function (reply) {
                ok(typeof reply.code === 'number' &&
                        reply.code >=200 && reply.code < 300, 'Got file successfully into file system: ' + reply.code);

                var buf = vertx.fileSystem.readFileSync(testFileName2);
                equal(buf.toString(), testFileContents, 'Copied file contains expected contents');

                return cl.put(testFileName2, testFileName);
 function (reply) {
     ok(typeof reply.code === 'number' &&
             reply.code >=200 && reply.code < 300, 'Directory printed successfully: ' + reply.code);
     ok(reply.text.indexOf(container.config.testDir) > -1, 'Reply contains the name of the current working directory');
     var fileContentsBuf = new vertx.Buffer(testFileContents);
     var fileContentsBase64 = DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(fileContentsBuf.getBytes());
     cl.setTimeout(10000); // Increase timeout
     return cl.put([fileContentsBase64], testFileName);