jsonApi.listen = (port, callback) => {
        base: "rest",
  		port: 4000,


    if (callback) {

        resource: "articles",
        handlers: new jsonApi.MemoryHandler(),
        attributes: {
            title: jsonApi.Joi.string().required(),
            url: jsonApi.Joi.string().uri(),
            body: jsonApi.Joi.string().required(),
            publishedAt: jsonApi.Joi.date().iso() 
        examples: [{ 
		   id: '11', // should be a string for memory handler
		   type: 'articles', // should be same as "resource"
		   title: 'Hello World',
		   body: 'Exciting'
		 }, {
		   id: '12', // should be a string for memory handler
		   type: 'articles', // should be same as "resource"
		   title: 'Fresh News',
		   body: 'Intresting'
var jsonApi = require("jsonapi-server");
var posconfigHandler = require("../handlers/posconfigHandler.js");

  namespace: "json:api",
  resource: "posconfigs",
  description: "Represents discoverable configuration information for c-base-pos systems",
  handlers: posconfigHandler,
  attributes: {
    description: jsonApi.Joi.string().required()
      .description("A description of the configuration")
      .example("Example configuration"),
    created: jsonApi.Joi.string().isoDate()
      .description("The date and time on which the config was created, ISO 8601")
    changed: jsonApi.Joi.string().isoDate()
      .description("The date and time on which the config was changed, ISO 8601")
    editor: jsonApi.Joi.one("people")
      .description("The last person editing it"),
    pricelists: jsonApi.Joi.many("pricelists")
      .description("All of the pricelists associated with this configuration"),
    account: jsonApi.Joi.one("accounts")
      .description("Account where money is registered")
  examples: [
      id: "default",
      type: "posconfigs",
      description: "Test configuration",
      created: "2016-04-17",
var jsonApi = require("jsonapi-server");
var posconfigHandler = require("../handlers/pricelistHandler.js");

  namespace: "json:api",
  resource: "pricelists",
  description: "Represents good-to-price mappings for c-base-pos systems",
  handlers: posconfigHandler,
  attributes: {
    description: jsonApi.Joi.string().required()
      .description("A description of the price list")
      .example("Example pricelist"),
    color: jsonApi.Joi.string().hex().length(6)
      .description("Color to identify buttons or items related to this pricelist"),
    label: jsonApi.Joi.string().hex().length(6)
      .description("Label for buttons related to this pricelist"),
    created: jsonApi.Joi.string().isoDate()
      .description("The date and time on which the price list was created, ISO 8601")
    changed: jsonApi.Joi.string().isoDate()
      .description("The date and time on which the price list was changed, ISO 8601")
    editor: jsonApi.Joi.one("people")
      .description("The last person editing it"),
    validfrom: jsonApi.Joi.string().isoDate()
      .description("The date and time after which the price list is valid")
    validto: jsonApi.Joi.string().isoDate()
      .description("The date and time until which the price list is valid")
    configs: jsonApi.Joi.belongsToMany({