Exemple #1
  function flush(callback) {
    // Perform the transformation
    var parsed,
        dictionary = util.merge(that.dict, process.env);

    try {
      parsed = JSON.parse(buffer.toString());
    catch(e) {
      // Return with an error callback
      return callback(e);

    transformed = util.mapNested(parsed, function(val) {
      return util.substitute(val, dictionary);
    this.push(JSON.stringify(transformed)); // jshint ignore:line
Exemple #2
 * Pass a configuration to configify. Returns a new instance of
 * configify, leaving the existing instance intact.
 * Currently the only option to configure is the dictionary to use
 * for value substitutions that overrides environment variables.
 * @alias module:browserify-configify.configure
 * @example
 * ```js
 * var options = {
 *   dict: { HOME: '/home/configify' }
 * };
 * var configured = configify.configure(options);
 * b.transform(configured);
 * ```
 * @param {Object} opts The configuration object to pass.
 * @return {Function} A new instance of configify, with the given options
function configure(opts) {
  // Rebind the configy for new options
  var options = util.merge(opts, defaults);

  return configify.bind(options);