Exemple #1
  Line.prototype.setSource = function (source, map) {
    map = this.map(map);
    var dataTable;
    if (DataV.detect(source) === 'Table_WITH_HEAD') {
      dataTable = DataV.collectionify(source);
    } else {
      dataTable = source;

    var lines = _.groupBy(dataTable, map.line);
    var linesData = [];

    var maxList = [], minList = [];
    this.maxLength = Math.max.apply(null, _.map(lines, function (line) {
      return line.length;

    var titles;
    _.forEach(lines, function (points, name) {
      // initialize the nodes of line
      var line = {name: name, id: name, data: [], tags: []};
      line.data = _.pluck(points, map.value);
      titles = _.pluck(points, map.x);
      maxList[name] = Math.max.apply(null, line.data);
      minList[name] = Math.min.apply(null, line.data);

    var conf = this.defaults;
    var margin = conf.margin;
    this.xWidth = conf.width - margin[1] - margin[3];
    this.yHeight = conf.height - margin[0] - margin[2];

    this.titles = titles;
    this.linesData = linesData;
    this.max = Math.max.apply(null, _.values(maxList));
    this.min = Math.min.apply(null, _.values(minList));
    this.maxList = maxList;
    this.minList = minList;

    this.chosen = false;
    this.chosenNum = -1;
Exemple #2
  Bar.prototype.setSource = function (source, map) {
    var conf = this.defaults;
    map = this.map(map);
    var dataTable;
    if (DataV.detect(source) === 'Table_WITH_HEAD') {
      dataTable = DataV.collectionify(source);
    } else {
      dataTable = source;
    this.bars = _.groupBy(dataTable, map.bar);
    this.barCount = _.keys(this.bars).length;

    conf.yAxisData = _.pluck(_.first(_.values(this.bars)), map.x);
    conf.yTickNumber = Math.min(conf.yAxisData.length, conf.yTickNumber);
    // 横坐标的范围
    conf.xExtent = d3.extent(dataTable, function (item) {
      return item[map.value];
    // 横坐标基线值
    if (conf.xBase !== undefined) {
      conf.xExtent = d3.extent(conf.xExtent);