Exemple #1
export const MetaInfoType = Serrurier.createClass({
  name: 'MetaInfoType',
  fields: {
     * @type {string}
     * @instance
     * @memberof MetaInfoType#
    name: String,
     * @type {string}
     * @instance
     * @memberof MetaInfoType#
     * @desc Css color
    color: String,
     * @type {number}
     * @instance
     * @memberof MetaInfoType#
     * @desc Unique identifier, must be an integer.
    _id: {
      type: Number,
      validators: [{
        type: 'integer'
     * @type {number}
     * @instance
     * @memberof MetaInfoType#
     * @desc Parent unique identifier in the Type tree, must be an integer or null.
     * A type with a parentId to null is an abstract type.
     * A type with a non-null parentId is a concrete type.
    parentId: {
      type: Number,
      validators: [ valid.nullOrInteger() ],
      optional: true,
      default: null
Exemple #2
export const MetaInfoTypes = Serrurier.createClass({
  name: 'MetaInfoTypes',
  methods: {
     * @desc push a new type
     * @param {!MetaInfoType} type
     * @param {!Array.<Number>=} childrenIds - An array of numbers corresponding to children Ids of this type instance
     * @param {boolean=} forceId - If true, don't build up an inferred id.
     * @memberof MetaInfoTypes#
     * @instance
    pushType (type, childrenIds = [], forceId = false) {
      const action = `${this.getTypeName()}#pushType`
      // perform security checks
      ensures(action, type, this.getTypeClass())
      ensures(action, childrenIds, Array)
      if (includes(this.getAllTypesIds(), type._id)) throw new TypeError('Cannot push a type which id already exists.')
      const depends = partial(includes, childrenIds)
      // infer id
      if (!forceId) {
        type._id = 0
        let ids = this.getAllTypesIds()
        type._id = max(ids) + 1
      } else {
      // refer children
      if (childrenIds.length) {
          .forEach((child) => {
            child.parentId = type._id
     * @desc Remove type and update children's parentIds to this type parentId
     * @memberof MetaInfoTypes#
     * @instance
     * @param {Number|MetaInfoType} type - The type or unique identifier to be removed
     * @throws {ReferenceError} When no matching type corresponds to the provided id.
    removeType (type) {
      let fetched
      const isChild = (type) => type._id === fetched._id
      if (type instanceof this.getTypeClass()) {
        fetched = find(this._types, (tp) => tp._id === type._id)
      } else if (isInteger(type)) {
        fetched = find(this._types, (id) => id === type)
      } else throw new TypeError(`Argument 'type' must be of type String or instanceof ${this.getTypeName()}`)
      if (!fetched) throw new ReferenceError(`No ${this.getTypeName()} found matching id ${type._id || type}`)
      pull(this._types, fetched)
      // update children parentId to this type parentId
      _(this._types).filter(isChild).forEach((child) => {
        child.parentId = type.parentId
     * @desc Update type
     * @memberof MetaInfoTypes#
     * @instance
     * @param {!MetaInfoType} type - The type or unique identifier to be removed
     * @throws {ReferenceError} When no matching type corresponds to the provided type.
    updateType (type) {
      const action = `${this.getTypeName()}#updateType`
      ensures(action, type, this.getTypeClass())
      const index = findIndex(this._types, pick(type, '_id'))
      if (index !== -1) this._types.splice(index, 1, type)
      else throw new ReferenceError(`No ${this.getTypeName()} found with id ${type._id}`)
     * @instance
     * @memberof MetaInfoTypes#
     * @return {Class} The Astronomy class the collection is made of.
    getTypeClass () {
      return MetaInfoType
     * @instance
     * @memberof MetaInfoTypes#
     * @return {string} Associated type name
    getTypeName () {
      // noinspection JSCheckFunctionSignatures
      return this.getTypeClass().getName()
     * Fetch a single type from id
     * @param typeId
    getType (typeId) {
      return find(this._types, (type) => type._id === typeId)
     * @instance
     * @memberof MetaInfoTypes#
     * @return {number[]}
    getAllTypesIds () {
      return _(this._types).map('_id').value()
     * @instance
     * @memberof MetaInfoTypes#
     * @return {MetaInfoType[]}
    getAllTypes () {
      return this._types
     * @instance
     * @memberof MetaInfoTypes#
     * @return {number[]} - Concrete types ids, i.e. with parentId
     * @see MetaInfoType#parentId
    getConcreteTypesIds () {
      // noinspection JSCheckFunctionSignatures
      return _(this._types).filter(hasParent).map('_id').value()
     * @instance
     * @memberof MetaInfoTypes#
     * @return {number[]} - Abstract types ids, i.e. without parentId
     * @see MetaInfoType#parentId
    getAbstractTypesIds () {
      // noinspection JSCheckFunctionSignatures
      return _(this._types).reject(hasParent).map('_id').value()
     * @instance
     * @memberof MetaInfoTypes#
     * @return {MetaInfoType[]} - Concrete types, i.e. with parentId
     * @see MetaInfoType#parentId
    getConcreteTypes () {
      return _(this._types).filter(hasParent).sortBy('_id').value()
  fields: {
     * @type {MetaInfoType[]}
     * @instance
     * @memberof MetaInfoTypes#
     * @default []
     * @private
    _types: {
      type: [MetaInfoType],
      default: []
import { SecurityException, Serrurier } from 'meteor/svein:serrurier';
import name from './name';
Serrurier.subscribeServerReporter( SecurityException, name );