utils.getExpectedResponse(res, robot, switchBoard, prompt, regex).then((response) => {
					selection = parseInt(response.match[1], 10);
					let app = appsBound[selection - 1];
					let appName = app.name;
					let appGuid = app.guid;

					let message = i18n.__('service.unbind.in.progress');
					robot.emit('ibmcloud.formatter', { response: res, message: message});

					// Find the service bindings GUID for this service and app.
					robot.logger.info(`${TAG}: Asynch call using cf library to get service instance binding for instance ${serviceInstanceGuid}.`);
					cf.ServiceInstances.getInstanceBindings(serviceInstanceGuid).then((result) => {
						robot.logger.info(`${TAG}: Bindings results for instance ${serviceInstanceGuid} obtained.`);
						let bindings = result.resources;
						let binding = null;
						for (let i = 0; i < bindings.length; i++) {
							if (bindings[i].entity.app_guid === appGuid) {
								binding = bindings[i];

						if (!binding) {
							robot.logger.error(`${TAG}: No service bindings exist.`);
							let message = i18n.__('service.bind.not.found');
							robot.emit('ibmcloud.formatter', { response: res, message: message});

						// Now take action action of unbinding.
						robot.logger.info(`${TAG}: Asynch call using cf library to remove service instance binding for instance ${serviceInstanceGuid} and binding guid ${binding.metadata.guid}.`);
						cf.ServiceBindings.remove(binding.metadata.guid).then((result) => {
							robot.logger.info(`${TAG}: Successfully remove service binding ${appName} for instance ${serviceInstanceGuid}.`);
							let message = i18n.__('service.unbind.success', serviceInstanceName, appName);
							robot.emit('ibmcloud.formatter', { response: res, message: message});
							activity.emitBotActivity(robot, res, {
								activity_id: 'activity.service.unbind',
								app_name: appName,
								app_guid: appGuid,
								space_name: activeSpace.name,
								space_guid: activeSpace.guid
			cf.Spaces.getSummary(spaceGuid).then((result) => {
				let summaryStr = '';
				if (result) {
					summaryStr = JSON.stringify(result);
				robot.logger.info(`${TAG}: cf library returned with summary ${summaryStr}.`);
				let services = result.services;
				let serviceInstanceGuid = null;
				// Iterate the list of services to find a match to the serviceName.
				for (let i = 0; i < services.length; i++) {
					if (serviceName === services[i].name) {
						serviceInstanceGuid = services[i].guid;
				// Verify GUID found.
				if (serviceInstanceGuid === null) {
					robot.logger.info(`${TAG}: ${serviceName} not found in ${activeSpace.name}.`);
					let message = i18n.__('service.instance.not.found', serviceName);
					robot.emit('ibmcloud.formatter', { response: res, message: message});

				// Finally remove the service instance, per the GUID.
				robot.logger.info(`${TAG}: Asynch call using cf library to remove service instance ${serviceInstanceGuid}.`);
				cf.ServiceInstances.remove(serviceInstanceGuid).then((result) => {
					robot.logger.info(`${TAG}: Successfully remove service instance ${serviceName} with guid ${serviceInstanceGuid}.`);
					let message = i18n.__('service.instance.remove.success', serviceName);
					robot.emit('ibmcloud.formatter', { response: res, message: message});
					activity.emitBotActivity(robot, res, {
						activity_id: 'activity.service.remove',
						space_name: activeSpace.name,
						space_guid: activeSpace.guid
				}, (err) => {
					robot.logger.error(`${TAG}: Error removing service instance ${serviceName} with guid ${serviceInstanceGuid}.`);
					let message = i18n.__('service.instance.remove.error', JSON.parse(err).description);
					robot.emit('ibmcloud.formatter', { response: res, message: message});

			}, (err) => {