResponse({data: {}}));

      var escapedName = npa(work.name).escapedName;
      if (!escapedName && isHttp(work.name)) {
        return http(work.name).then(res => {
          if (res.data) {
            // TODO: Validate pkg json
            var pkgJSON = res.data;
            pkgJSON._id = pkgJSON.name + '@' + pkgJSON.version;
            var versions = {};
            versions[pkgJSON.version] = pkgJSON;

            return processRegistryResponse({
              data: Object.assign({}, { versions: versions })
          throw new Error('Unexpected response');
      if (!escapedName) {
        throw new Error('TODO: Escaped name is missing for ' + work.name);

      return http(url + escapedName).then(processRegistryResponse);

      function processRegistryResponse(res) {
        cache[getCacheKey(work)] = res;
        traverseDependencies(work, res.data);

        if (queue.length) {
          // continue building the graph
          return processQueue(graph);

        return graph;
function add (args, where, cb) {
  // this is hot code.  almost everything passes through here.
  // the args can be any of:
  // ["url"]
  // ["pkg", "version"]
  // ["pkg@version"]
  // ["pkg", "url"]
  // This is tricky, because urls can contain @
  // Also, in some cases we get [name, null] rather
  // that just a single argument.

  var usage = "Usage:\n"
            + "    npm cache add <tarball-url>\n"
            + "    npm cache add <pkg>@<ver>\n"
            + "    npm cache add <tarball>\n"
            + "    npm cache add <folder>\n"
    , spec
    , p

  log.silly("cache add", "args", args)

  if (args[1] === undefined) args[1] = null

  // at this point the args length must ==2
  if (args[1] !== null) {
    spec = args[0]+"@"+args[1]
  } else if (args.length === 2) {
    spec = args[0]

  log.verbose("cache add", "spec", spec)

  if (!spec) return cb(usage)

  if (adding <= 0) {
  adding ++
  cb = afterAdd(cb)

  // package.json can have local URI ("file:") dependencies which require
  // normalization
  p = npa(spec)
  if (p.type === "local" && where) spec = path.resolve(where, p.spec)
  log.silly("cache add", "parsed spec", p)

  // short-circuit local installs
  fs.stat(spec, function (er, s) {
    if (er) return addNonLocal(spec, cb)
    if (!s.isDirectory()) return addAndLogLocal(spec, cb)
    fs.stat(path.join(spec, "package.json"), function (er) {
      if (er) return addNonLocal(spec, cb)
      addAndLogLocal(spec, cb)
Exemple #29
Fichier : ls.js Projet : 1nd/npm
 args = args.map(function (a) {
   var p = npa(a)
   var name = p.name
   // When version spec is missing, we'll skip using it when filtering.
   // Otherwise, `semver.validRange` would return '*', which won't
   // match prerelease versions.
   var ver = (p.rawSpec &&
              (semver.validRange(p.rawSpec) || ''))
   return [ name, ver, a ]
Exemple #30
 function n (er, data) {
   if (er) return cb(er, data)
   // install returns [ [folder, pkgId], ... ]
   // but we definitely installed just one thing.
   var d = data.filter(function (d) { return !d[3] })
   var what = npa(d[0][0])
   pp = d[0][1]
   pkg = what.name
   target = path.resolve(npm.dir, pkg)