cloudant.db.destroy('rte', function() {
    		// Create a new database.
    		cloudant.db.create('rte', function() {
      		// specify the database we are going to use
      		var rte = cloudant.use('rte')
      		// and insert a document in it
      		rte.insert({ crazy: true }, 'IBM PaaS', function(err, body, header) {
        	if (err)
          		return console.log('[rte.insert] ', err.message)

        	console.log('you have inserted the document')
		res.write('you have inserted the document')
cloudant({account:cloudantenv.username, password:cloudantenv.password}, function(er, cloudant) {
  		if (er)
    		  return console.log('Error connecting to Cloudant account %s: %s', me, er.message)

  		// Clean up the database we created previously.
  		cloudant.db.destroy('rte', function() {
    		// Create a new database.
    		cloudant.db.create('rte', function() {
      		// specify the database we are going to use
      		var rte = cloudant.use('rte')
      		// and insert a document in it
      		rte.insert({ crazy: true }, 'IBM PaaS', function(err, body, header) {
        	if (err)
          		return console.log('[rte.insert] ', err.message)

        	console.log('you have inserted the document')
		res.write('you have inserted the document')