it('should render the Menu', () => {
        const wrapper = shallowWithIntl(
            <Menu />

    it('should trigger onSelect when the file link is clicked', () => {
        const onSelect = sandbox.spy();
        const wrapper = shallowWithIntl(
            <Menu onSelect={ onSelect } />
        const fileItem = wrapper.find('a').at(0);

    it('should set the menu items properly', () => {
        const wrapper = shallowWithIntl(
            <Menu />
        const fileItem = wrapper.find('a').at(0);
        const editItem = wrapper.find('a').at(1);
        const helpItem = wrapper.find('a').at(2);
        const onSelectHandler = wrapper.instance().onSelectHandler;

        assert.equal(fileItem.text(), 'File');
        assert.equal(editItem.text(), 'Edit');
        assert.equal(helpItem.text(), 'Help');

        assert.equal(fileItem.prop('onClick'), onSelectHandler);
        assert.equal(editItem.prop('onClick'), onSelectHandler);
        assert.equal(helpItem.prop('onClick'), onSelectHandler);