Exemple #1
 post: function(object, options) {
     options = options || {};
     var id = options.id || object.id;
     //console.log("Post IDs option : ", options.id, object);
     if (!id)
         id = object.id = options.id = ObjectID.createPk().toJSON();
     //console.log("Creating IDs : ", id);
     var self = this;
     return deep.wrapNodeAsynch(self.collection, "insert", [object])
         .fail(function(err) {
             if (err.code == 11000)
                 return deep.errors.Conflict("Mongo post failed conflict :", err);
         .done(function(obj) {
             obj = obj.ops;
             //console.log("_____________________________    MONGO POST : res ", obj.ops)
             if (obj)
                 obj = obj[0];
             if (obj)
                 delete obj._id;
                 return deep.errors.NotFound();
             return obj;
Exemple #2
				collection.findOne(search, function(err, found){
					if (err) return deferred.reject(err);
					if (found === null) {
						if (!object.id) object.id = ObjectID.createPk().toJSON();
						collection.insert(object, function(err, obj){
							if (err) return deferred.reject(err);
							// .insert() returns array, we need the first element
							obj = obj && obj[0];
							if (obj) delete obj._id;
					} else {
						deferred.reject(id + " exists, and can't be overwritten");