Exemple #1
    'Return an encoded claim set': function(test) {
        var header = { alg: 'RS256', typ: 'JWT' };
        var claim = { iss: '*****@*****.**',
                      scope: 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.readonly',
                      aud: 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token',
                      exp: 1328554385,
                      iat: 1328550785 };

        var headerEncoded = base64url(JSON.stringify(header)),
            claimEncoded = base64url(JSON.stringify(claim));

        var sign = crypto.createSign('sha256WithRSAEncryption');
        sign.update(headerEncoded + '.' + claimEncoded);
        var signature = sign.sign(_pair.privateKey);
        var signatureEncoded = base64url(signature);

        var token = new Token('*****@*****.**');
        token.makeJwt(claim, '*****@*****.**').
            then(function(jwt) {
                test.equal(jwt, headerEncoded + '.' + claimEncoded + '.' + signatureEncoded);
            catch(function(err) {
                test.ok(false, err);
exports.getPlugins = async function () {
  if (plugins[0]) return plugins

  const secretA = base64url(crypto.randomBytes(32))
  const secretB = base64url(crypto.randomBytes(32))

  plugins[0] = new PluginVirtual({
    currencyCode: 'USD',
    currencyScale: 6,
    maxBalance: '1000',
    secret: secretA,
    peerPublicKey: Token.publicKey(secretB),
    rpcUri: 'http://localhost:' + port + '/pluginB',
    _store: new ObjStore()

  plugins[1] = new PluginVirtual({
    currencyCode: 'USD',
    currencyScale: 6,
    maxBalance: '1000',
    secret: secretB,
    peerPublicKey: Token.publicKey(secretA),
    rpcUri: 'http://localhost:' + port + '/pluginA',
    _store: new ObjStore()

  return plugins
Exemple #3
function jwsSecuredInput(header, payload, opts) {
  const encodedHeader = base64url(toString(header));
  const encodedPayload = header.typ === 'JWT' || opts.json
    ? base64url(JSON.stringify(payload))
    : base64url(toString(payload));
  return util.format('%s.%s', encodedHeader, encodedPayload);
Exemple #4
JWT.prototype.encode = function (secret) {

  // JWT Spec requires valid payload, header and supported algortitm
  // If this method is invoked on an instance, all of these properties
  // should be pre-validated by the constructor.

  // initialize the components
  var headerB64u = this.headerB64u
    , payloadB64u = base64url(JSON.stringify(this.payload))
    , input = headerB64u + '.' + payloadB64u
    , algorithm = this.header.alg
    , signature

  // Plaintext
  if (algorithm === 'none') {
    signature = '';

  // JWE
  else if (this.header.enc) {
    // make a JWE

  // JWS
  else {
    this.signature = signature = jwa(algorithm).sign(input, secret);

  return input + '.' + base64url(signature);
Exemple #5
function jwsOutput(header, payload, signature) {
  return util.format(
function generateToken () {
  let parts = [
    base64URL('' + Date.now()),
  return R.join('-', parts)
 function (c) {
   client = c
   return client.updateDevice({
     name: 'baz',
     type: 'mobile',
     pushCallback: 'https://example.com/qux',
     pushPublicKey: base64url(Buffer.concat([new Buffer('\x04'), crypto.randomBytes(64)])),
     pushAuthKey: base64url(crypto.randomBytes(16))
 function (t) {
   var email = server.uniqueEmail()
   var newPassword = '******'
   var client
   return Client.createAndVerify(config.publicUrl, email, 'bar', server.mailbox, {
     device: {
       name: 'baz',
       type: 'mobile',
       pushCallback: 'https://example.com/qux',
       pushPublicKey: base64url(Buffer.concat([new Buffer('\x04'), crypto.randomBytes(64)])),
       pushAuthKey: base64url(crypto.randomBytes(16))
       function (c) {
         client = c
         return client.devices()
       function (devices) {
         t.equal(devices.length, 1, 'devices list contains 1 item')
       function () {
         return client.forgotPassword()
       function () {
         return server.mailbox.waitForCode(email)
       function (code) {
         return resetPassword(client, code, newPassword)
       function () {
         return Client.login(config.publicUrl, email, newPassword)
       function (client) {
         return client.devices()
       function (devices) {
         t.equal(devices.length, 0, 'devices list is empty')
Exemple #9
  	verifyToken: function verifyToken(req, res, next) {
	  	var token = req.get('Authentification');
	  	if (!token) {
	  		token = req.query.token;

		var tokenValidate = false;
		if (token === "null" || !token) {
			res.status(400).send('No token');

		var tokenTab = token.split(".");
		if (tokenTab.length != 3) {
			res.status(400).send('Invalid token');

		var signature = crypto.createHmac("SHA256", config.key).update(tokenTab[0] + "." + tokenTab[1]).digest("bin");
	  	if (base64url(signature) != tokenTab[2]) {
			res.status(400).send('Invalid token');

		var payloadDecode =  base64url.decode(tokenTab[1]);
		if (Date.now() > JSON.parse(payloadDecode).exp) {
			res.status(400).send('Token date expirated');

		req.email = JSON.parse(payloadDecode).email;
		req.idUser = JSON.parse(payloadDecode).id;
Exemple #10
	resetPassword: function () {
		// request password reset

		this.reset.token = base64url(crypto.randomBytes(20));
		const tomorrow = +new Date() + (60 * 60 * 24 * 1000);
		this.reset.expires = tomorrow;
const hmac = (key, data) => {
  return base64url(
    crypto.createHmac('sha256', key)
      .update(data, 'ascii')
const publicKey = (seed) => {
  // seed should be a base64url string
  const seedBuffer = base64url.toBuffer(seed)

  return base64url(tweetnacl.scalarMult.base(
 function (t) {
   var email = server.uniqueEmail()
   var password = '******'
   var deviceInfo = {
     name: 'test device',
     type: 'desktop',
     pushCallback: 'https://foo/bar',
     pushPublicKey: base64url(Buffer.concat([new Buffer('\x04'), crypto.randomBytes(64)])),
     pushAuthKey: base64url(crypto.randomBytes(16))
   return Client.create(config.publicUrl, email, password)
     function (client) {
       return client.updateDevice(deviceInfo)
           function () {
             return client.devices()
           function (devices) {
             t.equal(devices[0].pushCallback, deviceInfo.pushCallback, 'devices returned correct pushCallback')
             t.equal(devices[0].pushPublicKey, deviceInfo.pushPublicKey, 'devices returned correct pushPublicKey')
             t.equal(devices[0].pushAuthKey, deviceInfo.pushAuthKey, 'devices returned correct pushAuthKey')
             return client.updateDevice({
               id: client.device.id,
               pushCallback: 'https://bar/foo'
           function () {
             return client.devices()
           function (devices) {
             t.equal(devices[0].pushCallback, 'https://bar/foo', 'devices returned correct pushCallback')
             t.equal(devices[0].pushPublicKey, '', 'devices returned newly empty pushPublicKey')
             t.equal(devices[0].pushAuthKey, '', 'devices returned newly empty pushAuthKey')
Exemple #14
    dgst.on('exit', function (code) {
      if (code !== 0)
        return t.fail('could not test interop: openssl failure');
      const sig = base64url(buffer);

      t.ok(algo.verify(input, sig, rsaPublicKey), 'should verify');
      t.notOk(algo.verify(input, sig, rsaWrongPublicKey), 'should not verify');
Exemple #15
 .then(function(repo) {
   repoUrl = repo;
   var clone = options.clone;
   if (!clone) {
     clone = path.join(getCacheDir(), base64url(repo));
   log('Cloning %s into %s', repo, clone);
   return Git.clone(repo, clone, options.branch, options);
const tokenFromSharedSecret = (sharedSecretBuffer) => {
  // token is created by feeding the string 'token' into
  // an HMAC, using the shared secret as the key.
  return base64url(
    crypto.createHmac('sha256', sharedSecretBuffer)
      .update(TOKEN_HMAC_INPUT, 'ascii')
 (c) => {
   client = c;
   return client.updateDevice({
     name: 'baz',
     type: 'mobile',
     pushCallback: 'https://updates.push.services.mozilla.com/qux',
     pushPublicKey: mocks.MOCK_PUSH_KEY,
     pushAuthKey: base64url(crypto.randomBytes(16))
 onCardAnswered(answer: AnswerMessage) {
   if (answer.isValid) {
   } else {
     const { card } = answer;
     const mediaUrlForCard = `https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/recallq-sounds/${base64url(card.answer.contentWithArticle)}.mp3`;
     const audio = new Audio(mediaUrlForCard);
Exemple #19
function generateToken(size, expiresIn) {
    var r = crypto.randomBytes(size);
    var r = generateId();
    var d = Date.now() + (expiresIn || 0);
    var s = r + '.' + d;
    console.warn('s: ', s);
    var t = base64url(s);
    console.warn('t: ', t);
    return t;
Exemple #20
  	generate: function (user) {
		var header = {
			alg: "HS256",
			typ: "JWT"

		var payload = {
			id: user.id,
		  	email: user.email,
		  	exp : Date.now() + 10000* 60 * 2 * 60 * 1000 //temps d'expiration : 120min

		var signature = crypto.createHmac("SHA256", config.key).update(base64url(JSON.stringify(header)) + "." + base64url(JSON.stringify(payload))).digest("bin");

	 	return base64url(JSON.stringify(header)) +
		 	"." +
		 	base64url(JSON.stringify(payload)) + "." +
Exemple #21
function newUrlSafeGuid(bytes, matcher) {
  // generate ids until we get a unique one (base64 should prevent collision problems)
  var id;
    id = base64url(crypto.randomBytes(bytes));
  return id;
Exemple #22
   * exportKey
   * @description
   * @param {string} format
   * @param {CryptoKey} key
   * @returns {*}
  exportKey (format, key) {
      let result, data

      // 1. Validate handle slot
      if (!key.handle) {
        throw new OperationError('Missing key material')
      // 2.1 "raw" format
      if (format === 'raw'){
          // 2.1.1 Let data be the raw octets of the key
          data = key.handle 
          // 2.1.2 Let result be containing data
          result = Buffer.from(data) 
      // 2.2 "jwk" format
      else if (format === 'jwk'){
        // 2.2.1 Validate JsonWebKey
        let jwk = new JsonWebKey()
        // 2.2.2 Set kty property 
        jwk.kty = 'oct'
        // 2.2.3 Set k property
        jwk.k = base64url(key.handle)
        data = key.handle 
        // 2.2.4 Validate length 
        if (data.length === 16) {
            jwk.alg = 'A128KW'
        } else if (data.length === 24) {
            jwk.alg = 'A192KW'
        } else if (data.length === 32) {
            jwk.alg = 'A256KW'
        // 2.2.5 Set keyops property 
        jwk.key_ops = key.usages 

        // 2.2.6 Set ext property 
        jwk.ext = key.extractable
        // 2.2.7 Set result to the result of converting jwk to an ECMAScript object
        result = jwk
      // 2.3 Otherwise...
      else {
        throw new KeyFormatNotSupportedError(format)

      // 3. Return result
      return result
module.exports = function tokenHash(token, signingAlg) {
  const match = /\w(\d{3})$/.exec(signingAlg);
  let hashingAlg = 'sha256';

  if (match && match[1] !== '256') {
    hashingAlg = `sha${match[1]}`;

  const leftMost = crypto.createHash(hashingAlg).update(token).digest('hex');
  return base64url(new Buffer(leftMost.slice(0, leftMost.length / 2), 'hex'));
Exemple #24
	        			Q.all(promises).then(function(results) {
	        				var resp = {};
	        				for(var i in results) {
	        					resp = extend(resp, results[i].value||{});
	        				if(resp.access_token && resp.id_token) {
	        					var hbuf = crypto.createHmac('sha256', req.session.client_secret).update(resp.access_token).digest();
	        					resp.id_token.ht_hash = base64url(hbuf.toString('ascii', 0, hbuf.length/2));
	        					resp.id_token = jwt.encode(resp.id_token, req.session.client_secret);
	        				deferred.resolve({params: params, type: params.response_type != 'code'?'f':'q', resp: resp});
Exemple #25
  	verifyTokenWS: function verifyToken(token) {
	  	if (!token) return false;

		var tokenTab = token.split(".");
		if (tokenTab.length != 3) return false;

		var signature = crypto.createHmac("SHA256", config.key).update(tokenTab[0] + "." + tokenTab[1]).digest("bin");
	  	if (base64url(signature) != tokenTab[2]) return false;

		var payloadDecode =  base64url.decode(tokenTab[1]);
		if (Date.now() > JSON.parse(payloadDecode).exp) return false;

		return token;
Exemple #26
JWT.prototype.initializeHeader = function (header) {
  // skip initialization where possible
  if (!header && this.header) { return; }

  var keys      = this.constructor.headers
    , schema    = this.constructor.registeredHeaders
    , source    = header
    , target    = this.header = {}
    , operation = JWT.assignValid
    , options   = {}

  // define the instance header and compute base64url
  JWT.traverse(keys, schema, source, target, operation, options);
  this.headerB64u = base64url(JSON.stringify(target));
exports.checkHashValueRS256 = (content, hashProvided) => {
  if (!content)
    return false;
  // step 1. hash the content
  var digest = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(content, 'ascii').digest();

  // step2. take the first half of the digest, and save it in a buffer
  var buffer = new Buffer(digest.length/2);
  for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++)
    buffer[i] = digest[i];

  // step 3. base64url encode the buffer to get the hash
  var hashComputed = base64url(buffer);

  return (hashProvided === hashComputed);
Exemple #28
			crypto.randomBytes(32, function(err, buffer) {
			    var hash = {};
			    hash.keyid = keyid;
			    hash.ltiKey = ltiKey;
			    hash.ltiSecret = base64url(buffer);

			    gpg.encrypt( hash.ltiSecret, ['-a', '--always-trust', '--recipient', keyid ], function(err, result, errors) {
				if (err) {
				    res.status(400).send( 'Could not encrypt secret.' );
				} else {
				    hash.encryptedSecret = result;
				    keyAndSecret = new mdb.KeyAndSecret(hash);
				    keyAndSecret.save(function (err) {
					if (err)
					    res.status(400).send( err );
					    res.status(200).send( keyAndSecret.encryptedSecret );					    
Exemple #29
    Object.keys(data).forEach(function(id) {
      var data_ = data[id];
      var center = data_.center;
      if (center) {
        data_.viewer_hash = '#' + center[2] + '/' +
                            center[1].toFixed(5) + '/' +
      data_.is_vector = data_.format == 'pbf';
      if (!data_.is_vector) {
        if (center) {
          var centerPx = mercator.px([center[0], center[1]], center[2]);
          data_.thumbnail = center[2] + '/' +
              Math.floor(centerPx[0] / 256) + '/' +
              Math.floor(centerPx[1] / 256) + '.' + data_.format;

        var query = req.query.key ? ('?key=' + req.query.key) : '';
        data_.wmts_link = 'http://wmts.maptiler.com/' +
          base64url('http://' + req.headers.host +
            '/data/' + id + '.json' + query) + '/wmts';
      if (data_.filesize) {
        var suffix = 'kB';
        var size = parseInt(data_.filesize, 10) / 1024;
        if (size > 1024) {
          suffix = 'MB';
          size /= 1024;
        if (size > 1024) {
          suffix = 'GB';
          size /= 1024;
        data_.formatted_filesize = size.toFixed(2) + ' ' + suffix;
Exemple #30
		crypto.randomBytes(48, function(err, buffer) {
		    var token = base64url(buffer);
		    // BADBAD: Once we disable "always trust" then only people with keys we trust can actually log in; eventually that'll be a reasonable model
		    gpg.encrypt( token, ['--always-trust', '--recipient', keyid ], function(err, result, errors) {
			if (err) {
			    // The actual error is in err.toString() but revealing
			    // this seems like a bad policy
			    res.status(400).send( 'Could not produce token.' );
			} else {
			    // Save token
				{keyid: keyid},
				{keyid: keyid, token: token},
				{upsert: true},
				function(err) {
				    if (err) {
					res.status(400).send( 'Could not save token.' );
				    } else {
					res.status(200).send( result );