Exemple #1
  config(isInitialized, context) {
    if (isInitialized) return;

    context.onunload = this.ondestroy.bind(this);


    // Whenever the window is resized, adjust the height of the scrollbar
    // so that it fills the height of the sidebar.
    $(window).on('resize', this.handlers.onresize = this.onresize.bind(this)).resize();

    // When any part of the whole scrollbar is clicked, we want to jump to
    // that position.
      .bind('click', this.onclick.bind(this))

      // Now we want to make the scrollbar handle draggable. Let's start by
      // preventing default browser events from messing things up.
      .css({ cursor: 'pointer', 'user-select': 'none' })
      .bind('dragstart mousedown touchstart', e => e.preventDefault());

    // When the mouse is pressed on the scrollbar handle, we capture some
    // information about its current position. We will store this
    // information in an object and pass it on to the document's
    // mousemove/mouseup events later.
    this.dragging = false;
    this.mouseStart = 0;
    this.indexStart = 0;

      .css('cursor', 'move')
      .bind('mousedown touchstart', this.onmousedown.bind(this))

      // Exempt the scrollbar handle from the 'jump to' click event.
      .click(e => e.stopPropagation());

    // When the mouse moves and when it is released, we pass the
    // information that we captured when the mouse was first pressed onto
    // some event handlers. These handlers will move the scrollbar/stream-
    // content as appropriate.
      .on('mousemove touchmove', this.handlers.onmousemove = this.onmousemove.bind(this))
      .on('mouseup touchend', this.handlers.onmouseup = this.onmouseup.bind(this));
Exemple #2
 setTimeout(() => this.scrollListener.start());