Exemple #1
exports.builder = yargs => {
    .example("$0 run build -- --silent", "# `npm run build --silent` in all packages with a build script")
    .positional("script", {
      describe: "The npm script to run. Pass flags to send to the npm client after --",
      type: "string",
      "npm-client": {
        group: "Command Options:",
        describe: "Executable used to run scripts (npm, yarn, pnpm, ...).",
        defaultDescription: "npm",
        type: "string",
        requiresArg: true,
      stream: {
        group: "Command Options:",
        describe: "Stream output with lines prefixed by package.",
        type: "boolean",
      parallel: {
        group: "Command Options:",
        describe: "Run script with unlimited concurrency, streaming prefixed output.",
        type: "boolean",
      "no-bail": {
        group: "Command Options:",
        describe: "Continue running script despite non-zero exit in a given package.",
        type: "boolean",
      bail: {
        // proxy for --no-bail
        hidden: true,
        type: "boolean",
      // This option controls prefix for stream output so that it can be disabled to be friendly
      // to tools like Visual Studio Code to highlight the raw results
      "no-prefix": {
        group: "Command Options:",
        describe: "Do not prefix streaming output.",
        type: "boolean",
      prefix: {
        // proxy for --no-prefix
        hidden: true,
        type: "boolean",

  return filterable(yargs);
Exemple #2
exports.builder = yargs => {
    .example("$0 exec ls -- --la", "# execute `ls -la` in all packages")
    .example("$0 exec -- ls --la", "# execute `ls -la` in all packages, keeping cmd outside")
    .positional("cmd", {
      describe: "The command to execute. Any command flags must be passed after --",
      type: "string",
    .positional("args", {
      describe: "Positional arguments (not recognized by lerna) to send to command",
      type: "string",
      stream: {
        group: "Command Options:",
        describe: "Stream output with lines prefixed by originating package name.",
        type: "boolean",
      parallel: {
        group: "Command Options:",
        describe: "Execute command with unlimited concurrency, streaming prefixed output.",
        type: "boolean",
      "no-bail": {
        group: "Command Options:",
        describe: "Continue executing command despite non-zero exit in a given package.",
        type: "boolean",
      bail: {
        // proxy for --no-bail
        hidden: true,
        type: "boolean",
      // This option controls prefix for stream output so that it can be disabled to be friendly
      // to tools like Visual Studio Code to highlight the raw results
      "no-prefix": {
        group: "Command Options:",
        describe: "Do not prefix streaming output.",
        type: "boolean",
      prefix: {
        // proxy for --no-prefix
        hidden: true,
        type: "boolean",

  return filterable(yargs);