Meteor.loginWithSaml = function(options, callback) {
	options = options || {};
	options.credentialToken = Meteor.default_connection._lastSessionId;

	Accounts.saml.initiateLogin(options, function(/* error, result*/) {
			methodArguments: [{
				saml: true,
			userCallback: callback,
				_saml.validateResponse(req.body.SAMLResponse, req.body.RelayState, function(err, profile/* , loggedOut*/) {
					if (err) {
						throw new Error(`Unable to validate response url: ${ err }`);

					const credentialToken = (profile.inResponseToId && profile.inResponseToId.value) || profile.inResponseToId || profile.InResponseTo || samlObject.credentialToken;
					const loginResult = {
					if (!credentialToken) {
						// No credentialToken in IdP-initiated SSO
						const saml_idp_credentialToken =;
						Accounts.saml.storeCredential(saml_idp_credentialToken, loginResult);

						const url = `${ Meteor.absoluteUrl('home') }?saml_idp_credentialToken=${ saml_idp_credentialToken }`;
						res.writeHead(302, {
							Location: url,
					} else {
						Accounts.saml.storeCredential(credentialToken, loginResult);
Accounts.registerLoginHandler(function(loginRequest) {
	if (!loginRequest.saml) {
		return undefined;

	const loginResult = Accounts.saml.retrieveCredential(;
	if (Accounts.saml.settings.debug) {
		console.log(`RESULT :${ JSON.stringify(loginResult) }`);

	if (loginResult === undefined) {
		return {
			type: 'saml',
			error: new Meteor.Error(Accounts.LoginCancelledError.numericError, 'No matching login attempt found'),

	if (loginResult && loginResult.profile && {
		const emailList = Array.isArray( ? : [];
		const emailRegex = new RegExp( => `^${ RegExp.escape(email) }$`).join('|'), 'i');
		let user = Meteor.users.findOne({
			'emails.address': emailRegex,

		if (!user) {
			const newUser = {
				name: loginResult.profile.displayName || || loginResult.profile.username,
				active: true,
				globalRoles: ['user'],
				emails: => ({
					address: email,
					verified: true,

			if (Accounts.saml.settings.generateUsername === true) {
				const username = generateUsernameSuggestion(newUser);
				if (username) {
					newUser.username = username;
			} else if (loginResult.profile.username) {
				newUser.username = loginResult.profile.username;

			const userId = Accounts.insertUserDoc({}, newUser);
			user = Meteor.users.findOne(userId);

		// creating the token and adding to the user
		const stampedToken = Accounts._generateStampedLoginToken();
		Meteor.users.update(user, {
			$push: {
				'services.resume.loginTokens': stampedToken,

		const samlLogin = {
			provider: Accounts.saml.RelayState,
			idp: loginResult.profile.issuer,
			idpSession: loginResult.profile.sessionIndex,
			nameID: loginResult.profile.nameID,

			_id: user._id,
		}, {
			$set: {
				// TBD this should be pushed, otherwise we're only able to SSO into a single IDP at a time
				'services.saml': samlLogin,

		// sending token along with the userId
		const result = {
			userId: user._id,
			token: stampedToken.token,

		return result;

	} else {
		throw new Error('SAML Profile did not contain an email address');