Exemple #1
function init(){
    var options = {
        presets: [
        plugins: [
            [require('../src/index.js'), { prefix: 'sql:', mode :'lodash', debug:true }]
        babelrc : false

    //gen loadsh code
    var lodashResult = babel.transformFileSync('./test/gen/test_main.js', options);
    fs.writeFileSync('./test/gen/test_main.lodash.gen.js', lodashResult.code);
    lodashTestCase = require(path.join(__dirname, '/gen/test_main.lodash.gen'));

    //gen underscore code
    options.plugins[2][1].mode = 'underscore';
    var underscoreResult = babel.transformFileSync('./test/gen/test_main.js', options);
    fs.writeFileSync('./test/gen/test_main.underscore.gen.js', underscoreResult.code.replace(/require\('lodash'\)/gi, "require('underscore')"));
    underscoreTestCase = require(path.join(__dirname, '/gen/test_main.underscore.gen'));
  it(name, function () {
    var actualPath = path.join(dir, 'actual.js');
    var expectedPath = path.join(dir, 'expected.js');

    var opts = mergeOpts(options, getOpts(dir));
    var throwsOpt = opts.throws;


    opts = finalizeOpts(opts);

    var actual;

    try {
       actual = babel.transformFileSync(actualPath, opts).code;
    catch(e) {
      if (throwsOpt) {
        var regex = new RegExp(throwsOpt);
        var expectedPattern = "Pattern /" + throwsOpt + "/";
        if (!regex.test(e.message)) {
          assert.equal(expectedPattern, e.message, "Should throw an error matching the pattern");
        } else {
          return assert.ok(expectedPattern);
      throw e;
    var expected = fs.readFileSync(expectedPath, textEncoding);

    assert.equal(normalizeEndings(actual), normalizeEndings(expected));
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    var babelExceptions = ['core/lib/lively-libs-debug.js'],
        cacheFile = path.join(cacheDir, file.replace(/\//g, "_")),
        mtimeFile = cacheFile + ".mtime",
        mtime = String(fs.statSync(file).mtime),
        needsUpdate = !fs.existsSync(cacheFile)
                   || !fs.existsSync(mtimeFile)
                   || mtime !== String(fs.readFileSync(mtimeFile)),

    if (needsUpdate) {
      console.log(file + " needs update");
      source = babelExceptions.indexOf(file) > -1 ?
        fs.readFileSync(file) :
        babel.transformFileSync(file, {"presets": ["es2015"]}).code;
      fs.writeFileSync(cacheFile, source);
      fs.writeFileSync(mtimeFile, mtime);
      source: file, code: source && String(source),
      sourcesRelativeTo: rootDir.replace(/\/$/, "/"),
      cacheFile: cacheFile,
      wasChanged: !!source
Exemple #4
function transform(fixture) {
  const file = path.join(fixturesDir, fixture);
  return transformFileSync(file, {
    babelrc: false,
    plugins: [ plugin ]
function transformFile(path, configuration = { config: './runtime.webpack.config.js' }) {
  return babel.transformFileSync(resolve(__dirname, path), {
    plugins: [
            ['../../src/index.js', configuration]
Exemple #6
var babel = function(src, dist){
    var options = {
		presets: [
            // require('babel-preset-es2015-without-strict')

	try {
		var dist = path.normalize(dist +'/'+ src);
		var src = path.normalize(jdf.currentDir +'/'+ src);
        if(jdf.config.build.hasCmdLog) console.log('buildES6js---'+ src);
        var result = babelCore.transformFileSync(src, options);
		f.write(dist, result.code);

    } catch (e) {
        console.log('jdf error [jdf.buildJS.ES6] - ' + src);
    .map((caseName) => {
      var lib = caseName.split('-')[0]
      const options = {
        babelrc: false,
        plugins: [
          [plugin, {
            moduleIdName: /module-id-name/.test(caseName),
            modulePath: /module-id-name/.test(caseName),
            testExportName: /test-export-name/.test(caseName) ? '^[A-Z]/m' : false,
            import: /import/.test(caseName),
            accept: /accept/.test(caseName),
            include: '**/fixtures/**',
            exclude: '**/exclude*/**',
            proxy: /proxy-options/.test(caseName) ? {debug: 'info'} : undefined,
            lib: lib
      const fixtureDir = path.join(fixturesDir, caseName)
      const actualPath = path.join(fixtureDir, 'source.js')
      const expectedPath = path.join(fixtureDir, 'transformed.js')
      let actual
      try {
        actual = trim(transformFileSync(actualPath, options).code)
      } catch (e) {
        console.error(e.message, e.stack)

      const expected = fs.existsSync(expectedPath)
          && trim(fs.readFileSync(expectedPath, 'utf-8'))

      handler && handler({caseName, actual, expected, expectedPath})
 function transpileFile (filename, pluginOptions) {
   return Babel.transformFileSync(require.resolve(filename), {
     presets: [ 'es2015' ],
     plugins: [ [ __coverage__Plugin, pluginOptions ] ],
     babelrc: false
Exemple #9
export default async (filename) => {
  console.info(`Executing: ${filename}\n`)
  const tmpDir = '/tmp/'
  const workdir = fs.mkdtempSync(tmpDir)
  const libname = filename.match(/[\w]+.js$/g)[0].replace('.js', '').toLowerCase()
  const file = fs.readFileSync(filename, { encoding: 'UTF-8' })

  const deps = showdeps(file)
  const dependencies = deps.map(getFileName)

  const code = transformFileSync(filename, {
    plugins: ['transform-remove-import', 'add-module-exports', 'transform-remove-strict-mode'],

  const library = {}
  library.code = makeCode(code, deps)
  library.package = makePackage(libname, packageJson.version, dependencies)
  library.readme = makeReadme(libname, packageJson.version)

  const options = { encoding: 'utf-8' }

  fs.writeFileSync(`${workdir}/index.js`, library.code, options)
  fs.writeFileSync(`${workdir}/package.json`, library.package, options)
  fs.writeFileSync(`${workdir}/readme.md`, library.readme, options)

  await exec(`cd ${workdir} && npm publish`, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
    if (error) {
      console.error(`exec error: ${error}`)
    console.info(`stdout: ${stdout}`)
    console.info(`stderr: ${stderr}`)
Exemple #10
 return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
     let ast;
     if (FSHARP_EXT.test(path)) {
         // return Babel AST from F# file
         const fableMsg = JSON.stringify(Object.assign({}, options.fable, { path }));
         const response = yield fableUtils.client.send(options.port, fableMsg);
         const babelAst = JSON.parse(response);
         if (babelAst.error) {
             throw new Error(babelAst.error);
         addLogs(babelAst.logs, info);
         ast = Babel.transformFromAst(babelAst, undefined, { code: false });
     else {
         // return Babel AST from JS file
         path = JAVASCRIPT_EXT.test(path) ? path : path + ".js";
         if (fs.existsSync(path)) {
             try {
                 ast = Babel.transformFileSync(path, { code: false });
             catch (err) {
                 const log = `${path}(1,1): error BABEL: ${err.message}`;
                 addLogs({ error: [log] }, info);
         else {
             console.log(`fable: Skipping missing JS file: ${path}`);
     return ast;
function transformFile(path, configuration) {
    return babel.transformFileSync(resolve(__dirname, path), {
        plugins: [
            configuration ? ['../../src/index.js', configuration] : '../../src/index.js',
    it(`should ${caseName.split('-').join(' ')}`, () => {
      const fixtureDir = path.join(fixturesDir, caseName);
      const actualPath = path.join(fixtureDir, 'actual.js');
      const optionsPath = path.join(fixtureDir, 'options.js');
      const exceptionPath = path.join(fixtureDir, 'exception.txt');
      const options = {
        babelrc: false,
        plugins: [plugin]

      if (fileExists(optionsPath)) {
        const opts = require(optionsPath);
        options.plugins = [[plugin, opts]];
        options.moduleId = opts.moduleName;

      if (fileExists(exceptionPath)) {
        const exception = fs.readFileSync(exceptionPath).toString();

        assert.throws(() => {
          transformFileSync(actualPath, options);
        }, new RegExp(exception));
      } else {
        const actual = transformFileSync(actualPath, options).code;
        const expected = fs.readFileSync(
          path.join(fixtureDir, 'expected.js')

        assert.equal(trim(actual), trim(expected));
 it(`should work with ${caseName.split('-').join(' ')}`, () => {
   const actual = transformFileSync(actualFile, {
     'plugins': [plugin]
   const expected = fs.readFileSync(expectedFile, 'utf8');
   assert.equal(actual.trim(), expected.trim());
Exemple #14
function buildFile(file, silent) {
  const destPath = getBuildPath(file, BUILD_DIR);

  if (micromatch.isMatch(file, IGNORE_PATTERN)) {
    silent ||
        chalk.dim('  \u2022 ') +
          path.relative(PACKAGES_DIR, file) +
          ' (ignore)\n'

  if (!micromatch.isMatch(file, JS_FILES_PATTERN)) {
    silent ||
        chalk.red('  \u2022 ') +
          path.relative(PACKAGES_DIR, file) +
          chalk.red(' \u21D2 ') +
          path.relative(PACKAGES_DIR, destPath) +
          ' (copy)' +
  } else {
    const options = Object.assign({}, transformOptions);
    options.plugins = options.plugins.slice();

    if (!INLINE_REQUIRE_BLACKLIST.test(file)) {
      // Remove normal plugin.
      options.plugins = options.plugins.filter(
        plugin =>
            Array.isArray(plugin) &&
            plugin[0] === 'transform-es2015-modules-commonjs'
          allowTopLevelThis: true,

    const transformed = babel.transformFileSync(file, options).code;
    const prettyCode = prettier.format(transformed, prettierConfig);
    fs.writeFileSync(destPath, prettyCode);
    silent ||
        chalk.green('  \u2022 ') +
          path.relative(PACKAGES_DIR, file) +
          chalk.green(' \u21D2 ') +
          path.relative(PACKAGES_DIR, destPath) +
Exemple #15
  tranform(sourcePath) {
    const destPath = path.resolve(__dirname, this.outputPath + sourcePath.replace(/^src\//, ''))
    const dirPath  = path.dirname(destPath)

    mkdirp.sync(dirPath, this.errHandle.bind(this))

    return fs.writeFile(destPath, babel.transformFileSync(sourcePath, this.babelConfig).code, this.errHandle.bind(this))
    it(`should work with ${ testName }`, () => {
      const expected = fs.readFileSync(expectedPath, 'utf8');
      const actual = transformFileSync(actualPath, {
        'plugins': [[plugin, options]]

      assert.strictEqual(_.trim(actual), _.trim(expected));
const test = (name, options) => {
  const expectedCode = getExpectedCode(name)
  const transformedCode = transformFileSync(getInputCode(name), {
    babelrc: false,
    plugins: [[plugin, options]]
    it(`should ${caseName.split("-").join(" ")}`, () => {
      const fixtureDir = path.join(fixturesDir, caseName);
      const actual     = babel.transformFileSync(
        path.join(fixtureDir, "actual.js")
      const expected = fs.readFileSync(path.join(fixtureDir, "expected.js")).toString();

      assert.equal(trim(actual), trim(expected));
 it(`Absolute path ${test.file}`, function(done) {
     var transform = transformFileSync(path.join(__dirname, `src/${test.file}.js`), {
         plugins: [[plugin, test.options]],
         babelrc: false // So we don't get babelrc from whole project
     var expected = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, `expected/${test.file}.js`)).toString()
     assert.equal(transform, expected)
        it(`case: ${test.file}`, function() {
            var transform = normalize(transformFileSync(path.join(__dirname, `src/${test.file}.js`), {
                plugins: [[plugin, test.options]],
                babelrc: false // So we don't get babelrc from whole project
            var expected = normalize(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, `expected/${test.file}.js`), {encoding: 'utf-8'}));

            assert.equal(transform, expected);
Exemple #21
const compile = function (module, filename) {
  try {
    module._compile(transform(transformFileSync(filename, {
      plugins: ['transform-es2015-modules-commonjs']
    }).code, bubleOpts).code, filename)
  } catch (err) {
  it(name, function () {
    var fixturePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures', name, 'fixture.js');
    var expectedPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'fixtures', name, 'expected.js');

    var expected = fs.readFileSync(expectedPath).toString();
    var result = babel.transformFileSync(fixturePath, { plugins: plugins });

    assert.strictEqual(result.code + '\n', expected);
    test(`should ${caseName.split('-').join(' ')}`, (t) => {
        const fixtureDir = join(fixturesDir, caseName);
        const actualPath = join(fixtureDir, 'actual.js');
        const expectedPath = join(fixtureDir, 'expected.js');
        const actual = transformFileSync(actualPath).code;
        const expected = readFileSync(expectedPath).toString();

        t.is(sanitize(actual), sanitize(expected));
Exemple #24
  draw(filename) {
    const result = babel.transformFileSync(filename, {
      ast: false

    const g = Object.create(null)
    g.routeMapper = this
    vm.runInNewContext(result.code, g)
 test('Tests that required imports were overridden by hijack', () => {
   const parsed = babel.transformFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, './fixture1.js'), babelOpts);
   const code = parsed.code;
   const evaledCode = eval(code); // eslint-disable-line no-eval
    it(`should ${caseName.split('-').join(' ')}`, () => {
      const fixtureDir = path.join(fixturesDir, caseName);
      const actualPath = path.join(fixtureDir, 'actual.js');
      const actual = transformFileSync(actualPath).code;

      const expected = fs.readFileSync(
          path.join(fixtureDir, 'expected.js')

      assert.equal(trim(actual), trim(expected));
  it('should work with cherry-pick modular builds', () => {
    const actualPath = path.join(__dirname, 'feature/actual.js');
    const expectedPath = path.join(__dirname, 'feature/expect.js');

    const actual = transformFileSync(actualPath, {
      'plugins': [plugin],
    const expected = fs.readFileSync(expectedPath, 'utf8');

    assert.strictEqual(actual.trim(), expected.trim());
    it(caseName, () => {
      const fixtureDir = path.join(fixturesDir, caseName)
      const actualPath = path.join(fixtureDir, "actual.js")
      const actual = transformFileSync(actualPath, {
        babelrc: false,
        plugins: [path.resolve("./src/index.js")]
      const expected = fs.readFileSync(path.join(fixtureDir, "expected.js")).toString()

const outputExpected = name => plugins => {
  const output = babel.transformFileSync(`${__dirname}/fixtures/${name}.source`, {
    plugins: [[pluginPath, {
      plugins: plugins

  const expected = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/fixtures/${name}.expected`, 'utf-8').trim();

  return { output, expected }
Exemple #30
 it(fixtureName.split('-').join(' '), () => {
   const actualPath = path.join(fixtureDir, 'actual.js');
   const actual = transformFileSync(actualPath).code;
   const templatePath = path.sep === '\\' ?
     actualPath.replace(/\\/g, '/') :
   const expected = fs.readFileSync(
     path.join(fixtureDir, 'expected.js')
   ).toString().replace(/__FILENAME__/g, JSON.stringify(templatePath));